View Full Version : my prayers are with you in southeastern australia

Feb 9, 2009, 6:28 PM
We have some members here that are close to the fires in Australia. Just want to let them know, publicly, that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay safe.

Feb 9, 2009, 6:47 PM
Mine as well

May Peace, Love and light saround you all and keep you safe

Feb 9, 2009, 7:05 PM
Here Here!

Sending prayers, peace and best wishes to our Aussie friends down under!!

Feb 9, 2009, 7:39 PM
I also agree--at this point--the death toll from these fires is well over one hundred dead!!!

It is one thing if those were naturally occuring instances--but from what they are saying on the news---each and every fatal fire was set by the hand of a person!!!!

I cannot begin to imagine--of all the ways to die--- to know that you are going to burn to death--that must be horrorific!!

I hope they catch each and every one of the perpetrators of these crimes and they pay the ultimate sentence possible under Australian law--if Australia doesn't have the death penalty--they need to make a one time exception for these people---they don't deserve the luxury of spending the rest of their days living in an correctional institutional in relative comfort--while their victims of all ages died horrendous deaths!!

I do hope that none of our community met with such a fate in these manmade fire storms!!

Feb 9, 2009, 7:41 PM
Dear friends DOWNUNDER....you are in our thoughts and prayers. If there is anything that we can do, be it as a group or individually, all you need to do is ask..that what friends are for.


Feb 9, 2009, 7:52 PM
My thoughts and prayers do go out to those who died and those who lost everything but mangaed to survive---their tales are bloodcurdling---this one man--he talked about how he had all kinds of dogs he and his wife raised--they tried to save as many as they could but the fire swept in so fast---they only got a few dogs out along with themelves--the rest of their dogs, cats and other beloved pets died----the people lost all of their family heirlooms, photos of their kids, important papers, ---everything--there were many stories like this----this is just devasting!!

I so feel for these people!!

Feb 10, 2009, 12:38 AM
Thankyou for your kind wishes and concerns.
It was certainly Australia's most horrible natural disaster - and it happened so quickly. By mid-afternoon on the worst fire day in the history of the state, (Sat) not much had happened - then from about 3 pm onwards hell opened up.

Personally, I am safe in a beachside suburb, but I have a sister who lives in the next (untouched) town. She has been traumatised. She knew poeple who perished!
The most terrible thing being it wasn't country towns that disappeared, essentially they were outer suburbs of Melbourne with a high proportion of families - there are now orphans and childkless parents: its appalling.

Thanks again for your kind wishes.

Feb 10, 2009, 2:33 AM
We are concerned for our allies down under as well.

Here in Florida, we get some nasty wildfires in the Everglades and California has had some seriously large fires, but nothing that I can recall, in this country, has ever been of the scope and speed as these fires in Australia.

It saddens us that so many have died.

If the fires were started intentionally, then I hope they find the ones responsible and prosecute them to the fullest extent of every pertinent law.

Please stay safe down there.

Feb 10, 2009, 3:56 AM
count me in.
May you all close to the fires stay in safe.

Feb 10, 2009, 4:55 AM
Horrendous situation. Heartbreaking accounts. May whatever force looks after the lives of men look after them in their hour of need.

Feb 10, 2009, 6:52 AM
Anytime people lose their lives in natural disasters it is a sad thing, but this is horrible. No time to truly prepare or anything...

Feb 10, 2009, 11:06 AM
A story about the fires in Australia that also includes a number of photos:


Feb 10, 2009, 10:08 PM
Amen Darlins. May the Spirits protect you from further harm...

Feb 11, 2009, 11:48 AM
When disasters like this occur..it makes us so grateful for those who risk their lives for those in danger and to help prevent them being so much worse.. we have been affected by this as Kate has a cousin in Victoria who has now lost his home and we have spent the last few days trying to find out if he and his family are safe and speaking to and trying to comfort his parents in Brisbane. We thank kismet that they are safe and well, but our hearts go out to all who have lost loved ones or whose lives are wrecked by this tragedy.

Thank you for the assistance of the Australian High Commision in London and all of the Australian authorities who have helped us in this awful time.. to those who have survived we hope that your lives and world are speedily rebuilt and that ere long this appalling tragedy can be put behind you.