View Full Version : Do You Remember Your First Porno?

Feb 3, 2009, 7:22 AM
My first exposure to porn was on holiday in France, when I found a porno mag in a public toilet. (Hard core porn is illegal in Hong Kong, so this was new to me.) As I pooped, I opened the mag, thinking it was like Playboy or something.

Full on shots of hard cocks in chicks' mouths and full-on hardcore penetration. Wow. I wasn't so shocked by the chicks, but turned on. But, what got me going was the sight of an erection. I hadn't seen one, aside from my own.

Later that trip, I switched on the hotel cable while my mum was out. I watched a few minutes of the porno freebie, which was just a male stripper. I found myself wanting to turn it off before this Van Damme lookalike got down to his knickers, but kept coming back to it. When he finally dropped his g-string and let his cock hang out, it was beautiful. He swung it around, groped it, stroked it, made it hard. And, that's when I had to switch it off.

Most of the rest of the trip across Europe was a sexual awakening. I saw my first nude beach, passing through the south of France, but only a few naked girls were out and about. I peeped into another hotel room in Belgium and watched a hairy-bushed bird playing with herself. I even got to go through the Red Light District in Amsterdam, learning exactly why hookers in real life aren't like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.


I got home to the 7th grade and my friends had found a porno movie from germany. We watched it together and awed at the sight of a German woman sucking a guy's cock. It was so amazing watching her head bobbing at his groin, making his cock bigger and harder.

My friends and I all had boners, but no one wanted to admit it. We laughed at the German pillowtalk and tried not to reveal to each other how turned on we were. I resisted the urge to say how amazing it would be to have the cock in my mouth, realizing how gay that sounded. But it was true.

Finally, german guy blows his load and that was the first time I saw cum. It wasn't what I expected, it looked icky, but, at the same time, hot. The chick lapped it up and kept sucking, which made me wonder what it tasted like.

Right out of the porno gate, I was more turned on by blowjobs than sex. I didn't know why; I would have assumed that sex was more pleasurable for the man. It never occurred to me that I was turned on by the thought of being the girl, not the bloke.

Anyway, I had fun reminiscing about some German porn I don't even know the name to. Anyone remember THEIR first porno, and what were you more turned on by, the dude or the chick?

Feb 3, 2009, 8:23 AM
I can barely remember my first porno....It was at a drive in with a date, now my husband, and I spent so much time either hiding my eyes (I was a naive 17 yo at the time) or concerning myself as to the possible dangers of wearing such high heels in the middle of sex!!! LOL! It was after several more attempts at viewing porn that I was even able to admit that I enjoyed it, or to at least forget about the shoes! LOL!

Feb 3, 2009, 8:27 AM
I was on a geology field trip in high school, about 14, and I reached into a crevice in the rock in the old quarry we were exploring. There was a mouldy damp photo mag - one of the pseudo-educational porn mags with a couple copulating in many different positions. I took it home and studied it assiduously :tongue:

I don't know if it was my first porno flick, but the first one I remember... Here in Australia in the 80s we had quite restrictive rules, but I moved to the ACT (where the capital city is, sort of like DC for you Americans) and things were much freer. One night I found a porn theater that was showing the original "Devil in Miss Jones". There's a scene in that where she takes Harry Reem's huge member in her back passage, and sucks on the anal probe that has just been there.

Still gets me hot thinking about it. I actually downloaded the movie again a little while back. It still stacks up well against the modern stuff.

Feb 3, 2009, 9:19 AM
My first sexually explicit movie was in Germany. A bisexual girl I briefly dated took me to a theater to watch a "documentary" about DEVIATES! It was made in France, with German dubbed in..neither of which I understood well, but words really weren't necessary.

The first half of the movie showed the progression of boys' experiments with other boys from pre-puberty through manhood. It graphically demonstrated the different behaviors and showed several examples of each.

The second half did the same thing with girls and women. I have to say that although the male half of the movie was interesting and very stimulating, I enjoyed the female aspect of the movie, even more.

The girl I was with, and I, both got very charged up and we spent the rest of the night discussing and sharing some carnal exercises of our own!

Ah, youth, when everything was new and so exciting!

Feb 3, 2009, 9:42 AM
I never was a big fan of porno per se--so I don't have any real memories of it--for me--though--when I was a kid---I found my dad's stashes of about the first decade or so of the Playboy magazines---he let me have them----they were well read, so I doubt they are worth all that much--in those days--you got something like that and figured it was good for one thing---reading and looking at them--not that they would become something of high value. I am lucky my dad kept those mags at all!!! Those early Playboys from the 1950s were pretty tame compared to what came later--but at the time---they were considered the worst thing ever!! Pure Smut they were!!!!;);)

After that---my first real exposure to filmed porn was in a fraternity in college---we used to have "stag nights"---where some of the guys played the porn vids they had--it was always "straight" porn, even though some films did have two women and one guy--the closest we got to being "bisexual"---but thinking back----it really hit me over the years just how much in reality----even "straight" porn is pretty dag gum "gay" when ya think about it----I mean---you might be seeing a lady sucking on cocks and "getting it"---but the fact is----they really spend the biggest part of the films focusing on what the cocks are doing and what is happening to them----and I bet that as panda found---all that attention paid on cocks doing their thing started to plant a seed in many a man's mind: "wow---the cock is kinda cool and I wonder what it is like to do what she is doing to it or its doing to her!" even though most of the guys would deny that they had such thoughts---they might not even actually realize they were having such thoughts at that time---and it might take years for that realization to hit home---but I say---watching pretty much any porn that guys are in--winds up being pretty "gay" since the films are shot in such a way---intentionally or not--- they wind up paying a great deal of attention as to what is happening with the guy.

Think of all the close up shots of the cocks doing their thing----pretty damn gay to me---even though its supposed to be "straight" porn!!!:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

I have to say--what I found to be the biggest turn on and my first real exploration of "my bi" side was when I was in my 20s and I started my own collection of the Penthouse Forumn mags----I liked to read things submitted by readers of the mag and I found myself getting turned on by stories of guys doing things with other guys--and doing things like threeways with two men and one woman-not just FMF threeways----I had no idea people would do that!!! All the porn I had seen up to that point---if they were multipartner vids----were one guy and a few ladies---certainly not the other way around!!

Feb 3, 2009, 10:20 AM
My first memory was a nudist magazine, "Nude Living at Home". The pics were all B&W and no genitals were shown. It was before I was in high school. In high school I discovered Playboy. I didn't see movie porn until the late
60s/early70s. I bought some B&W poor quality 8mm movies from a co-worker. Marilyn Chambers is still my all time favorite female porn star. Peter North is my male favorite. Today's gay porn from Bel Ami and those young, mostly uncut Czech studs get my juices flowing. Seymore Butts and his hand held video camera also put out some pretty good stuff.

Feb 3, 2009, 10:29 AM
My father used to be involved in printing the magazines of the day. As such he had access to the kind of stuff that was not printable but was certainly traded. His was a large collection which I would look at secretly. I only looked at the stills and was very careful to make sure that nothing appeared disturbed. Thankfully, none of the images were of my parents but some did look like a few of our visitors. Estimated age of first discovery was 8-9yrs old.


Feb 3, 2009, 11:00 AM
My first Porno was The Devil In Miss Jones...and I was laughing my ass off the whole time...

From this day on I've always enjoyed watching porn, can appreciate the appearance of the actors bodies and all that fun stuff but I never really find it a turn on. It's more amusing to me than anything...

Feb 3, 2009, 11:13 AM
Actually--I found some of the photography of people like Mapplethorpe and other photographers of nudes--both male and female to be very much a turn on--I guess that is my artistic nature at work--and I also find erotic writing to be a great turn on----more of a turn on than most porn has ever been.

With much of porn--it is pretty much--if you have seen one porn film----you have seen all porn flicks-----because they basically follow a set and predictable pattern---the ones that I really don't get----those films they show now really late at night on HBO and the other mainline movie channels---they show full nudity with of the ladies--but don't as a rule show cocks---and while they are supposed to be having sex---it is obvious they aren't--save two chicks going down on each other----

Those crappy assed movies are pretty much "straight" centric----OK for two gals to get it (but we are not seeing lesbian sex--but a version of what straight guys want to see when they think of "hot babes getting it on!") --but not two guys---and you don't get to see cocks--but showing pussy is fine.

Those flicks are really LAME!!!!!

I just don't get them at all---either go all the way or why frackin' bother????!!!!!!

Feb 3, 2009, 1:36 PM
Fascinated by your signature quote Curious44. Does it not come from a lengthier piece in which 'Mahatma' Ghandi was urging people to volunteer for armed service on behalf of the Crown during the Great War so that ".. if we want to learn the use of arms, here is a golden opportunity.." Regardless, 'Mahatma' Ghandi will always be remembered for his subscription to non-violent protest and of course his truncated quotes, both yours and mine, were in the context of gun control and the intention of eliciting trust from the British.

We should remind ourselves that the British stood for fair play within the context of capitalism. When one hit a poor native with a vehicle one was responsible for the chap's subsequent welfare. Whereupon capitalism took over and so one reversed and finished the job off, as looking after an injured man was far more expensive than paying for a corpse.



Feb 3, 2009, 2:51 PM
The first porn I remember was actually print, not photographic -- a friend in junior high had a paperback book he found in his older sister's room, and he was reading passages from it out loud before the teacher got to the classroom. I remember a description of a girl reaching into some guys pants and grabbing his cock... then the teacher showed up (end of the excerpts!).

Other than the occasional purloined Playboys and Penthouses that was it until college -- which happened to coincide w/ the "Golden Age of Porn." One of the first full-bore porns I saw was a movie called "The Opening of Mysty Beethoven." Besides some pretty high-class production values, it actually contained a scene (brief though it was) of the male lead getting a massage and blow job from his butler (at least, in the original version I saw). I was subsequently disappointed to learn how rare a scene like that actually was in "mainstream" porn.

I still enjoy my porn, but lament the decline in quality from the "Golden Age!" And I gotta agree w/ Volty about the Cinemax/HBO cable softcore!

Feb 3, 2009, 7:54 PM
My first porn was softcore, Baby Blue 2. Anyone out there remember that? i know all the young pervs in you do ;)

The part i remember of it had this beautiful long haired burnette, in a man's white button up top (all unbuttoned of course). on a bed. centre of the room and her touching herself. and oh i was watching it on mute because my parents were asleep upstairs...teehee. and i'd unmute here and there to here the oh so fake gasps while she touched herself. the reason i remember that, is because she had yummy boobies! the most perfect i had ever seen...then again i was in my pre-teens i think :P

Feb 3, 2009, 9:00 PM
My first porno was a movie that a friend of my dad's brought around to show my folks (he did distributing at the time). Don't really remember what the film was about, but it was a straight film and when everyone started getting turned on, I got out of there.

Didn't really want to watch my folks getting it on.

Feb 3, 2009, 9:01 PM
I was probably about 8 years old when I saw my first porno mag. I believe it was a Penthouse and it belonged to a friend of mine's dad. My friend had found the stash poorly hidden in their basement in a box a couple weeks beforehand. I was excited, but was also confused and didn't really know what to think about it because I had always assumed that a woman's tits and pussy looked exactly like a barbie doll - haha. The magazines were from the 70's, so all of the women had full, natural bushes.

I was 10 when I saw my first porno movie, which was at another friend's house. Me, him, and a few other friends found his parent's video stash, which was also poorly hidden (see a pattern there? haha). Like the magazines, the videos were from the 70's and the women also had natural bushes. All of the scenes were guy/girl and I remember seeing everything - 69, cock sucking, pussy licking, ass licking, anal, bukkakes, doggy, woman on top. I also saw what a guy's cum looked like and wondered if that was what mine was going to look like when I grew up. I also wondered if I was going to grow that much hair on my cock - I still hadn't grown any down there at that point.
After that, I became a lot more interested in girls and also obsessed with how they looked naked. I remember getting a lot of hard-ons in class because of that!

Feb 3, 2009, 11:28 PM
I never was exposed to porn until I was 22 yrs old. I knew about porn, but was getting what I needed to get otherwise. However, after, graduating from college and graduate school (the first time), I was not getting what I needed regular enough. I went to an XXX rated theater with friends because one of them was getting married soon (part of the bachelor party). The film was mostly about women giving guys blowjobs. First, I was totally turned-on then I was somewhat pissed-off. Even though I knew it was a movie I had the urge to toss the women out of the action and take their place (my thought process was somewhat affected by prior alcohol consumption).

Feb 4, 2009, 4:30 AM
In post #10 of this thread Hephaestion asked about my signature quote. I use it because it is a favorite of those who believe in the freedom to own firearms. Gandhi believed in non-violence but also knew the importance of arms ownership in a free society. I use the quote in that context, and in no way intend to offend our friends and allies in the U.K.
I'm not going off-topic here, merely answering the question of another member.

Feb 4, 2009, 6:32 AM
My first porno was a film night with a group of Uni students.
This guy had organised it all about 40 mixed 1st years turned up: most of whom were porno virgins, as I was.
They were the old Super 8 Colour Climax Swedish things of improbable consensual sex.
Made quite an impact on my undies ........ :eek:

However the best porno I ever saw was a few years later after my divorce and i still was dating quite freely.
I travelled to Geelong for the Australia Day regatta - ocean racers. I was dating one of the crew of one of the yachts at the time.
On the Sunday night, a (pretty soft) porno was projected onto the mainsail of one of the yachts - It was incredible seeing a 20 foot dick approaching a 20 foot (hairy) vagina, even if it was in black and white!

The movie was crap, but the effect was stupendous! ;)

Feb 4, 2009, 7:07 AM
I was around 11 and a friend had a porn magazine that he found in his older brother's bedroom. We took it to our tree fort and looked at it. Both of us got hard almost immediately. We took our shorts off and stroked as we looked at the magazine. Taking our clothes off was no big deal as we went skinny dipping all the time. I think we looked at every page of the book a dozen times. We decided that it must be ok to suck cock because the women in the pictures were doing it. We did the usual, I will suck you if you suck me. Neither of us wanted to go first so we ended up flipping a coin. I lost so I had to blow him first. Once I got going it wasn't bad at all. When he started squirting the cum shot all the way to the back of my mouth so there was not much taste to it. After a short gag I just swallowed and kept sucking until he was done squirting. He loved it and couldn't wait to suck me. I think that was the point I became aware that being bisexual was and enjoyable thing.

Feb 4, 2009, 10:38 AM
I was around 11 and a friend had a porn magazine that he found in his older brother's bedroom. We took it to our tree fort and looked at it. Both of us got hard almost immediately. We took our shorts off and stroked as we looked at the magazine. Taking our clothes off was no big deal as we went skinny dipping all the time. I think we looked at every page of the book a dozen times. We decided that it must be ok to suck cock because the women in the pictures were doing it. We did the usual, I will suck you if you suck me. Neither of us wanted to go first so we ended up flipping a coin. I lost so I had to blow him first. Once I got going it wasn't bad at all. When he started squirting the cum shot all the way to the back of my mouth so there was not much taste to it. After a short gag I just swallowed and kept sucking until he was done squirting. He loved it and couldn't wait to suck me. I think that was the point I became aware that being bisexual was and enjoyable thing.

This story of welickit--kinda proves my point about straight porn putting a notion in the mind of many guys about what it is like to do things with each other----I wonder just how many other guys had the same sort of experience???? I bet that straight porn worked the other way too----made many of the ladies wonder what it is like to touch and be touched by another woman!!!!

Feb 4, 2009, 11:04 AM
My first porno was Deep Throat at a neighbors house when I was around 13 or so. We finished watching it and I wanted to watch it again !!!

Feb 4, 2009, 1:17 PM
lol My first one was Deep Throat with Linda Loveless. We were at this guys house for a BBQ, and later that night he put on a reel to reel porno. It was dumb and campy and it made us a little uncomfortable because neither of us were into swinging back then. Then later on we watched a soft porn one called Plato's Palace. To me it was hot and funny, but to the old man it wasnt.:rolleyes:

Feb 4, 2009, 5:32 PM
Curious - Thanks for your email, your explanantion, and the concern. No offence taken, friendship safe and sound.

Now - back to matters sexual. One image amused me at the time, it was a ring of about 15 men, all facing the same way and playing hide the sausage.

Feb 4, 2009, 8:36 PM
I think I still have it... lol... I got a video in the mail from some skin mag and watched it often when I was 16 or so. The folks would go out often enough and I would watch it with the sound off so my Grandmother wouldn't hear...

I think I had a similar experience to many of the guys, finding a stash of playboy and penthouse in the woods and looking at them with my friends (we were 8 to 10 I think). Foreshadowing perhaps?

Feb 5, 2009, 2:36 PM
Mrs. Welickit saw her first porn mag (Playboy as she recalls) when she was around 15. She accepted it more or less with a Ho-Hum attitude. I started taking her to porn theaters right after we met, she was then 16 or 17. I can recall her jeans being totally soaking wet between her legs after we left the theater and she would be more than ready to go parking and have sex. She had done the usual, I'll show you mine if you show me yours with both boys and girls when she was a pre-teen. She never experienced her first girl/girl sex until she was in her late 20's and a girl ten years her junior seduced her. Her first threesome came shortly after that and the rest is history and fond memories.

Feb 5, 2009, 3:07 PM
The first porno movies that I saw must have been those 8mm or 16mm black and white silent homemade films of the fifties with the guys wearing masks and black socks. They were terrible. Why did you have to remind me?

Feb 5, 2009, 10:47 PM
Oh God! They had me so drugged up! Of course I don't remember my first porno. Sheesh.

Oh, wait! You mean the first one I SAW?


Feb 5, 2009, 11:09 PM
A neighbor's playboy mags were my first exposure....seeing pussy for the first time was hot....then i got some ratty paperbacks....i used to jack off and shoot into the pages....it got pretty rank after awhile.....the first film was with a group of friends....john holmes ...wow....the first hard cock....it thrilled me to see a hard cock other than my own.....then a friend got some picture mags of hard core sex....whats his name...the hedgehog, they call him...what a big cock...women who seemed to worship and love getting fucked, sucking a cock, and taking a load on their face...hmmmmmmm

Oct 19, 2010, 3:19 PM
I was 18 and about to go into the Army. I needed time to think and went into NYC. Walking around Times Square I saw a theater showing DEBBIE DOES DALLAS. I decided to go see it and went into the theater. I was standing in a ramp way with my mouth opned wide. i had never seen anything like it. I felt a hand brush my tool and saw that it was a young woman! She was really getting off on the movie. I was too. Her boyfriend was hot as can be and joined in. I loved it! She blew us both and I reciprocated on her but I could not resist a bit of him too! It was tastey and delicious! It was an unforgettable experience.:bipride:

Oct 19, 2010, 3:47 PM
First of all I do not concider PlayBoy etc. as porn, it is very artfully done but still a turn on. Anyway, when growing up my father kept some girly magazines around but none every really showed the pussy or people doing it..my first real porn was while on a trip to Washington DC I came across a porn shop and stopped in. Back then they had those booths, with curtains, that showed blue films but of course you had to load it up with quarters. I was bussy watching the film showing a woman undressing and I had a hard on that really showed, when a chineese guy pulled the curtains back and looked at me. Before I could say a word he was on his knees, with my dick in his mouth (i do not remember him taking it out of my jeans but I guess I could have been masterbating when he opened the curtains). Boy was I scared, I didn't know what to do! After I cummed in his mouth, he spit it out, wiped his mouth and gave me a kleenix tissue to wipe my dick, thanked me and closed the curtains. It was my first porn and my first blow job. I think I was 17 at the time. I Have luved both ever since (blow jobs and porn)!

Oct 19, 2010, 5:49 PM
No first-time movie experience here, but exposure to some adult magazines for me.

I was in junior high, probably grade 8 or so, which meant I was around 13 or 14 years old. I was walking home from school and took a different route. I was kind of bored, and decided to take my time getting home. It was Autumn, and the air was cool.

In the neighborhood where I was walking, there was a large ravine. This little valley was in its natural state -- tall spruce trees, natural undergrowth, etc. There were walking paths that lead through the ravine where people walked their dogs, etc. It looked like a fun place to explore.

I entered the ravine from the street level, and clumsily made my way down the embankment. I was about half-way to the bottom when I noticed an upturned plastic bag and some colorful papers spilling out the bottom. I was curious so I took a look.

When I removed the bag, I found a massive pile of sex mags -- Penthouse, "Oui", and Hustler, among others. I could not believe what I had just found! Someone had evidently thrown these "dirty magazines" into the ravine, hoping they'd be gone for good. They didn't count on a horny teenager discovering them.

My heart was pounding in my ears as I scanned the titles and the photos. Sure, it wasn't hardcore stuff, but as far as I was concerned, these photos were hot as hell. I remember having the biggest erection, and almost fainting from the excitement.

With trembling hands I put the mags back in the plastic bag, and found a hiding place for them against a tree. I covered the bag with debris and sticks, and camouflaged my "treasure".

As the weeks went by, I'd stop by my hiding place after school and pore over these magazines. It was impossible for me to take them home, so I had to look at them in secret. Several times I masturbated, then had to walk home with sticky underwear...

As Winter drew near, the "stash" of magazines became weathered and damp. I was heartbroken! Soon, the pages wilted and stuck together. The magazines started to self-destruct. I had to accept the fact that my "stash" was no longer available to me.

After that, I started to quietly seek out porno mags wherever I could. It became a "hobby" of mine for several years...

And that's my story.

Oct 19, 2010, 9:58 PM
Probably going to let out a cat here. If memory serves the first porno type of stuff I saw was a magazine entitled _Black Cross_. Have learned it catered to BS & DM. And that would explain my next foray, Marquis de Sade.

To clarify though, I'm really not much for B&D, S&M sexually. Hm, being fair however I'm probably a bit of the M. Rather feel something and know I'm alive, or safe. When I stop feeling ... not good ... not at all.

Oct 20, 2010, 12:05 AM
Those early experiences do seem to run together. I remember at stag party at, of all places, our church. Part of the Methodist Youth. i think I must have been about 13. Small towns tend to smear all the cultural practices across each other, so my MYF were the same guys I went skinny dipping with, hunting with, school with, camping with, and with whom I first learned to masturbate. I don't remember the details of the film other than its grainy quality and seeing sex for the first time! After that, and probably three years later, I saw an ad for Swedish porn and actually sent away for some because it promised to be mailed in a plain brown wrapper! I think it was called "Gans En Farben" but I never looked it up--too busy getting to the pictures. I agree with 12 volt--the images certainly focused on the celebration in every way of cocks and tits, yet for me what lingered most was the lubricious magic of slippery quims. "Behind The Green Door" with Marilyn Chambers was my all-time favorite when porn hit its stride.

Feb 9, 2017, 11:05 AM
can you see more olgun porno (https://olgunporno.tumblr.com/), i like sex Turk

Feb 9, 2017, 4:49 PM
I was about 7 or 8. A friend and I found a copy of Penthouse that belonged to his Dad. Was the 70's. Let's just say he and I had a fun day.

Feb 10, 2017, 8:36 AM
I was 8 when I found a sex manual in my parent's bedroom closet. The pictures were black and white pencil sketches. It was 1964. It was the first that I saw an erect penis and that men and women had pubic hair.

My first movie was when I was 16 and went to a family friend's house. He was 30. I don't remember the name but it was group sex. We sat and stroked ourselves and each other's cocks as we watched it. I remember cumming 4 times during that movie that was probably less than an hour long. I would have sucked him but he wouldn't let me. Damn! He had such a nice cock.

Feb 10, 2017, 9:09 AM
i love sex, porno 64 (https://hdporno64.tumblr.com/page/4) #1 Amatör pornosu.

Feb 10, 2017, 10:46 AM
It must've been about 1970, when I lived in Columbus, OH while going to school. There was a smalll-time movie house called the Little Art Theater downtown near the OSU campus. Went there with my roommate.

The movie was called I Wish I Was In Dixie. Obviously, Dixie wasn't a region of the country, she was a comely southern belle, that all the men in the movie wanted to be in...

Porn was pretty tame back then, compared with current standards, but I was 19 or so, and had never seen any fucking before. (I was also a virgin at the time...:oh:) For a long time I remembered the sight of the man on top of the woman, with her legs wrapped around him, pulling him into her as they fucked. Very exciting for a horny young guy!

About a year later, just before meeting the woman I would marry, I saw The Stewardesses, which was in 3D. Shortly after we met, she went to see her first X-rated movie-- also The Stewardesses! -- with her best friend, who was also my cousin. (who introduced us!) They were both just 18, fresh out of high school, and left the theater red-faced. (But, knowing my wife, I'd bet she rubbed one out before going to sleep that night! ;))

Feb 10, 2017, 2:13 PM
Reading Penthouse magazines about MMF sexual situations with my wife / then girl friend was so hot. When the VCR became available, I couldn't wait until the got down to $300 to be able to buy one, so I rented one on and off for awhile. We watched them all... Debbie Does Dallas, The Green Door....ie all of them in the 70's.

Andrew Blake made the best adult movies. Hot women, hot sex, nice dicks and not one bad angle. He directed the Penthouse movies which were R rated, but done very well.

Here is an old "The best of Andrew Blake" It is old, but it has some hot sex scenes in it. Nothing bi.... male, but he did like to focus on bi women.


Christopher South
Feb 10, 2017, 2:44 PM
The very first porn movie I saw was an 8mm film shown on a sheet at a stag party. It was called "The Shit Eaters". It was two black guys fucking two white women, eventually fucking them in the ass. It was pretty obvious that the "shit" was chocolate syrup but I think I was pretty traumatized anyway.

The first "professional" porn I saw was a movie called "Marital Aids". Back them commercial porn needed to have "socially redeeming value", that is it had to provide something more than just porn. So this movie had several vignettes about how sex in a marriage can be made better. Of course it was just porn wrapped up in "sex lessons". But here's the thing... one of those lessons was about two guys having sex. This was long before gay marriage so I had no clue why it was included but I have to tell you I was mesmerized by the sight of one guy fucking another. Suddenly it all seemed right.

Feb 10, 2017, 5:46 PM
I remember when I was 12 and found some Playboy's from the 1960's that had belonged to my Uncle. God they were great!

Unlike today, with fake tits, and Photoshopping, those women were real. Also looking back, the photos were artistically done.

As for a Porno, I can't recall....I do remember my Freshman year of college, my dorm rented Deep Throat...We got yelled at for that ( Catholic College :eek2: )

Feb 12, 2017, 12:01 PM
My first porn was some cheap thing, at a drive in. My brother had to watch me and him and his gf was going, so I was sworn to secrecy, and snuck me in. I remember chearleaders in a shower and a lot of hairy bush. The first time a gf and me watched porn was devil in mrs. jones, and we fucked and came to it like 6 times, she was the firs to suck my cock and she loved it almost as much as I did. Still love getting head watching porn.

Feb 12, 2017, 12:21 PM
Wow, how did I miss this thread all these years? Nice seeing some old names posting, guess they are gone these days...

My first experiences were likely magazines of my brother, I remember some "High Times" kicking around in middle school.

Later, post HS, I remember a party at someone's house. Typical f a few young adults in their first rental getting friends together with cheap beer. There was a movie as a spoof an "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.", I think it was "The Girls From S.E.X.". Wish I could find a copy of that now. Most of the party goers had watched a little and left the room, I was still there with a few. One a hot young exchange student from somewhere in Africa. There was one scene where a woman used a strap on on one of the men... must have been where I started getting an interest for some anal play on myself! The exchange student wanted to do a lot of playing around, but as we had no privacy I held back a lot. I wonder how life might have been different if I let go a little bit more back then.

Ahhh the 80's...

Feb 14, 2017, 6:27 AM

Feb 22, 2017, 3:55 PM
I saw DEBBIE DOES DALLAS when I was young. I was fascinated and never took my eyes off the screen. Then when I did I saw guys making out etc. I got anxious and sucked and sucked.

Feb 24, 2017, 12:18 AM
My first was probably watching the Spice channel while it was all blurry and waiting for the few seconds of clarity that happened every so often. The first video I required I don't remember the name, but I remember a few scenes. It was probably a late 80's/early 90's video and one scene had this really sexy older Chinese woman dressed up like a geisha, and another scene had another asian woman and white guy with long hair and when he came he shot about 20 spurts, and then it cut to her masturbating and squirting.

Feb 28, 2017, 2:05 AM
My first time seeing 'porn" was a deck of cards with topless women. Man I wore that deck out looking and jerking off. Later my parents became very liberal about sex and kept playboy on the coffee table in our living room. The first real porno video I saw was probably Deep Throat or maybe Debbie Does Dallas, honestly I don't remember. To this day, I love classic porno videos. Those hairy bushes and the cheesy music brings back memories.

Tits, Ass and Dick
Mar 3, 2017, 7:26 PM
Besides the mags my father had, the first Porn film I saw was called 'Slippery When Wet " . It starred Annie Sprinkle and CJ Lang. I saw it at the old Astor Art theater in Charlotte NC. This was around 1977-78. I've been watching the stuff ever since. I recently bought this movie on DVD and itwas not nearly as good as I remembered. I really miss the old porn theaters and seeing those 20 ft long dicks on the big screen.

Mar 8, 2017, 1:48 AM
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Nov 1, 2017, 3:42 AM
Not the first porn I watched but I did watch it several times. 1, 2 and Black Taboo.