View Full Version : Did I miss Something?

Feb 9, 2009, 10:42 PM
What did I do to be the focus of the private messages and emails that required me to remove my email and begin blocking messages? Did I offend someone by being someone who can be in love with several at once? Is that my latest sin I must suffer for? Or that I have to hear people defending polyamory with backhanded swipes at how we're full of shit, but leave us and our bullshit alone?

Did I engender further upset in this community by breathing with more love in my heart? Because I can assure you all, I do not have any open relationships nor do I have more than ONE person I make love to. Polyamory is LOVE. Am I behind the trend of things and simply not bouncing into and out of beds like many? Because I can tell you all that much of what I have seen written sounds rather two-faced. It's ok to gang-bang, be the person that pulls the train, or in any ways be a slut so long as I claim I am a slut. Do drugs, and revel in the wonders of a whacked out brain...I have seen the chat room claim it all.

None of things apply to me and yet I am attacked from all sides and within this community. And now the troll hunts after me for being able to love, and I do not mean fuck I mean love, several persons.

Explain to me the evil I have done that mandates such treatment, please?

Explain the justification for yet another barb being pushed slowly and painfully into my flesh, please?

Do you know me? And if so whom told you I committed an atrocity that demands such things tossed my way, for I wish to ask them what I am asking you all.

Being born into a family that hated me, having been molested by a brother and beaten by a mother who wanted it hidden, a father who hate dme for being bisexual and he recognized this because he could see himself in me and knew no other way than to do unto me what his family did unto him....

And all that occured by the time I was 10. The rest has been hardly a walk in the garden, and in many ways a worse situation. Spurned on all sides I was a virgin til 24.

Receiving hate rather than love my whole life, isn't it a wonder I can love at all? And yet I am hated for not being a good "Bisexual" that is an image both marketable and acceptable because I can be in love, and more than one person at that.

So I ask again...did I miss something important? And if so, what? A book that you think tells you about what it's like to be ME? What hubris! You can read a book and understand a disease, a disorder possibly, and maybe even one person's point of view about things. Does this make you an all knowing Guru on the subject and able to comment with unequivocal authority about it? Think carefully before saying 'Yes'.

I turned to this community when I finally felt less fear in being known as a bisexual when I turned 33, and it has been a long 4 years of feeling rejected both here and in the GLBT community in specific.

So did I miss something? Did I sin against you and this world before I was born and this is the reward I have for drawing breath? Did asking to find love mean I was going to be abused throughout my life even by people who are my peers? Am I a grotesque that needs beating into submission or told his place at all times, or having idiosyncracies pushed on me when someone feels the need?

So if missed something, would kindly tell me what it was? I deserve an explanation for how I can be wronged and yet be told I am the wronged one. It's akin to being beaten into a corner and as the police come due to my cries for help, yet I am arrested for pummeling THEIR hands with my FACE.

Feb 9, 2009, 11:26 PM
Chances are you are the recipient of emails being sent by our troll....and I wouldn't give them a second thought. They change their name over and over but the nastiness of the messages remains the same. There is one particular diatribe they usually post regarding polyamory and I am sure it's one of the many messages you probably received. Pay them no mind....it's just a troll!

Feb 9, 2009, 11:29 PM
Yes, you too are a victim of one of our resident trolls. The majority of us here are really nice and wouldn't think of sending you such hateful messages.

You are not the only one. I've gotten two nasty e-mails lately. Don't take it personally. Just put the moron on "ignore.

Feb 9, 2009, 11:37 PM
If this were recent and only once I would agree...maybe two and I would also. But I have a list of ignores now that are all doing this and it's always about Polyamory. And then there are the people on here that do what I said, about saying we're full of shit and read some book or other but to leave us alone. I checked in the threads and cannot find them now as it may have been deleted. But the threads were begun by long time members. It's not just the messages in private, it's the ones in public I am addressing too.

Feb 9, 2009, 11:46 PM
Yes...but chances are these same people in one of their previous "personas" were the ones that posted in the forums as well. They have been deleted and/or banned as Drew finds them, but I refuse to believe that the regular membership would attack you in this manner. Please ignore those messages...Just check the thread addressing the troll that is in the forum now...you'll see that you're not the only one getting hateful messages.

Feb 10, 2009, 12:00 AM
What did I do to be the focus of the private messages and emails that required me to remove my email and begin blocking messages? Did I offend someone by being someone who can be in love with several at once? Is that my latest sin I must suffer for? Or that I have to hear people defending polyamory with backhanded swipes at how we're full of shit, but leave us and our bullshit alone?

Did I engender further upset in this community by breathing with more love in my heart? Because I can assure you all, I do not have any open relationships nor do I have more than ONE person I make love to. Polyamory is LOVE. Am I behind the trend of things and simply not bouncing into and out of beds like many? Because I can tell you all that much of what I have seen written sounds rather two-faced. It's ok to gang-bang, be the person that pulls the train, or in any ways be a slut so long as I claim I am a slut. Do drugs, and revel in the wonders of a whacked out brain...I have seen the chat room claim it all.

None of things apply to me and yet I am attacked from all sides and within this community. And now the troll hunts after me for being able to love, and I do not mean fuck I mean love, several persons.

Explain to me the evil I have done that mandates such treatment, please?

Explain the justification for yet another barb being pushed slowly and painfully into my flesh, please?

Do you know me? And if so whom told you I committed an atrocity that demands such things tossed my way, for I wish to ask them what I am asking you all.


You. Are. Awesome.

Feb 10, 2009, 12:20 AM
it's always about Polyamory

That would be the troll.

I may have to hire a lawyer to subpoena proxies, isps, gmail, etc and begin the process of recouping the damages. The damage to the business mounts up month after month. It's getting near the point where a $25k or so investment in the legal process would pay off assuming the little shit has any assets.

Feb 10, 2009, 12:41 AM
That would be the troll.

I may have to hire a lawyer to subpoena proxies, isps, gmail, etc and begin the process of recouping the damages. The damage to the business mounts up month after month. It's getting near the point where a $25k or so investment in the legal process would pay off assuming the little shit has any assets.

Drew thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Please do it!!! I know its not cheap to go after him--but this person has been doing this for so long now--it is getting so tiring and he does seem to be escalating his attacks on some of us of late!!

All Hail Drew!!!


As they Monty Python used to say in one of their skits: in a high scratchy cockney accent: "Bailiff---whack the man's pee-pee!!!"

Feb 10, 2009, 12:42 AM
That would be the troll.

I may have to hire a lawyer to subpoena proxies, isps, gmail, etc and begin the process of recouping the damages. The damage to the business mounts up month after month. It's getting near the point where a $25k or so investment in the legal process would pay off assuming the little shit has any assets.

Hooray for Drew! We love you!

Feb 10, 2009, 12:56 AM

Feb 10, 2009, 1:19 AM
Guys--I tell ya--it has been basically one person who has been "THE TROLL"----even though he has used god only knows how many names to this point---with all of his multiple personalities--they are going to have to rewrite all the Psych textbooks and the DSMR thanks to him--------this guy sets the record for all of his "personalities", Sybil has nothing on him!!!!!!!:bigrin::bigrin:

The DSMR for those who don't know is the following piece of work:

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR Fourth Edition (Text Revision) (Paperback)
by American Psychiatric Association (Author)

Feb 10, 2009, 1:24 AM
I just opened my email and had the same thing...being told about how evil i am, and blah blah blah. However it appears to be the exact same, word for word post from a thread on poly that was on here a few months ago. So im efinately think ing its the same guy. He likely just stole the rant from somewhere and saved it and now likes to send it out willy nilly to get a rise out of people. kinda makes ya feel like shit for a bit though at first...:(

Feb 10, 2009, 1:35 AM
I just opened my email and had the same thing...being told about how evil i am, and blah blah blah. However it appears to be the exact same, word for word post from a thread on poly that was on here a few months ago. So im efinately think ing its the same guy. He likely just stole the rant from somewhere and saved it and now likes to send it out willy nilly to get a rise out of people. kinda makes ya feel like shit for a bit though at first...:(

Welcome to the club Starlight--

Forgive my English folks--but this guy is one sick litttle fuck (there is that very versatile word again!)

A person who fixates such on us like he does is certainly not mentally healthy and I find it very disconcerting that no one in his life is catching on that he is obviously not operating on all his cylinders----can you imagine if he does this here---what he must be like in real life??

I find it very hard to believe that his dysfunctionality is not affecting his life in "the real world."

Somebody is falling down on the job and neither "the troll" or soceity is being well served by the failure to get this person's mental state to some degree of "normalcy" and by that-I mean "normal" from a mental health perspective.

It is obvious he not someone who is homeless due to his mental problems--he as a computer and internet access, not exactly something that all mentally ill people do have access to--thankfully!!

I see his verbal attacks on here escalating---I am willing to bet that in real life----he is becoming more unstable and at some point---he will become a threat to those around him--or anyone who happens to cross his path out there who becomes the object of his fixations!!!

It will not only do us good if Drew goes after him legally--that will put it on the record--this person is escalating in his threatening mindset and if its not clear to those around him now it will be for he has a very real mental health problem!

Feb 10, 2009, 1:37 AM
I got an email from pandemic. wasn't anything naty about me or anything. it was basically bout someone he believes being a pedophile and that he thinks they should be banned. it was kind of random and i'm a little confused about why it was sent to me of all people but...ok...

Mr. Magick
Feb 10, 2009, 4:42 AM
I got the email about poly. I didn't even finnish reading it. It was the typical close minded BS arguments I've heard before. placed the author on my ignore list and deleted the mindless drival from my email box. He's welcome to his opinions but I'm not obliged to listen, especial with the insulting tone of the email. He's not even worth talking to.

Feb 10, 2009, 11:27 AM
That would be the troll.

I may have to hire a lawyer to subpoena proxies, isps, gmail, etc and begin the process of recouping the damages. The damage to the business mounts up month after month. It's getting near the point where a $25k or so investment in the legal process would pay off assuming the little shit has any assets.


Feb 10, 2009, 11:36 AM

I have to second what the others are saying. The "REAL" members of this forum wouldn't crucify you for being bi and loving more than one person at a time - they would EMBRACE you for it. If YOU are happy with your life, lifestyle and romance and you are hurting no one - then it's no ones business what you do - just be yourself and be happy. Chances are pretty damn good that the "multitudes" of people who crucified you were in fact just identities swiped by the troll(s) - the diatribe is the same. I applaud you for being capable of holding and maintaining that much love after a childhood from hell. I had a rough childhood myself. I say welcome here! - and put the past behind you and realize that, like many of us, you have been trolled!!! Tight Hugs! LW

Feb 10, 2009, 9:10 PM
That would be the troll.

I may have to hire a lawyer to subpoena proxies, isps, gmail, etc and begin the process of recouping the damages. The damage to the business mounts up month after month. It's getting near the point where a $25k or so investment in the legal process would pay off assuming the little shit has any assets.

Drew - I don't have a lot of fluid funds, but I am willing to donate what I can to a "Hunt Down and Shut Down The Troll" fund if one is set up.

Doggie :doggie:

Feb 11, 2009, 5:37 PM
Someone loves you is all.

Sadly its the not the one you want to love you, aint that a bitch ?