View Full Version : Postcards to the President

Feb 3, 2009, 1:49 AM
Those of you in the US are no doubt aware of the stirrings in the LGBT community since the passage of Prop 8 in California.

I am helping to spearhead a grassroots campaign urging President Obama to repeal DOMA, the act that allows individual states to choose whether or not to recognize same sex marriages that have been legally performed in another state.

We started in LA a little more than a month ago and already the campaign is taking off. We were a lead news story on Advocate.com, we'll be featured in the Feb issue of In Magazine, and we've been contacted by Newsweek. We have pledges to host events from universities and other communities in LA, San Francisco, Oakland, Albany, Chicago, New York, Michigan, Georgia, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, and Virginia.

You can read more about the cause and how to get involved by going to our website, www.postcardstothepresident.com.

Check out the website, send a postcard, plan an event if you feel moved, and at a minimum, please help me pass the word along.

Feb 3, 2009, 7:26 AM
Will do. Good work Misty! Keep it up!:bibounce: