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Feb 26, 2009, 4:19 PM
Be careful with your toys

Nurses Fired Over Cell Phone Photos Of Patient
Case Referred To FBI For Possible HIPAA Violations

POSTED: 5:22 pm CST February 25, 2009
UPDATED: 1:46 pm CST February 26, 2009

LAKE GENEVA, Wis. -- Nurses accused of photographing a patient and posting the pictures on the Internet have been fired.

Do you think two nurses should have been fired for taking a cell phone picture of a patient's X-ray?

The investigation started with an anonymous call from an employee at Mercy Walworth Medical Center in Lake Geneva, with the allegation that a nurse took pictures of a patient with her cell phone and posted them on her Facebook page.

Last week, the nurse told 12 News she never posted the pictures on the Internet. Investigators have since interviewed the nurse and said she offered more details.

"There were two nurses that independently took a picture each of an X-ray of a patient," Walworth County Undersheriff Kurt Picknell said.

The patient was admitted to the emergency room with an object lodged in his rectum. Police said the nurse explained she and a co-worker snapped photos when they learned it was a sex device. Police said discussion about the incident was posted on her Facebook page, but they haven't found anyone who actually saw the pictures.

The nurse removed her Facebook page from the Internet last week. Without more, Picknell said this conduct does not appear to violate any state laws. He has referred the case to the FBI.

"We've notified federal authorities of this allegation to see if there are federal violations, most notably HIPAA violations, patient rights," he said.

The hospital did not return a call seeking comment.
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Feb 26, 2009, 4:35 PM

The question is... Who Told?

This is a nation of tattlers.

Feb 26, 2009, 4:44 PM
Maybe the patient saw it and recognized his toy, xray or orafice and/or the comments made on the blog. :tong: Or the insert-er, if he didn't do it alone found out.
Talk about getting caught with your pants down...:eek: Now he'll really be known because people will dig till they find out his identity too. There are always "leaks" if you want information on something and have the cash.

Feb 26, 2009, 4:45 PM
Well that can be embarassing...

Feb 26, 2009, 4:49 PM
And I think its funny I have a few pictures of Xrays of things in things. :D

Feb 26, 2009, 7:42 PM
lol I can understand how they could be fired by the hospital, and will probably be very lucky to Not get sued by dildo in the butt Boy...Snicker.
Bad Cat

Feb 26, 2009, 8:48 PM
My question is for Rissa....How do you know that can be embarrassing, Girl?

There has GOTTA be a story, there!

Feb 26, 2009, 9:37 PM
Whatever the nature of who did or didn't do what and of the content of the X-Rays--to violate the sanctity of that patient's medical records is a very serious breach of the laws regarding protection of patient records---and it was right that the nurses got canned--they might just have to do some prison time as well----I am all for "zero tolerance" when it comes to breach of the confidential nature of patient health records by health care workers--especially posting of any part or parcel of such records on the internet---for any reason at all!!

I don't know about you all--but I don't want any aspect of my health records being exposed to the public-even though I don't have any reason to fear such disclosure--but it is the fact that such information, along with financial information--is something inviolate lest I were to hold a public office then such records being disclosed would be necessary and proper--but as a private citizen---there is no way that I want my private information of this nature being disclosed.

As far as that hospital is concerned-----and those nurses---when it comes to the inevitable lawsuit---don't fight it----just have your lawyers ask the plaintiff's attorney: "How many zeros does your client want on that check?"

Jaime--maybe you can get the stuck anal object person as your client when he or she sues the hospital and the nurses!!!

Feb 26, 2009, 9:43 PM
Thanks for the pitch, Volty, but it's not my area of practice.

Jail is maybe a little over the top. But I wouldn't be surprised if this nurse lost her license.

Feb 26, 2009, 10:01 PM
I don't think this is very current--but I found this passage on a Federal government website--it is some of the pertinent language of the HIPAA federal legislation regarding release of medical records along with other aspects of medical records enacted back in 1996--pretty damn heavy stuff:

Establishes criminal and civil penalties for improper use of medical records
For intentional disclosure of records without consent of the patient -- up to $50,000 and one year in prison. For disclosure with intent to sell the data -- up to $250,000 and 10 years in prison. Also, civil penalties of $100 per person for unintentional disclosures and other violations (up to $25,000 per person per year).

Here is the link to the site:


Here is another site with this information:


For clairifcation---these laws are FEDERAL--not state statutes!!

Feb 26, 2009, 10:59 PM
Whatever the nature of who did or didn't do what and of the content of the X-Rays--to violate the sanctity of that patient's medical records is a very serious breach of the laws regarding protection of patient records---and it was right that the nurses got canned--they might just have to do some prison time as well----I am all for "zero tolerance" when it comes to breach of the confidential nature of patient health records by health care workers--especially posting of any part or parcel of such records on the internet---for any reason at all!!

I don't know about you all--but I don't want any aspect of my health records being exposed to the public-even though I don't have any reason to fear such disclosure--but it is the fact that such information, along with financial information--is something inviolate lest I were to hold a public office then such records being disclosed would be necessary and proper--but as a private citizen---there is no way that I want my private information of this nature being disclosed.

As far as that hospital is concerned-----and those nurses---when it comes to the inevitable lawsuit---don't fight it----just have your lawyers ask the plaintiff's attorney: "How many zeros does your client want on that check?"

Jaime--maybe you can get the stuck anal object person as your client when he or she sues the hospital and the nurses!!!

Being an RN myself - I couldn't agree with 12Volt more! We had Hippa and the sanctity of patient privacy BEAT into our heads all through nursing school. Its one thing to chuckle about it - but another to cross the line of privacy invasion. What were they thinking????! They deserve to lose their jobs, their nursing license and to face the inevitable lawsuit - stupidity has a price! LW