View Full Version : Seeking Opinions

Jan 29, 2009, 5:50 PM
Hi every one Rev. John here, The church I have been with here in Alaska is non-denominational and is open minded to all faiths. How ever they do not except same sex mairrage or same sex relaitionships of any kind. I will be moving back to Michigan in March and I plan to start my own Ministry there. I have writen out a creed for said Ministry and would appresiate it if you would take the time to read it and tell me what you think of it and if you think such a church will go over well in todays society.
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Welcome To The Universal Ministry of Spiritual Discovery
Here we accept all Beliefs and all Faiths, All are welcome here regardless of Race, Color, Creed, Gender Orientation, or Sexual Preference.

This is a Non Denominational Ministry of testament and spiritual discovery, a sharing of thoughts and ideas to help each other find our own paths and discover the truth as we see it for ourselves.

This is Our Principal Belief

By coming together and discussing theory’s and thoughts about life and all forms of religion and spiritualism of all cultures. We will then grow and evolve spiritually.

For as long as we are ignorant or indifferent to the spiritual and physical laws of the universe we will continue to create the negative and suffer the results.

We do not accept the Bible alone as being the infallible word of God. We except all written scriptures as inspired collections of stories based on the spiritual laws of the universe. Seeking to help man unfold his own divinity.

We will not ask you to have blind faith. We only ask that you have faith in your own abilities to seek and find the truth as you see fit for your personal life path.

We will ask that you be cooperative, be helpful, be humble, be honest, be happy, live positively, and love your fellow man.

Here among us let there be no hate, no envy, no jealousy, no negativity, no racism, or discrimination of any kind.

If you came here to be taught a religion, you have come to the wrong place.

If you came here to participate, learn, listen, share, grow, and evolve spiritually then you have come to the right place.

Again Welcome and may Peace, Love and Light surround you all

Jan 29, 2009, 7:59 PM
Since your asking for it. Heres my opinion. I don't mean to discourage you from destroying the monotheistic admonition that non-straight individuals will be absolutely damned by a rather stuffy, unnatural, tyrant of a figment of immagination to suffer the burning tortures of some horrible place called hell for all eternity... But I say Rubbish! Religion is moral viagra at best, but usually misinterpreted and used as an excuse for mass murder and control.

If you need to, then go right ahead. It would probably be better than the churches of previous centuries with their wars, inquisitions, and brainwashing of so called primitive cultures... But for how long, and why? We've already seen, for eons now, what religion does. Maybe the time to try something else is long overdue.

I ask you this (quoting Epicurus):

"Is god willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"
- Epicurus 341-271 BCE

When things "go over well" in any days society; nothing changes.
I pose these opinions and questions because I think the world would be a much better place without any religions. Not because I want it to go over well. As I'm sure it won't. :P

Jan 29, 2009, 10:30 PM
As Wiccans, we see what you are trying to do and are in full support. There are few monotheists out there, particularly amongst Christians, that are tolerant of people who have different faiths, genders or sexualities.

What you are doing is a step in the right direction; something that too many Christians and Islamics have forgotten about love and tolerance, because of intentional changes made that are inserted for the sole purpose of promoting power and control.

What you may want to do is to contact the Universalist Unitarian Church. What you have written seems to be right in keeping with what they seem to stand for.

Perhaps there may be a UU where you are going that could use an additional minister or they may be interested in founding one in the area that you are going.

The worst that they could do is to say no. But it's a thought that might make it easier on you, in the end.

Jan 30, 2009, 12:11 PM
Thanks Falcon,

The UU is ok and if I was to go with an organised denoination they would be my first choise.

But I'm looking to go as non-denominational, non-profit spiritual ministry, getting away from religon all together yet studying all forms of spirituality so each individual may discover and fallow there own life path.

Oh and Ghast, even Athiest will be welcome

Jan 30, 2009, 1:25 PM
As Wiccans, we see what you are trying to do and are in full support. There are few monotheists out there, particularly amongst Christians, that are tolerant of people who have different faiths, genders or sexualities.

What you are doing is a step in the right direction; something that too many Christians and Islamics have forgotten about love and tolerance, because of intentional changes made that are inserted for the sole purpose of promoting power and control.

What you may want to do is to contact the Universalist Unitarian Church. What you have written seems to be right in keeping with what they seem to stand for.

Perhaps there may be a UU where you are going that could use an additional minister or they may be interested in founding one in the area that you are going.

The worst that they could do is to say no. But it's a thought that might make it easier on you, in the end.

I agree with you and all that you've said.

I have a friend of the family that is a gay pastor, and he was and I believe still is trying to accomplish this same idea by the way.

Jan 30, 2009, 5:03 PM
You asked for opinions...

I was raised in a home that at times you would have thought was athiest... but made a choice at 4 to start going to church. I don't know a lot about any religion other than christianity; that being said - your idea to invite anyone under the sun is great!

I know some on here may not agree with me, but I too have thought about same sex marriage at a few times in my life. The way I see it is ... as long as they aren't setting out to hurt anyone else who cares who they marry... it's their life and their choice.

Michigan is questionable though... it depends on which area you are looking at for your living arrangements.

Take care and good luck!

Jan 30, 2009, 7:34 PM
Thanks Falcon,

The UU is ok and if I was to go with an organised denoination they would be my first choise.

But I'm looking to go as non-denominational, non-profit spiritual ministry, getting away from religon all together yet studying all forms of spirituality so each individual may discover and fallow there own life path.

Oh and Ghast, even Athiest will be welcome

Well, it was just a thought that we figured might help. Good luck on your plan, though, because it is truly a step in the right direction; and this world has need of more steps in the right direction as we have had too many in the wrong direction.