View Full Version : why do people have to stabe other people in the back

Feb 25, 2009, 3:53 AM
I have a very important question for everyone? An I would like your imput on this. But for the most part everyone bynow must know the what has been going on between that new guy in chat that calls himself rickkii . Well it turns out that he has managed to start may fights between friends . By telling lies an going behind peoples back that he befriends then makes up more lies about a nother friend just too get people mainly the girls in here fighting an not talking to each other.i myself have been in this as well . i also know of a few other lady that havebeen tangeled into his lies an dsception how ever i was wondering if anyone ele is having thios proble with him if so please tell us your story . as friends befor he got here an they do not talk because he said some ome said some thing mean an or very uglyabout you or someone else. i know this is kinda childish but this is the only way to get my point heard an for every one to know that we are beinng savatiged by this man an he enjoys the drama. so lets give him the reconision the wants . RICKKIIlIXX HERE YOU GO ENJOY THE COMMITS AN FEEL THE LOVE DUDE!!!!!!!

Feb 25, 2009, 4:09 AM
hey Bunnie,

yes i am one of them woman u are speaking about and yes rickkii has stirred up some crap in this .. he started talking with me and i was just trying to be his friend and than the crap started and alot know i am not into drama.. and well seems to me rickii must love it cause this has almost blown friendship out the window. he says or u can trust me i dont talk to anyone well its all bull he does talk to someone .. and that someone he has talked to was hurt by alot of crap he never heard the whole story about alot of it and went with his own word which hurt someone.. who i meant not to hurt at all .. he has said many lies to this person and it has hurt her bad and yes i do feel bad for what was said .. he told this other woman which was april 30 that my daughter was prego which hello she is not neither one of my daughters is prego come on rickkii wake up .. u say ur a friend well here is something for u. i dont want nor need ur friendship.. U have hurt a few woman on here after u have said the same thing of i am ur friend u can trust me what u and i talk about stay between u and me well .. rickkii ur full of crap when i came on here i was wanting friendships with many not looking to get blamed for things that u didnt even get straight instead u put ur two cents in and made it worse to a point i almost lost april 30 as a very close and dear friend who by the way i will take her and bunnies friendship along with others before i will have u as one. Rickii u need to grow up and get some balls Dude cause the shit u start is going to come back and hit u in the ass and umm looks like it has started .. do me a favor dont bother talking to me or pming me ever its over rickii .. its obvious u like the whole childish bullshit that u give and i am not into games.. it makes me wonder why i ever wanted to be ur friend i guess for me it was my bad though u were but ur not .. so all i have to say rickkii is this is ur loss not mine i tried but when i find the truth out it hurts more than u will ever know.. and i cannot still believe u lied to april telling her my daughter was prego omg rickkii i got news for u i know what my kids are doing as know where there at i have never once told u any sort of shit my daughter was FYI STOP SPREADING SHIT U KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ..

sorry all but this had to come out because a few of us almost lost a friendship due to this person who if i was u wouldnt mess around with cause guess what u will be his next victim is all his lies and bullshit


Sweet Juices 37

Feb 25, 2009, 8:41 AM
Ladies, some folks just get a rush from stirring up others. If they need to lie and manipulate the truth to cause turmoil, they will........then revel the resulting conflicts and disharmony. Others' misery is their sick goal.

I tend to ignore these clowns and not feed into their perverse games.

I learned my lesson years ago; I was a victim of a person spreading rumors and telling lies about me and my first wife (who was the love of my life) and, after hearing some of them, I began to believe the things that were said.

If I had only gone to my wife and asked her, face-to-face, if those things were true, I would have found out they were false. But, I chose to believe the rumor-monger and subsequently our marriage failed.

Now, I refuse to ruin a friendship by believing bad things about those I love, unless there's proof.

Feb 25, 2009, 9:25 AM
Good rule Realist. Isn't always a rule that applies to me unfortunately, but still, a very good rule.

Now I haven't personally had anything happen so I can't sit here and say much bad about him. However, the first time he was in chat he was very moody and I think that put a bad taste in people's mouths. So, basically what I'm saying is that I'm not entirely shocked at the moment.

Feb 25, 2009, 9:40 AM
Yup been there.Some people just love to tell one person one thing and tell another person something else sit back and watch the sparks fly.Or they will twist the truth in a manner that makes what a peson said as hurtful to another.My wife does not do chat because of this.She was a moderator in a couple of chat rooms and due to one persons lies she managed to turn everyone in these chat rooms against her.Now it should have come to reason that all these lies came from one person and no one could see that is was this person who was the real enemy.There will always be one of these people lurking about.

Feb 25, 2009, 11:04 AM
To answer the question..

Because they can.

Go to the offending person's profile..

Underneath their name in the thin green line are the options to either: 1) add this person to your "buddy list" or 2) add this person to your ignore list.

click on 2.

the next screen lets you save the list.

And you will never have to get mail, or even read their dribble. However in the chat rooms, one would have to see their name, click on the ignore button underneath the list of names, and go on about one's business. You wont even have to read the mindless dribble they spout, and you wont get a message from them in there either.

I do it just so I dont have to look at some of the nutcases on here.

Dont have attitude... have ALTITUDE... rise above the bullshit.:cool:

Feb 25, 2009, 11:14 AM
Dont have attitude... have ALTITUDE... rise above the bullshit.:cool:

This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen lmao

Feb 25, 2009, 11:18 AM
To answer the question..

Because they can.

Go to the offending person's profile..

Underneath their name in the thin green line are the options to either: 1) add this person to your "buddy list" or 2) add this person to your ignore list.

click on 2.

the next screen lets you save the list.

And you will never have to get mail, or even read their dribble. However in the chat rooms, one would have to see their name, click on the ignore button underneath the list of names, and go on about one's business. You wont even have to read the mindless dribble they spout, and you wont get a message from them in there either.

I do it just so I dont have to look at some of the nutcases on here.

Dont have attitude... have ALTITUDE... rise above the bullshit.:cool:

And if you really want to go deeper then set up your email so that only persons on your buddy list can send you private messages (mail on the site). Works wonders :)

Feb 25, 2009, 11:45 AM
... much prefer peeps 2 c me cummin as me slides the knife in....:tong:

Feb 25, 2009, 12:26 PM
lmfao Fran! That was only slightly sadistic...

Feb 25, 2009, 1:27 PM
lmfao Fran! That was only slightly sadistic...
Only slitely?? God...me mus b mellowin in me ole age!!!:eek: Mus try harder!!!:bigrin:

Feb 25, 2009, 3:44 PM
lol Da Iggy ibutton es my leettle friend...lol

I dont know the person in question and Im sure now that I dont wish to.
Dont sweat the small stuff girls. He's an antoginist, he gets off causing tension and chaos. Just ignore him and know that the shit he said and spread isnt true. You both know this. So just place his ass on ignore and have done with him. He's not worth getting upset and hurt Over, thats what he thrives on. Quit feeding him. Proving him wrong and exposing him for the fraud that he is would hurt him worse than anything else.
Mend the fences and mind the love and friendships. Thats the only important thing now, Loves. :}
Hugs to all of you,
Yer Cat.

Feb 25, 2009, 4:45 PM
You tell 'em Candy-Girl! Dont Ever let anyone make you feel bad about yourself. Ellenore Roosevelt said: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" and she was one tough Ol' bird.!
Hugs to you and everyone else who has had to put up with BS like that person caused.
Cat ;)