View Full Version : Another sad pet story - please help

Mar 2, 2009, 12:37 PM
Below is a link to a situation in California that started in Nov of last year. The wife found it on Doggyspace.com.

This 4 month old puppy was visciously beaten to death by an assistant fire chief who has since retired with a full pension because of injuries he received while beating this defenseless, 6 month old, puppy to death with both his bare hands and also with a large rock.
Please note that in California, what this guy did is a felony crime; and he has walked away from it with a full pension.
Good use of your tax dollars, paying the retirement pension of a felon, huh?

Some of you folks in the area may have heard this story already. Reading it had my wife in tears and it angered me to the point that I would like to be the one to make him helpless and beat him to death, like he did to that puppy.


After you read the story, please take action. There is also a Care2 petition about this going around regarding the actions of the perp.

Here is the story as reported in the news the website has the pictures of the puppy before and after the beating;


'Eyewitness reports that Glynn Johnson repeatedly punched the dog in the head and then tried to break its jaws apart eventually beating the dogs head with a large rock' Travis Staggs the eyewitness said 'that it was a really gruesome sight and that he knew the dog was not going to make it'

Please note the Veternarians ruler at the top of this photo measuring the severe swelling that is developing above and beside her closed eye- around her jaw and down her snout to her nose- This is the least of the graphic photos from the Emergency Veternarian Specialists-

Dr. Angela Howard is one of the veternarians who worked on Karley. She said that the animal was so badly beaten that she had to be put down. "I've never seen a dog come in with that level of head injury", said Dr. Howard. "I've seen pets that were hit by cars and thrown by the car and they suffered fractures to the nose and the skull but I've never seen a case where their head was that badly damaged". Karley suffered a fractured skull, a broken nose, severe brain damage, a broken jaw and lost an eye.

Dr. Sarah Hoggan and her staff at Emergency Veternarian Specialists had the very sad and unfortunate task of putting an end to Karleys suffering.

"They were in tears" - says a heartbroken Shelley Toole.


'How can any human being just murder a puppy for no reason' Shelley Toole says fighting through tears.

Her family can't sleep.

Karley was a six month old shepherd mix.

What may surprise many people is that the neighbor is Los Angeles County Fire Chief Glynn Johnson.

On online biography lists a 30 year stellar career with the department. It says he's an expert in counter terrorism among other areas.

But his neighbors of the last ten years have a very different picture of the man. Jeff Toole, Shelley Tooles husband says he believes Chief Johnson needs alot of help.

The Tooles say that Monday night, Karley got out and went over to neighbor Travis Staggs home, he lives on the other side of Glynn Johnsons house.

Staggs said he was walking Karley home when Glynn Johnson stepped in and said that he would take the dog back home.

Staggs said that he reluctantly handed over the puppy and thats when it happened in Johnsons front yard.

Staggs says that Johnson simply started beating the dog and that the dog did not attack Johnson first.

According to the eyewitness, Johnson hit the dog repeatedly with a closed fist, put his hands in the puppys mouth and tried to break its jaws, and eventually beat the dog over the head repeatedly with a large rock from the front yard.

Staggs said that he tried to intervene but he couldn't. The Tooles later decided to put Karley down due to the extent of her injuries.

Riverside Deputies are still conducting interviews with eyewitnesses in an attempt to determine what happened in the case. If detectives find enough evidence that the dog beating was unwarranted then they will hand over the case to the District Attorney for a possible animal cruelty charge which is a felony.

The Tooles say that there is a "history of violence" with Glynn Johnson and deputies are looking into these claims as well.

"This man needs to go to prison for what he did", says Shelley Toole. She adds, "Karley was my baby and he took her away from me"

Story published on KTLA Television News, November 6th, 2008.

Mar 2, 2009, 1:07 PM

What....the FUCK?!?!

Mar 2, 2009, 1:57 PM
Appalling story.

Needs help? Suspended by his testicles indefinitely is the kind of response he engenders.


Mar 2, 2009, 1:59 PM
What is WRONG with him???

Mar 2, 2009, 2:02 PM
I went on KTLA.com to see the interview with this nasty bastard, and I hope he rots in hell! He now has a dilapating nerve disability from a bite on his Thumb which occured while he was beating this poor little dog half to death with a fucking rock!!??? :eek:
Hope somebody nails his hide to the barn door...
Sad Cat

Mar 2, 2009, 3:13 PM
This is ridiculous...think about if you ever volunteered to walk a puppy home and it bit at you. I know that I personally would give the dog back to the person that I had taken the dog from (considering that the guy was obviously still RIGHT THERE if he was able to witness this all and try to stop it) or if it was a bad bite I would have tried to pry it off and maybe give it a few hits until it let go then I'd get the hell away from it. Those would be my own natural reactions. I would NOT continually pummel the dog in the head, try to rip it's jaw off, then start bashing it in the skull with a rock. And if he was being attacked that badly by this 6 month old puppy, why the HELL didn't he start screaming to the other guy for help like any other normal person would.

Yeah...is anyone else here pretty sure that this whole "self defense" thing just isn't adding up?

Mar 2, 2009, 3:14 PM
I just signed, put my :2cents: into the ring and sent a donation. This bastard needs to reside behind bars. A pension MY ASS - he should be stamping out license plates not defense puppies lives. He deserves to lose his pension and his freedom. Karley lost her life and her family lost its peaceful innocence. No one has the right to do that! Please folks go to the link listed in Falconangels post and sign the petition and make your voice heard! RIP Karley. LW

Mar 2, 2009, 3:57 PM

That man is a sick and disgusting piece of filth. But why did the other guy not step in and stop him from doing it? I hope he gets charged for what he did and ends up in jail, but probably not. The abuse and cruelty done to defenceless animals is never taken seriously and because of that it will NEVER stop!

I signed the petition and cried the whole time I was doing it. At least we can get a little comfort with the knowledge that Karley is now in Heaven and is being well taken care of.


Mar 2, 2009, 4:08 PM

That man is a sick and disgusting piece of filth. But why did the other guy not step in and stop him from doing it? I hope he gets charged for what he did and ends up in jail, but probably not. The abuse and cruelty done to defenceless animals is never taken seriously and because of that it will NEVER stop!

I signed the petition and cried the whole time I was doing it. At least we can get a little comfort with the knowledge that Karley is now in Heaven and is being well taken care of.


The other guy said that he tried.

Mar 2, 2009, 4:31 PM
"..But why did the other guy not step in and stop him from doing it? .."

From the posted pictures, the the size of the man is probably why it could not be done without resorting to some kind of weapon - and then who's in trouble?

Say's a lot about civilization

Mar 2, 2009, 4:48 PM
"..But why did the other guy not step in and stop him from doing it? .."

From the posted pictures, the the size of the man is probably why it could not be done without resorting to some kind of weapon - and then who's in trouble?

Say's a lot about civilization

You are so right about that

Mar 2, 2009, 4:55 PM
I hope that the police agency doing this investigation finds enough to go the prosecutor and charges are filed against this former fire chief----he sure does deserve to face some serious charges----I just cannot fathom such a brutal attack on a loving animal like Karley seemed to have been.

This is a very sad story!!

I hope it has "a happy ending" with some justice being done for Karley--but then again--I do have to wonder about the seemingly endless degree of brutality the human animal often loves to inflict on fellow humans and other creatures---just watch a few episodes of "America's Most Wanted" to see what sort of violence we perpetrate upon each other--and the various "Animal Cops" shows to see how poorly we treat our fellow creatures.

Sometimes--I do wonder if there is hope for the human animal----we do seem to so love violence for the sake of violence itself.

Mar 4, 2009, 3:11 AM
Latest news.

The details are at; www.doggyspace.com/profile/21466

Here's the Reader's Digest condensed version;

The low-life has filed a lawsuit against the victim's owners and they have filed a lawsuit against him. Also, the criminal case against him is moving forward.

It seems that there has been a rash of animal abuses and disappearances, that all seem to point to him, in the neighborhood, over the past few years. Also, if he loses the criminal case, the civil one against him will be a cakewalk.

It looks as if he may just get his comupence, finally. Of course, if they find that he was responsible for all of the other animal abuses and disappearances, then there is the possibility that he will completely lose his pension to compensation and legal fees.

We can only hope that justice and karma prevail.

Mar 4, 2009, 10:17 AM
It never ceases to amaze me the amount of evil in people. I dont hope this guy gets killed, oh no, that would be too good for him. I hope someone beats him within an inch of his worthless life, makes him unable to communicate anymore, unable to have any quality of life, then dropped off in an alley like the trash he is.

I dont know how he is getting away with this. If a cop was trying to arrest someone who just walked up and shot a child in the head, the cop would lose his job and go to jail if the cop beat the criminal up. Why is it when it comes to our pets, its somehow "ok" to treat them like they arent a life. Someone will nab that guy I bet... at least I hope they do!

Mar 4, 2009, 11:26 AM
I wish I could say that I'd hope he was cracked in te head with a rock too, but I just can't...

...there is something obviously wrong with this man, and what he really needs is some help and to be put away in case the help fails...

Mar 4, 2009, 11:44 AM
If a cop was trying to arrest someone who just walked up and shot a child in the head, the cop would lose his job and go to jail if the cop beat the criminal up.
Sumtines they do... sumtimes they don... sumtimes they get away wiv blue murder wen they shoot innocent peeps on tube trains....

Mar 4, 2009, 1:16 PM
Even though theres probably something wrong with this guy, I still hope he burns in h*ll for this. I've heard a LOT of fucked up animal stories, like this one about a stray cat that some psycho set on fire. IT wound up chewing off part of it's front right leg @ left hind leg because of gang green. Happily they managed to catch the cat, fix him up, and hes now living happily with a family that adopted him. I hear this other story of a 14 year old who stabbed his dog's eyes with a knife.

People do things of enourmous cruelty to pets. All of our dogs (except 1 of them, 6 in total) are animals rescued from bad situations. My dog was caged up and unsocialised (hes afraid of people he doesn't know) when he was a puppy because he was the runt. My brother's first dog was found walking around dragging a leash, having been abandoned. My Grandmother's dog was a stray that my mom almost ran over, she stopped the car, picked up the dog and we kept her. My brother's other dogs are a black lab who was brought into the manager's office of where his wife worked, and they took him in. Their third dog is a deaf pitbull, who would have most likely wound up being put down if they hadn't taken him in. Of our two cats, one came from a pound, having been there for several years because nobody wanted her. The second was found walking outside, his pads raw & bloody by a church member. They hadn't yet decided what to do with him, my mom was there (they were keeping him in the washroom, so he wouldn't get away), so she took him home.

Mar 4, 2009, 2:18 PM
Even though theres probably something wrong with this guy, I still hope he burns in h*ll for this. I've heard a LOT of fucked up animal stories, like this one about a stray cat that some psycho set on fire. IT wound up chewing off part of it's front right leg @ left hind leg because of gang green. Happily they managed to catch the cat, fix him up, and hes now living happily with a family that adopted him. I hear this other story of a 14 year old who stabbed his dog's eyes with a knife.

People do things of enourmous cruelty to pets. All of our dogs (except 1 of them, 6 in total) are animals rescued from bad situations. My dog was caged up and unsocialised (hes afraid of people he doesn't know) when he was a puppy because he was the runt. My brother's first dog was found walking around dragging a leash, having been abandoned. My Grandmother's dog was a stray that my mom almost ran over, she stopped the car, picked up the dog and we kept her. My brother's other dogs are a black lab who was brought into the manager's office of where his wife worked, and they took him in. Their third dog is a deaf pitbull, who would have most likely wound up being put down if they hadn't taken him in. Of our two cats, one came from a pound, having been there for several years because nobody wanted her. The second was found walking outside, his pads raw & bloody by a church member. They hadn't yet decided what to do with him, my mom was there (they were keeping him in the washroom, so he wouldn't get away), so she took him home.

Thank god for people like you and your family. I just don't understand how you could do that to a defenseless puppy - makes me wonder what the asshole did to his kids and does to his grandchildren - Small Child - pet very similar in their wants and needs.

Mar 4, 2009, 5:23 PM
Even though theres probably something wrong with this guy, I still hope he burns in h*ll for this. I've heard a LOT of fucked up animal stories, like this one about a stray cat that some psycho set on fire. IT wound up chewing off part of it's front right leg @ left hind leg because of gang green. Happily they managed to catch the cat, fix him up, and hes now living happily with a family that adopted him. I hear this other story of a 14 year old who stabbed his dog's eyes with a knife.

People do things of enourmous cruelty to pets. All of our dogs (except 1 of them, 6 in total) are animals rescued from bad situations. My dog was caged up and unsocialised (hes afraid of people he doesn't know) when he was a puppy because he was the runt. My brother's first dog was found walking around dragging a leash, having been abandoned. My Grandmother's dog was a stray that my mom almost ran over, she stopped the car, picked up the dog and we kept her. My brother's other dogs are a black lab who was brought into the manager's office of where his wife worked, and they took him in. Their third dog is a deaf pitbull, who would have most likely wound up being put down if they hadn't taken him in. Of our two cats, one came from a pound, having been there for several years because nobody wanted her. The second was found walking outside, his pads raw & bloody by a church member. They hadn't yet decided what to do with him, my mom was there (they were keeping him in the washroom, so he wouldn't get away), so she took him home.

I'm a "sucker" for situations like this as well with animals. I'll be the first to have a dog or a cat that is unwanted due to pegnancy, or missing an eye or a leg...the shelters are practically my second homes sometimes hehe.

Mar 4, 2009, 6:09 PM
Well--I have done my share to help animals in need---for the past 15 or 20 years---nearly every dog or cat I have gotten---came from a shelter or other "rescue" situation--save my latest cat---who was a stray that adopted me.

I do believe that they seem to make the best pets and I cannot imagine not getting a pet in this way--unless the next dog I get comes from a responsible and well qualified breeder with good references who happens to raise the specific breed I seek.

Mar 4, 2009, 7:34 PM
Well, we got our Boudica from a "free to good home" situation from one of Eleanor's co-workers. One of the couples that we are friends with owns a really adorable little Rat Terrier that found her way into their yard and decided to stay. She just had puppies a couple of weeks ago. They also have a Bull Mastif that is a rescue dog, who is a couple years old and he is just a big ol' teddy bear of a dog that thinks he's a lap dog.

We are also going to be doing the Walk for the Animals for the HSBC (Humane Society of Broward County) this Saturday. We found these great t-shirts on one of the Doggyspace member's profiles that say "Recycle - Adopt a Dog" with the recycling emblem in the background. We are going to wear them on the Walk.