View Full Version : Sad times

Mar 4, 2009, 11:49 PM
It is to bad this site is no longer operating:(

Mar 4, 2009, 11:56 PM
It is to bad this site is no longer operating:(

What site is that?

Mar 4, 2009, 11:58 PM
I'm a little confused

Mar 5, 2009, 12:09 AM
Greg?....you'll have to be a bit more precise, hon...I think we're a bit lost as to what you mean. Hope you're doing ok...it's been a long time since I've seen you about. Take care!


Mar 5, 2009, 12:18 AM
Did I miss something when I went to the Dr's office today? First he asks if I'd like to be a Moderator, then this comes up? I'm confused...
I mod for three writing groups and Co-own a small Lifestyle group, and do tutoring on-line. Love to do modeing, but really dont have time.
Un-confuse me Gregory. :}

Mar 5, 2009, 12:30 AM
Did I miss something when I went to the Dr's office today? First he asks if I'd like to be a Moderator, then this comes up? I'm confused...
I mod for three writing groups and Co-own a small Lifestyle group, and do tutoring on-line. Love to do modeing, but really dont have time.
Un-confuse me Gregory. :}

Just saw your tagline sweetie - 7 Bridges Road - My all time fav song!! I knew I loved ya for a reason other than our love child! Howwwwwwlllll!!!

Mar 5, 2009, 1:40 AM
Hey there BiGregory, whats got ya into the sad times? :( Was this time worse than the last time? Just cause times are sad, bad, mad or a fad. Just remember that the next time could be a better time. Just remember to keep in mind that time is not on our side, ya know, that time keeps a moving on, that we are just a moment in time and that time will eventually run out. :yikes2: So the thing to do is to make each time count as if it was your last time. Now what it amounts to is that even sad times are better than no time at all and that not all times are the same. While some are into good times, others are into sad times and the next thing you know it'll be vice-versa. You will see this happining all over all the time, time and time again. :rotate:
So the next time you have sad times. Remember that sad times are better than no time at all, remember to think positive, to try to make even the sad times a better time, and that you may wind up having the "time of your life"!!!!! THATS when you will be able to say "well it's about time" HUH???

I would say more but I havent got the time. :rolleyes: Your friend, Doggie..........:doggie:..........:bipride:

Mar 5, 2009, 11:38 AM
Been a long, long time since our roads crossed, bigreg... Wots got you down, my brother??? :paw::paw:

Mar 5, 2009, 12:06 PM
(((((( Greg ))))))) do you mean that weird "abuser" notice that is on your last post? I don't understand it.

Mar 5, 2009, 1:21 PM
Beautifully said Doggie-Honey.
Big kiss to your cheek and Gregory's to make him feel a little better.

Gregory, smile, Hon. I've seen the alternitive to sad, and believe me it isnt pretty. Just because life makes you feel down, think of the alternitive and the old motto "It could always be worse" and "Always smile at someone, for everyone is fighting their own personal demons"
Come talk to us, it might make you feel better, and we might be able to help. :}

Mar 7, 2009, 3:38 AM
Im just sad the site is not what it should be.
The biweb is down the articles are old etc.etc.
As for everyone keeping the forums going thats awsome.
Sorry to confuse and have a great day everone:three::bipride:

Mar 7, 2009, 3:53 AM
Ok. Then why dont you contact Drew, and ask what could be done to help him rectify this? I am sure he would appreciate the offer of help and suggestions. :} An extra pair of eyes and hands would probably be a great help to him.
Just my:2cents: