View Full Version : A recent fantasy ......

Feb 7, 2009, 8:48 PM
I am currently still waiting for my first experience with another male, and although it hasn't happened yet, that doesn't stop the fantasies from flooding in ....... Here is one I had last night at work ....

....... I had just started my break from my desk, and instead of just going to relax as I usually do, I decided to make an effort and utilize the gym we have in the basement .....

.... I had done a pretty intense cardio and lifting routine, and retired to the bathroom to freshen up. I hadnt brought a towel to shower, since I didnt expect to work out, so after a few minutes near the sink, I returned to my locker room down the hall .....

...... I was getting changed near my locker, located in the far corner of the locker room, and maybe it was the sweat running all over me, the cool chill when I removed my outer shirt, all together with the fact I hadnt gotten off lately, I was as horny as ever. Useless to me , though, since where I work - relieving this isnt even a consideration ....
....Suddenly, the door openned and entered another guy - on his break as well. He turned right, and walked down the aisle that parallelled my aisle, but ended in the corner with mine. We exchanged " hi's ", and the thoughts started. Now in the corner where the aisles meet, there are two chairs that are large leather office chairs, used to sit back on for quick power naps .... Its in the corner of the locker room, between where I change and where the new guys just openned his locker door. ...
... Now Im thinking, " This is the moment where nothing can happen, or something can happen ", so I figured I would send out subtle hints, but nothing that couldnt be retrieved if need be ....
.... Standing only in my boxer briefs, damp from my workout, I looked around the corner to him and asked " Are you going to sit here " jesturing to the power nap seat between us ..... He looked at me, a little longer than the norn, and said " No, go ahead ". With that I stepped over in front of the chair and sat. I could have, and normally would have, turned the chair to face down my aisle, but I left it facing down his aisle about 10 feet from him , laid back and closed my eyes .....
...... Slowly, I squeeked my eyes open just a hair, to see what I hope I would .... the occassional glance my way from the new guy as he continued changing, although not as fast as one would normally change .... occassionally just standing there, in his briefs, looking at his phone but doind nothing with it, the occassional glance my way every 10 seconds or so ....
...... I started to writhe in the chair, just a bit, as if to snuggle into the large brown leather chair, broken in by many guys spending an hour or so napping .... and nonchalantly slipped my right fingers into the top of my briefs ......
..... timing his glances, I waited for the next one and openned my eyes to make contact with his, and in a moment of either uncomfortableness or "deer in the headlights", he stated his observation of my slightly glistening chest, from my sweat ...
.... Damn, did I need to take a moment, grab a deep breath, and in responce I asked .. " How often do people come in here at this hour " ... I knew the answer since I have been doing the overnight shift for several months and have spend time in the locker room napping myself. I knew the answer was rarely , and that was his reply to me ......
.... With that I lifted my right leg and placed my foot against the locker to my right ..... just enough to free my sack from sticking to the side of my leg, and by doing so, the weight of the dampened briefs slid down towards my stomach, reveiling a bulge that had been growing for several minutes already ....
.... I closed my eyes and just waited to see what would happen ..... A minute of so later, seemed like an hour, and I heard him close the locker door. 5 seconds or so from then I notice through my closed lids that the lights had been shut off in the locker room. This is very common - guys do this as a courtesy as they leave so if anyone is "powernapping " throughout the locker room, they can do so with the lights off I openned my eyes to see nothing, just dark ....
...I closed my eyes again, taking a deep sigh, in one moment wondering what I could have done different and wondering if I can rub one out, or should rub one out. Suddennly, Im startled by a sound - its the new guy - he's back, right in front of me, although I cant see him too well, placing his equiptment on the floor several feet from me ...... I struggle to focus but before I get a chance, he places his right hind into my lap and takes a knee in front of me ....
... Instinctually, not familiar with male to male fun, slip back in the large chair, stuttering " wh -- whats up, whata you doing " .... but by then he already in enjoying a mouthful of my damp, salty, warm being ....
..... I place my hands on both sides of his head, easing him down, knowing that at any minute if someone walked in that locker room and through on the lights, there would be NO EXPLAINATION AT ALL why two guys, one only in briefs, and in the far corner together ...... But I didnt care at all .......
..... Like he knew me for years, he mouthed me for several minutes, getting me several times on cum's door, when he stopped, stood and undid his pants in front of me ..... instinctually, I returned the favor ....
.... After another several minutes, I whispered " Sit ", and he obliged, sitting on my lap, grinding his ass against my rock hard shaft ..... I knew what I wanted then, but knew it wasnt an option, since I didnt know this guy, but that didnt seem to matter to him, as he leaned forward and eased back into my lap, this time squeezing my rod into his backdoor ...... slow at first than faster, eventually as fast as the chair could handle, I reached around and began to please him, rubbing him in rhythm with my entering him, and after several of the greatest minutes of my life, we both blasted together, like some crazy movie I only masterbate to ......
... He then stood and turned, leaned down and slipped his tongue in my mouth, and then before standing, whispered in my ear "Thank you ".....
..... No, new guy, Thank you .....

Hope you enjoyed !!

Feb 8, 2009, 4:37 PM
Oh My. Nice fantasy, Darlin. Well done. Oh and thanks for making me hafta fan furiously to cool off now..*Snicker*

Feb 10, 2009, 4:09 PM
First Experience is a really good topic. I relive mine daily and think I should post a new response: