View Full Version : Impersonators...

Feb 13, 2009, 10:59 PM
Something a chat-friend said tonight got me to thinking. She said someone had been professing to be her in chat one night, and an idiot told me recently that it wasnt Him starting trouble in chat the other night, and that someone Must have been on his computer and had gotten into BiSex chat, pretending to be him. (Yeah right Daddy, tell me Another bedtime story)

My question is this. From all of us that are regulars in chat, do you feel confidant that you Could be able to tell a person pretending to be someone they are not? Could you from their mannerisms, the way they talk (write in this case) and present themselves? Would you know pertainent info enough about chat friends to say "Hey, that aint Cat/Tex/Arana/Peg/Kate/Allbi/ Swimmy/show/ ect.?
Do you know their speech patterns well enough to know for certain?
What distinguishes your friends in Chat? With me its my love for slaughtering the english language with my Redneck humor, with Fran its Fran-Speech, if Show said somethng about a duck dropping from the ceiling, you'd know it was Show,...you get the idea.
Tell me some characterists that define our chat buddies...:}
The Only Everybody's Cat
(I mean who the hell else would have their very own pet Were-Cougar??? lmao)

Feb 13, 2009, 11:45 PM
What you say might be true. But, let's be careful you do not give away too many clues to the bad guys to use against us.

Feb 14, 2009, 12:24 PM
Well Cat,One night in the chat room,we could tell it was Barb chatting,and NOT cmm,LOL. Barb's typing was too good to be cmm,LMAO!!! We new it was her!!,LMAO...

Feb 14, 2009, 8:48 PM
The few times I've been in the chat room I usually just lurk... But you'll know its me when I respond cuz three new topics would've come up by the time I type my response to the one I'm trying to answer to... - Cody :paw::paw:

Feb 14, 2009, 9:24 PM
"Bring me... a shrubbery!" ;)

Annika L
Feb 14, 2009, 10:04 PM
*quack* ;)

Feb 14, 2009, 10:11 PM
I hope you don't mean me.

I know I have been gone lately, and recently while back not totally myself. That's just due to my Crohns issues going to total shit, and I'm going through medications withdrawals in another area and I'm pretty loopy to hell.

Feb 14, 2009, 10:13 PM
Cody-honey, your sposta use Both paws when typing...not one like "I" do..lol
Bad Cat;)

Feb 14, 2009, 10:41 PM
I hope you don't mean me.

I know I have been gone lately, and recently while back not totally myself. That's just due to my Crohns issues going to total shit, and I'm going through medications withdrawals in another area and I'm pretty loopy to hell.

Wow Joe,
I hope you get feeling better soon. Take care man. LW

Feb 14, 2009, 11:07 PM
Well Cat,One night in the chat room,we could tell it was Barb chatting,and NOT cmm,LOL. Barb's typing was too good to be cmm,LMAO!!! We new it was her!!,LMAO...

Well tex that would have been the only time that cmm would have made any sense :cutelaugh

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Feb 15, 2009, 1:23 AM
Cody-honey, your sposta use Both paws when typing...not one like "I" do..lol
Bad Cat;)

LOL... Guess I could stop "scratchin my beard" long enuf to type a little faster, huh? ;) ...-Cody :paw::paw:

Feb 15, 2009, 1:29 PM
LOL Its hard enuff ta keep up with the chat when its in full swing, let along with scratchin' yer beard.. Scratch what ya like, Sugar! lol Its all good. :bigrin:
Grinning Cat