View Full Version : Jon Stewart kicks Jim Cramer's ass!

Mar 13, 2009, 7:41 AM

Jim Cramer who told everyone to buy Bear Sterns (amongst other things... just a paraphrase) gets a "shallackin" on The Daily Show. Fun Knee stuff.

Mar 13, 2009, 12:55 PM
Here is the Comedy Central channel's full, uncut, extended segment of Jon Stewart interviewing CNBC's Jim Cramer---man----Stewart needs to win the Nobel Prize, the Pullitizer and the Congressionial Medal of Freedom for that interview---he laid bare the failings of Jim Cramer and more importantly--the falings of CNBC!!!

I always had a sense that CNBC was merely being a cheerleader for all that crap the financial people were pulling---Stewart laid that bare for all to see!!

Unbelieveable and sad that the host of a "comedy show" has to be the one national figure to actually shine some sunlight--after the fact of course---on some very dark corners where some stupid shit was happening!!


Mar 13, 2009, 5:12 PM
Just watched it on cable TV in UK; love Jon Stewart and had no idea who Jim Cramer was as never watched CNBC, but it was a perfect and really astute and much needed attack on the whole complacency and general moral hollowness around the financial shite of what we are all finding on our doorstep.

Mar 13, 2009, 5:37 PM
they are both morons