View Full Version : Interesting research about nudity

Mar 3, 2009, 1:26 AM
Skip the video 'til the end. Read the article first.

Mar 3, 2009, 3:17 PM
I tend to gravitate toward smoother physiques, too. Also like shaved pubes, but am OK with natural, if they prefer not to shave, or trim close. If I really liked someone, I wouldn't stop seeing them if they didn't shave.

Mar 3, 2009, 6:45 PM
Interesting indeed. The article gives the message that we feel shame when nude in front of others and this may be learned (probably true in my opinion). But the part I don't entirely agree with is that the researchers believe "we've learned that showing off a naked body sends out sexual signals that threaten the security of mating pairs". Some of that may be true but I think mostly we are embarrassed by our own self image and this is the reason why we don't like to be nude in front of others. Advertising and social popular opinion idolizes perfectly sculpted bodies. So how can most people not feel insecure about being nude in front of others. The researchers found that people in the study eventually felt comfortable with being nude in front of others. I think that's probably because they found that people didn't criticize their bodies as they thought would happen. In my experience I found the same. After spending time at a nudist resort it was subsequently very easy to go back without feeling self conscious of my body because I was always welcomed by others.

Mar 3, 2009, 6:48 PM
Oh good grief. And I bet they spent tons of bucks looking into this research.:rolleyes:

Mar 3, 2009, 9:55 PM
I used to work at a large factory here (now shut down) that had a "shower house" and when the day was done some of us would stop, on our way out, to take a shower. The showers were 2 big rooms with multiple showers with nothing private. Some would shower and go while others would talk, play jokes, tell you how big their dick got when hard, and generally give each other a hard time (no punn intended). Even though nobody would make actual advances towards you sexually they would comment, accuse you, and sometimes horseplay while you and/or they were necked. I sometimes wondered about these guys all married, with children, and would strongly deny any kind of gay tendencies or curiositys. And if somebody were to be "discovered" as being gay or even a bisexual then believe me they would have harrased you, spread rumors and generally messed with you and given you hell daily. A lot of the guys would not dare go into the shower house at all, not even to use the rest room. I don't know why, if they were scared, embarrased or ashamed. I really think that for most all 3.
Now the factory I work at now also has a "shower house" and I take a shower with the guys ever day. It is also a common room shower and a common room type locker room (even though it is divided of by lockers). But things at this one is different. Nobody plays, comments ETC. We all talk about "things" or the latest corporate rumor, or ETC, anything except things sexual. Now the gay or bisexual guys (like me) had to keep quiet & to themselves and I really do believe that if you were discovered or caught peeping then you would not only be harrased but banned from taking a shower with the guys.
As a overall picture goes though the guys that do shower together really don't seem to mind their and others nakedness.
Now we all know that as far as public nudity goes that women could get away with it a lot better than guys. I has only been recently that guys have been wearin brief type swimwear and then only a few. Most guys would be too embarresed to wear something like that. But if a guy were to wear something like a bikini, like what the ladys wear, he would be arrested for indecent exposeure. The attitudes have been chainging though, and I like it. With me bein kinda a exhibitionist, that goes real good with me.

Oh well, thats my story and i'me stickin to it. Your friend, Doggie........:doggie:

Mar 4, 2009, 4:42 AM
i don't like to use open toilet rooms. I don't like guys looking at me peeing. I can't pee when i feel i'm being observed. I did loved as a kid to run naked and didn't cared if people see me. even when i was a teenager. As an adult, i wouldn't care either but i prefer to get naked in the right places such as adult only areas.
i"m smooth so i don't need to shave and i won't shave the little bit of hair i have in my pubes lol

Mar 4, 2009, 9:57 AM
Hmm, interesting .... I have never had any modesty, in regards to nudity, I been a nudist since (age 3-4) before I knew there was a word for someone who liked to be nude.. I was 3 maybe even before that, grew up around nudists (aunt and uncle) They would have "socials" at their house on weekends, where at time 30 or 40 people would be there nude, picnicing, playing horseshoes, volleyball, whatever. so being "exposed" to it... (pun intented) at an early age, i never thought anything about it. My wife and I are nudists now and are nude 24/7 at home.. our children who were raised as nudists, kind of grew out of it when they became teenagers... We have never made it a rule, making being nude a manditory... everyone choices what their lifestyl;e is as long as you don;t impose on others who don;t share your values.

As far as preferences, I myself and wife for that fact, like and prefer shaved. We both naturally have very little body hair anyway, and shave, at the very least trim our pubic hair, To me, it is cleanner, and more visually appealing on either men or women.. but again, That is my preference. Actually truth be known, shaving is a nice way it get to know someone, without nessessarily being sexual... "it is a good ice breaker" for 1st meeting, as well as massages can be a nice way to get to touch, without being sexual.