View Full Version : The F Word (not for the faint of heart)

Mr. Magick
Jan 29, 2009, 3:21 AM
:bigrin:I laughed so hard I nearly Pissed myself.:bigrin:


Jan 29, 2009, 7:29 AM
:bigrin:I laughed so hard I nearly Pissed myself.:bigrin:


Well Fuck Magick---we wouldn't want you to fucking piss on yourself now, would we???

Jan 29, 2009, 7:32 AM
funny - I liked it much better when George Carlin did the skit on F*ck

Jan 29, 2009, 9:28 AM
Ah...the beauty of the English language.

Jan 29, 2009, 12:39 PM
Its so much easier to say than "Fornication Under Consent of the King!!!" LOL:)

Jan 29, 2009, 1:11 PM
great little vid there Mr. Magick. The narrators' delivery cracked me up.

interesting comments on the etymology of the word though:



Fake etymologies

There are several urban-legend fake etymologies postulating an acronymic origin for the word. In the most popular version, it is said that the word "fuck" came from Irish law. If a couple committing adultery were "Found Under Carnal Knowledge" they would be penalized, with "FUCK" written on the stocks above them to denote the crime. Variants of this include "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge", "Felonius Use of Carnal Knowledge", "Fornication Under Carnal Knowledge", and "Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge", a label supposedly applied to the crime of rape. In another story, a sign reading "Fornication Under Consent of the King" was supposedly placed on signs above houses in medieval England during times of population control. All these acronyms were never heard before the 1960s, according to the authoritative lexicographical work, The F-Word, and so are backronyms.

(lol @ "backronyms" )

Jan 29, 2009, 2:30 PM
Magick, you are so bad. Cute, but bad...lol

Jan 29, 2009, 7:52 PM
And of course there is the legend about when the Englishmen with their long bow were one of the fiercest enemies of the French. The long-bow was an excellent long range weapon and with proper training, was very accurate. The bow was drawn or “plucked” with the middle finger. The French feared long-bowmen to extent that when one was captured alive, the French would cut off the bowman's middle finger.
One night in an English encampment, the commander of the troupes got word of an impending attack by the French with the intent of killing off the long-bowmen. The commander sent the long-bowmen and other troupes out to encircle the camp and stay hidden. When the French attacked, they found the camp deserted and then the commander gave the counter attack signal.
The long-bowmen released their arrows with deadly accuracy, killing many of the French. The rest of the grounds troupes finished of those that resisted and the French surrendered. The long-bowmen stood before the beaten Frenchmen, extending their middle finger at them in defiance and exclaimed,
"Pluck You!" -

and thus came about the finger gesture with "Fuck You!"

That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.:tongue:

Doggie :doggie:

Jan 30, 2009, 4:41 AM
OK folks---lets start putting our thinking caps on---post up some of the various colorful ways that we have heard this most verstatile of words used in sayings and such--I have a few I can think of off the top of my head I have used or heard regularly over the years:

"Fucking A Right!!!!"

"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!"

"If they can't take a joke--Fuck Em and if they can't take a Fuck--joke Em!"

OK--mine are pretty lame--but BRING EM ON ya'all!!! LOL

Jan 30, 2009, 8:04 AM
OK folks---lets start putting our thinking caps on---post up some of the various colorful ways that we have heard this most verstatile of words used in sayings and such--I have a few I can think of off the top of my head I have used or heard regularly over the years:

"Fucking A Right!!!!"

"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!"

"If they can't take a joke--Fuck Em and if they can't take a Fuck--joke Em!"

OK--mine are pretty lame--but BRING EM ON ya'all!!! LOL

"Abso-fucking-lutely <insert word here>"

Jan 30, 2009, 8:31 AM

Jan 30, 2009, 9:00 AM
And of course there is the legend about when the Englishmen with their long bow were one of the fiercest enemies of the French. The long-bow was an excellent long range weapon and with proper training, was very accurate. The bow was drawn or “plucked” with the middle finger. The French feared long-bowmen to extent that when one was captured alive, the French would cut off the bowman's middle finger.
One night in an English encampment, the commander of the troupes got word of an impending attack by the French with the intent of killing off the long-bowmen. The commander sent the long-bowmen and other troupes out to encircle the camp and stay hidden. When the French attacked, they found the camp deserted and then the commander gave the counter attack signal.
The long-bowmen released their arrows with deadly accuracy, killing many of the French. The rest of the grounds troupes finished of those that resisted and the French surrendered. The long-bowmen stood before the beaten Frenchmen, extending their middle finger at them in defiance and exclaimed,
"Pluck You!" -

and thus came about the finger gesture with "Fuck You!"

That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.:tongue:

Doggie :doggie:

This is the root of the English two fingered V sign rather than the middle finger. The long bow required these two fingers and, to antagonise the French, the 14th century archers would wave the V sign at them as if to say, "Come and get 'em if you think you can".

The V sign is an important icon in English history

Jan 30, 2009, 2:39 PM
Too fricken, i mean fucking funny.

(I said it proudly now!)


Jan 30, 2009, 2:43 PM
Was so very happy to see my favorite word, "absofuckinglutely" highlighted in that video. It's been a staple of my vocabulary long before it became popular with "Sex and the City"....and unfortunately, I have to admit that I learned it from the mother of a friend of mine! LOL!


Jan 30, 2009, 3:28 PM
Sheesh, people! Fuck is so 20th century. FRAK YOU!

Jan 30, 2009, 8:48 PM

Jan 31, 2009, 1:52 PM
Thanks for that I really enjoyed myself. I thought that that was so fucking funny. thanks again. lil bit

Jan 31, 2009, 5:12 PM
This is the root of the English two fingered V sign rather than the middle finger. The long bow required these two fingers and, to antagonise the French, the 14th century archers would wave the V sign at them as if to say, "Come and get 'em if you think you can".

The V sign is an important icon in English history

Not to argue, but I'd heard from Englishmen and people who once lived there that the English two-finger salute was symbolic of putting those fingers into someone's relevant orifice, and also that it was symbolic of a vagina, which for some unexplained reason was considered in English culture to be especially vulgar to flash, symbolically or otherwise. I actually prefer the story about the longbowmen, but I know the two-finger salute equates with our U.S. middle finger flash, and the story doesn't seem to explain or account for this. Can you or anyone else comment on that?