View Full Version : Coming Out/Realization Stories

Mar 2, 2009, 9:36 PM
If you want to post your coming out/realization story for others to read (and to gain personal insight on how they can handle their problems), post them here.
I don't think there's a section for this (hence the creation of the thread) and if there is, could you tell me where it is?

Realization Story

I first started having doubts about my sexuality when I was about 14. I found myself looking at guys slightly differently, and having thoughts about them. But, I didn't want to be gay; I wanted to get married, have kids, etc. More importantly, I knew that I liked women.

So, I did what most 14 year olds who aren't able to deal with something do: I back-burnered it. Due to my attraction to girls, it was relatively easy to ignore, even suppress my feelings for guys. I'd think of it every couple weeks, but I still wasn't ready to deal with it, so I'd ignore it once again.

That "happy" state of ignorance lasted until slightly less than a year ago. Some part of my brain decided that I was now able to analyze the "problem", fix it and move on. Of course, things don't work out nearly so well. I began to consciously ignore it, instead of my sub-conscience glazing it over.

There was still a back-and-forth going on inside my head, which basically surmounted to:
Body "Guys are attractive"
Mind "I don't want to be gay"
Body "Girls are attractive too"
Mind "That's good, that's what I want"
Body "But guys are still attractive"
Both "What the heck is wrong with me?"

Needless to say, this was really tearing my up inside, so I decided to do some research into things like this, and lo and behold I found about bisexuality.

After an amazingly short mental inquiry, I found that this is what is right for me.

Coming Out Story

Once I discovered what my orientation was, that I'm not alone and that there isn't anything wrong with me, I felt better. Until I ran into the thought: "Now what do I do?"

I decided that my next step would be to tell people about this, so they know me for who I really am, instead of making assumptions about me simply being straight.

The first people I came out to were a small group of friends I had made from playing and online game (Warcraft 3). This may sound odd, but to me it made sense: I don't actually know these people, I will probably never meet these people and it'd be hard for them to cause trouble in my life if they were the kind of people that hated glbt people. As it turned out, this was probably one of the wisest moves I ever made, I didn't get a single negative reaction, and this allowed me to be more comfortable with myself.

Then came the biggest step: telling my brother and his wife. My brother and I have always been close, and I got along very well with her for the brief about of time I knew her before they moved to one place and we moved to someplace else. I will refer to my brother as E and his wife as N. Now, I didn't doubt that either of them would really have a problem with my being bi, they're both very open minded. I was slightly hesitant to tell E because (as big brothers often do) he used to tease me a lot, and a large part of that was calling me gay, queer, etc. I came very close to telling N over the phone several times, but I was going to be visiting them (second visit in 6 years) soon, and I preferred to tell them face-to-face.

N was driving home from work (I had gone with her to get out of the house) when I told her. For some strange reason, I thought that she might freak out and get into a car-crash or something along those lines. As it turned out, she was completely accepting, supportive and a little surprised. She had thought that I was gay, not bi, because she had been friends with many guys who were gay, and noticed little things that I did that were similar to what they did.

Next came to telling E. For some reason, I was absolutely petrified at the thought of telling him. N was very supportive (it was the same day if I remember correctly), and told me that I should just go tell him. I did, and he was also supportive and accepting.

After having told them, I felt much, much better. And of course, always needing a challenge, I then decided to come out to several of my closest friends. The first friend I told, a girl who I like immensely, was accepting, and thought I was very brave for telling her.

The second friend I told has been my best friend for 5 years now. I kept trying to tell him over the course of about two months, I either couldn't say it, or something would happen (doctor appointment, parent giving us a ride home, etc); we don't hang out that much, and the only real 'chill time' we spend is when we walk home from school together once a week. When I finally told him, he thought that I was kidding, and asked me somewhere between 5 to 15 times if I was joking. When he realized that I wasn't, he pretty much said: that's interesting, and that was about it. We're still good friends, and he seems completely neutral about it.

The third friend I told is my 2nd best friend, and has been for about 3 years. I was really hesitant about doing so, because of two reasons. The first is that he is Christian, and many christians don't like any form of homosexuality. The second reason is that I have a pretty big crush on him. I eventually managed to tell him, and he is fairly accepting, but we don't mention it much and I suspect that the idea of it makes him uncomfortable. Note: I did not tell him that I like him.

The fourth (and last to date) friend I told is a fairy good friend of mine. We have only been friends for several months, and I had no actual intentions of telling him. He found out simply through guy talk, and I was kind of skating around some things, and he asked me "You gay or something?" to which I replied "Kinda". He has been probably the most accepting and supportive of the friends I have told; he asked me how I found out, how long I've known for, as well as numerous other questions.

I have not come out to any of my other friends, not to any other member of my family, largely because I do not feel the mental compulsion to do so.

Mar 3, 2009, 1:37 AM
When I was about 13 or 14 I stole my dad's playboy magazines. For awhile I surfed the net looking at women. I kind of put it on the back burner until about a year and a half ago, when I took a quiz online, one of those 'How gay are you?' ones. It said I was bi and I realized it was right, so I told my husband a few days later. He was fine with it, and I told my closest friend the day after that. She's pansexual, so of course she was cool with it. I've told all my friends and had no problems from them {but one of them got weirded out when I was kissing a chick at the bar this weekend} and pretty much everyone knows. :bibounce:

Mar 3, 2009, 1:45 AM
I had always fantasized about guys since I was 12 and im a guy. the thing is at the time it felt kind of weird cus i fantasized having sex with people that bullied me. my father worked a lot so i kind of chocked it up to a male bonding issue. well i hit 21 and met this guy and fell for him hard emotionally nothing came of it but i realized that i could love and have desires to be with a guy.

Right now im kind of iffy because im open with the idea of being with a guy in a relationship, but not casual sex. i just dont feel like i like guys enough to go having sex everywhere. Im not really crazy about guys and for me to go that route i have a higher standard then say women cus i feel like its a big departure from my personality.

Mar 3, 2009, 3:09 AM
First off, congratulations, Paul. I admire your courage and maturity to be dealing with this issue so early in life.

You have no idea how happy it makes me feel to know our society has evolved far enough to were a young person can now (relatively) safely come out.

I grew up in a different era and coming out was just not a viable option in a predominantly Catholic suburb of Toronto. It still saddens me when I think of how the few outed gay guys in high school were treated. Not only were they ostracized they were routinely beaten up.

"What the heck is wrong with me?"… Like you, I was asking myself that question by the time I was 13 or 14. I had the same internal battle going on. I wanted to be normal. I didn’t want to be gay. I didn’t want to be beaten up at school or at home.

I had done the “show me yours I’ll show you mine” thing when I was younger. I had a few “touchs” in my early teens. By then I knew I liked boys more than girls but fear took over in me. I was scared to death. That fear pushed me so far in the closet I was finding Christmas presents.

I had no other physical contact with a guy until I was in my early 20’s. I had a crush on a guy on my hockey team. After three years of being very close friends a drunken evening turned into a roll in the hay (smiling at that memory now). That was shortly before my wedding day.

For the next 18 years I lived in denial. Not a day went by that I didn’t have a fantasy involving a man. Since I began masturbating at about 13 years of age all but only a few fantasies involved another guy.

To say the least I was miserable. I got to the point that I was placed on anti-anxiety medications and suffered from depression. In 2005 I finally told myself I had to deal with my sexual thoughts. I googled human sexuality and read till my eyes bled.

Although my fantasies were homosexual in nature I enjoyed sex with my wife. All signs pointed to me being bisexual. Little did I know at the time but having sex with women was part of my “live like a heterosexual, you’ll become a heterosexual” subconscious plan.

That was in September 2005. By the spring of 2006 I had decided it was time to come out to a friend I’ve known since we were 15, I’ll call him Joe. When we were about 25 Joe told me he was gay. Most of us in our group of friends had figured that out about Joe by the time we were 18 or so.

In May of 2006 I called Joe and told him I needed to escape for a weekend at his cottage. It took a half bottle of Crown Royal on the Saturday night for me to work up the guts to say it but finally, for the first time in my life (42 years old at the time) I told Joe I was bisexual. Other than almost giving Joe a heart attack he was great about it.

Next I had to tell my wife. That was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. She was extremely understanding about but being married to a bisexual man was not something she could accept. We are now divorced but remain close friends.

After I came out to my wife and we had ceased living as a married couple I became sexually active with men. It didn’t take me long to discover I wasn’t bisexual. I discovered I am gay.

Next on the list was telling my 15 year old some that his father was gay - without a doubt the scariest thing I’ve ever had to do. We went for a drive and parked down by the lake like we’ve done so many times to just hang out and talk. After a few quiet minutes I told him I had something to tell him. I just came right out and said “I’m gay”. My son sat there quiet and expressionless for a moment. I said “well, do you have anything to say, what do you think”? He looked at me and said “you are what you are”. He then went on to say “dad, I’m an artist, I’m in the drama club at school. Half of my friends are gay, lesbian or bi. I really don’t care. I’m cool with it.” His close friends all know I’m gay and not only do the accept it they fire the jokes at me every chance they get. I truly am blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.

Since then I’ve come out to my family, friends and co-workers. The reactions have been almost all positive.

We’re lucky, we live in a very tolerant society here in the Toronto area. With only a few exceptions I’ve had little to no negative reaction here. I have had some extremely negative reactions from some of my more conservative American friends. But even with my more conservative American friends the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive.

I’ve been out for 3 years. I haven’t had an anxiety attack since the day I came out to Joe. I’m totally off medication. I’m happy. I’m me. I’m gay and I’m loving life now.

Next on my list… meeting Mr. Right.

Mar 3, 2009, 11:58 AM
Realisation Story

I'm still in the midst of realising I think. Ever since I can remember, I've been attracted to girls, but only ever dated guys. But I'm still finding it weird to think of myself as being bisexual. I feel like I haven't got an identity, feel a bit inbetweeny.

I remember at the start of high school, I fancied one of my best friends and was feeling confused and talked to one of my friends about it who then told everyone in my school and I was called 'lesbo' and all that for a while, so I think that's why it's been difficult for my to accept my attraction to girls.

Coming Out Story

First person I talked to about this was my long-term boyfriend, who is being completely supportive and is happy for my to do whatever I want to be more secure with myself as long as we keep talking about it. I came out to my two of my best friends next, I was just feeling confused and needed to talk to someone about it. I haven't told anyone else; a couple of my friends are quite homophobic so I'm a bit worried about coming out to them. And I'm worried all my girl friends will think I want them.

I think I'll just let everyone else figure it out, lol. They should have buy now.

Mar 3, 2009, 1:13 PM
Bravo to all of you. Well done. :}

Mar 3, 2009, 2:37 PM
Hmm, well I realized that I was bi when I was 11. Nothing major really happened. At first I thought that I was a lesbian, because I was fairly young and hadn't really learned much about my sexuality, or sexuality period. But once I figured out that just because I like women didn't make me gay, I started understanding what was happening a little more and it was pretty much just "oh, ok, I guess i'm bisexual then".

I never really had a great big coming out thing. I told my friends, if anyone ever happened to ask I'd tell them, it somehow came up in conversation with my mom once and I was like "Yeah, well I'm bi too Ma". That's pretty much it. I've never really kept it hidden.

I guess I'm one of the luckier people when it comes to sexuality. I never felt the need to keep it hidden and I never had to sit down and try to figure out how to tell people. I also never had to really go through a lot of soul searching to figure out who I was. I'm pretty happy that i have had an easy going experience with self discovery.

Mar 3, 2009, 11:32 PM
It is likely that some day I will be found out and forced out. But, until then, I really like the way it is for me right now.

Mar 5, 2009, 9:41 PM
C'mon people, don't be shy, post your stories. We are interested in hearing accounts from others (at least I am). Thanks to everyone who has posted their stories so far.

Mar 5, 2009, 11:02 PM
For most of my life I've been sexually attracted to both sexes. Also for most of my life I had never heard of the term "bisexual". I never considered I was gay because I was attracted to women more than men. I've always been the horny type so my occassional attractions to men were, to me, just my hormones working overtime. I was married for more than 20 years and during that time those feelings were put aside. But always, something was missing. We separated when I was in early 40's. Some time after I had a relationship with a woman who loved watching 2 guys together and this turned me on. From that point on I started exploring having sex with men and had my first experience. After that first time I knew this felt right and after more experiences I eventually realized what was missing. One day I saw the label "bisexual" and thought, huh, guess that's me. It feels right. It feels good. I'm beginning to feel complete. I'm now in a LTR with a bi woman. We support each other and things couldn't be better. I'm happy now and enjoy my sexuality. Now I'm complete.

As for coming out I'm only out to our bi friends, not coworkers or family.

Mar 6, 2009, 6:41 AM
I am not sure what I am, but I know I have fantasies about men...
I have fallen in love with a few women...love is very important to me, it is more important than anything.

With men, it's just physical and quite on a different level, but the fantasies seem a lot more satisfying than reality. I have experimented with a few men, but it was only exciting for the first couple of minutes of discovery, like actually looking at another man's cock, touching it, etc...Then after a few moments and way before any climax for either of us, the excitement-desire was gone, and I didn't want any part of it anymore. I was neither repulsed nor attracted, just completely indifferent, like "I don't need this after all, what I am doing here?" Yet my fantasies keep going quite strong.

It seems I need the fantasies...If I forget about them, I don't feel whole, I feel part of me is missing. But if I try to actually fulfill the fantasies with a man, it doesn't seem to work, it's very disappointing, the desire isn't that strong then, it just goes away, and I end up wondering what the heck I am trying to do. May be I haven't met the right guy...but my most exciting fantasy has always involved being with a man and a woman at the same time, especially if the woman is turned on by watching two guys together!

In any case, I still don't feel the need to tell people, I am still very private about sexual matters...

By the way I have had these bisexual fantasies since I was 12...like most people of my generation, throughout my adolescence I was terrified someone would find out and "expose" me. I even had nightmares about it.
I though everyone could see right through me, everyone could see my "secret".

It is a horrible thing to live in such terror...Glad the younger generations feel more secure about this.

Mar 6, 2009, 6:51 AM
Tho me knew for long time before, me came out as bi wen still at school..wos 14.. cuppla rite gud m8s knew fore that..had sum hassle from sum kids but not much.. cuppla 5th an 6th years gave me a bit of a hard time but jus kept outa ther way..a few classm8s 2 gave me wide berth an sum flak.. but wos gobby enuff 2 b able 2 handle that..tellin me mum an dad wosn easy even tho me knew they wer v liberally minded.. in end they took it ok as deep down me knew they wud.. me sista wos gob smacked tho she wos fine wiv it..she has had 'er moments wiv same sex relationships tho came 2 it much lata than me.. but me bro took it badly.. wos a long time fore 'e accepted it an wile we r closer now than we hav been for long time 'e still is a bit edgy bout it.. as me sexual tastes changed ova time an men increasingly ceased 2 interest me sexually, it wos so easy 2 accept mesel as gay.. an not so long bak...:female::)

Mar 6, 2009, 7:42 AM
OK, I told this story before, but I don't mind going over it again.

I had same sex attractions since I was a teen, but, I dismissed them, ignored them, and, occasionally, felt really bad about myself. My Lutheran school tended to make kids feel bad about not being circumcised, so you get the idea.

WHen I changed schools and moved to London, I made lots of friends in the theater, a bunch of whom were bi (but all girls), so I assumed that only chicks could be sexually flexible. It's a horrendous double standard that I'm glad to see is fading.

I knew that I loved looking at naked guys since I was 13, from watching hard core porn, gay stripper porn, and a very hot advertisement for something called 'Cybergasm' that featured a black man and a white woman full frontal. It was soooo hot. Plus, I had started crushing on guys like Freddie Prinze Jr. and Jared Leto (late 90s, remind you).

I realized I was bisexual when someone I had just started dating (who was also bi) asked me questions and I confessed my boycrush on Ville Valo from the band HIM. She said, I take it you are bi. I went, yup, I guess I am. How about that? The fact that she took it as normal was very encouraging. Too bad she was a fucking psycho.

Even though I had accepted myself as bi, I didn't know how to communicate it effectively. I relaxed and my mannerisms slid into more feminine territory and I dressed more like I wanted to, not what I thought I should look like. But, I still couldn't say it in public that I was queer.

Skipping over a rather tragic incident that I disclosed a week ago... :(

Once I was single and admitted that I had no interest in falling in love ever again, I was free to screw whoever I wanted. I didn't date guys, but I was able to at least flirt. Finally, last November, I hooked up with an old buddy of mine, who is VERY gay, we got wasted, and ended up naked in bed with each others cocks in our mouths.

The first time was awesome, but it was on November 1st 2008. We all know what happened three days later, besides Obama wiping his ass with McCain and Palin's ugly faces. Yup, Prop 8. And, when that happened, it was like the perfect storm.

I came out in a very long and wordy e-mail to my family, starting with my cousins, working my way up to my aunt and uncle, then my parents one at a time. The dad is always last to know, because that's the hardest nut to crack. My mother has had her own struggle with overcoming her religious bigotry and, fortunately, had seen the light years earlier. She knew about my sexuality on an academic level only, not details.

So, there you have it.

Mar 6, 2009, 9:11 AM
I realised quite young and had it confirmed when I responded to the kiss of an older friend of my mother. I never came out but was outed by some girls who spotted me kissing a girl in a club in Newcastle.

I now live with my mother's friend and we entered into a civil union at New Year.:)

Mar 6, 2009, 2:18 PM
Since i can remember i always found women attractive. It wasn't until grade 7 that i accepted it. I found myself checking out girls in the change room and stuff... u know... *smile* Well this one girl caught me looking at her. She asked me if i liked what i saw... I spent the rest of the day apologizing for staring. ( what? she was HOTT ) :rolleyes: Well any ways... she kissed me later that day n said it was kewl... Thus my first GF! We dated casually for about a year... then i went on to high school.. and met Katie ( the luv of my life ). She taught me everything i ever needed to know.. *wink* If u know what i mean. My mom has known since the beginning, but my dad found out about two-three years ago. ( he found me n my GF kissing on the couch! XD ) Well yea... if u wanna know more let me know. ^.^

