View Full Version : Lesbian Couples, the NHS an IVF

Mar 7, 2009, 1:12 PM
A triff victory for equality in Scotland otha week wen the NHS reversed a previous decision an ruled a childless lesbian cupple cud get IVF treatment on the NHS on the same basis as het cupples.. shud bloody think so an all...


Mar 7, 2009, 2:14 PM
A triff victory for equality in Scotland otha week wen the NHS reversed a previous decision an ruled a childless lesbian cupple cud get IVF treatment on the NHS on the same basis as het cupples.. shud bloody think so an all...


That's great news for equality. Now if only we could accomplish equality here in the land that supposedly believes in it the strongest.

Mar 7, 2009, 7:00 PM
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Break out the turkey basters ;)

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

PS......Fran I'm waiting for it :smilies15:smilies15:smilies15

Mar 7, 2009, 7:39 PM
That's great news for equality. Now if only we could accomplish equality here in the land that supposedly believes in it the strongest.

Couldn't have said that better myself Falcon!

Mar 8, 2009, 9:04 AM
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Break out the turkey basters ;)

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

PS......Fran I'm waiting for it :smilies15:smilies15:smilies15

..b waitin long time Chookie.. sed it many times.. not lookin like a whalie, riskin stretch marks an mornin sickness or goin through the pain a labour for ne 1.. wait away..our lil family is complete tyvm..:bigrin:

Mar 8, 2009, 12:01 PM
That's great news for equality. Now if only we could accomplish equality here in the land that supposedly believes in it the strongest.

The reason, falconAngel, is cause American's THINK we live in a Democracy and THEREFORE rule it like one. In reality we are and were to be a Republic that protects everyone's individual rights...even if your "God" claims we are wrong.

I'm just glad Obama is allowing Stem Cell funding...about time we move into the 21st century...rather than the 12th.

Mar 8, 2009, 10:03 PM
The reason, falconAngel, is cause American's THINK we live in a Democracy and THEREFORE rule it like one. In reality we are and were to be a Republic that protects everyone's individual rights...even if your "God" claims we are wrong.

I'm just glad Obama is allowing Stem Cell funding...about time we move into the 21st century...rather than the 12th.

It isn't our god that thinks equality is wrong. It's the monotheists God. Our Gods love equality and diversity.

We know that we are in a Constitutional republic, too, but again, it is the monotheists that think that rights are something that only "majority rule" can give or take away. They have not the wit to realize that a policy such as that will turn around and bite them. It's already happening in the UK. Here's the proof: http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20090226/ts_csm/ocomplain;_ylt=AlyEkYsZyv2MFoe00pwTKEU7Xs8F

Mar 9, 2009, 9:11 AM
The reason, falconAngel, is cause American's THINK we live in a Democracy and THEREFORE rule it like one.

No people on earth liv in a democracy... sum of us r "lukky" enuff 2 liv in wot they call "representative democracy" wich is nowt of the kind.. wot we hav r elective dictatorships run for an behaff of, not the ordinary peeps but the elites an monied interests an political entities themsels... sumtimes, all 2 rarely pressure from below makes em do stuff on our behaff..but even the mos savage dictatorships an repressive regimes an divine right monarchies of old hadta give way accasionally in interests a ther own survival. Sumtimes ther is sum change an a lil progress.. sumtimes its illusory an sumtimes is jus lip service...sumtimes tf even ther lil give aways an con triks don work but in an ther is reel trubble, a lotta change an progress made..howeva.. sadly..in end.. order is restored usually 1 way or totha an the elites an monied interests an political classes end up runnin our lives an so it all hasta start gain...:( or we end up wiv a new elite an political class but usually still wiv the monied interests havin 2 much say in the runnin a the show..:(