View Full Version : What am I?

Mar 1, 2009, 2:45 PM
Hello all, this is my first time here. I just found this forum from doing a little google search.

I don't exactly know how to start so please bare with me.

I am a 20 yr old female. Have always believed I am a completely heterosexual, that is until recently i started to question myself. and this is how it started...
I just met my brother's friend a few months ago, she is a bi, had always identified herself as one. And so we started out with polite conversations and then somehow we "click" and became pretty close. She started hanging over at my house almost everyday and started to express her feelings toward me. She sometimes say very sweet things and made me feel special.
The thing is, i didn't find it disturbing at all and quite like the feel of it. I find myself liking her and really enjoyed her hugs.
when i didnt see her, i find myself missing her present and she called me telling me the same thing. but because i am not sure what am i, i didnt express my feeling to her at all, so she is thinking i am treating her as a friend...
I am very confused right now and dont know how to accept it. The only thing i know for sure is that i am not a lesbian for i am pretty much into guys. So does it make me a Bi? I grew up truly believing myself a heterosexual and that is what everyone around me accepted me as one. Especially my parents and my siblings. I am afraid to voice out my thought. What will they think? Will they start treating me differently? And will my "normal" friends think and treat me differently as well?

I have never question my own sexuality so this came to me quite a surprise. I am confused and a little panic about what to do. So I am voicing out my problems here in hope for advice. Please be kind and help me through this situation. I greatly appreciated for your time reading this.

Mar 1, 2009, 2:54 PM
Babygirl, you are experiancing something normal, so worry not. If you like her and would perhaps like to experiment ( I hate using that terminilogy, but you get the drift) with that aspect of your sexuality, then Talk to her. Remember Always that communication is paramount in this world and it can open many, many, doors to discovery. If you want to try sex with her, and care about her enough to trust her, then do so. Just be safe, and have fun. :}
Hugs Sweetie and welcome to the group. :}
Everybodys Cat.

Mar 1, 2009, 3:06 PM
Cat gives good advice.

I would add that you may find out it isn't for you. But you may not know until you try. BUT keep that in mind if you decide to "experiment" with your friend. Tell her that is just what it is, that you don't know if you are bi but would like to try but don't want to hurt her in case it turns out not to be your thing.

If you don't tell her that and you find out it isn't something you want you could hurt her. Sure you don't want to do that, so tell her up front so she knows she is risking that.

Mar 1, 2009, 4:16 PM
I agree with the lovely cat and allbi - Communication is a must! Go somewhere where you can talk in private and just tell her how you are feeling ad that you'd like to explore and see (if that's what you want to do). If she is Bi and has always identified hereself as such she will know where you are coming from - honey, she's been there! As for worrying about what your siblings and parents and the world at large will think - Don't worry about tackling the mountain when you haven't even crossed the foothills! Find out where you head and heart is - if you experiment and find it's really not for you - who needs to know other than you and her? If you find that it IS for you - then tackle that issue then. But remember - be true to yourself and if it's who you are - let no one keep you from your happiness. And always - be safe. Hugs oh, and one last thing .... Welcome to the site! Happy to have you. LW

Mar 3, 2009, 2:05 PM
thank you so much for all your advices.
I had finally talk to her, and she agreed to let me give us a try. She was a close friend of my brother, and i told her i am not comfortable sharing "the news" with my family just yet. She also support my feelings for not being ready to confide to my family until I am sure. I am glad she is being so understanding in all this. And thanks so much to you all who were kind enough to help me out.

Mar 3, 2009, 2:09 PM
Glad to see that things are working out for you! Gratz!