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View Full Version : Anyone have travel tips for San Francisco?

Feb 1, 2009, 2:23 AM
I have plans to be in San Francisco March 22nd-28th and I was wondering if anyone knew of any good clubs/bars to go to. I would actually like to hit at least one gay bar/club while I'm there since there aren't that many near where I live, but any good night spot is welcome.

Feb 1, 2009, 10:29 AM
It has been around 20 years since I was last in the San Fran area---so I can't offer any specfic help for your question--but with Frisco being a very much GLBT friendly city---I am sure that if you just ask about when you get there, do some Googling on the subject and from what advice people are going to offer you here--you won't be bored or have a lack of places to go---- your problem is that you won't be able to get to a fraction of the places on what I am sure is going to be a very long list.

Have fun there---but as always--if you play--play safe!!!

Feb 1, 2009, 9:02 PM
It has been a couple of years since our last visit to SF. We discovered a little restaurant called Fruscati's. Went to brunch at Harry Denton's which was a drag show and a hoot. I wanted to go to some of the great gay bars I had heard about but went with my conservative sister in law with us....it did not happen. Did get to the famous Lombard Street.


Feb 1, 2009, 9:52 PM
Hon, try googling it for San Fran attractions. It might lead you to a site that tells locations and points of interest, and May even give you a site to look around on and find a good, safe bars/lounges for ya'll to do to.
Also, you can call San Fran chamber of commerce and get some answers that way. I am sure they get all kinds of calls on touristy stuff, and may actually have a listing of good GLTB places to visit.
Good luck and have a wonderful time!

Feb 2, 2009, 1:25 AM
If you're looking for a gay bar, you can head to the Castro district (Castro & Market) and take your pick. The Bar on Castro can be fun on the right night, they have drag shows and photos in the back, full of boys. Jet is a more mixed crowd and can be hit or miss, but worth checking out. The Cafe is the big dog on the block. Mixed genders.

If you're willing to just go with the flow, check out http://sfist.com/. It's a local blog that puts up a daily post of stuff that is happening that night. I found a great drag show listed on SFist. They put up a pretty nice array of event listings.

Not in the Castro, but also queer friendly are The Stud (http://www.studsf.com/) and The Cinch (http://www.thecinch.com/). If you're looking for straight bars there are lots of good ones in the Mission District. Like the Castro, you can pretty much walk up and down the street till you find the one you like. And if you're in the mission, after wards, stop for a burrito and you'll have partied like a local.

And you can always check Yelp.com. People here looooove them some yelp.