View Full Version : Without a condom

Feb 14, 2009, 2:58 AM
AIDS came to everyone's attention about 1982. A lot of people in this forum were not even born then or if they were, they were too young for sex. Yet, all in this age group have been warned on a daily basis to not have, "unprotected sex." With this in mind, I wonder if any in this age group have ever had sex without a condom.

Feb 14, 2009, 6:56 AM
I just turned 27 (I was born in '82) a few days ago and I have always used a condom when with another. There are only two people in my life I would be willing to go without one, but I have never been with either. I am hoping in time I will be with someone in a LTR, but for now it is not happening.

Feb 14, 2009, 2:36 PM
I've posted before when this subject came up. We were very active swingers from the mid/late 70s to the early 90s and no one ever used condoms. Everybody thought AIDS was concentrated in the gay community, at least in the earlier years. In the groups we hung out in almost all the women were bi, but none of the men, at least openly. There was a couple who we met at a nudist resort not far from our town that also lived about 5 minutes from us. We regularly saw them at swinger's parties and eventually the man in the couple revealed his bisexuality to me. That began a long term thing between the two of us that lasted until the mid 90s. We never used condoms. I might add here that the sex between us was magical and could be the subject of a long story in another thread. I also did the occasional random highway rest stop, gay theater and bath house thing, always without condoms, up until the early 80s when AIDS awareness became more prominent. At about that time we formed a "pact' with 4 other couples and limited our sexual activity to each other, all without condoms. It worked out fine and we are all alive and healthy except for one who died in a traffic accident.
I do not look back at my "condom-less" activities in rest stops, theaters and bath houses as some of the smartest moves I ever made. Just got lucky, I guess.

Feb 14, 2009, 3:16 PM
My husband is "fixed", so there is no need for us to use condoms. But when we are with other lovers, we are extremely cautious and aware that anything we contract from another gets passed on. So yes, condoms with my other lovers (I'm also not on birth control, so that's another issue ;)).


Feb 14, 2009, 4:05 PM
In this day and age, all of us in the Lifestyle Community uses condoms when swinging with unknown partners, and anyone with any sense should Anyway. Unless you are with an established partner/significant other.
Its just plain good and common sense. :}
Safe Cat

Feb 14, 2009, 7:37 PM
My daghteers are just so aware of the njeed for condoms. My eldest, even though she is on the Pill, and has never had sex, has two condoms in her purse when she goes to parties.
She admits that she is now entering a stage in her life (University) when things "just might happen" on impulse.
The Pill is for contraception, the condom is essentially to stop the nasties.
Both her choice.

My generation were never that aware. Education has worked with my daughter. (The younger one is still locked up!!)

And regretfully I must own up to having had numerous "encounters" sans condom: well after the AIDS thing was known.
But very discerning - tho I know that's a useless excuse.

As my other lovers are (now) always female, there is a far lesser risk. And I do not frequent the bar/club scene at all.

Feb 15, 2009, 11:17 AM
All in this age group have been warned on a daily basis to not have, 'unprotected sex'. With this in mind, I wonder if any in this age group have ever had sex without a condom.

We were born in '82/'83, and yes, we've definitely had sex without condoms. Most, if not all of our peers have on multiple occasions as well. We actually broke our cherries having unprotected sex.

It's not a regular activity, and for most of us, certainly isn't something we would do all the time. People in our age group heard the warnings. We heard a lot of warnings about a lot of different things. We definitely recognize the inherent risks of some activities, and choose to deal with those on an individual basis.

We know how STIs get transmitted, we know what happens as the result of contracting one, we know how they can be prevented, we know the rates off infection, etc. Just like with other generations before us, education has bred an awareness of a subject as opposed to fear.

Feb 18, 2009, 3:54 PM
I started having sex at 13 with my best friend, we never used condoms for anything. We weren't having sex with anyone else so it didn't matter.

After taking off for university I rarely used them, even with girlfriends or boyfriends. No one thought the wiser either. I hated condoms then too. They were almost like wearing a tire around your cock.

I had occasional hookups with another guy who was also a closeted bisexual at the time like me. fortunately, the gf never found out about us...or anyone else for that matter.

In some 3some activity I had, we used condoms once or twice, but for the most part, it was uncovered.

Now that I am out of the closet with my wife, I doubt I will go bareback. Too risky.

Feb 18, 2009, 5:28 PM
Back in the 70's I always took a yummy load.

Now...condom always

Feb 18, 2009, 6:24 PM
I luv this forums because it is the truth. How many times have people been told not to have sex without the protection not only for aids but for other diseases that are out there now. When I first lost my virginity I didn't use a condom then. But other then that I did because I would think about how many people think that this is the one and that there are the only one for me and everything like that and then you find out that person isn't who you think they are. I think about that all the time. You have to look out for you and only you. I have heard so many times " It doesn't feel the same or if you loved me you won't make me." And i come back with you know what if you loved me you wouldn't make me make a decision like this. Because You know what i'm going to pick me. But the kids now a days need to come to realize that they need to think about themselves a litttle bit more then they think about the person that they are with. I understand that when you are with someone that you are just so in luv and everything like that but you know what you have to think about you because this is your health and think who is going to help you when you are the one sick you think that that person is going to be there with you. Hell no not some of the kids now a days. I'm not saying all of them i'm just saying some of them. Well i just wanted to drop by two cents in.

Feb 19, 2009, 4:01 AM
i ONLY have sex with my fixed parter without a condom. i know it's safe.

Feb 19, 2009, 12:00 PM
i ONLY have sex with my fixed parter without a condom. i know it's safe.
Ya reckon?? Yas prob rite but no 1 can b absolutely certain wot ne 1 otha than themselvs hav been up 2 an wiv whom.... moren 1 person who thot they wer absolutely safe wiv ther partner has copped HIV an otha STDs cosa ther partners strayin from the nest... not bein cynical ere..merely sayin how it is...:)

...an we neva use condoms...:female::female::bigrin:

Feb 19, 2009, 11:33 PM
I only have sex with my present male partner and not with a condom. Yes, I know that may be somewhat of a risk and I will likely contract any sexually transmitted disease that he may have or get from another. I wish he liked ladies less to lessen our risk. Except for one affair with a woman, he has been only with me.
My dilemma is that, for me, the alternative is no sex; because there is no way I would enjoy sucking on a condom-clad dick.
If I were a young man, with more to lose, I would do what I did then. Which is: ALWAYS wear a condom even though that means only having sex with women.
I wish I had a better alternative, all risk cannot eliminate from our lives. I have already been very close to being dead once in my life (not from sex). Rather, you have to do what you can to minimize both risk and the costs of failure.
So if you do without a condom, then I hope you do what you can to minimize your risk. Further, I hope both you and I are lucky and avoid disaster.

Feb 21, 2009, 1:38 AM
My gf and I don't use condoms anymore. She is on the pill, so that generally how we rationalize it out, though sometimes I feel like I may be asking for trouble...