View Full Version : Marriage equality will make violent criminals

Feb 28, 2009, 7:34 AM

This is just sad.

Feb 28, 2009, 8:08 AM

This is just sad.That's one adjective that can be used. Several more come to mind.

Feb 28, 2009, 8:30 AM
ROFL @ this comment:


Since it's already an established fact that it is impossible to get pregnant unless your married" :rolleyes:

Feb 28, 2009, 8:36 AM
I especially liked that part about asking violent criminals about their relationships with their fathers, implying that not having a father in one's life makes one a violent criminal. Of course, there is no possibility that social status and income have a factor and that these issues also enter into WHY they became violent criminals. But the delicious part is it would seem to indicate that having TWO fathers would be even better than having only one!

BTW, Peg, these assholes would like it to be illegal for unmarried couples to have sex and therefore children as well.

Feb 28, 2009, 9:23 AM
I stood at a protest for freedom to marry and equal rights recently. My favorite sign out of all of the ones there was "THEIR marriage doesn't threaten MY Marriage"

The general level of stupidity regarding why an oppressed group of people would want basic human rights saddened me...I mean, a five year old kid could understand this issue - but full grown adults are too afraid to give up some of that privilege..I guess they don't want to think that they have anything in common with gay folks?

I am frustrated by the fact that straight people seem to be so selfish - they take the right to marry for granted and in some cases even abuse it - without a second thought.

I guess in a way if you've always had something, you don't know what it's worth until you lose it.

As far as I'm concerned the only SIN that is involved in the issue is the sin of discrimination. The gay people I know who have known each other long enough to want to be married do the same thing that OTHER married couples do in bed - they fall asleep.

I have to give props to at least one state senator though - the last time the law to define marriage came up for a vote here he said that if the bill passed, since marriage was so sacred he would tack on an amendment to make getting a divorce illegal and started filibustering..great stuff. :)

Feb 28, 2009, 9:54 AM
What a bunch of crap. How about all the members of society who aren't in jails with no fathers or mothers? By that reasoning all the orphans should be in the prison in the violent section. This is the same sort of faulty reasoning that gave us "Seduction of the innocent" which postulated that all the kids in juvie were there because they read comic books.

Feb 28, 2009, 10:05 AM
ROFL @ this comment:


Since it's already an established fact that it is impossible to get pregnant unless your married" :rolleyes:

I think they were being sarcastic, but it was funny.

Feb 28, 2009, 10:41 AM
Huckabee was off the rails with the socialism theme -- saying that Stalin and Lenin would have loved the TARP and stimulus bill and that the United States was becoming the "Union of American Socialist Republics." It's the new cold war, only the enemy is here at home.

Well, I agree there... US will own 36% of Citibank. AIG is lining up for more bailout cash. And talks of US carmakers asking for more coming up.

And its all our tax money that will fund this when and if money isnt paid back, and we all know 100% of it isn't getting paid back.

Feb 28, 2009, 1:59 PM
There is no end to all of the crazy stuff coming out of this year's CPAC---but that is fine--they can go and think that they are on some kind of "right" track as it were------these people are so out of touch---it is amazing--the only problem is---they don't rely on facts or rationality----all they have are their "beliefs" that they hold on to so tenaciously----seemingly to the death I suppose---actually---I don't have much fear of being a victim of an attack by an Al Qaeda terrorist---but I sure do fear being a victim of someone of this ilk who believes they have "God" on their side---and might start feeling it necessary to start targeting those who are "liberal" and engage in "liberal" type activities---whatever such things might be.

I guess I am going to have to go buy a few AK 47s and AR 15s to make my home a fortress to protect myself from the insanity of these CPAC types.

Feb 28, 2009, 3:55 PM
I don't often say it - but people who are that bigoted and narrow-minded are walking proof that sometimes the gene pool needs to be chlorinated!!! LW

Mar 1, 2009, 1:01 AM
I believe that gay marriage will prove my point over the next 50 to 100 years. While married men live longer than single men; wives outlive husbands. Since my ex-wife was almost the death of me I think this social experiment is worth trying.
If, in male/male marriages, the lives of both men are extended but in female/female marriages one partner outlives the other by considerable margins that I'll know my ex was killing me.
(Disclousre) This post in hopefully to make you laugh; at me, at others and most of all at yourself. There are no chimps here or calling someone a socialist but I wouldn't mind if we all could become more SOCIABLE.
Laff and the world laffs with you, cry and you cry alone.
Maybe we could legalize gay marriage and if there are not enough spouses to go around we could tax Mail Order Spouses as imports. Might help the economy.
ur ever silly
PS Whenever I see a news clip about CPAC I hear the theme song for The Muppet Show in my head!

Mar 1, 2009, 1:21 AM
I believe that gay marriage will prove my point over the next 50 to 100 years. While married men live longer than single men; wives outlive husbands. Since my ex-wife was almost the death of me I think this social experiment is worth trying.
If, in male/male marriages, the lives of both men are extended but in female/female marriages one partner outlives the other by considerable margins that I'll know my ex was killing me.
(Disclousre) This post in hopefully to make you laugh; at me, at others and most of all at yourself. There are no chimps here or calling someone a socialist but I wouldn't mind if we all could become more SOCIABLE.
Laff and the world laffs with you, cry and you cry alone.
Maybe we could legalize gay marriage and if there are not enough spouses to go around we could tax Mail Order Spouses as imports. Might help the economy.
ur ever silly
PS Whenever I see a news clip about CPAC I hear the theme song for The Muppet Show in my head!

I agree Bear! One of my favorite quotes is Walter - The grouchy old man puppet of ventriloquist Jeff Dunham. Walter: "Ya know when you get married and it's 'til death do us part? - One day you'll realize that's actually a goal!"
My ex was killing me too - I divorced her and dropped 130 pounds overnight! LOL LW

Mar 1, 2009, 2:24 AM
I especially liked that part about asking violent criminals about their relationships with their fathers, implying that not having a father in one's life makes one a violent criminal. Of course, there is no possibility that social status and income have a factor and that these issues also enter into WHY they became violent criminals. But the delicious part is it would seem to indicate that having TWO fathers would be even better than having only one!

BTW, Peg, these assholes would like it to be illegal for unmarried couples to have sex and therefore children as well.

Well, there is a correlation between children from fatherless homes and violent crime, but what those imbeciles failed to mention is that it has nothing to do with sexuality; those statistics are related to PAS because of vengeful parents. And it is not limited to Fatherless upbringing, but Motherless upbringing as well. Any case where one parent, with the willing aid of the courts turning a blind eye o the issue, intentionally alienates he child from the other parent without due cause.

Children who are forcefully separated from one parent or the other have the highest likelihood of being violent offenders, while children that have 2 demonstrated loving parents, even if divorced, have a lower incidence of becoming violent offenders.

Mar 1, 2009, 5:02 AM
ROFL @ this comment:


Since it's already an established fact that it is impossible to get pregnant unless you're married" :rolleyes:

This must be true. All these years and I never became preganant. However, when I had sex with my wife, she did!


Mar 1, 2009, 7:00 AM
Well, there is a correlation between children from fatherless homes and violent crime, but what those imbeciles failed to mention is that it has nothing to do with sexuality; those statistics are related to PAS because of vengeful parents. And it is not limited to Fatherless upbringing, but Motherless upbringing as well. Any case where one parent, with the willing aid of the courts turning a blind eye o the issue, intentionally alienates he child from the other parent without due cause.

Children who are forcefully separated from one parent or the other have the highest likelihood of being violent offenders, while children that have 2 demonstrated loving parents, even if divorced, have a lower incidence of becoming violent offenders.Don take issue wivya 'ere particularly Falcie babes.. but wud b interestin 2 kno wot wudda happened 2 those kids had ther parents stuk it out an inflicted a rite loada misery on themselves an ther kids an how those kids wudda been different... stats can prove lotsa things.. but sumtimes ther is more 2 life than jus wot stats tell us.. is jus poss that many of em wudda grown up little different or even worse cosa the strife or lakka luff or communication in the home.. equally, wher kids who hav grown up decently outa broken homes?? How diff wud they hav been had ther parents stayed togetha wiv all the shite that wud hav gone on tween 2 peeps who had little feelin for each otha cept contempt an shud nev hav gotten 2 getha an had kids in 1st place...?? We can nev know.. but those an otha interestin questions arise outa the stats hun do they not?? Gr8 things stats..an very useful.. but they don always tell the whole story cos they cant..

Mar 1, 2009, 9:48 AM
I have seen this attitude before. ("Christains", naturaly) It was during church sessions by at least three members who preached. They took turns doing lessons, by the way. "marrege is between a man and a women." also with "A child needs to have both parents in their lives."

The reason I see this as homophobic, is the fact that they do not say that children who have dead mothers and fathers will be criminals. They don't mention as often these cheating, neglactful dads, resulting in violent or criminal behavior. Nope. They target homosexuals because it's easy for them, "god has no love for gays" and "being homosexual oriented means that they are sleeping with the same sex and sinning". Most of the people that say things like this are likely religious people.

Mar 1, 2009, 11:29 AM
I have seen this attitude before. ("Christains", naturaly) It was during church sessions by at least three members who preached. They took turns doing lessons, by the way. "marrege is between a man and a women." also with "A child needs to have both parents in their lives."

The reason I see this as homophobic, is the fact that they do not say that children who have dead mothers and fathers will be criminals. They don't mention as often these cheating, neglactful dads, resulting in violent or criminal behavior. Nope. They target homosexuals because it's easy for them, "god has no love for gays" and "being homosexual oriented means that they are sleeping with the same sex and sinning". Most of the people that say things like this are likely religious people.

I would have to agree. And the thing that REALLY chaps my backside is that a great many (I said a great many - not all) are so hypocritical. Where I grew up in Indiana it was nothing unusual to see people out on Sat nite drunk and disorderly or having affairs (some even with the same sex-ooooooh) and, you guessed it, they were front and center in the front pew spewing "Praise the Lord!" on Sunday morning. Colorado recently had another one - The reverend Ted Haggard - what hypocrits!!! I say clean up your own damn backyard before you judge me on mine!!! LW

Mar 1, 2009, 11:47 AM
Husband speaking:

And this always makes me wonder about my sons who were taken from me over 10 years ago and I have never seen them since. Thank-you very much vengeful mothers, RCMP, Elizabeth Fry Society, Ministry of Children and Families and Provincial Courts of British Columbia, et al. I'm sure my sons offer you the same thanks. Not a one of them cared that I was always the primary caregiver and their own law books emphatically state that it is wrong to take children away from the primary caregiver and upset the status quo - see the British Columbia Family Law Source Book. It's only not wrong if the primary caregiver is the father.

My sons would be 14 and 10 now.

It's time to stand up and demand changes in the Divorce Industry!

Well, there is a correlation between children from fatherless homes and violent crime, but what those imbeciles failed to mention is that it has nothing to do with sexuality; those statistics are related to PAS because of vengeful parents. And it is not limited to Fatherless upbringing, but Motherless upbringing as well. Any case where one parent, with the willing aid of the courts turning a blind eye o the issue, intentionally alienates he child from the other parent without due cause.

Children who are forcefully separated from one parent or the other have the highest likelihood of being violent offenders, while children that have 2 demonstrated loving parents, even if divorced, have a lower incidence of becoming violent offenders.

Mar 1, 2009, 1:17 PM
Husband speaking:

And this always makes me wonder about my sons who were taken from me over 10 years ago and I have never seen them since. Thank-you very much vengeful mothers, RCMP, Elizabeth Fry Society, Ministry of Children and Families and Provincial Courts of British Columbia, et al. I'm sure my sons offer you the same thanks. Not a one of them cared that I was always the primary caregiver and their own law books emphatically state that it is wrong to take children away from the primary caregiver and upset the status quo - see the British Columbia Family Law Source Book. It's only not wrong if the primary caregiver is the father.

My sons would be 14 and 10 now.

It's time to stand up and demand changes in the Divorce Industry!

It is for this reason alone I am so scared to ever be a father. I would not want to lose my children.

Mar 1, 2009, 8:30 PM
Don take issue wivya 'ere particularly Falcie babes.. but wud b interestin 2 kno wot wudda happened 2 those kids had ther parents stuk it out an inflicted a rite loada misery on themselves an ther kids an how those kids wudda been different... stats can prove lotsa things.. but sumtimes ther is more 2 life than jus wot stats tell us.. is jus poss that many of em wudda grown up little different or even worse cosa the strife or lakka luff or communication in the home.. equally, wher kids who hav grown up decently outa broken homes?? How diff wud they hav been had ther parents stayed togetha wiv all the shite that wud hav gone on tween 2 peeps who had little feelin for each otha cept contempt an shud nev hav gotten 2 getha an had kids in 1st place...?? We can nev know.. but those an otha interestin questions arise outa the stats hun do they not?? Gr8 things stats..an very useful.. but they don always tell the whole story cos they cant..

I am not saying that it would be better if the parents stayed together, but the information that I have found relates specifically to cases of divorce where the parents behave like adults and never demean each other in front of the child, never violate the terms of the visitation, behave each other when they have to be around each other for important things in the child's life (or have an amicable divorce - an extremely rare event) and demonstrate love for the child over all other things related to the divorce.

The parents who stay together "for the sake of the children" usually do as much, or more, harm to the children and their relationships with their parents than the things that cause PAS (parental Alienation Syndrome) would do.

Mar 1, 2009, 8:44 PM
It is for this reason alone I am so scared to ever be a father. I would not want to lose my children.

Then support shared parenting initiatives now and do not let them water down the legislation to duplicate the current failed "equal parenting" laws. At least with the efforts of groups like all of the various Fathers rights groups, the idea is to eliminate the "father as ATM" philosophy that is the norm, worldwide and replace it with laws that give the automatic presumption of fitness for both parents, unless demonstrated otherwise (proof, not accusation).

Look them up for details, but the ideas being submitted to become bills, and eventually laws, are pretty comprehensive and would improve things for all parties involved, particularly children and their relationships with both parents.

Here are some sites to check out, I have quite a few others but that would be way too many to post at once;











Mar 1, 2009, 9:31 PM
This would explain my tendencies to be a psychopathic bank robbing manic depressive that kills kittens for fun. My dad left when I was two, mom has been abandoning me ever since, though I always manage to track her down. First born son of the mother gets a gps dna system installed, just got to not let mom find that out.

Oh and by the way, this is called humor. I am definitely not a psychopathic bank robbing manic depressive that kills kittens for fun. No, I'm just a robotic sheep dreaming electric dreams.

Mar 2, 2009, 12:26 AM
This would explain my tendencies to be a psychopathic bank robbing manic depressive that kills kittens for fun. My dad left when I was two, mom has been abandoning me ever since, though I always manage to track her down. First born son of the mother gets a gps dna system installed, just got to not let mom find that out.

Oh and by the way, this is called humor. I am definitely not a psychopathic bank robbing manic depressive that kills kittens for fun. No, I'm just a robotic sheep dreaming electric dreams.

Speaking of sheep....:bigrin: I have just recently finished a display item for my chainmaille booth.

His name is Kilter and he is an extremely rare Highland battle sheep.