View Full Version : Dick, balls, pussy...

Feb 21, 2009, 12:51 AM
Now that I've gotten your attention (and for those of us who care about the real world), there are several states that propose to install GPS systems on all vehicles to charge us a quarter of a cent tax per mile which we drive :tongue: Isnt that fun? Now, the current President wont make it into national law, but some states are trying to/want to test it out... article at this link http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090221/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/lahood_vehicle_mileage_tax

Vaya con dios y'all :)

Feb 21, 2009, 4:18 AM
It seems to me that in terms of what either the state or federal governements would collect in taxes would not be all that different---with the exception that the article noted such a taxation scheme could actually serve to be a disincentive to people purchasing more fuel efficient automobiles---that does seem to be what they are trying to capture in terms of fuel taxes since for the most part----the high gas prices of last summer has lead to many people--if they can---to ditch their gas hogging SUVs and go back to smaller, more fuel efficient vehicles---the other aspect of this tax collection scheme is that with so many people losing their jobs----people are not on the road as much and it doesn't matter what method they use to get the fuel taxes---as long as the economy is in the crapper-----and we are hemoraging jobs at a nearly unprecidented rate------peoplle simply are not drving as much now and I hate to say it----I don't think we are anywhere near the end of this current "recession."

I am glad that the Obama administration has rejected this idea--but since a few states are looking at such a plan already--it is a no-brainer for them to sit back and let the states to implement such a plan---the way things work in government---a few states will be the guinea pigs by trying out test bed sampler versions and if it turns out to capture more revenue---in relatively short order most other states will adopt such a method of fuel tax capture----especially now that just about every state is facing their worst budgetary conditions in many decades, they are going to extract as much "revenue" as possbile, in every manner possible. Once the states do it--then the Feds will no doubt follow suit and collect fuel taxes this way too if they cannot work out an "equitable revenue sharing plan" with the states.

Feb 21, 2009, 7:09 AM
And this represents yet another infringement on the Americam peoples rights. Installing GPSs!?!?!?
All the government can think of is ways and means to get more money from the people.
Can they not remember why America was founded some 200 years ago.
I don't think the American people will sit idley by and let this type of measure pass.
Can you spell "REVOLT" to unfair taxation -
Ain't nobody putting a GPS unit on my car or motorcycle.
I'll take it off if they do put one on. Yep - you can call me an outlaw.

Doggie :doggie:

Feb 21, 2009, 8:42 AM
Vitt hon, I already have that in my car - and if you can believe it I pay them to keep it active every month - it's called "OnStar". I'm not quite sure why I like it - I'm a single guy with family a hour or so away - if I get into really bad trouble - say like an accident - it's nice to know that EMS can find me.

Of course, you would think that other people would notice someone in an accident, or flat tire or whatever - but I'm not sure I count on that these days...and the last time I had a flat I figured that it would be faster for me to just get out of the car and change the tire then to wait for a tow or anything like that. Then there's the whole maschismo thing of some guy in a tow truck wondering why I didn't just get out of the car and change the tire anyway since I'm a MAN. Of course, if I had blown out TWO tires it would've made perfect sense.

And there have been a few times I've reported IN trouble - like a couple of times I was in traffic that was stopped because a pedestrian was struck, or that time I saw a car upside down spinning on it's roof, or that time I saw a guy alongside the road shaking a gas can, or traffic lights out - OnStar calls these in to the local police dept as "Samaritan Calls".

I have yet to hear any government agent's heavy breathing on my internal speakers. Of course, I am careful where I go and how I drive to some degree...when your car has a black box it does make one think a bit more carefully.

Easy solution - if you want to go across the railroad tracks just ask a friend to drive - they can't ALL have GPS installed - otherwise how would people get their illegal drugs and weapons?

Feb 21, 2009, 8:45 AM
Let's get back to the theme in the title.
Maybe they could equip all cars with sensors that keep track of all the dicks balls and pussy in each vehicle as well as miles traveled. Then they could tax on the basis of dick per mile, balls per mile and pussy per mile. With the right sensors you could increase the tax rate when sexual behavior is detected. A threesome in a moving vehicle could become an expesive trip.

Feb 21, 2009, 8:54 AM
I think it depends on the sensor technology and procedure you'll use to classify each vehicle.

Driving around here I see a lot of people that ACT like DICKS in traffic, they think they have a lot of BALLS because they have a really big exhaust system attached to their vehicle but generally they turn out to be PUSSIES..

Once, I even saw a pickup truck that had a pair of BALLS hanging from the bumper - how would you classify that? Is it like one of those things where they tax "per axle" then? - <giggles>

Feb 21, 2009, 9:29 AM
Vitt hon, I already have that in my car - and if you can believe it I pay them to keep it active every month - it's called "OnStar".
Not quite. OnStar's GPS is only activated and reported when you or your car (reporting air bag deployment for example) tell it to. That's a far cry from reporting every road you drive down to the government.

Feb 21, 2009, 9:47 AM
Not quite. OnStar's GPS is only activated and reported when you or your car (reporting air bag deployment for example) tell it to. That's a far cry from reporting every road you drive down to the government.

It's nice to know that - but there was that one high profile story where apparently the government ordered OnStar to turn on the mic in the vehicle of several mafia members..

Supposedly they aren't allowed to do that anymore - the justification against it was that it would "render the system inoperable in an emergency - violating the contract between GM and the Owner of the vehicle." I find that a bit disturbing since my reason it was wrong was different than the judge's conclusion - but then again - maybe they had a warrant.


Oh well - the sun is shining today - I'm going to go outside and NOT worry about things for a while.

Feb 21, 2009, 10:09 AM
I am glad that the Obama administration has rejected this idea--

His administration brought the idea up.

Feb 21, 2009, 10:19 AM
And this represents yet another infringement on the Americam peoples rights. Installing GPSs!?!?!?
All the government can think of is ways and means to get more money from the people.
Can they not remember why America was founded some 200 years ago.
I don't think the American people will sit idley by and let this type of measure pass.
Can you spell "REVOLT" to unfair taxation -
Ain't nobody putting a GPS unit on my car or motorcycle.
I'll take it off if they do put one on. Yep - you can call me an outlaw.

Doggie :doggie:

I agree 110&#37; Doggie, I would kill any GPS device put on my car for this reason.

Feb 21, 2009, 10:54 AM
Can you spell "REVOLT" to unfair taxation -


"-The peasants are revolting.
-Yeah, they stink on ice."


Feb 21, 2009, 11:53 AM
its a tracking system , don't be fooled by any one saying anything different ,

( According to OnStar's Privacy Policy, it will share personal information to "comply with legal requirements, valid court orders and exigent circumstances" [ref]. It also shares information with subsidiaries, including GMAC, which provides vehicle insurance. Although it did not mention OnStar by name, a United States Appeals Court ruled in 2003 that the government may be able to use the on-board cell phone to eavesdrop on drivers. )

not only eavesdrop , tracking , where and when and how long you have been at any one place ,

mine is disconnected

Feb 21, 2009, 12:36 PM
I personally couldn't care less if people want to track me, I just don't like being told that I have to pay extra money because someone else decided that they wanted to track me...

Feb 21, 2009, 12:40 PM
Can anyone say "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU." And just who do you think is going to have to pay for this chip to be installed, and who is going to pay for this tracking "service". I don't think it is going to be any government program. No, its going to come out of our pockets, and the "service" will also be taxed. They wouldn't need a GPS to get the vehichles milage, just something on the odomiter, why a GPS except to follow where you go. That IMHO is infringing on my privacy. WHERE I go is non of their business.

Feb 21, 2009, 2:33 PM
I plain and simply believe thats an invasion of privacy. If the state needs more money raise the damn tax's, (not that I'm for that). But tracking us as to were we drive, no!

Feb 21, 2009, 3:59 PM
I'd have to say that I'd rip it right out of my vehicle! As long as I am not breaking the law -it's no one's damn business where I go or how often. If you want hundreds of millions of dollars to flow into the economy,that's easy -I've been advocating it for years. legalize marijuana and tax it as you would cigarettes! But some Dick in washington doesn't have the BALLS to PUSSYfoot around with that! LW

Feb 21, 2009, 4:03 PM
Unless someone wrote something and I missed it, what happens when someone out of state drives through or visits. Would they have to have GPS fitted or if fitted would they be exempt from the tax for the duration? If out of state vehicles are exempt, can one own a vehicle registered elsewhere? How does that work?


Feb 21, 2009, 4:12 PM
another attempt at the man to control/infringe on our privacy.It will never happen.

Feb 21, 2009, 4:16 PM
Ill drive backwards, and the gobment will owe ME.

You folks are pathetic you didn't think of it first.

Feb 21, 2009, 4:21 PM
Ill drive backwards, and the gobment will owe ME.

You folks are pathetic you didn't think of it first.

Now THERE'S a thinking man!!!!! Love it!!! LOL LW

Feb 21, 2009, 4:25 PM
I read about this a few months ago, and I agree it is an invasion ofg privacy. Do I have anything to hide...no, but I believe there are alternate ways to achievethe same results without having to give uop my right to privacy. If they want to track how many miles I have driven, they do that already by putting the mileage at the time I get my inspecxtion done, on the sticker located on the windshield. All they have to do is "tax" me at the time I get inspected once a year - simple enough.

Or all they nne dto do is charge me more for my gas at the pump. But you see that creates a different perceptual problem. The federal governement already has a gas tax and they do not want to raise that tax. Because people are driving less, the government, local, state and federal, need to generate that tax loss. This is a new way to generate it...a new tax. Should things change, the method will still be there, so it is a new way to get more money from the people.

I have no problem with taxing us to pay for services that are needed and we need to have that debate every year (or more often) that determines what and how we pay for it. I also see where the governemnt needs to generate additional revenue to make up for lost revenue somewhere else, but the are better ways to do it. Like I said, tax me at the pump (which is a consumption tax) and give rebates to low income people if necessary, or tax my odometer, but don't rack where I am going...they want that capability for other reasons.

What I don't like is the governement pissing on my ead and telling me it is raining!


Feb 21, 2009, 5:45 PM
it's not the lack of revenue that is generated from the fed gas tax that puts it in the red ,
it is the politicians that take it out of the fund ,, and use it other places , no different than the social security fund , they have been raping the money out of there ever since they started the thing ,,

we just borrowed from the fund , but they never put it back , they are plain and simple crooks , they just do it behind the congress and senate doors ,

we are all in a world of shit right now , some just cant see it coming yet ,
but they will as soon as they pull there heads out of the sand , and actually pay attention to whats going on , and realize where its heading

Feb 21, 2009, 9:54 PM
If there is one thing I have observed over the years, it is that if other people have "facts" that can be used to hurt you, a fair percentage will. This GPS thing is just another attempt to commoditize your private life. And it isn't just your car and cellphone.

When you touch various places on the Internet, you leave footprints all over the place in various databases. When the databases are added, their value multiplies, and someone will invariably want to sell this information, which is the real treasure trove.

Got nothing to hide? Suppose a lady applied for health insurance, and the company just happened to know that she had been looking up a lot of material about breast cancer. Get the point?

Concerning the car and cellphone -- They will design the systems such that any attempt to shut down the tracking feature will such down the whole system. Concerning the PC, there are next-generation hardware designs that trap every keystroke ever made on the machine, beneath the level of the operating system. That way you can't defeat it in software and you can't fix it by replacing the bios chip - it will be in the chipset.

By the way, this place has a giant security hole. It's called Giggle Scalitics. Know why I said it that way?

Feb 22, 2009, 1:08 AM
"What experience and history teach is that people have never learned
anything from history, or acted upon principles deduced from it."
-- Georg Hegel, 1832

How does this quote apply to taxation per mile you drive?

It may not appear to relate to the issue but please bear with me for a few moments. People often stumble over words, I'm no exception as has been evidenced on the forums a few times. I am clear about the word revolt however.

At its base is the word revolve. That means something comes around in cyclic fashion. This is America, we did not revolve when we chose to be independent, we evolved. Clearer an example could not be given to us than Lincoln.

He called for the issue of United States Notes, not Federal Reserve Notes. There is some dispute and shades of conspiracy theory around this, don't let that detract from my point. And my point is Lincoln put the country back onto the right track, and even had us creating surplus goods, money, prospering!

So let us not revolt but evolve, again. If the POTUS did in fact put the idea of mileage tax on the table, he may have had good reason to consider it. Presently, I see the fellow as akin to the second coming or something, mostly because he is not Bush and is actually tossing out ideas, doing stuff to move forward, not bogging us down in blame game, not making us go in circles.

We are a nation that until recently held ourselves up as the Standard for the world. Now look at us, shredded apart by so much petty crap.

Does that mean I'll let Big Brother invade my right to move freely and be secure in my persons? No. Can he track in order to tax? Not with my consent. But he may not need it. That's the dual edge technology carries with it. They can use DMV records, good old fashion police follow along, radio etc and so on.

Damn vicious circle. "Go straight up ahead, even if I am twisted for life."

Feb 22, 2009, 2:30 AM
To be seroius, this is why they want to do this.

First, they already have a fixed tax on the price of gas, per gallon.

Thanks to rising gas prices, and the push from the government to automakers to make better milage cars, they have kicked themselves in the ass and realized they are not getting very much money from the people that bought the green-mobile.

They want that green mobile taxed as evenly as my pick up truck, to do that, this is how.

tg Shannon
Feb 22, 2009, 2:40 AM
I just heard out this earlier from my mom, she made a good point, several states have already initiated this, and it will trickle on down to the rest, this is a perfect example of someone somewhere tryin their best to justify their employment with the government and it hits us, whoever the SON OF A BITCH is, I think it's time they gave up their cushy job and went into the real world and have ta work for their money. jmho

and bi the way, no preference, I like dick, balls and pussy, one of the perks to bein bi

Feb 22, 2009, 4:07 AM
Well know all I have to say to this is-

First Vittoria, thank you for that bit of information. You've reminded me to scour the news more thoroughly.And as far as chips go...

You're next. Don't say i didn't warn you.

OH! One more thing.
It's a damned shame Vittoria had to present a redundant topic to get anyone's attention long enough to give them relevant information that might save them a lot of trouble either now or in the future.

yeah wut? Go ahead, go apeshit...:mad:

Feb 22, 2009, 10:23 AM
Well know all I have to say to this is-

First Vittoria, thank you for that bit of information. You've reminded me to scour the news more thoroughly.And as far as chips go...

You're next. Don't say i didn't warn you.

OH! One more thing.
It's a damned shame Vittoria had to present a redundant topic to get anyone's attention long enough to give them relevant information that might save them a lot of trouble either now or in the future.

yeah wut? Go ahead, go apeshit...:mad:

Pro, there have been many threads started here that have not been about sex and the threads have all gotten many responses. I don't think that one necessarily has to title a thread the way that Vit did just to get anyones attention. Maybe it got some more people to look than usual, I can't say one way or the other, but I think that all of the regulars would have looked even if it wasn't called that.

But, it sure made YOU look huh hehe;)

Feb 22, 2009, 10:26 AM
Ill drive backwards, and the gobment will owe ME.

You folks are pathetic you didn't think of it first.


Feb 22, 2009, 11:00 AM
OH! One more thing.
It's a damned shame Vittoria had to present a redundant topic to get anyone's attention long enough to give them relevant information that might save them a lot of trouble either now or in the future.

yeah wut? Go ahead, go apeshit...:mad:

LOL! Glad you caught that :bigrin:

Feb 22, 2009, 3:15 PM
I wouldn't feel so bad getting taxed an' all if I actually saw any benefit to the local community. My understanding is that providing security to its citizens is like one of the three so-called functions of government in a capitalist society - but yet I see articles in the local newspaper about police departments in jeopardy for lack of funds.

I just can't figure out how far away I am from the giant sucking sound of where all this tax money is SUPPOSED to be going.

It's a shame that so many entities borrowed against those pension funds, now that all the baby boomers are retiring that money, and a decent national health care system - would really come in handy around here.

Feb 23, 2009, 10:33 AM
As was probably mentioned before... the money that would be made if they just legalised marijuana and taxed it could make a LOT of money for a LOT of stuff...

And to say that the DEA and all those other people would be out of a job is quite irrelevant.. they would still have all the meth, crack, opiates and cocaine to deal with so they would STILL have a job.

Feb 23, 2009, 11:01 AM
As was probably mentioned before... the money that would be made if they just legalised marijuana and taxed it could make a LOT of money for a LOT of stuff...

And to say that the DEA and all those other people would be out of a job is quite irrelevant.. they would still have all the meth, crack, opiates and cocaine to deal with so they would STILL have a job.

Yes, marijuana isn't the only or major concern

Feb 23, 2009, 11:01 AM
Power corrupts + Money is the root of all evil = Our Government & Politicians

As long as we continue to let crooks define the truth and not have to answer to the people who elected them, the timeline will continue...

Feb 24, 2009, 12:04 PM
Personally I suffer from allergys made worse by particle matter in the air. We have whats called ozone action days around here I'm just miserable as hell. Anything that would reduce the amount of those particles in the air ought to be considered IMO. Knowing that my problems are being made worse by JoeHummerDriver making a 75 mile round trip to drop his kids off at school 8 days a week just pisses me off.
However there just has to be a better way. I'd say first we should offer up the proverbial carrot to encourage people to use less fuel/emit less partical matter pollutants. That being said if the carrot approach doesn't work having some sort of "stick upside the head" approach in the form of increased taxs for excessive driving is brought up for debate I have no problem with it.

Jul 12, 2013, 1:55 AM
They can and do track you with your car and your phone Every phone has GPS and can be turned on at anytime. This president is someone that will order this done.

Jul 12, 2013, 9:11 AM
My favorite comment is that the people will revolt and not pay these taxes. Just like we would revolt if gas prices ever got to $2. We will comply. We lemmings will do whatever the government wants us to do. If we bitch, they will simply distract us with another cnn full coverage trial or some celebrities misconduct. Anything to make us feel we are better than the guy on tv. Remember the rage over CEO pay resulting in sit-ins. Got a lot of coverage but none of it had anything to do with the reason they were frustrated enough to go to such extremes. Then the coverage goes away and so does the cause. Wonder why the US is rated so low on the education scale? Who is easier to control? The well educated free thinking man of the 60s or the super confident people force fed the pointless education designed to make us feel superior to everyone? The media controls us and we will continue to do the bidding of who controls the media. They could make the tax 100 times what is proposed and wow, would we ever bitch as we write the check.

Silly Billy
Jul 12, 2013, 10:15 AM
Ha ! Just the begining. Chips inside our bodies 'chipping' has also begun and a large part of the Globalist , Zionist plan for global collectivism. Obama , Bush , Clinton...doesn't make a hair of differance. Just frontmen for the Globalist banking cartel. Most of the architecture for an all powerful world gov't is already in place. The U.N. was an important stepping stone , as well as the World Bank , B.I.S. , European Union , NAFTA , GATT , Patriot Act and on and on and on. It is important to know , that 'Governments' are not the 'be all end all' but only serve as tools for the banking cartels which are privetly owned ( Fed Reserve ). The most important part of this plan for world domination by this structure , however , is the complete ownership and control of the media and press. Approxametly 96% of all media is Zionist controlled. And both Reuters and the Associated Press are owned by the infamous Rothschild family. This is why very few people know that 9-11 was a joint U.S. / Israeli high level black op. I was kind of hoping I wouldn't see any political type posts here because I can't help myself when it comes to exposing the truth of current realities.