View Full Version : Thought you were straight...but?

Feb 2, 2009, 7:31 PM
I have often wondered how many folks, who thought they were totally straight, were surprised when they allowed themselves to be seduced by a person of the same sex....and loved it? (or hated it, but you wouldn't be here if that were true, would you?)

Personally, I was always interested in sensual contact with both sexes, so I can't answer this.

Feb 2, 2009, 8:52 PM
I thought I was straight and I'm still waiting for my first same-sex enounter. What turned me on the thought of being with a woman was looking at girl/girl porn.

Feb 2, 2009, 9:55 PM
Maybe I thought I was straight when I was 2 yrs old, but I can't remember and doubt I knew what sex was. However, I have always been mostly homosexual for as long as I have known about sex. But, I am not totally homosexual, so I have "seduced more than one straight women", although I suspect they just wanted it as much as me. But I have never tried (nor wanted to try) to seduce a "straight man". However, I like the more dominant role in a relationship, so if I did not have a partner, I would enjoy seducing a bisexual or homosexual man, but it seems most need little in the manner of seduction to rise to the occasion.
I am suprised at how super turned-on I was the first time and still am by male-male sex.

Feb 2, 2009, 11:31 PM
Well as many of you know I consider myself the most straightest of bi wives on this site. My first and only encounter was a woman was two years ago and to be honest I was not enjoying it for I have now come to realize that I was doing it for all the wrong reasons. While the lady is a most wonderful woman, there was little spark I think..guess I cared more for her boyfriend than her. While it was not personally appealing to me, I must admit that I have had the pleasure to meet a few wonderful, smart, alluring women from this site who could rock my boat...that is if they like tall, chubby blonde's from Boston. I have also come to like and love those folks from all walks of life and believe that we all need someone to love. So I have come to the understanding if you are lucky enough for a special someone to come into your life...cherish each moment and not the sexy they present before you.


Feb 3, 2009, 1:00 AM
I though i was straight for 40 years and that my homosexual fantasies were just fantasies. Like Alegrias after watching some same sex pornography I realised that I actually would like to have sex with another man. I have never been seduced by another man but I am sure it would be nice.

Feb 3, 2009, 1:26 AM
I had only just discovered my sexuality with men, and altho I had had some 'thoughts' about girls, I had to act on them. I was playing with a man that I had met, and was riding him nice and hard when the door opened in in walked this pretty blond lady. I just Knew my ass was toast, and I froze. She looked over and had the biggest grin on her face. He says "Hi Hon! Look what I brought us!"
Us hell..he hadnt mentioned an Us...lol I thought I was going to get my ass beat for being with another woman's husband. I didnt know she was bi..

She came over and said "Please dont stop now, Honey. I want to watch you fucking my husband"

Then she gently kissed me, and caressed my long hair and big titties. That did it! I had my first Bi scene and I loved it. We played all that afternoon, and into the evening. :}
I was very sad when they was transfered over seas....:( I missed them both terribly.
Smiling Cat

Feb 3, 2009, 1:34 AM
[QUOTE=onewhocares;122003] While it was not personally appealing to me, I must admit that I have had the pleasure to meet a few wonderful, smart, alluring women from this site who could rock my boat...that is if they like tall, chubby blonde's from Boston.

lol Hey Belle? Wink, wink, nudge nudge, kissie kissie...LOL:bigrin:
Silly Cat. ;)

Feb 3, 2009, 5:11 AM
I thought I was straight until my first dozen or so blowjobs which were from a friend of mine back in high school. It's the same old "exploration" story we've all heard before. Even though my preference is women at this point in my life, I cannot deny the past...

Feb 3, 2009, 5:11 AM
for me it hasnt happened cuz i was always considered gay pretty much but i feel it from my bf at the moment. my bf was straight when he met me .I was the first man for him and since i am very femmy for him i think it wast even vary gay at first.he says that he dont really like guys except for me but i donno if i should trust what he says.

Feb 3, 2009, 7:10 AM
I THOUGHT I was straight all my life... until 2004, when I developed a crush on Ville Valo of the band HIM and realized I was crushing on a dude. Then, looking back, I saw all kinds of hints that had always been there, but I had denied or passed off as 'just a phase.'

- At age 11, I had a crush on an older boy named Howard and stared at him in a swimsuit at the pool.
- At age 12, I watched Fatal Attraction with my friends (which was porn for 12 year olds) and was disappointed that I didn't see any male nudity.
- At 13, I saw REAL porn and was mesmerized by the sight of a hard cock and even more stunned to see cum.

All of the above could be passed off as curiosities caused by puberty. In high school, things got more complicated.

- On school trip, I tried to catch sight of my mate naked in our bathroom.
- On spring break, I got wasted and seduced a guy for some good making out.
- On another trip to Finland, I wanted to sauna naked with my guy friend, but chickened out.


- My friends tell me I was sooo insistent on avoiding gay guys and ONLY focusing on girls that it was obvious I was repressing something.
- I kissed a guy for fun at a party... and liked it. So, I tried again later, only to have Mr. Straight shoot me down.

A lot of these clues didn't become obvious until after I came out. Most of all, I was just so completely obsessed with making sure everyone 'knew' I was only into girls.

writes at night
Feb 3, 2009, 9:36 PM
My first experience planted the seed for my bisexuality, but it took a long while for me to act on it.

I look back and now, I realize that for the most part, I am 80% straight, with a definate "type" of man that I like, but I do find women amazingly attractive, and if conditions are right, and there is a deep connection, I would be able to fall in love with a woman.

Feb 4, 2009, 6:29 AM
I thought I was straight for a long time until I realized that I was checking out guys as much as girls. I couldnt really determine at the time that it was sexual (I was in high school-girls are catty). But when I (this MAY be TMI lol) masterbated I often thought of women and got off even faster. It took me courage to sit down and figure out who I had more if an affinity for....and i really cant chose. Im engaged to a man but still on the hunt for that special lady!!! Back to the subject, it was very hard for me to accept. I was born and raised Roman Catholic, and that just doesnt fly in that religion. I still keep my bisexuality to myself...only my fiance and a few close friends know. It was hard to accept but I came to terms with it. I had a girlfriend but we never proceeded past the cuddle phase so im looking for the whole experience!

Feb 4, 2009, 9:14 AM
Thank you all for your comments. I really hope your experiences filled a need and desire, while being fun and rewarding.

This may be a little off-thread, but it did bring the following to my mind:

Long ago, I had a wonderful GF, who shared with me her F2F experiences. At the time, I knew I liked both sexes, but never considered that girls might also love other girls, as well guys.

She told me that making love with a loving, like-minded girl, was one of the most exquisite experiences of her life. She said that she loved men, too, but they were a totally different experience, both emotionally and sexually.

My theory: The ladies seem to (generally, and there are exceptions) be more cerebral. It dawned on me, then, and more-so after a relationship with a much older bisexual woman, that to be successful in a relationship with a woman, I would have to learn more about what excites, arouses and pleases a lady. Who better to learn from, than a woman who loves women?

As someone else said, in another posting; guys seemed to be more physically and orgasm-goal oriented...with often much less emphasis on being tender and caring. Especially with other guys, foreplay is often dispensed with and it's "business, as usual". I have been guilty of that, as well.

Because of the desire and love for my present lady, who thankfully is also bisexual, I want to provide her with the most fulfilling emotional and sensual aspects of a relationship that is possible. So, I am drawing upon every bit of experience gleaned from a few, remarkable, bisexual women from my past, to attempt to deliver all that she can need from me.

Every man can learn from female lovers, who love women, too!

Feb 4, 2009, 9:18 AM
I knew that I was bi when I was 11 so...yeah...by the time I knew what gay and straight and all that was, I knew I wasn't. So, yeah....

Feb 4, 2009, 11:03 AM
I kinda' knew I was bi from a very early age but fought it until my mid 30's and finally came to terms.

Big load off my shoulders, wife was very accepting. It's been a VERY exciting road to follow.

Now I'm trying to make up for lost time !!!! We actually met a couple at a lifestyle party and it turns out both of them are bi !! Finding a bi female at a lifestyle party is not hard but finding a bi male is very rare.

Feb 4, 2009, 1:39 PM
I wasn't surprised. I have always been an explorer, moving through life sampling, experiencing, accepting going back for seconds on those experiences that I enjoyed. For many years I held a security clearance so prudence dictated that acting out on some fantasies wasn't a good thing to do. Now, here, I am still exploring but without restriction.

I am not into labels/titles name calling. I like who I am and am quite comfortable with me and my choices.

Women, men; I think that is a "duh" moment. We are wired differently (VIVE LE DIFFERENCE) and see/experience life and the world through a different prism. Did I say "VIVE LE DIFFERENCE"?

As for learning, why hell yes, even us old dogs can (and should be willing to)learn new tricks... We (the learnees) will be the beneficiarys.

Feb 4, 2009, 2:08 PM
Never really thought much about it either way until I found myself attracted to a guy for the first time. One thing leads to another and we have some fun. I LOVED it! I'm secure in my sexuality and according to the "How Gay Are You" quiz, I'm only 26% gay and that sounds about right...love the women for sure but man I sure love a hard cock and all that delicious cum too...Mmmm!! :tong:

Feb 5, 2009, 11:29 PM
I though i was straight for 40 years and that my homosexual fantasies were just fantasies. Like Alegrias after watching some same sex pornography I realised that I actually would like to have sex with another man. I have never been seduced by another man but I am sure it would be nice.

I find myself in a similar position. However, I find it a little awkward being in a relationship with a woman and having these fantasies. LOL, what makes it awkward is that she encourages these fantasies so much!

Feb 6, 2009, 1:40 PM
I guess almost anything that you have no experience with, would seem awkward. Anything new tends to be strange, until you learn to relax and enjoy it. Then again, maybe you will never adjust to it...but unless you try, you'll never know. Just be safe, no matter what you do!

My one and only experience with a man and his wife was very awkward, at first. But over a very short period, with their very open and personable assistance, I soon felt like a solid part of them. We shared some of the most exciting and memorable times of my life.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Feb 6, 2009, 3:07 PM
I guess almost anything that you have no experience with, would seem awkward. Anything new tends to be strange, until you learn to relax and enjoy it. Then again, maybe you will never adjust to it...but unless you try, you'll never know. Just be safe, no matter what you do!

My one and only experience with a man and his wife was very awkward, at first. But over a very short period, with their very open and personable assistance, I soon felt like a solid part of them. We shared some of the most exciting and memorable times of my life.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

I'm not fully sure how I view my self at the moment. I have this wonderful woman who encourages my fantasies about sexual encounters with other guys, yet I fear I will not get to try and it will allways remain a fantasy. Last semester, when I sort of discovered that I might be bi, she found out one of her friends she has at her school is also bi, and that this girls boyfriend is i as well. We entertained the idea of a foursome for a month or two, ut I'm not sure what they think. I don't personally know them, so I'm a little unsure that I may get the opportunity. I think though, that if such an opportunity were to be taken, the opportunity to explore our emotions with our own sex, my girlfriend would get the most out of it ecause she has strugglled with her own morality over being bi.

Feb 6, 2009, 3:09 PM

First - Thank You Realist for a very interesting thread. I am touched to read through these threads and see that I am in such amazingly good company. Like many here before me - I had often found myself attracted to men and having male-male fantasies - but I always thought they were just that - fantasies. I spent the early years of my life trying to fit myself into the "normal" bubble of heterosexual bliss. When my "other" feelings would come up - I would push them back down because it wasn't "Normal". I also spent 24 years in the Military where exploring those other feelings would've terminated a career. Then last year at age 50 - I embraced them and had my first man to man experience. I know now that I can never go back to straight heterosexual living - I am very attracted, love and appreciate both sexes. I FINALLY feel like the "real" me and getting more and more comfortable in my skin as time progresses. LW

Feb 6, 2009, 11:13 PM
Lone wolf, you have endeared yourself to most of the women here and probably many of the guys too! You are a true gentleman and obviously a decent fellow. I've read many of your posts and have long thought of writing you. You put your heart into everything you write and I can relate to it because your words ring home to me, too. I'm glad to know there are fellows like you, here!

Feb 6, 2009, 11:15 PM
Lone wolf, you have endeared yourself to most of the women here and probably many of the guys too! You are a true gentleman and obviously a decent fellow. I've read many of your posts and have long thought of writing you. You put your heart into everything you write and I can relate to it because your words ring home to me, too. I'm glad to know there are fellows like you, here!

*raises hand* ummm...hi...I'm one of those women :bigrin:

Feb 7, 2009, 12:05 AM
Well here goes as far as being straight I'm not sure I was ever sure nor am I now. I have always gone with society and done what was accepted openly. I do however remember my introduction with sex as a youth with my same sex male friend and loved it. I will say sexually either gender attracts me, but emotionally so far it's been with women. I have not tried being with a male again yet, I guess if it wasn't for disease it might be different. For now I'm in a relationship with a woman which is great, but my fantasies are starting to win as my being here shows. Lets see what happens.:confused:

Nikki Ninja
Feb 7, 2009, 2:35 AM
Haha well i had a sleepover with my best friend a couple years ago and it was the best time of my life lol :bigrin:

Feb 7, 2009, 7:35 AM
i never thought one way or other but was getting bj in abs in austin and san antonio then one day i just decided to see what it felt like to have cock in mouth partner was on verge when i knelt but i was not aware of it when igot his cock in mouth he exploded and held my head in place while he pumped and finished that was the start of my active bi experiences

Feb 7, 2009, 10:20 AM

I wonder how many sleep-overs have produced the same results? My first wife was introduced to f2f sex at such a sleep over....... not by her bed mate, but by her bed mates mother! After learning the joys of those kinds of pleasure, she proceeded to return the favor to almost every other girl in her neighborhood!

I'm afraid that I've been guilty of introducing that pleasure to a few select male novices, as well.

Enjoy, but be extremely careful!

Feb 7, 2009, 2:02 PM
I knew I was bi for as long as I can remember... never denied it to myself, because I thought it was actually normal to feel attracted to both sexes lol. But I'm 20 now, and I'm aware of a lot more things, and think a lot more... and I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to dislike myself. I wish I didn't... the few people who I have come out to, have accepted me with open arms, why can't I accept myself? I guess it takes time. But joining this site has helped me significantly in accepting myself, and not feel so alone in the world anymore.

Feb 7, 2009, 3:58 PM
I knew I was bi for as long as I can remember... never denied it to myself, because I thought it was actually normal to feel attracted to both sexes lol. But I'm 20 now, and I'm aware of a lot more things, and think a lot more... and I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to dislike myself. I wish I didn't... the few people who I have come out to, have accepted me with open arms, why can't I accept myself? I guess it takes time. But joining this site has helped me significantly in accepting myself, and not feel so alone in the world anymore.

Accepting yourself comes with what you view as moral and ethical. You have been bi as long as you can remember? Well think about how you view bisexuality and homosexuality. Look at others around you. Undoubtedly you will see that many bi's and homosexuals are comfortable with the way they live their lives. I suppose the real barrier to understanding and accepting your own sexuality is recognising how your own morals regard the subject. Do you think it's ok for others to be bi? Do you think it's ok for your self to be bi? You say you are starting to dislike yourself for being bi? What caused this dislike? Im sure if you surround yourself in a community such as this one, you will be able to understand a little better what you feel about your self exactly. Do a little bit of thinking and try and figure out what makes you feel so uncomfortable with your self.

Feb 7, 2009, 6:37 PM
I guess I've always known I was a bit different - love being affectionate with both. For me the struggle was in trying to figure out if I could live with that fact - and admit to myself that I might face an existence with horrible discrimination.

I fought, and to some extent am still fighting myself over that choice. But in my heart I know that I can love either sex.

I draw parallels to other groups who face discrimination and ponder the idea that "being gay" is something you can hide easier than other attributes - although I wonder at what cost?

I would never presume to know what it feels like to walk in someone else' shoes but it does give me the tiniest bit of appreciation for what other minorities must be going through.

Feb 7, 2009, 9:46 PM
I was straight most of my life, but when I finally did have a m2m experience my life changed dramatically. After that first time when I would have sex with a woman, no matter how lovely she might be, I often found myself wishing she had a cock. These days I don't seek out women at all. It's the cock in all its beauty that interests me.

Feb 8, 2009, 3:48 AM
Accepting yourself comes with what you view as moral and ethical. You have been bi as long as you can remember? Well think about how you view bisexuality and homosexuality. Look at others around you. Undoubtedly you will see that many bi's and homosexuals are comfortable with the way they live their lives. I suppose the real barrier to understanding and accepting your own sexuality is recognising how your own morals regard the subject. Do you think it's ok for others to be bi? Do you think it's ok for your self to be bi? You say you are starting to dislike yourself for being bi? What caused this dislike? Im sure if you surround yourself in a community such as this one, you will be able to understand a little better what you feel about your self exactly. Do a little bit of thinking and try and figure out what makes you feel so uncomfortable with your self.

I see homosexuality and bisexuality as totally fine, and it is ok for others to be which ever. I don't really know though if it's ok for me... I had a father who was strict and disliked homosexuals and everything, and even the rest of my family don't like homosexuals either. So that's probably one reason why I haven't fully accepted myself. Oh, and the fact the falling for girls who you know you will never have a chance with, and going through that pain of knowing they love someone else and are totally straight, may also contribute to that.

Feb 8, 2009, 12:14 PM
I see homosexuality and bisexuality as totally fine, and it is ok for others to be which ever. I don't really know though if it's ok for me... I had a father who was strict and disliked homosexuals and everything, and even the rest of my family don't like homosexuals either. So that's probably one reason why I haven't fully accepted myself. Oh, and the fact the falling for girls who you know you will never have a chance with, and going through that pain of knowing they love someone else and are totally straight, may also contribute to that.

I can sort of understand how you may feel in this situation. While I may be comfortable with myself, I dont really know how my parents would feel, or how my sisters would feel. I suppose thats the one thing that I am not ok with, the idea that my family might not approve. I say might because I know they love me, but I also know that while they accept friends as homosexual, they have an aversion to it when it's closer to home. Hell my grandparents are so old fashioned they might be the worst to have find out.

I didn't think I had a chance with my current girlfriend either though. She was allready in a relationship at the time with, which I didn't find out until a month or two after knowing her, a total douchebag who was abusive verbally and sexually. I didn't think I would have a chance with her for a while, but I did place myself into a position where I could be a close friend and thus, a part of her life. The she dumped his ass. :D

So what I think would be good for you is to find someone you can focus your thoughts on. Maybe they're not in a relationship, maybe they are. Don't dwell on what your family might think, because you can cross those waters when they present themselves. Focus instead on the fact that your circle of friends accepts you and go from there. Then keep your eyes and ears open.