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View Full Version : indie movie about a bi-girl share your stories and help.

Feb 23, 2009, 9:37 AM
Hello there everyone:)

I am working on a screenplay for an idependent movie about a girl, who quite late discovers her sexual identity (if she even realizes at that point what to call the situation). This story is based on my experiences, and my friend's lifestory, but film needs to be more explicit at times.

The core of this film is a girl Martha(26) who had an early child, then lived alone, the met supposed Mr Right Guy, but it turns out she does not feel happy with it.

Her female neighbor from the same building, who is couple of years older (32), and is an art manager, helps her cope with daily chores, and her problems, as a friend and listener. Inadvertently they become closer and closer...

to show this change and game of emotions I need some real-life situations which could serve me as a springboard for the screenplay

You people could be enormous help for me. Sharing your experience:
1) firstly - Martha is not aware of her bisexual nature
-so i need all sort of stories about discovering yourself dear ladies as having desires and fantasies about other ladies - however I need to know how you FELT and what you did about it. (but i am more interested in feelings of security and trust and support rather than just sexual fantasies, i.e. where is this thin border between a friendly pat or hug or a longer look in the eye (in your opinion of course))
-I need stories about females being in stable relationships with guys, but then madly falling in love with gals without being able to name what is that they feel so drawn to these women.
-women seduced by other women whilst in relationship with a man, and then switching into a happy emotional relationship with a woman...

I am looking forward to your stories and also situations that happened when you realize you need or love this woman.

I tried discussing this issue on local forum in my country, but believe me, it's very difficult around here... and then the lesbian label to that whole thing,
it's just the matter of the right person in the right time, and as I read through this forum it's just so much better when bisexual means also being gentle with others' and your own feelings.

thank you
and hope that we'll have a lively thread here...