View Full Version : All Americans are so into Anal Sex it isn't even funny now.

Mar 17, 2009, 3:11 PM
"ALBANY, New York - Troubled insurance giant American International Group paid bonuses of $1 million or more to 73 employees, including 11 who no longer work for the company"

all weekend the government was trying to block those payments, buuuuuuut

"AIG mailed the bonus checks Friday. "


I will only be happy if those at the top of AIG had their balls surgiclly removed by someone with Parkisons and shoved them down their throat.

Seriously this is beyond belief, and disgusting.

Mar 17, 2009, 3:42 PM
I totally agree... The government should have inquired and discovered any contractual bonus agreements BEFORE they gave them ANY money, and require pre-conditions for such payouts.
But NO! There was absolutely NO OVERSIGHT AGAIN, and the government even admitted that they found out about the bonus payout only by reading it in the paper. WTF??? These are the smart people spending OUR money and running (not) our country???
Additionally, these people receiving the bonuses SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED for their reckless and risky behavior that brought on the failure to start with!

Mar 17, 2009, 4:10 PM
Yeah I heard about this earlier this morning. I'm completely amazed at how much bullshit goes on in America.

btw, what does this have to do with Americans being into anal sex tho?

Mar 17, 2009, 4:31 PM
america we love america ja ja ja what a joke....

thats what we get to elect a president with a name bull shit

Mar 17, 2009, 5:18 PM
blame the obamaniacs =) i voted for mccain although i wish geaorge bush was still in office. id be worried about the nukes that russia put in brazil if i were you

Mar 17, 2009, 5:19 PM
Yeah I heard about this earlier this morning. I'm completely amazed at how much bullshit goes on in America.

btw, what does this have to do with Americans being into anal sex tho?

i believe " anal sex" was to get ur attention. it worked obviously

Mar 17, 2009, 6:03 PM
Just where is the A-Team (no, not anal) when you want them? Although, come of it, a bit of vicious arse riding might just be what is needed.

Failing that, do assassination squads advertise in Yellow Pages? I doubt that any jury would convict if caught.

Mar 17, 2009, 6:03 PM
you can place the blame squarely at the feet of Christopher Dodd (D) Conn and Barney Fwank (D) Mass.

Both helped write rules into the Porkulus Bill at the last minute that gave them leeway to continue with contractual obligations PRIOR to this little tiff so as to distract you from WHERE the money really is going.

You're pissed at $165,000,000, but you aren't paying any attention to the $65,000,000,000 that went THRU AIG over sees to European nations and banks in the bailout.

Place your anger in better places.

Mar 17, 2009, 6:29 PM
btw, what does this have to do with Americans being into anal sex tho?

Becaaaaause its the American Taxpayers Money that is being used here... The American Tax Payers own roughly 80% of AIG now.

So, in a sense, we are being fucked up the ass here as our tax dollars are ...once agian, and again, and again, and AGAIN are not being used to save the economy, but to go into the pockets of CEOs, Lavish parties by the corporiation, or overseas banks.

Just because we're being fucked up the ass though doesn't mean we're enjoying it. Actually, I'm pretty sure not a single American (other than the CEO's) is enjoying this reaming.

Mar 17, 2009, 6:30 PM
Becaaaaause its the American Taxpayers Money that is being used here... The American Tax Payers own roughly 80% of AIG now.

So, in a sense, we are being fucked up the ass here as our tax dollars are ...once agian, and again, and again, and AGAIN are not being used to save the economy, but to go into the pockets of CEOs, Lavish parties by the corporiation, or overseas banks.

Just because we're being fucked up the ass though doesn't mean we're enjoying it. Actually, I'm pretty sure not a single American (other than the CEO's) is enjoying this reaming.

Don't worry Joe, I got it! :tong:

Mar 17, 2009, 6:32 PM
you can place the blame squarely at the feet of Christopher Dodd (D) Conn and Barney Fwank (D) Mass.

Both helped write rules into the Porkulus Bill at the last minute that gave them leeway to continue with contractual obligations PRIOR to this little tiff so as to distract you from WHERE the money really is going.

You're pissed at $165,000,000, but you aren't paying any attention to the $65,000,000,000 that went THRU AIG over sees to European nations and banks in the bailout.

Place your anger in better places.

My piss isn't focused solely on the 165 Million, I understand it looks that way... but the total "fuck you tax payers hahahha we did it AGAIN" that unfolded yet again. And AIG isnt' the only bank doing this, they are simply the one with the most eyes on it as they have taken the most money from us.

My anger would be best place up the ass of Dodd and Frank.

Mar 17, 2009, 6:48 PM
Paris is looking better all the time!!!!

Mar 17, 2009, 6:53 PM
"That's Hot" Paris ?!

Mar 17, 2009, 7:51 PM
Putting cash into a corrupt and broken system, then expecting it to fix itself under the same leadership as before is a rather idiotic idea. Seriously, I would have been downright shocked if it worked.

Mar 17, 2009, 7:56 PM
"ALBANY, New York - Troubled insurance giant American International Group paid bonuses of $1 million or more to 73 employees, including 11 who no longer work for the company"

all weekend the government was trying to block those payments, buuuuuuut

"AIG mailed the bonus checks Friday. "


I will only be happy if those at the top of AIG had their balls surgiclly removed by someone with Parkisons and shoved them down their throat.

Seriously this is beyond belief, and disgusting.

Yeah I heard about this earlier this morning. I'm completely amazed at how much bullshit goes on in America.

btw, what does this have to do with Americans being into anal sex tho?

"All Americans are so into Anal Sex it isn't even funny now."

We (the Americans) elected Obama - who in turn signed off to give AIG the money so the could stay afloat while paying the "contractualy obligated" bonuses to the employees with taxpayer money.

So, in all actuality, we Americans just got a big ass fucking by our own government. So there you have it. And it wasn't nor is it still "funny".

Mar 17, 2009, 9:15 PM
"That's Hot" Paris ?!

LOL Nope - That's Paris France!!!!! - Which can ceratinly be pretty hot at times!!!

Mar 17, 2009, 10:19 PM
Putting cash into a corrupt and broken system, then expecting it to fix itself under the same leadership as before is a rather idiotic idea. Seriously, I would have been downright shocked if it worked.

I agree. Giving money to greedy people and expecting them to act altruistic for the good of society is stupid. We need to purge the system of greedy people and change the system to reward good behavior. Then, the right people will rise to the top. But, if we continue to reward greed, then greedy people will gravitate to positions of power and as recent events have shown they do not give a DAM about you or me or the company they worked for, which rewarded and encouraged their bad behavior.

Mar 18, 2009, 3:57 AM
Yeah I heard about this earlier this morning. I'm completely amazed at how much bullshit goes on in America.

btw, what does this have to do with Americans being into anal sex tho?

I guess it has to do with Americans being f-cked repeatedly and NOT doing ANYTHING about it.
Revolution anyone?

Mar 18, 2009, 4:03 AM
I agree. Giving money to greedy people and expecting them to act altruistic for the good of society is stupid. We need to purge the system of greedy people and change the system to reward good behavior. Then, the right people will rise to the top. But, if we continue to reward greed, then greedy people will gravitate to positions of power and as recent events have shown they do not give a DAM about you or me or the company they worked for, which rewarded and encouraged their bad behavior.

When a system is entirely based on the survival of the most ruthless, and every other alternative is called "socialism" by ideologues and the corporate media, and the populace that is being screwed falls for this horse manure propaganda, that's what you get, gangsters in Armani suits running the show.

Seems very obvious, no?

Did you know Canada was an evil socialist state? (According to our loony conservatives and their messiah that windbag Rush Limbaugh). Hot damn! Cheap education and health care, we can't have that, that's IMMORAL, UNNATURAL, ABNORMAL, PERVERTED, that's the end of American civilization!
Let's grab our guns!!

Anything that is not at the extreme far right of the political spectrum in the US is called "socialist".

That's why we are headed for fascism.
See the movie CANADIAN BACON and laugh it off!

Mar 18, 2009, 4:10 AM
"All Americans are so into Anal Sex it isn't even funny now."

We (the Americans) elected Obama - who in turn signed off to give AIG the money so the could stay afloat while paying the "contractualy obligated" bonuses to the employees with taxpayer money.

So, in all actuality, we Americans just got a big ass fucking by our own government. So there you have it. And it wasn't nor is it still "funny".

Just to remind everyone, giving taxpayers' money to Wall Street with no strings attached was Bush's original plan, until the Democrats in Congress lead by Nancy Pelosi said NO. Then they were accused by the Republican attack dogs of "not caring for Americans", as, according to the Republican pit bulls, America was going to collapse any second if Wall Street didn't get the loot, and according to them there was no time to debate or even think.
Is all of America suffering from amnesia, or is it just the Republicans?

Mar 18, 2009, 4:19 AM
america we love america ja ja ja what a joke....

thats what we get to elect a president with a name bull shit

Are you meaning BUSHIT, the last president-king who was appointed, and created this debacle Obama has to clean up?

Mar 18, 2009, 4:27 AM
blame the obamaniacs =) i voted for mccain although i wish geaorge bush was still in office. id be worried about the nukes that russia put in brazil if i were you

Yeah, two wars, an economic debacle, corruption at the highest level, a huge deficit, an Unconstitutional Unpatriot Act, it's only about half of what Bush could have accomplished!...we should have kept him in office to see how far he could have taken us down the abyss, as a scientific experiment.

Hey, the cold war has been over for a few decades now, someone should let you know.

And how about the two planes Bush and his pals allowed to hit the twin towers, although they were warned?
Could it possibly be that they needed a new Pearl Harbor to happen in order to be able to attack Iraq and Afghanistan, which the neo-con ideologues, with their imperialist "New American Century" agenda, had already planned to do as far back as while Clinton was President?

Mar 18, 2009, 7:15 AM
blame the obamaniacs =) i voted for mccain although i wish geaorge bush was still in office. id be worried about the nukes that russia put in brazil if i were you

Dus me sense a lil rite wing 'merican paranoia 'ere? Am sure the Russians luff bein surrounded by nukes in Turkey an Europe an Alaska an wereva.. an the oceans round bout.. always nice wen its the otha guy surrounded innit? Not so nice wen ya imagine that mayb 'e is doin 'is thing.. not a' course that we talkin dubble standards 'ere.. wot?? 'Merica an the west hypocritcal?? naaa nev.. gud Christian values innit?

Mar 18, 2009, 8:07 AM
Sure, Bush started the Bailout...

... that doesn't mean Obama had to keep carrying that baton.

Seriously, the stimulus bill was 1,091 pages. You know it wasn't an easy bathroom reader but 1,091 pages of legal speak, and anyone whos ever read legal documents knows the words look like english but they sure as heck don't come off as english!

And from the day it was written up to signing, done in under a month while in office. That doesn't mean it landed on his desk and he sat on it a month, he sat on it for two days (the weekend)

Funny thing to me is, alot of people lost their homes because they didnt take the time to read the legal print of theour ARM houses. Hell, we as the taxpayer are going to pay increased taxes for years to come because the stimulis bill was signed in a rush without any care of what was all in there.

Well, in all fairness, not like the white house gets foreclosed on.

Mar 18, 2009, 8:50 AM
Just to remind everyone, giving taxpayers' money to Wall Street with no strings attached was Bush's original plan, until the Democrats in Congress lead by Nancy Pelosi said NO. Then they were accused by the Republican attack dogs of "not caring for Americans", as, according to the Republican pit bulls, America was going to collapse any second if Wall Street didn't get the loot, and according to them there was no time to debate or even think.
Is all of America suffering from amnesia, or is it just the Republicans?

And to refresh your memory totchune, Bush ordered that Wall Street be bailed out but it was a Democraticly controlled congress AND house that put the paperwork together for the bailout. And it is still happening with Obama.
Oboama: "I'm goin to put a stop to the earmarks......." and turns around and signs a bill with over 9000 earmarks. Just the same as when he was a Senator in IL. - Con Ed who ran the nuclear power plant in So IL was dumping toxic waste. That waste seeped into the water table and contaminated the water. The people in a small IL town were severly affected by this and had a town hall meeting in the High School auditorium. Obama promised the people at that meeting, that ConEd would be held accoutable, be fined and made to clean the mess up at ConEd's expense. Then he (Obama) makes a deal with ConEd later and the taxpayers of IL paid for the cleanup while ConEd got away with it.
You might ask how I know this since I don't even live in IL?
My sourse for this info was several citizens who live in that IL community.
Several of the taxpayer that had to pay for the cleanup.

Now, with that said, lets stop the bull shit name calling - finger pointing at who was at fault. Let us try to focus on how we can stop the debachery, right the wrongs already done and move forward in a more positive and elevating manner.

Doggie :doggie:

Mar 18, 2009, 9:34 AM
A few ideas for considering --

Hour Money (http://hourmoney.org/)

Time and money, how many times have you heard them mentioned together? That's because they belong together.

Ithaca HOURS (http://www.ithacahours.com/)

And we may want to consider a universal wage (http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/jbl07611.htm).

"If everyone knew that they would get a minimum of, say, $200 a week for each adult plus $100 a week for each child from the tax system, whether they worked or not, then:
-- Everyone would control their own lives. No one would be controlled by Social Welfare.
-- People who become unemployed would be better off by doing even low-paid, part-time paid work, because they would still get the basic living wage as well.
-- People who want to work only part-time, so they can spend time with their children or with aged parents, could afford to do so.
-- Workers could afford to pick and choose their jobs, so the workers' bargaining power against employers would be strengthened; wages and working conditions would have to improve in the jobs that people don't want to do.
-- Workers would be in a better position to demand more say in the work they do, and to refuse to work altogether for companies that exploit others or damage the environment.
-- Everyone would have enough income to take their full part in democracy and in society generally. "

Of course, these are likely seen as idealistic and simplified means to an end. At this point it would seem any suggestion/s would be of merit. :2cents:

Okay, I'm off the :soapbox: . <passes 'talkie stick' to next random user>

Mar 18, 2009, 10:05 AM
Dus me sense a lil rite wing 'merican paranoia 'ere? Am sure the Russians luff bein surrounded by nukes in Turkey an Europe an Alaska an wereva.. an the oceans round bout.. always nice wen its the otha guy surrounded innit? Not so nice wen ya imagine that mayb 'e is doin 'is thing.. not a' course that we talkin dubble standards 'ere.. wot?? 'Merica an the west hypocritcal?? naaa nev.. gud Christian values innit?

You're too young to remember the Soviet Union. Even while it was collapsing internally, it was warmongering in every part of the world as a way to divert attention from its internal problems. The Soviet Union was vicious and totally corrupt, and only lasted as long as it did because the United States propped it up financially in the interests of preventing Worl War III.

Mar 18, 2009, 10:07 AM
A few ideas for considering --

Hour Money (http://hourmoney.org/)

Time and money, how many times have you heard them mentioned together? That's because they belong together.

Ithaca HOURS (http://www.ithacahours.com/)

And we may want to consider a universal wage (http://www.jobsletter.org.nz/jbl07611.htm).

"If everyone knew that they would get a minimum of, say, $200 a week for each adult plus $100 a week for each child from the tax system, whether they worked or not, then:
-- Everyone would control their own lives. No one would be controlled by Social Welfare.
-- People who become unemployed would be better off by doing even low-paid, part-time paid work, because they would still get the basic living wage as well.
-- People who want to work only part-time, so they can spend time with their children or with aged parents, could afford to do so.
-- Workers could afford to pick and choose their jobs, so the workers' bargaining power against employers would be strengthened; wages and working conditions would have to improve in the jobs that people don't want to do.
-- Workers would be in a better position to demand more say in the work they do, and to refuse to work altogether for companies that exploit others or damage the environment.
-- Everyone would have enough income to take their full part in democracy and in society generally. "

Of course, these are likely seen as idealistic and simplified means to an end. At this point it would seem any suggestion/s would be of merit. :2cents:

Okay, I'm off the :soapbox: . <passes 'talkie stick' to next random user>

That was tried in Israel and it isn't a success.

Mar 18, 2009, 10:22 AM
You're too young to remember the Soviet Union. Even while it was collapsing internally, it was warmongering in every part of the world as a way to divert attention from its internal problems. The Soviet Union was vicious and totally corrupt, and only lasted as long as it did because the United States propped it up financially in the interests of preventing Worl War III.

Wos bout 11 wen it died Jamie.. 2 yung 2 undastand mayb but not 2 yung 2 kno summat bout it.. but hun..we talkin bout now..not 18 years go... or r u an anotha rite wing paranoid gett an all..:rolleyes:

Mar 18, 2009, 3:53 PM
This is fucking comedy cold

"WASHINGTON - The head of battered insurance giant AIG told Congress on Wednesday that “we’ve heard the American people loudly and clearly” in their rage over executive bonuses and appealed to employees to voluntarily return at least half of the money.

Seriously. I dont care how funny someone is, they can't write a comedy this golden.


Mar 19, 2009, 10:35 PM
One has to wonder why we gave them MORE money when they took the FIRST disbursement, flew to a private party and probably snorted half of their payment away anyway.

I mean, I'm all for the public works projects and domestic investment but I don't care much for rewarding companies that are retarded enough to loan someone who can barely afford to pay the rent enough money to buy a $650,000 house.

I listened to the radio with much curiosity the other day - apparently while we are wringing our hands over whether or not the stimulus is "acceptable" Secretary of State Clinton went overseas with a Billion Dollar "assistance" package for Israel..no debate - just showed up flush with money.. "Oh, gee - we're sorry you bombed the hell out of your own country stupid f'cks - here - have some American money - it's not worth as much as it used to be so we decided to give you TWO suitcases worth this time. What's that? The terrorists are still smuggling weapons in? Oh Gosh Golly Jee - so sad to hear that."

Automakers? Maybe if they built some f'king cars people WANT to drive that get good mileage they would be able to sell something.

I don't really feel sorry at all for all those investors who thought they could play the real estate market like the stock market and "flip houses" - go ahead, raise the price by 1/4 and then cry and whine to the government whenever you're stuck with the thing. The end result of course being that no one who REALLY needs a home can afford one..ah, but eventually the market will have an abrupt correction..no worries.

"Oh well, they ALL give out bonuses like that, it's the *culture*" - no shit, that's why the economy is anemic at the moment.

<grumble grumble grumble rant sigh>

Mar 20, 2009, 12:57 PM
Yeah, two wars, an economic debacle, corruption at the highest level, a huge deficit, an Unconstitutional Unpatriot Act, it's only about half of what Bush could have accomplished!...we should have kept him in office to see how far he could have taken us down the abyss, as a scientific experiment.

Hey, the cold war has been over for a few decades now, someone should let you know.

And how about the two planes Bush and his pals allowed to hit the twin towers, although they were warned?
Could it possibly be that they needed a new Pearl Harbor to happen in order to be able to attack Iraq and Afghanistan, which the neo-con ideologues, with their imperialist "New American Century" agenda, had already planned to do as far back as while Clinton was President?

whoa! we have the #1 most embarassing pres in the history of the united states. one day he's on tv going "crisis crisis crisis!" the next day he's saying we need to stop the scare tactics. All he is is a puppet for these other idiots in congress! I felt safe when bush was president he had no idea we were going to be attacked! for the first time in my life i am honestly afraid we might be nuked! how can people be so blind as not to see what's going on here. our president can't even speak w/o a teleprompter and the first time he did, yesterday, well, you see how well that went. oh and him going on leno?!?! omg im so embarassed! fortunately i live in texas so if we are attacked, which will probably happen soon, i'll be safe (they're gonna get yall up north). please, people, STOP GETTING YOUR INFO FROM CNN,CBS,NBC,or ABC.....THEY"RE FRYING YOUR BRAINS!

Mar 20, 2009, 1:09 PM
whoa! we have the #1 most embarassing pres in the history of the united states. one day he's on tv going "crisis crisis crisis!" the next day he's saying we need to stop the scare tactics. All he is is a puppet for these other idiots in congress! I felt safe when bush was president he had no idea we were going to be attacked! for the first time in my life i am honestly afraid we might be nuked! how can people be so blind as not to see what's going on here. our president can't even speak w/o a teleprompter and the first time he did, yesterday, well, you see how well that went. oh and him going on leno?!?! omg im so embarassed! fortunately i live in texas so if we are attacked, which will probably happen soon, i'll be safe (they're gonna get yall up north). please, people, STOP GETTING YOUR INFO FROM CNN,CBS,NBC,or ABC.....THEY"RE FRYING YOUR BRAINS!

OOO guddie guddie.. daft rite wing cow embarrassed so Obama mus b doin summat rite.. not sure wot.. 'e ony been in job 5 mins an so me reserves judgement.... but do luff readin hysterical claptrap by the uninformed an less than brite an readers a the corn flake box...:tong: Obviously wotches Fox...;)

Mar 20, 2009, 1:42 PM
Damn it Fran even when I have her on ignore you STILL find a way to make me read her dribble! Sigh. Fran, if you love me, please don't quote her anymore lol! I don't need to see someone telling us not to get our information from all of the big time stations and such while I assume that she isnt living in the white house or some shit to get the info directly. Such a waste of a read...

Well, even if the little fool is right about us getting nuked...I could be one of the first to go considering that I am on one of the most powerful military bases in the country, and it is NOT up north, so we'll see haha.

Mar 20, 2009, 2:49 PM
Damn it Fran even when I have her on ignore you STILL find a way to make me read her dribble! Sigh. Fran, if you love me, please don't quote her anymore lol! I don't need to see someone telling us not to get our information from all of the big time stations and such while I assume that she isnt living in the white house or some shit to get the info directly. Such a waste of a read...

Well, even if the little fool is right about us getting nuked...I could be one of the first to go considering that I am on one of the most powerful military bases in the country, and it is NOT up north, so we'll see haha.

Ur wish hun bun..:tong:

Mar 20, 2009, 7:46 PM
whoa! we have the #1 most embarassing pres in the history of the united states. one day he's on tv going "crisis crisis crisis!" the next day he's saying we need to stop the scare tactics. All he is is a puppet for these other idiots in congress! I felt safe when bush was president he had no idea we were going to be attacked! for the first time in my life i am honestly afraid we might be nuked! how can people be so blind as not to see what's going on here. our president can't even speak w/o a teleprompter and the first time he did, yesterday, well, you see how well that went. oh and him going on leno?!?! omg im so embarassed! fortunately i live in texas so if we are attacked, which will probably happen soon, i'll be safe (they're gonna get yall up north). please, people, STOP GETTING YOUR INFO FROM CNN,CBS,NBC,or ABC.....THEY"RE FRYING YOUR BRAINS!

And how do you get your brains so fried to a crisp, Texas barbecue style? FAUX News, or that windbag Rush Limbaugh?

You are living in Texas, so you have an excuse (Texas is not exactly the intellectual center of the US).

Wouldn't it have been amusing if we could have had Bush as President, who couldn't put three words together (it's nuclear, not nucular, mister decider!) with Dan Quale as vice President, who couldn't put two words together!
With their two brains, we could have had one quarter of an average brain directing the country. But with Sarah Palin as Secretary of State, subtract a quarter of a brain and you would have ended up with ZERO BRAINS in the Capitol.

The Conservatives are fuming and throwing temper tantrums and pouting because they are no match for Obama's intellect, guts and resolve. They liked it a lot better when the Democrats in Congress were gutless and let themselves be run over by Bush-Cheney and their neo-cons.

Mar 20, 2009, 7:56 PM
You are living in Texas, so you have an excuse (Texas is not exactly the intellectual center of the US).

I'm from Texas, and was offended by what she said, but even more offended for your quick stereotyping all of us based on one person. I understand that it's a running joke at times (southerners and all) , but you're not really coming off in a joking matter with such a serious post. This is just like saying "that one black person is loud and rude, that must be like all blacks" or "that one mexican is sleeping on the job, all mexicans are lazy".

Maybe you didn't mean it, I don't know. Well - I hope not.


And on the topic of Texas being last to be nuked, someone needs to research 1.) how many military bases are in Texas 2.) how active the ports are along the coastline 3.) how much oil reserves are located in Texas that will be utilized if supply lines outside the US are cut off. It was true in the cold war and still true today - Texas is a prime target of a strategic attack.

Mar 20, 2009, 11:36 PM
All mexicans ARE lazy, I married one, i know lmao

Actually, I've found the majority are work a holics, and it's kind of annoying...

Mar 21, 2009, 10:48 AM
"That was tried in Israel and it isn't a success."

Yeah, um, sure ... great way to inspire inspire confidence in someone suffering depression there buddy. <chuckles>

Seriously, is there any wonder I'm depressed? And if they've already tried and failed, seems we all be fucked then. Conversely, merely because they failed does not imply others would. Like my therapist points out, they did accomplish something in trying. Goal achieved.

The United States being attacked again? It is possible if we do something really moronic, like attack Iran, anger China, directly engage North Korea. Sorry but I don't see the current Chief as being a moron.

Reads from a teleprompter is supposed to be an insult on his intellect? Perhaps, due to his intellect he reads from it. Consider everything the guy weighs in speaking. He is the POTUS, the most powerful man in the world. His every word can be implied any given way. Unlike the former POTUS this one wants, demands us to hold him accountable. So one wrong word or infliction and he could trigger all hell breaking loose.

If he needs a prompter in order to speak clearly, accurately then I would consider it highly intelligent of him to use it. When he speaks it is wise to recall all he must say, prompters aid in such.

As far as terrorist attacks ... don't foresee any. Does not mean I am correct. But I do not think terrorists could afford to attack. After all the whole fucking world is broke.

Bah, it's bloody Saturday here. Screw this! No more politico o' religo, socia talk. Es muy loco por me, diablo no comprenhend nada, me estupido.

Yes it is annoying to see Mexicans work. One of the guys I work with pulls OT every night, all week. He's 23, rat bastard! Wish I was still 17, I'd be pulling doubles and OT working circles around him. But no, I'm an old man now. "Take it easy." "We got it, you the captain."

And that at times is a nice thing to stop and think.

Well got to jet. Run it slow.

Mar 23, 2009, 12:19 PM
yall are some of the dumbest mofo's. i feel real safe knowing exactly what the liberals in this country think! you all need to keep yourselves from making ignorant comments like " fuck AIG " and "Bush knew we would be attacked" that's STUPID! u know today our constituion means NOTHING! we can forget everything we've been taught about what our founding fathers did for this country because obama, who isn't even a US citizen ( ya google it u might be surprised) is making little amendments which make a huge difference. We should all fight for the constitution right now, liberal or conservative, because one day you're going to wake up and realize what i say about the state of our nation is absolutely right (and you will be angry). so tell me how do you REALLY feel about the Carter admin.?

Mar 23, 2009, 12:42 PM
because obama, who isn't even a US citizen ( ya google it u might be surprised) is making little amendments which make a huge difference.
Wow! True display of ignorance. First, you obviously have no idea about how native citizenship is determined. Second, you are completely ignorant of how the US Constitution is amended.

If you don't agree with the way the administration is handling things that's great. Try to have a reasoned, factual debate of the issues. Keep your hate and fear mongering to yourself.

Mar 23, 2009, 1:37 PM
Wow! True display of ignorance. First, you obviously have no idea about how native citizenship is determined. Second, you are completely ignorant of how the US Constitution is amended.

If you don't agree with the way the administration is handling things that's great. Try to have a reasoned, factual debate of the issues. Keep your hate and fear mongering to yourself.

Ya kno Allbi me luffly.. me c's a similarity tween wot She says an anotha troll a late an not so lamented memory..;)

Mar 23, 2009, 3:29 PM
yall are some of the dumbest mofo's. i feel real safe knowing exactly what the liberals in this country think! you all need to keep yourselves from making ignorant comments like " fuck AIG " and "Bush knew we would be attacked" that's STUPID! u know today our constituion means NOTHING! we can forget everything we've been taught about what our founding fathers did for this country because obama, who isn't even a US citizen ( ya google it u might be surprised) is making little amendments which make a huge difference. We should all fight for the constitution right now, liberal or conservative, because one day you're going to wake up and realize what i say about the state of our nation is absolutely right (and you will be angry). so tell me how do you REALLY feel about the Carter admin.?


Mar 23, 2009, 4:16 PM
"That was tried in Israel and it isn't a success."

Yeah, um, sure ... great way to inspire inspire confidence in someone suffering depression there buddy. <chuckles>

Seriously, is there any wonder I'm depressed? And if they've already tried and failed, seems we all be fucked then. Conversely, merely because they failed does not imply others would. Like my therapist points out, they did accomplish something in trying. Goal achieved.

I doubt you would live under their system.

Israel is what America would become like if hard-left Democrats ever got to actually run the country.

Mar 23, 2009, 5:11 PM
I doubt you would live under their system.

Israel is what America would become like if hard-left Democrats ever got to actually run the country.

Racist Jamie, an nasty? Don think so..ya wudn kno wot left wing extreme or othawise is if it gorrup an hitya in the face...

.. nev mind..ya gave me a gud laff:bigrin:

Nowya can havya Stalin an Soviet Union rant...:tong:

Mar 23, 2009, 6:11 PM
final words on this topic: I am done attempting to conversate with stinky liberals

Mar 23, 2009, 7:01 PM
I'm from Texas, and was offended by what she said, but even more offended for your quick stereotyping all of us based on one person. I understand that it's a running joke at times (southerners and all) , but you're not really coming off in a joking matter with such a serious post. This is just like saying "that one black person is loud and rude, that must be like all blacks" or "that one mexican is sleeping on the job, all mexicans are lazy".

Maybe you didn't mean it, I don't know. Well - I hope not.


And on the topic of Texas being last to be nuked, someone needs to research 1.) how many military bases are in Texas 2.) how active the ports are along the coastline 3.) how much oil reserves are located in Texas that will be utilized if supply lines outside the US are cut off. It was true in the cold war and still true today - Texas is a prime target of a strategic attack.

Okay I apologize that was a cheap shot....seriously I have no prejudices against people living in Texas, I live in California, and we all know what the right wingers think of California...
It's just that the Bushes (Bush senior and the two shrubs) came from Texas, although they were originally WASP's from New England pretending to be "cowboys".
I would like to see a strong environmental or human rights movement come from Texas....anything on the horizon?

Mar 23, 2009, 7:08 PM
final words on this topic: I am done attempting to conversate with stinky liberals

Are you saying liberals don't shower or don't use deodorants?
By the way "conversate" is not a word. Did you go to the same high school Bush attended?

Mar 23, 2009, 7:11 PM
I doubt you would live under their system.

Israel is what America would become like if hard-left Democrats ever got to actually run the country.

And America is just what it is today after the right wingers, starting with Reagan, eliminated regulations and attempted to flush the government down the drain.
The gangsters in suits (Wall Street, corrupt corporations) are now in charge.

Mar 23, 2009, 7:24 PM
yall are some of the dumbest mofo's. i feel real safe knowing exactly what the liberals in this country think! you all need to keep yourselves from making ignorant comments like " fuck AIG " and "Bush knew we would be attacked" that's STUPID! u know today our constituion means NOTHING! we can forget everything we've been taught about what our founding fathers did for this country because obama, who isn't even a US citizen ( ya google it u might be surprised) is making little amendments which make a huge difference. We should all fight for the constitution right now, liberal or conservative, because one day you're going to wake up and realize what i say about the state of our nation is absolutely right (and you will be angry). so tell me how do you REALLY feel about the Carter admin.?

So we are all dumb mofo's? Do you mean to say that those who agree with you are smart mofo's?
Do you know what Bush said about the Constitution?..."It's just a piece of paper!"...That's what he thinks of it. No other administration has attacked the Constitution more than Bush, Cheney and Ashcroft. Thanks to Bush, we now live under PERMANENT martial law (check it out).
Check out the Pentagon website...a few months ago they assigned a brigade (back from Iraq) to training for possible civilian control, while under Bush.
Welcome to fascism, and for this we must thank the right wingers, whose only preoccupations are guns, gay marriages, abortion, low taxes, terrorists, illegal immigrants, and letting industries fuck the environment and corporations fuck the people.

Mar 23, 2009, 8:30 PM
Are you writing for Obama's teleprompter? He is soo not a great speaker. I saw him when he was here in Phoenix, without the teleprompter he is not all together. Also Joe Biden is a "mental midget", but he is a self hating liberal so he also gets a pass. John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy all multi millonaires and "liberal lions" they get there pass also. "Rev" Wright is a racist, but he also gets a "pass"...well he isn't racist like David Duke, you know blacks aren't racist:rolleyes:, so he gets a pass. CNN/MSNBC/ABC News/NY Times/Washington Post, well they get there passes as well.

And how do you get your brains so fried to a crisp, Texas barbecue style? FAUX News, or that windbag Rush Limbaugh?

You are living in Texas, so you have an excuse (Texas is not exactly the intellectual center of the US).

Wouldn't it have been amusing if we could have had Bush as President, who couldn't put three words together (it's nuclear, not nucular, mister decider!) with Dan Quale as vice President, who couldn't put two words together!
With their two brains, we could have had one quarter of an average brain directing the country. But with Sarah Palin as Secretary of State, subtract a quarter of a brain and you would have ended up with ZERO BRAINS in the Capitol.

The Conservatives are fuming and throwing temper tantrums and pouting because they are no match for Obama's intellect, guts and resolve. They liked it a lot better when the Democrats in Congress were gutless and let themselves be run over by Bush-Cheney and their neo-cons.

Mar 23, 2009, 9:32 PM
Are you saying liberals don't shower or don't use deodorants?
By the way "conversate" is not a word. Did you go to the same high school Bush attended?

Good call on "conversate" there...

Wonder what the IQ is...:rolleyes:

Mar 23, 2009, 9:45 PM
Let's see if all you folks can maintain that outrage into November 2010, or, better yet, November 2012. The royalty of Washington are betting you can't. We American seem always to have short memories.

Now how do we in the hinterland convince those in the People Republics of Connecticut and Massachusetts that Dodd and Frank should be in jail for fraud?

Mar 24, 2009, 1:32 AM
"ALBANY, New York - Troubled insurance giant American International Group paid bonuses of $1 million or more to 73 employees, including 11 who no longer work for the company"

all weekend the government was trying to block those payments, buuuuuuut

"AIG mailed the bonus checks Friday. "


I will only be happy if those at the top of AIG had their balls surgiclly removed by someone with Parkisons and shoved them down their throat.

Seriously this is beyond belief, and disgusting.

Back to the original topic.
I'm a little surprised that everyone is upset about this. I have written in the past about the ethics of corporate executives, and I got barely a response. I agree that it's disgusting, but this is just standard operating procedure for corporations. Today is Monday, and the news tonight was that some of the execs were giving back the bonuses. That's good PR, but be assured that they are restructuring their compensation packages as I write this. They will get their bonuses, only they won't be called bonuses. They will have some other fancy name, like Executive Retention Guarantee, or something similar.

Mar 24, 2009, 3:08 AM
Good call on "conversate" there...

Wonder what the IQ is...:rolleyes:

I think I can see her giving us the middle finger.
There's the IQ.

Mar 24, 2009, 3:17 AM
Back to the original topic.
I'm a little surprised that everyone is upset about this. I have written in the past about the ethics of corporate executives, and I got barely a response. I agree that it's disgusting, but this is just standard operating procedure for corporations. Today is Monday, and the news tonight was that some of the execs were giving back the bonuses. That's good PR, but be assured that they are restructuring their compensation packages as I write this. They will get their bonuses, only they won't be called bonuses. They will have some other fancy name, like Executive Retention Guarantee, or something similar.

Everyone should watch the movie "The Corporation", a great documentary from Canada.
It clearly explains that corporate structures operate on a psychopathic model of behavior, meaning self-interests (profits) trump the conscience of the board members and operators of the corporation, if they have a conscience to begin with.

They only things that prevent corporations from openly acting like Genghis Khan are laws and regulations. And for every government lawyer and regulator who is paid a bureaucrat's salary they have entire brigades of lawyers and lobbyists who have unlimited budgets.

Don't expect to win until you cut the motherfuckers (they are literally fucking our mother the earth among other things) down to a more reasonable size.

Mar 24, 2009, 12:07 PM
hey rissa! you got one big smart ass mouth! u know that i would consider what u say fighting words? in Texas we have a law about them, that is i can whoop your ass for all that dribblin bs u so love to let come out of your face. be for real. i know you only act like you do because you wish you could be an asshole in real life. i know you ignore me but im sure someone will quote me =)

Mar 24, 2009, 12:43 PM
I like to state for the record that not all Texans are this bad. I'm clearly the most awesome exception.

Mar 24, 2009, 1:44 PM
Yes Joe, you are quite awesome

Mar 25, 2009, 5:32 AM
hey rissa! you got one big smart ass mouth! u know that i would consider what u say fighting words? in Texas we have a law about them, that is i can whoop your ass for all that dribblin bs u so love to let come out of your face. be for real. i know you only act like you do because you wish you could be an asshole in real life. i know you ignore me but im sure someone will quote me =)

Are you saying that calling people who disagree with you dumb mofo's is acceptable debate, but someone questioning your IQ is not?

Isn't that what is commonly called hypocrisy?

Mar 25, 2009, 9:16 AM
I'm sure you know plenty about assholes in real life Rebecca considering that you obviously have tons of sticks (or dicks) shoved in yours constantly.

Oh look at that, I got us back to the original topic of anal!

Mar 25, 2009, 9:26 AM
Oh look at that, I got us back to the original topic of anal!

Rite loada poop this thread Riss...;):bigrin::tong:

Mar 25, 2009, 11:34 AM
Rite loada poop this thread Riss...;):bigrin::tong:

Ya know, I didn't even think the thread was THAT bad haha. I just think that we all have to stop hijacking it! lol.:tong:

Mar 25, 2009, 1:51 PM
i still stand by what i say 100 percent. i would like for the person or people who said "bush knew about the attacks before they happened" and "bush said the constitution is just a piece of paper" to please show me the sources and quotes from where this came. I am absolutely disgusted with a large majority of the people of the usa. every one wants to blame this person and that person, when really, who should you be blaming? MR. PRESIDENT! actually he's really just a puppet for his cabinet =) Imagine if Bush had said something on LENO, during his time in office, about how his bowling skills are comparable to the special olympics! you guys would tear him a new asshole! OBAMA still smokes cigs (yeah, he said he had quit ). He is not a US citizen! there are several lawsuits out there but not even the supreme court will take the case because all the damn liberals (blegh) would riot and blacks would be killing us saying we're just racist and blah blah blah! just ask the head of the GOP ! hes black! many people voted for obama because of "white guilt" which to me is crazy! we should vote for a president because we agree with his core values and ideas! u know obama has gone by the names barry soetero, barrack soetero, and barry obama. why? he has something to hide? listen people im not so worried because you know in 2012 you guys will probably end up voting for a republican. mike huckabee, maybe? it will still take years, maybe decades, to repair what obama is going to do to our country. i dont know what else i can say. your beliefs are your beliefs, but i try to inform people to the best of my ability. sometimes it feels like i'm talking to a wall with you guys. every time i write something yall always seem to get off topic and say something stupid like " conversate ". i will continue to say "conversate" no matter what. just please stop blaming aig and other businesses for our deficit. read some news please and do your homework before getting political.

Mar 25, 2009, 2:01 PM
i still stand by what i say 100 percent. i would like for the person or people who said "bush knew about the attacks before they happened" and "bush said the constitution is just a piece of paper" to please show me the sources and quotes from where this came. I am absolutely disgusted with a large majority of the people of the usa. every one wants to blame this person and that person, when really, who should you be blaming? MR. PRESIDENT! actually he's really just a puppet for his cabinet =) Imagine if Bush had said something on LENO, during his time in office, about how his bowling skills are comparable to the special olympics! you guys would tear him a new asshole! OBAMA still smokes cigs (yeah, he said he had quit ). He is not a US citizen! there are several lawsuits out there but not even the supreme court will take the case because all the damn liberals (blegh) would riot and blacks would be killing us saying we're just racist and blah blah blah! just ask the head of the GOP ! hes black! many people voted for obama because of "white guilt" which to me is crazy! we should vote for a president because we agree with his core values and ideas! u know obama has gone by the names barry soetero, barrack soetero, and barry obama. why? he has something to hide? listen people im not so worried because you know in 2012 you guys will probably end up voting for a republican. mike huckabee, maybe? it will still take years, maybe decades, to repair what obama is going to do to our country. i dont know what else i can say. your beliefs are your beliefs, but i try to inform people to the best of my ability. sometimes it feels like i'm talking to a wall with you guys. every time i write something yall always seem to get off topic and say something stupid like " conversate ". i will continue to say "conversate" no matter what. just please stop blaming aig and other businesses for our deficit. read some news please and do your homework before getting political.

Tell me hun.. jus how painful is it talkin such huge crap outa ya arse all at 1 go???:eek:

Mar 25, 2009, 4:18 PM
Tell me hun.. jus how painful is it talkin such huge crap outa ya arse all at 1 go???:eek:

Fran she is NOT talking crap out of her ass!

...she's conversating...

sheesh, weren't you paying attention?


Mar 25, 2009, 4:21 PM
Fran she is NOT talking crap out of her ass!

...she's conversating...

sheesh, weren't you paying attention?


ooo soz Ris.. huge convershattin it is then..oops...conversatin...:bigrin::tong:;)

Mar 26, 2009, 10:47 AM
i still stand by what i say 100 percent. i would like for the person or people who said "bush knew about the attacks before they happened" and "bush said the constitution is just a piece of paper" to please show me the sources and quotes from where this came. I am absolutely disgusted with a large majority of the people of the usa. every one wants to blame this person and that person, when really, who should you be blaming? MR. PRESIDENT! actually he's really just a puppet for his cabinet =) Imagine if Bush had said something on LENO, during his time in office, about how his bowling skills are comparable to the special olympics! you guys would tear him a new asshole! OBAMA still smokes cigs (yeah, he said he had quit ). He is not a US citizen! there are several lawsuits out there but not even the supreme court will take the case because all the damn liberals (blegh) would riot and blacks would be killing us saying we're just racist and blah blah blah! just ask the head of the GOP ! hes black! many people voted for obama because of "white guilt" which to me is crazy! we should vote for a president because we agree with his core values and ideas! u know obama has gone by the names barry soetero, barrack soetero, and barry obama. why? he has something to hide? listen people im not so worried because you know in 2012 you guys will probably end up voting for a republican. mike huckabee, maybe? it will still take years, maybe decades, to repair what obama is going to do to our country. i dont know what else i can say. your beliefs are your beliefs, but i try to inform people to the best of my ability. sometimes it feels like i'm talking to a wall with you guys. every time i write something yall always seem to get off topic and say something stupid like " conversate ". i will continue to say "conversate" no matter what. just please stop blaming aig and other businesses for our deficit. read some news please and do your homework before getting political.

Let me tell you something else about Obama, how he's going to be the death of us all :

Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there.

Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death.

Dihydrogen monoxide:

· is also known as hydroxl acid, and is the major component of acid rain.
· contributes to the "greenhouse effect."
· may cause severe burns.
· contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape.
· accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals.
· may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes.
· has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients.

Contamination is reaching epidemic proportions!

Quantities of dihydrogen monoxide have been found in almost every stream, lake, and reservoir in America today. But the pollution is global, and the contaminant has even been found in Antarctic ice. DHMO has caused millions of dollars of property damage in the midwest, and recently California.

Despite the danger, dihydrogen monoxide is often used:

· as an industrial solvent and coolant.
· in nuclear power plants.
· in the production of styrofoam.
· as a fire retardant.
· in many forms of cruel animal research.
· in the distribution of pesticides.
· as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.

Even after washing, produce remains contaminated by this chemical.

Companies dump waste DHMO into rivers and the ocean, and nothing can be done to stop them because this practice is still legal. The impact on wildlife is extreme, and we cannot afford to ignore it any longer!

The American government has refused to ban the production, distribution, or use of this damaging chemical due to its "importance to the economic health of this nation." In fact, the navy and other military organizations are conducting experiments with DHMO, and designing multi-billion dollar devices to control and utilize it during warfare situations. Hundreds of military research facilities receive tons of it through a highly sophisticated underground distribution network. Many store large quantities for later use.

Mar 26, 2009, 11:00 AM
Wow, that sounds rough ;)

Mar 26, 2009, 2:07 PM
Let me tell you something else about Obama, how he's going to be the death of us all :
oh man i think down here (gulf of mexico) we may have alot of that nastiness in our water. we get red tide at least once and month and our fishies are beginning to attack for no reason. ewww

Mar 26, 2009, 2:54 PM
oh man i think down here (gulf of mexico) we may have alot of that nastiness in our water. we get red tide at least once and month and our fishies are beginning to attack for no reason. ewww

Quoted :

For proving my point.

Thank you, please drive through.


Mar 26, 2009, 2:58 PM

For proving my point.

Thank you, please drive through.


Shhhhh 47/F/usa
Mar 26, 2009, 3:21 PM
Quoted :

For proving my point.

Thank you, please drive through.


Perfect Joe.....absolutely perfect!!!! ROFLMBFAO!!!!!!!!

Mar 27, 2009, 4:45 PM
Quoted :

For proving my point.

Thank you, please drive through.


Well played sir. XD

Mar 27, 2009, 4:54 PM
oh man i think down here (gulf of mexico) we may have alot of that nastiness in our water. we get red tide at least once and month and our fishies are beginning to attack for no reason. ewww

May be these are liberal fishies, or could they be illegal immigrant fishies?
I bet these fishies are the outcome of Obama's policies, you know, the President who has only been in office for a short while but is somehow responsible for everything that is wrong in the country, while the Republicans and Bush, who had near-absolute power for most of 8 years, bear no responsibility whatsoever?...

Sleep tight and don't let the liberal bug bite...

Mar 28, 2009, 12:56 AM
Who is really to blame for the AIG bonuses?

Accoring to hypocritical Republicans and some conservative medias, it's Geithner and his aides, under Obama.

The truth is, the Bush administration negotiated a November 2008 stock purchase agreement with AIG through which the Bush Treasury department injected $40 billion into the company without requiring that the bonus contract be nullified.

Absent from the conservative wind bags and Republican attack dogs' argument is the facts that the $53 million in AIG bonuses were paid under the Bush administration, or that a Bush-appointed special inspector for TARP has stated that the Bush Treasury Department knew about the bonus contracts and did not insist on their cancellation as a condition of AIG's receiving bailout money.

It seems a little too easy for these hypocritical conservatives to blame the current administration for their mess.

Obama has a lot of Republican crap to clean up at the Capital.

Fortunately, he is a doer, not just a talker, and he is determined to succeed, which, when he does succeed, will really piss off the right wingers.

Funny that they talk about "power grab", considering the unprecedented abuses of power that occurred under Bush's watch.

Bush was perhaps the most disliked President in history, and he sure wasn't made welcome in Alberta, Canada, recently, when First Nations activists and others demanded the RCMP's arrest him!

Wherever he goes, people will throw shoes at him!

Mar 28, 2009, 1:11 PM
anyone see the will ferrell tribute to Bush on HBO? funny stuff...check it out if you can

Mar 28, 2009, 5:27 PM
The San Francisco City Council voted last year to name a raw sewage treatment plant after Bush...

Very appropriate, considering the neo-conservative right-wingers sought to "flush the government down the drain" (their own words)...

Mar 28, 2009, 6:52 PM
The San Francisco City Council voted last year to name a raw sewage treatment plant after Bush...

Very appropriate, considering the neo-conservative right-wingers sought to "flush the government down the drain" (their own words)...

I can almost visualize the sign/monument in front of the plant. "Read my lips, Here's were crap turns into dollars. -- sorry dad".

What a hoot!

Mar 28, 2009, 10:21 PM
Joe, get real. get rid of the black dancer, it is offensive to me.

Mar 28, 2009, 11:41 PM
Joe, get real. get rid of the black dancer, it is offensive to me.

Black, white, green, purple, red, blue or any type of dancing people don't offend me. What offends me is the size of the animated .gif at over 1 MByte. Even this attachment included to verify results had to meet approved limits for display size and byte count. What gives? Are signatures immune from the posting practice?

All I can say is that any type of pics should adhere to guidelines to limit bandwidth use and screen area presented for message posts. [sorry, just that old geeky 'puter type in me rearing an ugly head again.]

Didn't mean to offend any one but if I'm geeky anal about these things, guess the thread about "All Americans are so into Anal ...." seems to be a good place to post.:) Oops! forgot the sex stuff, will try later when the discussion turns to oral. :rolleyes:

Take care all.

Mar 29, 2009, 11:58 AM
Joe, get real. get rid of the black dancer, it is offensive to me.

You could have said dancer, but you decided to be more specific so you said black dancer... even though I don't have any other pictures there..

Are you offended because he is black ? Or is he dancing ? Or his huge infectionous smile ? Or possibly becuase of the stereotype that white people can't dance ? What exactly offends you ?

Mar 29, 2009, 12:20 PM
Or possibly becuase of the stereotype that white people can't dance ? What exactly offends you ?

Speak for youself!!! I can shake my booty like there's no tomorrow!:tong:

Mar 29, 2009, 3:53 PM
Speak for youself!!! I can shake my booty like there's no tomorrow!:tong:

You have fallen for my trap, and by the rules written about falling into my such type of trap you now must don yourself in a towel and dance "like there's no tomorrow" and show me the booty.

Sorry, thems the rules.