View Full Version : Prose..what lies within tranferred to paper

Feb 8, 2009, 9:08 PM
OK....This is the first thread I have started. I mentioned, in another thread, that I wrote prose. Prose chose me, not I, it. Until I met a certain person, I had never written prose, save for school essays. I am, by nature, a writer of letters, but apart from the odd bad poem, here and there..which is not prose, I had never written anything of substance.

With my third email, to said person, I suddenly had words flowing from my mind, along my arm, through my hand and thus to the pen and words appeared. I had noted the goings on in my local coffee house and all had to be told.

I kept writing and sometimes in a frenzy with the need to get words onto paper and I write with a pen onto paper, not typed on to a screen. Many things have I churned out. One was special. It had to be finished and my friend in New Zealand, helped me to edit it.

It was written for one person, but I soon realised tht it had to be shared with others. People would read it and nods and smiles were noticed and at the same points in the text. It is not long, but it is my best piece and written with love and to be shared.

I would be interested to read any...''clean''...as I call it...writings, from others, but here is mine. Enjoy. Smile. Weep a little.

The Never Changing Face Of Love

I have come to believe that no matter how much one may strive to become a mature, sensible adult, and escape the youthful inner self, it is an impossible task. Human beings are, after all, mere mortals. There will always be a large part of an individual’s personality, which will never grow up.

This inner youth is an area of being, which is very difficult to describe; yet it is a most important part of the human psyche. There dwells a place deep within each person, where burns the eternal flame of youth. Here it takes shelter and seeks solace. In this sanctuary can be found the remnants of the giggling teenager, smiles of the love struck, and the tears of the distressed young adult, who feels that with the end of a love affair, all hope of happiness is lost.

These experiences need to be kept locked deep inside, for though the body grows older, one’s spirit remains young. From time to time, there may well be a need to resurrect these long held passions, to rekindle an old love, or discover and rejoice in a new one.

To be in love at any age is much the same experience. There are highs and lows, questions are asked, answers disbelieved, words of love and barbed, insulting jibes. The head may buzz with wonderful thoughts of the loved one, breathing may feel heavy and difficult, the heart quickens its beat, and a glorious pain is felt deep within. The same emotional and physical gratification is desired, just as it was in our younger days. To be in love in middle age, is no easier than it is at seventeen.

Being in love may lead to erratic and sometimes irrational behaviour. One word, innocently spoken, can detonate an explosive charge of rage, or result in incredible loving passion. Human beings are fragile when in love, and no matter how well intentioned an individual may be, there is always a chance that the words spoken will not reflect the sentiment they are meant to convey.

This state of being ‘in love,’ is a voyage of discovery and exploration of uncharted seas and foreign lands. If the love is true, it will be strong enough to weather all storms, and fight off any dangers it may encounter upon the journey.

During a person’s brief sojourn upon this earth, love may be experienced many times, or just once. If love is found, and then comes to an end, it can only be hoped that with the passing of time, the blissful part of the relationship will remain intact, stored away in some quiet part of the mind, to be one day remembered with happiness. A brief moment in time, lost yet not lost. A joyous memory, that has survived the pain of the parting.

Throughout life there is much hoped for event, dreamed about my many, the finding of that one true love. The final passion, a love that is so strong it transcends all other experiences in life. This is the love of a soul mate, a spiritual union, joining two souls together as one.
It is such a deep and complete love, that it does not require the lusts of the flesh to sustain it. This is the final gift which mortals can be blessed with, and the greatest of all blessings to receive.

Autumn 2006

Feb 8, 2009, 10:11 PM
Pardon a different view.

Where is the start, middle and ending? I don't see these, only stream of conscious diatribe about love.

Prose to me means a story, a plot, theme, characters, conflict, resolution. None of that in this writing you present. Not meaning to be harsh or overly critical, only giving an opinion and relaying some confusion.

Quick example:

Act 1

Hero meets Bad Guy and learns of their big plan to steal the girl. Bad guy uses mechanical abilities to foul up Hero's car.

Act 2

Bad Guy revises plan to incorporate Hero's worst fears. Hero also has car trouble and looses their job.

Act 3

Hero faces their worst fears and thwarts the Bad Guy, saves the gal and finds another job. Hero gets car fixed, hero and gal live happily ever after.

Feb 8, 2009, 10:28 PM
Pardon a different view.

Where is the start, middle and ending? I don't see these, only stream of conscious diatribe about love.

Prose to me means a story, a plot, theme, characters, conflict, resolution. None of that in this writing you present. Not meaning to be harsh or overly critical, only giving an opinion and relaying some confusion.

Quick example:

Act 1

Hero meets Bad Guy and learns of their big plan to steal the girl. Bad guy uses mechanical abilities to foul up Hero's car.

Act 2

Bad Guy revises plan to incorporate Hero's worst fears. Hero also has car trouble and looses their job.

Act 3

Hero faces their worst fears and thwarts the Bad Guy, saves the gal and finds another job. Hero gets car fixed, hero and gal live happily ever after.

Thanks a lot Void.......for nothing!!! Prose is not just about story telling and it doesn't always have a beginning, a middle, or an end. This piece is not a play...written in three acts....or a novel written in sveral chapters!!!! It is a piece reflecting my feelings about a certain subject and a certain person. Many others have been able to relate to the words I wrote, so it doesn't really worry me that I receive my first negative response. Not that I was looking for literary criticism! I was sharing something that I wrote, something which came from deep within me. I was not writing a great epic. Call itwhat you did in your first paragraph, if you so wish, but had you ever thought that is exactly what it was meant to be!!!!!!

Prose is not just about writing stories, novels, plays etc. just as poetry is not just sonnets, or rhyming verse.

Get real. I rarely see you post a positive comment to anyone and you were bound to post a negative one to me.

OK you other folk.....lets have some examples of your prose.......I notice Void has not produced one to post. I'll just hire him as the literary critic!!!!

Feb 8, 2009, 10:29 PM
sveral = several

Feb 9, 2009, 3:19 AM
I dunno Void.

I think that BJ has tried her best and should be appreciated for her efforts and so putting her trust in us hyenas

While the writing is a little introspective it does seem to have a more generalized application and it does end on a failry well defined end point.

Not all submissions have an easy commercial like structure. Take our own lives. Just who is going to know any of us ever lived let alone know of our struggles. The original Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy makes that point very well (unlike the Holywood mess that was their product).



Feb 9, 2009, 5:28 AM
I dunno Void.

I think that BJ has tried her best and should be appreciated for her efforts and so putting her trust in us hyenas

While the writing is a little introspective it does seem to have a more generalized application and it does end on a failry well defined end point.

Not all submissions have an easy commercial like structure. Take our own lives. Just who is going to know any of us ever lived let alone know of our struggles. The original Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy makes that point very well (unlike the Holywood mess that was their product).



Thankyou for your comments. You are right, the piece, short as it is, is introspective. That is not surprising. I was writing about my personal feelings, but as you so intelligently have noticed, I have also made it more generalised.....so that anyone reading the short writing, can associate with it and many, many have. That is why I share it with people. One friend of mine was in tears, for it took her back to a point in her life, that was very emotional.

It took me a long time to write the piece. Several weeks, coming back to it, every so often, re-drafting it, leaving it for a while and then returning to it once more. The first draft was appalling and another friend sais it was to generalised. It was as if I was saying that everyone had the same feelings as myself. I had to make it personal, but at the same time, make it available for others to read their own feelings, within the words.

I didn't start this thread as a critique of my work, but as a starting point, for others to share items which they may have written. Void is an intelligent guy, but I really do believe that he does, on occasion, try to be too clever. I wasn't asking for criticism, constructive or otherwise, just sharing something that I wrote and wrote for a very important person in my life.

I want to see the writings of other people, not a thread based on, ''let's shoot down BrotherJack (who is a sister), because she has pissed some of us off at some time.'' Maybe some people need to get pissed off occasionally! For the world is not all cosy and be nice to one another, a we all know.

Thank you for your in put

Where is your contribution to the thread, Void. Let's see something you have written!!

Feb 9, 2009, 5:33 AM
And I have pissed myself off...once again...with all my typographical errors!!!!!!!:bigrin:

Feb 9, 2009, 8:34 AM
Truthfully, I disagree with what voids opinion is, but I agree in the sense of that it was only an opinion. BJ (i like that) you did seem to come off harsher in your response back void then void's initial response to you. You took the impression of insult, where as I got the impression of a person attempting to relay their opinion without trying to come across as a critical ass. Why do you think we got two different outcomes from this?

Feb 9, 2009, 6:01 PM
Truthfully, I disagree with what voids opinion is, but I agree in the sense of that it was only an opinion. BJ (i like that) you did seem to come off harsher in your response back void then void's initial response to you. You took the impression of insult, where as I got the impression of a person attempting to relay their opinion without trying to come across as a critical ass. Why do you think we got two different outcomes from this?

'Personally' Rissa and this my view...and I ask no one to share it...and I know they most likely will not....and I could go into great detail, as to why I think that is so!......I saw Void Dweller's post as much like many of Void Dweller's responses can be....either negative....or rather vague......Maybe his name was well chosen.

I wasn't offering my piece of prose (and Yes, it is prose, Void Dweller is wrong in what he says. Prose is not just a story, with a beginning, a middle and an end!), for critical acclaim. I was sharing something I wrote, with the people who read the forum posts, in the same way I have shared it with many other people. I was inviting others to post any prose, which they may have written. So far, the thread seems to have drawn no interest from anyone wanting to share the written word. Their written word.

Yes, my response was harsh. Yes, I felt insulted. Why should I not feel so? I did not start a thread which stated, ''Let's post our writings and then tear them apart.'' I started a thread which was a genuine attempt at trying to get people to share the prose they have written.

My piece was described by Void Dweller as a ''diatribe.'' The first dictionary I picked up (admittedly, it is only a pocket size one, but was to hand), gives the following, as the meaning to the word ''diatribe.'

DIATRIBE: ''violently bitter verbal attack, invective, denunciation''

The Oxford Dictionary on line gives this:

diatribe: noun - a harsh and forceful verbal attack
ORIGIN GREEK, spending of time, discourse

The Cambridge Dictionary on line gives this

noun (c) FORMAL
an angry speech or piece of writing which severely criticises something or someone
''He launched into a long diatribe against the government's policies.''

I don't think that my prose could be described thus. Not in any way Void Dweller was trying to be 'clever,' nothing more...nothing less. His is the only negative response, that I have ever had. In fact it wasn't even that. It was Void Dweller deciding what prose was meant to be and giving a list, decribing the various scenarios he thought should be happening in the srcipt.

I have a friend who writes poetry. I don't think her poetry is that good, but, when I read it, I can see that she is expressing her spiritual side and that is what is most important.

Charlotte Bronte or Jane Austen, I am not, nor would I ever claim to be, but. unlike Void Dweller, I would not simply dismiss the writings of someone.......and maybe for a reason other than the actual writing itself....Rissa, the guy doesn't like me.....he doesn't like a line of type on a screen!

Perhaps the thread should end here! Maybe if a bisexual or the partner or spouse of a bisexual, or someone who I know, who has only ever posted, or started threads to garner attention, had begun the thead, it would have received a different response. Or maybe it is because it seems to be one of the very rare threads on the forum, that isn't aimed at talking about sex.

I wanted people to share their prose. I think my feelings now, are this......forget about it!


Feb 9, 2009, 6:13 PM
Yes, I must admit when I saw the word diatribe I thought that had gone a bit too far. I was even thrown aback a little from that. After your explaination of what your intent and feelings were about starting the thread, I can't say that I blame you for feeling somewhat insulted. I hope that this experience doesn't ruin other starts of threads for you in the future.

Feb 9, 2009, 6:51 PM
Yes, I must admit when I saw the word diatribe I thought that had gone a bit too far. I was even thrown aback a little from that. After your explaination of what your intent and feelings were about starting the thread, I can't say that I blame you for feeling somewhat insulted. I hope that this experience doesn't ruin other starts of threads for you in the future.

Thank you, Rissa.

Feb 10, 2009, 2:43 AM
You desired a sharing of writings? Here you are.


I may add more later, or not. Presently, I lack the passion and motivation to write in earnest. Have written out a novel first draft of over 90,000 words. Unfortunately it is on a media that I can not aptly access to revise, it is a horror tale.

And no, I was not intent upon 'shooting BrotherJack down'. As I stated, merely offered a different view. The word diatribe may have seemed harsh, yet I dared not call it drivel either. Each reader infers as they shall, for indeed they will. And each reader takes their teas as they choose, so too writers in crafting words. Apologies for preferring no milk in tea.

The lack in motivation and passion is due to clinic depression, working full time on night shift in a dead end job, and various other personal distractions. Frankly no story or prosey has reach out and grabbed my attention, demanding written of late. Of course that isn't surprising given nothing in life really has either.

Feb 10, 2009, 3:57 AM
You desired a sharing of writings? Here you are.


I may add more later, or not. Presently, I lack the passion and motivation to write in earnest. Have written out a novel first draft of over 90,000 words. Unfortunately it is on a media that I can not aptly access to revise, it is a horror tale.

And no, I was not intent upon 'shooting BrotherJack down'. As I stated, merely offered a different view. The word diatribe may have seemed harsh, yet I dared not call it drivel either. Each reader infers as they shall, for indeed they will. And each reader takes their teas as they choose, so too writers in crafting words. Apologies for preferring no milk in tea.

The lack in motivation and passion is due to clinic depression, working full time on night shift in a dead end job, and various other personal distractions. Frankly no story or prosey has reach out and grabbed my attention, demanding written of late. Of course that isn't surprising given nothing in life really has either.

Void Dweller, I applaud you for having written the first half of a novel. Let us all hope that you will be successful, when you have finished writing it, in finding a publisher, who is interested. They do say that it is getting past the unwillingness of a publisher, to take on a first time novellist, which is the hardest obstacle to overcome.

I feel that you have put your foot in your mouth, once again. You are intent on insulting me, I don't care what you say. My short piece, may not amount to 90,000 words of an unfinished novel, but I am proud of that short missive. I had not taken to writing prose, until a few months before I wrote the piece. It may not match up to your pseudo intellectual and airy fairy usage of the English language, but that is not why I started the thread.

You might as well have called my writing drivel. In fact you are doing so, by even mentioning the word. The following three sentences, sum up exactly what you think. Well, you know something, Void Dweller, I don't think much of you, for the words you have used. They really are very low.

''Each reader infers as they shall, for indeed they will. And each reader takes their teas as they choose, so too writers in crafting words. Apologies for preferring no milk in tea.''

No doubt people will come to your defence, simply because you are Void Dweller and because they have known you for a long time. Well, I don't work that way. I don't insult the writing of another person, or any other artistic achievement, which they may have accomplished. I can say I don't like something, without insulting, or causing hurt feelings. I certainly don't stick up for someone, just because I know them. So, I hope that there will be a few more people like Rissa, who will see your words as unfair.

I sympathise with you for suffering depression, but I really do not see what bearing this has, on merely reading a piece of prose, and perhaps contributing some of your own. You have posted a link to a poetry site that I know of. I have a friend who puts her poems on there, for others to enjoy. Posting a link is not contributing to the thread. Typing out a piece of your own prose is.

Many of us have severe obstacles to overcome in life and our problems are not really relevant in certain situations. Your lack of motivation due to depression, a job with long hours and other personal problems, have no bearing on why I started the thread. I have plenty of my own problems, at this moment in time, but I am not going to mention them in my reply to you. They are irrelevant.

If you want to contribute to this thread, post some of your prose. I ask others to do the same. Post it, as I did, not to have it torn apart, but as a way of sharing something of oneself, with other people.

Or is that too much to ask!!!

Feb 10, 2009, 11:39 AM
:2cents: I enjoyed reading the piece.

Never ceases to amaze me the things people find necessary to argue about!

Feb 10, 2009, 2:33 PM
:2cents: I enjoyed reading the piece.

Never ceases to amaze me the things people find necessary to argue about!

Thank you Galacticia, for your kind words. You have obviously understood why I began this thread. A chance to share what we have been moved to write, and enjoy it for it's own sake. No stripping bare the poor, tired frame, from which hang our deepest thoughts, dreams, fears and desires. Just a chance to share. Maybe we won't like what we read, but that is not the point of the thread. It was meant to be about sharing.

Thank you for understanding that much.

Feb 10, 2009, 2:44 PM
OK....This is the first thread I have started. I mentioned, in another thread, that I wrote prose. Prose chose me, not I, it. Until I met a certain person, I had never written prose, save for school essays. I am, by nature, a writer of letters, but apart from the odd bad poem, here and there..which is not prose, I had never written anything of substance.

With my third email, to said person, I suddenly had words flowing from my mind, along my arm, through my hand and thus to the pen and words appeared. I had noted the goings on in my local coffee house and all had to be told.

I kept writing and sometimes in a frenzy with the need to get words onto paper and I write with a pen onto paper, not typed on to a screen. Many things have I churned out. One was special. It had to be finished and my friend in New Zealand, helped me to edit it.

It was written for one person, but I soon realised tht it had to be shared with others. People would read it and nods and smiles were noticed and at the same points in the text. It is not long, but it is my best piece and written with love and to be shared.

I would be interested to read any...''clean''...as I call it...writings, from others, but here is mine. Enjoy. Smile. Weep a little.

The Never Changing Face Of Love

I have come to believe that no matter how much one may strive to become a mature, sensible adult, and escape the youthful inner self, it is an impossible task. Human beings are, after all, mere mortals. There will always be a large part of an individual’s personality, which will never grow up.

This inner youth is an area of being, which is very difficult to describe; yet it is a most important part of the human psyche. There dwells a place deep within each person, where burns the eternal flame of youth. Here it takes shelter and seeks solace. In this sanctuary can be found the remnants of the giggling teenager, smiles of the love struck, and the tears of the distressed young adult, who feels that with the end of a love affair, all hope of happiness is lost.

These experiences need to be kept locked deep inside, for though the body grows older, one’s spirit remains young. From time to time, there may well be a need to resurrect these long held passions, to rekindle an old love, or discover and rejoice in a new one.

To be in love at any age is much the same experience. There are highs and lows, questions are asked, answers disbelieved, words of love and barbed, insulting jibes. The head may buzz with wonderful thoughts of the loved one, breathing may feel heavy and difficult, the heart quickens its beat, and a glorious pain is felt deep within. The same emotional and physical gratification is desired, just as it was in our younger days. To be in love in middle age, is no easier than it is at seventeen.

Being in love may lead to erratic and sometimes irrational behaviour. One word, innocently spoken, can detonate an explosive charge of rage, or result in incredible loving passion. Human beings are fragile when in love, and no matter how well intentioned an individual may be, there is always a chance that the words spoken will not reflect the sentiment they are meant to convey.

This state of being ‘in love,’ is a voyage of discovery and exploration of uncharted seas and foreign lands. If the love is true, it will be strong enough to weather all storms, and fight off any dangers it may encounter upon the journey.

During a person’s brief sojourn upon this earth, love may be experienced many times, or just once. If love is found, and then comes to an end, it can only be hoped that with the passing of time, the blissful part of the relationship will remain intact, stored away in some quiet part of the mind, to be one day remembered with happiness. A brief moment in time, lost yet not lost. A joyous memory, that has survived the pain of the parting.

Throughout life there a is much hoped for event, dreamed about my many, the finding of that one true love. The final passion, a love that is so strong it transcends all other experiences in life. This is the love of a soul mate, a spiritual union, joining two souls together as one.
It is such a deep and complete love, that it does not require the lusts of the flesh to sustain it. This is the final gift which mortals can be blessed with, and the greatest of all blessings to receive.

Autumn 2006

Last paragraph...first sentence.......I missed an ''a'' out when typing the original and saving it.

Feb 11, 2009, 12:24 AM
It is probably far too much to ask, what with being only falsely intellectual. Appears I am only capable of salting these feet. Please accept a humble and sincere apology. No one needs to 'stick up' for me. I can at least admit an error and apologize for being such a dummy, well enough. Please do enjoy your sharing of expression without further thought or hindrance of me.

Feb 11, 2009, 12:43 AM
It is probably far too much to ask, what with being only falsely intellectual. Appears I am only capable of salting these feet. Please accept a humble and sincere apology. No one needs to 'stick up' for me. I can at least admit an error and apologize for being such a dummy, well enough. Please do enjoy your sharing of expression without further thought or hindrance of me.

I did not say that you were not an intellectual, or intellectual......I said ''pseudo intellectual and airy fairy usage of the English language''.....which is not the same as telling someone that they are not an intellectual. In fact, there very few true intellectuals. If every intelligent person was considered an intellectual, life would be extremely boring. Heh, guess what.......I did say that you were intelligent!!!!!!

No need to apologise Void Dweller......for I think that any apology would be said, with tongue firmly in your cheek!

Mr. Magick
Feb 11, 2009, 3:30 AM
The Never Changing Face Of Love

I have come to believe that no matter how much one may strive to become a mature, sensible adult, and escape the youthful inner self, it is an impossible task. Human beings are, after all, mere mortals. There will always be a large part of an individual’s personality, which will never grow up.

This inner youth is an area of being, which is very difficult to describe; yet it is a most important part of the human psyche. There dwells a place deep within each person, where burns the eternal flame of youth. Here it takes shelter and seeks solace. In this sanctuary can be found the remnants of the giggling teenager, smiles of the love struck, and the tears of the distressed young adult, who feels that with the end of a love affair, all hope of happiness is lost.

These experiences need to be kept locked deep inside, for though the body grows older, one’s spirit remains young. From time to time, there may well be a need to resurrect these long held passions, to rekindle an old love, or discover and rejoice in a new one.

To be in love at any age is much the same experience. There are highs and lows, questions are asked, answers disbelieved, words of love and barbed, insulting jibes. The head may buzz with wonderful thoughts of the loved one, breathing may feel heavy and difficult, the heart quickens its beat, and a glorious pain is felt deep within. The same emotional and physical gratification is desired, just as it was in our younger days. To be in love in middle age, is no easier than it is at seventeen.

Being in love may lead to erratic and sometimes irrational behaviour. One word, innocently spoken, can detonate an explosive charge of rage, or result in incredible loving passion. Human beings are fragile when in love, and no matter how well intentioned an individual may be, there is always a chance that the words spoken will not reflect the sentiment they are meant to convey.

This state of being ‘in love,’ is a voyage of discovery and exploration of uncharted seas and foreign lands. If the love is true, it will be strong enough to weather all storms, and fight off any dangers it may encounter upon the journey.

During a person’s brief sojourn upon this earth, love may be experienced many times, or just once. If love is found, and then comes to an end, it can only be hoped that with the passing of time, the blissful part of the relationship will remain intact, stored away in some quiet part of the mind, to be one day remembered with happiness. A brief moment in time, lost yet not lost. A joyous memory, that has survived the pain of the parting.

Throughout life there is much hoped for event, dreamed about my many, the finding of that one true love. The final passion, a love that is so strong it transcends all other experiences in life. This is the love of a soul mate, a spiritual union, joining two souls together as one.
It is such a deep and complete love, that it does not require the lusts of the flesh to sustain it. This is the final gift which mortals can be blessed with, and the greatest of all blessings to receive.

Autumn 2006

For what its worth Jack, I liked it. I write the same way much of the time. You have started with a question(not so much asked but proposed), delved into the heart of the subject and ended with a little hope. Begining, middle and end. Nice read.

Feb 11, 2009, 10:40 AM
No need to apologise Void Dweller......for I think that any apology would be said, with tongue firmly in your cheek!

You presume too much intellect and wit from me then. I was indeed being sincere in apologizing. Agreed, yes I have some intellect and talent. But I do lack vastly to one such as yourself in maturity. At times I do go off into tangents completely unrelated, and wind up confusing everyone, self inclusive.

It may have something to do with being my own best friend and selective in the friends chosen. But that's rubbish again, unrelated. And again my apologies. Shall now politely and humbly close out, by your leave madam.


Just a brief note of justification, though it ought not be needed. This site caters to bisexuals. Meaning some of the folks here may be two sided, as in equally heterosexual & homosexual. If my language seems 'airy fairy' then by all means, please do blame my queer side. I am free on this site to allow that side of myself a bit of freedom and see no need to restrain that expression. Barring it is inductive of directly harming others physically, I shan't restrain it.

Of course not having much in the way of mental faculties this deduction of mine is possibly pure bin material. Take it or leave it as you so choose. And yes, that bit is indeed tongue in cheek dear madam. :)

Feb 11, 2009, 1:59 PM
For what its worth Jack, I liked it. I write the same way much of the time. You have started with a question(not so much asked but proposed), delved into the heart of the subject and ended with a little hope. Begining, middle and end. Nice read.

Thank you Magick. I'd love to read something of yours. Post it.....please!

Feb 11, 2009, 2:30 PM
You presume too much intellect and wit from me then. I was indeed being sincere in apologizing. Agreed, yes I have some intellect and talent. But I do lack vastly to one such as yourself in maturity. At times I do go off into tangents completely unrelated, and wind up confusing everyone, self inclusive.

It may have something to do with being my own best friend and selective in the friends chosen. But that's rubbish again, unrelated. And again my apologies. Shall now politely and humbly close out, by your leave madam.


Just a brief note of justification, though it ought not be needed. This site caters to bisexuals. Meaning some of the folks here may be two sided, as in equally heterosexual & homosexual. If my language seems 'airy fairy' then by all means, please do blame my queer side. I am free on this site to allow that side of myself a bit of freedom and see no need to restrain that expression. Barring it is inductive of directly harming others physically, I shan't restrain it.

Of course not having much in the way of mental faculties this deduction of mine is possibly pure bin material. Take it or leave it as you so choose. And yes, that bit is indeed tongue in cheek dear madam. :)

What a jumbled up post! I neither presume, nor assume anything about you Void Dweller. It is fairly obvious that you are a reasonably intelligent guy, as are many people visiting this site. Age...and I am 54...not 104....has nothing to do with experience of the world, maturity or wisdom. I know someone, only 10 years older than myself, who is the oldest teenager, I have ever met. Highly intelligent...Yes!....but mature?......no way!!!!

As for going off at a tangent.....gee...you should read my 50 page hand written letters to people! Now someone who was brilliant at, ''going off at a tangent''....was Charlotte Bronte.......if you have never read Villette...you should.....it's mind blowing!!

Why is being ones own best friend.....rubbish? Sometimes the only friend...true friend, we have...is our own inner self. Everything is relevant...and irrelevant. All is connected. Each event being a follow on or a preparation, for the next phase.

Hmmmmmm...this site......Yeah...sure....it's a site for bisexuals and their partners, spouses and I guess other relevant people in their lives, to commnicate with one another, try to understand bisexuality...etc etc etc....all the many reasons, why people communicate with one another.

Airy fairy language has nothing to do with sexuality. Maybe it can be something to do with expressing oneself in the only way one knows how....or showing off...or trying to put another down....or to describe feelings accurately...etc etc etc.....but it's not anything to do with sexuality.

And sure (ouch!...one should never begin a sentence with ''and''), this is a site, predominantly for bisexuals.......but the world is a big place.....and to my mind, it's only natural and normal for all sexualities, all colours, creeds, races to comunicate with one another.

Gee...anything else...to me...would be like a closed community........a bit like senior citizens...or the wealthy...living in walled condiminium compounds, where security people patrol the grounds.

Now! I wanted to see prose on this thread.....the thoughts, hopes, dreams and imagination of people.....put down in words.


Feb 15, 2009, 10:23 PM
Alright, thoughts, hopes, dreams, beliefs transferred to paper or in this digital medium. Here we go, a brief personal essay on belief. Not attacking anyone in this, only expressing views.

Ben Badgley

Time and tide await no one in this world. People speak of destiny and freewill as though both are mere dinner guests. "Destiny visited yesterday, I took hold of it."

Prose has been asked. So, an essay the writer crafts. They desire to speak about beliefs in a way that might offer a glimpse of themselves.

It is the universal self we all neglect and adorn the writer has become. Life's school of rough furrows to hoe granted this insight. Each of us may choose the role of victim or survivor.

The writer is somewhere betwixt these points, choosing to remain ever the moderate. A fence of binary seems apt to bind all things. Science recently pointed out that mass is formed from glueons, particles in the vacum of the void, our world.

Mass then is granted two states, in similar fashion of survivor and victim. A cosmic theme runs throughout everything and mandates two states. You've hot and cold, light and dark, good and evil, life and death, the list continues ad infinitum. In computer programing these states are known as off and on.

These concepts are the backdrop of a foundation of belief for the writer. A neutral state does exist the author believes. In that neutral state there is no off or on, merely existence. The Christian version of Heaven is alleged to be perfection.

We are told there exists no suffering in the Christian Heaven. Other belief systems incorperate this utopic dream state as well, if not to the letter so near as to merit no qualms. What then is the point to facing the adeversity here in our void?

Some answer that is a test of freewill. If there exists an all knowing and all powerful being that created everything, then we've no freewill at all. You see, that being would already know every choice we were to make, further we'd play right along into the predetermined will of that being.

"Yes, I too grasped destiny soundly!" We may choose our futures. We may choose our pasts and to some extent our presents. Such was said by many more a wiser person than the author would dare hope to be. "If you imagine it, so it is."

Yet the author has a difficult imagining themselves ever able to simply be. The writer thinks that is probably the root desire of many people on this big blue ball.

Feb 16, 2009, 1:21 PM
Alright, thoughts, hopes, dreams, beliefs transferred to paper or in this digital medium. Here we go, a brief personal essay on belief. Not attacking anyone in this, only expressing views.

Ben Badgley

Time and tide await no one in this world. People speak of destiny and freewill as though both are mere dinner guests. "Destiny visited yesterday, I took hold of it."

Prose has been asked. So, an essay the writer crafts. They desire to speak about beliefs in a way that might offer a glimpse of themselves.

It is the universal self we all neglect and adorn the writer has become. Life's school of rough furrows to hoe granted this insight. Each of us may choose the role of victim or survivor.

The writer is somewhere betwixt these points, choosing to remain ever the moderate. A fence of binary seems apt to bind all things. Science recently pointed out that mass is formed from glueons, particles in the vacum of the void, our world.

Mass then is granted two states, in similar fashion of survivor and victim. A cosmic theme runs throughout everything and mandates two states. You've hot and cold, light and dark, good and evil, life and death, the list continues ad infinitum. In computer programing these states are known as off and on.

These concepts are the backdrop of a foundation of belief for the writer. A neutral state does exist the author believes. In that neutral state there is no off or on, merely existence. The Christian version of Heaven is alleged to be perfection.

We are told there exists no suffering in the Christian Heaven. Other belief systems incorperate this utopic dream state as well, if not to the letter so near as to merit no qualms. What then is the point to facing the adeversity here in our void?

Some answer that is a test of freewill. If there exists an all knowing and all powerful being that created everything, then we've no freewill at all. You see, that being would already know every choice we were to make, further we'd play right along into the predetermined will of that being.

"Yes, I too grasped destiny soundly!" We may choose our futures. We may choose our pasts and to some extent our presents. Such was said by many more a wiser person than the author would dare hope to be. "If you imagine it, so it is."

Yet the author has a difficult imagining themselves ever able to simply be. The writer thinks that is probably the root desire of many people on this big blue ball.

Than you, Void Dweller! A most interesting piece to read. I like your use of words, for you are able to conjour up, in the mind's eye, letters becoming living and breathing creatures, the planet painted on canvas, in a Dali-esque scenario....the universe and all that is, being without and within and also elsewhere. I see the painting, how it would present itself. Oh, how much better would it look, hanging upon the wall of my incarceration, than the, ''Swans reflecting elephants.'' which sits there now.

A window through which can be seen, the chaos of the universe, or is it the turmoil of ones soul. If I dive through this window, will I float for eternity, bumping into the physical, or will I reach deeper within my mind, heart and spirit and find myself, once more.

I liked...........but I know that this is just the tip....the very tip of Void Dweller's ice berg. There is greater stuff hiding in the corners of your imagination.


Feb 16, 2009, 1:52 PM
Bj..honey. Anytime you put a piece of your work 'out there' for people to read you are going to get responces that you dont like, and everyone is going to interpret differently, and see it from their own perspective. You take that risk everytime you put one of your works out in the public eye. As a writer I have encountered this several times. Its something you get used to and learn how to deal with. The reader isnt trying to "Launch a vicious attack" he/she is just replying to what he/she sees.

If you are going to put your work out for the public to read, then you best be prepared for some critisizims(sp) as well. Its walking on a high wire, Hon. You take your chances and accept it for what it is. It's either constructive, or harsh, or high praise. Not everyone is going to like it.
That's life, it happens.

Dont take overt offence to something, then turn around and attack That person too. It gets you nowhere. Just toughen up your skin and keep on keepin' on..:}:cool:

Feb 16, 2009, 3:35 PM
Bj..honey. Anytime you put a piece of your work 'out there' for people to read you are going to get responces that you dont like, and everyone is going to interpret differently, and see it from their own perspective. You take that risk everytime you put one of your works out in the public eye. As a writer I have encountered this several times. Its something you get used to and learn how to deal with. The reader isnt trying to "Launch a vicious attack" he/she is just replying to what he/she sees.

If you are going to put your work out for the public to read, then you best be prepared for some critisizims(sp) as well. Its walking on a high wire, Hon. You take your chances and accept it for what it is. It's either constructive, or harsh, or high praise. Not everyone is going to like it.
That's life, it happens.

Dont take overt offence to something, then turn around and attack That person too. It gets you nowhere. Just toughen up your skin and keep on keepin' on..:}:cool:

I have to agree with you m'dear. As a musician, I have had much critisizm, but at the same time the things being critisized were some of the things that I got paid the best, or got the greatest recognition for.

Can't please everyone, and if you can, please enlighten be cause maybe I'll start to love life again!

Feb 16, 2009, 6:49 PM
Bj..honey. Anytime you put a piece of your work 'out there' for people to read you are going to get responces that you dont like, and everyone is going to interpret differently, and see it from their own perspective. You take that risk everytime you put one of your works out in the public eye. As a writer I have encountered this several times. Its something you get used to and learn how to deal with. The reader isnt trying to "Launch a vicious attack" he/she is just replying to what he/she sees.

If you are going to put your work out for the public to read, then you best be prepared for some critisizims(sp) as well. Its walking on a high wire, Hon. You take your chances and accept it for what it is. It's either constructive, or harsh, or high praise. Not everyone is going to like it.
That's life, it happens.

Dont take overt offence to something, then turn around and attack That person too. It gets you nowhere. Just toughen up your skin and keep on keepin' on..:}:cool:

Gee whizz....you just had to know that this Sister was not going to agree. I see it differently Cat.....and for various reasons. I started a thread, hoping that people would just share their prose with one another...so far...two pieces.....and a hell of a lot of posts that I certainly didn't want to happen.

Enough...as a once good friend of mine would say! Let's kill the thread here. I wanted a thread for merely sharing....not going into critical acclaim or shoot downs. Thread over...as far as I am concerned.

Feb 16, 2009, 6:58 PM

I forgot this bit. I've been soldiering on for 54 years of a life that has...as someone said to me me recently...dealt me a raw deal and not one I had any control over....but you're right cat...we do keep on.....I'm a survivor.....even if I'm broken in pieces.

Posting Rules

4. Have fun. Learn. Share. Entertain. Discuss. Argue. Enlighten.

'nuff said! I won't be writing now, anyway....my inspiration is gone and in the grand scheme of things, I am little more than a pimple on the giant's nose.