View Full Version : Where is my sexbot?

Feb 23, 2009, 3:02 PM
It appears that we are still limited to our blow up dolls for now :( Ever see the movie Demolition Man where there was virtual sex? We dont even have THAT... but we have THIS (http://hisvorpal.wordpress.com/2009/02/22/return-of-the-killer-death-robots/)...

Yes Ladies and Gents, we have the next best thing... Real Live Terminator bots!

Feb 23, 2009, 5:45 PM
Ah, those aren't nearly as sexy as that liquid metal chick in what I THOUGHT was going to be the last terminator movie..apparently they've decided they can milk that franchise for a little more...

Feb 23, 2009, 5:49 PM
Bless you V-

You are alive and awake. Apparently the Barium salt hasn't scrambled your brain and put you to sleep.
Question. If you posted this-I'm sure you've been looking up a lot. What do you think about that mess?
I'm at the point where my attitude is generally-As long as our air supply is being contaminated, nothing, absolutely nothing else matters...

Like I said a looong time ago and still say now to people I attempt to educate-If you don't get it fro me, you'll get it from THEM. Either way you'll get it. And all of those folks who want to believe that nothing strange and spooky is going on not only in the U.S. but all over, are in for a VERY rude awakening.

And from what my information tells me-That "awakening" is not that far off.

Feb 23, 2009, 6:58 PM
Computer controlled sex suits and similarly equiped rubber dolls have been shown on TV. These are pretty sophisticated pieces of masturbatory equipment. The only thing that keeps the average person form these is cost. Do these count or is the topic about human like self determining robots?

If fully human robots then what is the betting that some programmer will have fun giving them a headache after they have seduced theor master into an expectant froth.


Feb 23, 2009, 7:19 PM
Bless you V-

You are alive and awake. Apparently the Barium salt hasn't scrambled your brain and put you to sleep.
Question. If you posted this-I'm sure you've been looking up a lot. What do you think about that mess?
I'm at the point where my attitude is generally-As long as our air supply is being contaminated, nothing, absolutely nothing else matters...

Like I said a looong time ago and still say now to people I attempt to educate-If you don't get it fro me, you'll get it from THEM. Either way you'll get it. And all of those folks who want to believe that nothing strange and spooky is going on not only in the U.S. but all over, are in for a VERY rude awakening.

And from what my information tells me-That "awakening" is not that far off.

You see its like this...

Most of us science fiction lovers knew this shit was coming anyway. You know... the "nerds" of the world. The watchers of Star Trek, the readers of things called books (:eek:). Those of us who enjoy the works of Rod Serling from the Twilight Zone... people call us crazy. But the thing is that for some odd reason, life always imitates the worst scenarios that could possibly happen, not the good shit. I believe Orwell wrote his book 1984 to both warn us what could happen and as a book to say "HEY!!! DONT DO THIS SHIT!!" but for some reason, certain people use it as a handbook to use against us. Of course knowing that most people would : a) rather be entertained, and b) never open up a book in the first place. How to ensure that? Make one's life so damn cluttered with the inconsequential and nonessential (i.e. what new gadget to buy, who's screwing who in Hollywood, new exciting videogames, mind numbing 'reality' shows--which distract from ACTUALITY) that we as a whole lose focus and get the mind set of "so what? its not happening to me so i dont care" or any of a number of things. Thinking people are therefore called conspiracy theorists.. not realizing that those same persons who call thinking humans such terms are instrumental in our demise, and apparently are also the same ones who deny that ANYTHING is happening in the world around them, and they would rather watch American Idol or some other mindless dribble.

Watch the movie "Last Kiss Goodnight". Another very good movie. Samuel L Jackson and Geena Davis ( who I think looks sexy as hell with blonde hair) star in it. Find the similarities to a few events of years past and draw your own conclusions.

Feb 23, 2009, 11:02 PM
I would not want to meet a killer robot.
But, rather them than me being in the army,
Yes, I would rather have a killer robot replace me.
However, I can appreciate the interest a sex robot.
That is much better that one that would harm me.
Robots for me? No way, I like the real thing, even if I am not out about it.
But, maybe some day they will be so good that I think yes without a doubt about it.

Feb 24, 2009, 7:48 AM
Sex bot? Caprica 6 or Sharon or D'Anna?