View Full Version : The Gender of the Brain and Sexual Orientation

Feb 1, 2009, 5:07 AM
The test I refer to is unfortunately published on the net in my native language and not in English. However it is taken from the book "Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps: How We're Different and What to Do About It" by Barbara and Allan Pease. This test might show if your brain tends to be more masculine or feminine. According to the webpage I visited, written in my mother tongue, it says that the results of the test may indicate the level of male hormones your brain received six to eighth weeks after you were conceived. This again is supposed to be visible in your preferences, behaviour, appearance, choices and possibly also your sexual orientation. Most men have a score between 0 to 180, and a score below 150 makes a typical masculine brain. Women, on the other hand, usually have a score between 150 and 300. According to the text on the site,”homosexual men” are more likely to have a high score while ”women with lesbian tendencies” are supposed to have a low score.

My score was only 45 which should describe me as a masculine man indeed. At the same time I am kind of sensitive, I am very vain, priorely a bit metrosexual, I was crossdressing periodically as a child, and I developed homosexual (or bisexual) feelings during my adolescence longing for brotherly intimacy and sexual and emotional contact with someone of my own sex. I find this whole thing a bit confusing or ambiguous. Off course I can engange in very masculine activities and have a manly way of thinking. I guess there are many ways of being a man and many ways of being a bisexual or homosexual. Anyone who has any thoughts about this?


Feb 1, 2009, 5:58 AM
My advice would be to think for yourself. People can devise these tests to "prove" any sort of bias or set of beliefs that they want to. Your score obviously does not reflect the relative departure from masculine standards that is your life, and you admit to having doubts along these lines, although in not so many words. Also, Pease is an Australian motivational speaker who has been nicknamed "Mr. Body Language." From what I could tell, he is not a doctor of any kind and has no professional claim beyond being a bestselling author and salesman. Can you honestly respect such a person's psych-level authority on your masculinity? And do you truly believe that crossdressing, metrosexuality, and an interest in some members of your own gender (pun claimed as intentional) for whatever reason, really make you less of a man?

Feb 1, 2009, 3:45 PM
Anyone who has any thoughts about this?

Get out of here! You're too normal for this place!

Feb 1, 2009, 4:09 PM
I dont trust web based tests. There are a whole host of them mostly biased and based in part(or whole) on other peoples ideas of gender.

There are test used to determine gender , and yes even the paper ones arent perfect. But then they would be andiminstered by folks who (hopefully) know what they are doing and have experience in it.

The book you are refering to is also available in english.
