View Full Version : IMPORTANT

Jan 26, 2009, 9:46 PM
I have this friend, that i think is like really and i mean really pretty. She is such a sweety. I know that she knows that i'm bisexual. So there is no question in her mind when im all the time saying how cute woman are and everything like that. Well i heard thou the grape vine that she would so kiss me and everything like that. I dont know if this is the truth or a lie. I dont want to ask her because that would make me look like a fool if it isn't so. but good i just want to kiss her and put my hands down her pants and make her yell. but i dont know what to do about this. What should I do?

Jan 26, 2009, 11:11 PM
I think most folks on this site will advise you that open and sincere communications are the key in these situations. Your friend is probably thinking the same thing, but is also afraid to bring it up. Just think ahead of time how best to approach the subject with her. Only you can decide that based on how well you know her. Life is too short to just wait around for something good to happen. Sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns, and make it happen. Good luck with it.

Jan 26, 2009, 11:17 PM
i'm going to see her this weekend i'm really excited because i think that i'm going to do like you said and just speak up what is the worst that can happen she tell me no. Then iknow that it ain't going to happen. Thanks so much for the advice. thanks alot. lil bit

Jan 27, 2009, 5:23 AM
Listen: When I was in high school, there was a girl in my class who I was crazy about. I nearly had a heart attack every time she got close. For some reason I just could not bring myself to tell her how I felt. Time passed, school was over and we went our separate ways.

Flash forward: We meet at a class reunion, 10 years later. We danced and she told me that she used to have the biggest crush on me and that she used to go home and masturbate, if I had come close to her, or spoke to her during the day. I admitted that I had also flogged myself in the shower for similar reasons! We both laughed, but it was really sad that we never took the opportunity to be together.

Ah, the shyness and cautious days of my youth! If I had only known!

You better tell that girl how you feel, or you will be eternally sorry!

Oh yes, and she was bi, too!

Jan 27, 2009, 1:40 PM
Hey there!

I think the fact that your friend knows that you are bisexual and hasn't done anything negative - like drop you as a friend or run for the hills (and sadly we all know that plenty of people would) - speaks volumes about the positive strength of your friendship and the quality of her as a person. I say - sit her down and tell her that you love and value her as a person and as your friend and you wouldn't want ANYTHING to jeopardize the friendship and then tell her how you feel - then tell her if she doesn't feel the same - its OK and it won't change the friendship in anyway. My opinion - if you approach it in that manner - you give her a healthy way out if she doesn't feel the same - but also pave the way for still maintaining a great friendship. I wish you luck and peace - Hope you are both as hot for one another as you pray you - in which case- HAVE FUN!!!! Blessings. LW

Jan 27, 2009, 2:10 PM
This is why God invented flirting. Seriously -- straight, gay, or bi -- flirting let's you crack the door open, and then either proceed further, or gracefully back off, with no one too terribly embarassed.

Go for it.

Jan 28, 2009, 3:29 AM
I agree with Wolf. Put the friendship first in your mind. I think she already knows how you feel, and you probably will get a chance to make her yell like you want to.