View Full Version : Heartwarming smile for us Canucks

Feb 1, 2009, 12:50 PM
(and whoever else of course).....


wait for it... and make sure your speakers are turned up!

I love the thumbsup for whoever was filming him :)

*goosebumps* ... pass the kleenex please

Feb 1, 2009, 1:05 PM
TY Peg,That indeed brought a smile too my face. The troops of both countries and who ever is fighting with us over there need all our support. Look they may not want too be over there and evryone may not agree on us being there,But our troops DO need our support!!! They may not want too be there either but they are just doing the job they were trained to do..

Feb 1, 2009, 1:27 PM
2 GREAT!!!

Feb 1, 2009, 2:29 PM
That little tyke was cute-I like his little uniform--he had that down pretty good as well as the style of salute with the foot stomp and all----I was glad that we didn't have something like that in the US miitary--it was hard enough for me to do the "square the corner" marching move!!! LOL

Thanks for the post Peg!

Feb 1, 2009, 3:32 PM
TY and blessings! What a little trouper!!! As a 24 year veteran of the U.S. Air Force that had the tears flowing! Simply awesome. And here's a shout out and Salute to our beloved Canucks, Aussies, Brits and all who stand shoulder to shoulder with us in times of need - you are all truly Brothers & Sisters in arms. God Bless ya!

Feb 1, 2009, 3:42 PM
Yup..it's true. You CAN support the troops without supporting the war!!! These people put there lives on the line everyday, doing a job neither you or I would ever want to do and get paid a pittance for doing so. I have a lot of respect for any kind of service personnel whether it's military, police or fire fighting.

Feb 1, 2009, 4:10 PM
Ahhh Peg. That was ADorable. Thank you for sharing it Honey.
Yer Cat ;)

Feb 1, 2009, 8:46 PM
Yup..it's true. You CAN support the troops without supporting the war!!! These people put there lives on the line everyday, doing a job neither you or I would ever want to do and get paid a pittance for doing so. I have a lot of respect for any kind of service personnel whether it's military, police or fire fighting.

I must agree whole heartedly.....and Peg thanks for the nice thread.


Feb 1, 2009, 9:19 PM
That was very cool. I particularly liked how the platoon leader returned the salute with the whole platoon.

It probably made that kid feel a mile high.

I just knew there was a reason that we and the Canadians get long so well with the Belgians.

Feb 2, 2009, 2:32 AM
I had to come back and watch this vid again---very cute--I loved him giving the people the "thumbs up" sign and he really had his uniform down well--especially his kilt!!

I dare say--the lad must have dreams of going into the service----seems like he is off to a good start--he already did a good job of saluting and standing at parade rest!!

This is a great video!!

Feb 2, 2009, 2:57 AM
I didn't understand it.

Where were all those people going and why was that little boy wearing a dress?

Feb 2, 2009, 5:59 AM
I didn't understand it.

Where were all those people going and why was that little boy wearing a dress?

You understand nothing and no one...but you expect everyone to understans Adam....Oh sorry...you are too complex a character to understand...aren't you

Feb 2, 2009, 5:59 PM
I didn't understand it.

Where were all those people going and why was that little boy wearing a dress?

What is your problem? everything that you have to say is really angry and hateful.

And it isn't a dress, it's a KILT. But then I guess that you, being a mundane, wouldn't really have any reasonable chance of understanding anyway.

Feb 3, 2009, 6:13 AM
What is your problem? everything that you have to say is really angry and hateful.

And it isn't a dress, it's a KILT. But then I guess that you, being a mundane, wouldn't really have any reasonable chance of understanding anyway.

Falcon, it's because when he posts his, what he thinks are witty snide comments, he's as drunk as a Lord....that's why....plain and simple.

Feb 3, 2009, 7:48 PM
thank you peg it is allways nice to see good things about are troops and the way the world looks at ous canadians ;)