View Full Version : Bisexual celebrities

Jan 26, 2009, 7:48 AM
http://www.nndb.com has a list of famous bisexual people:



Jan 26, 2009, 11:35 AM
Yikes. Not to start the replies on a down note or nuthin', but...

The Marquis de Sade? 
Aleister Crowley?
Charles Manson?
John Wayne Gacy?
Aileen Woronos?
Tiberius and Caligula?
Janice Dickinson?

Wow, we've had some fuckers on our team.

On the plus side... we also got Sarah Connor, Obi Wan Kenobi, Marcus Brody, Ricky Ricardo, Nightcrawler, the Terminatrix, Riff-Raff, Norman Bates, Pee-Wee Herman, and Eleanor Roosevelt, all of whom kicked ass. Throw in Olivia Munn and Seven of Nine and you got yourself a geekgasm right there.

My favorite on the list... Ville Valo from HIM. Rrrrooowrrr. Lloyd Kaufman, I've met several times and I wouldn't have guessed. But, he does make a lot of jokes about how many dicks he sucked and I can never tell if he's kidding.

Jan 26, 2009, 1:14 PM
Everyone's got fuckers on their team.

But... there's no Gerard Butler.

Taylor is not happy.:tong:


Jan 26, 2009, 2:22 PM
Yeah, everyone does have fuckers on their team. Then again, it's not like we got OJ, Donald Rumsfeld and Ann Coulter. Argh.

Lookit all the porn stars. Wow. John Holmes did a lot of gay porn, but, according to the documentary WADD, he wasn't into guys. Not that there were many guys who could handle him.

Right on. King Richard the Lionheart, guy who fought the Muslims in the Crusades. Tell that to the bloody rightwingers who want to keep gays out of the military. Not that I want bisexuals killing Muslims, mind you.

Bet all those Greeks and Roman Emperors had a marvelous time back then. Lucky bastards.

Mr. Magick
Jan 26, 2009, 2:35 PM
Wow Alec Guiness was Bi, I coulda had sex with Obi won kinobi...I'm geekin' Here!

Jan 26, 2009, 3:51 PM
WOW! So many names here that I would have never guessed were bi. I mean, Don Knotts, damn.(Barney Fife) Marlena Deitrich,(1920-30's actress) Majory Main from Ma and Pa Kettle. And so many more.
Way cool. :}
RIP to those had already walked the Path, and right on to those still walking the Path. ;}

Jan 26, 2009, 4:34 PM
Remember that you can click on your favourite names from the list and read more about those you admire. Included are also references. In addition, I recommend you to use www.wikipedia.org for the same purpose.

By the way, here are some of my favourite names from the list:

Drew Barrymore
Alan Bates
Helmut Berger
David Bowie
Marlon Brando
Richard Burton
Joe Dallesandro
James Dean
Marlene Dietrich
Greta Garbo
Alec Guinness
Angelina Jolie
W. Somerset Maugham
Camille Paglia
Anthony Perkins
Laurence Olivier
Michael Redgrave
Rudolph Valentino


Jan 26, 2009, 9:38 PM
I'm like WOW I never knew a few of them. Damn. I hope that the list is true. I mean damn. Angelina Jolie!!! She is so HOTTT!!!! thanks for the list that was worth looking at. lil bit

Jan 26, 2009, 10:23 PM
Yeah, everyone does have fuckers on their team. Then again, it's not like we got OJ, Donald Rumsfeld and Ann Coulter. Argh.

Lookit all the porn stars. Wow. John Holmes did a lot of gay porn, but, according to the documentary WADD, he wasn't into guys. Not that there were many guys who could handle him.

Right on. King Richard the Lionheart, guy who fought the Muslims in the Crusades. Tell that to the bloody rightwingers who want to keep gays out of the military. Not that I want bisexuals killing Muslims, mind you.

Bet all those Greeks and Roman Emperors had a marvelous time back then. Lucky bastards.

I might... the more Radical Muslims want to kill us.


Jan 26, 2009, 11:45 PM
That makes me happy that I am not the only bisexual on the planet. But, I am not happy that, like me, they have had to deal with all the issues that the heterosexual mainstream imposes on us. The preponderance of heterosexual society does not think these famous bisexuals or you or I are moral people. Probably, most heterosexuals believe that my soul is definitely going to hell. Fortunately, in western societies, they are enlightened enough that we are not likely to be killed or imprisoned. I almost feel liberated! But the rejection and the potential for isolation from family is still a major issue for some of us.

I know this is negative comment about the positive fact that many people that we very much like and respect are soul mates to us. So, as I guess I do feel better knowing that the respect for their accomplishments by mainstream heterosexual society can significantly help us demonstrate that our bisexuality deserves the same respect as their heterosexuality.
It is kind of crazy, but even the famous bad bisexuals can help us get respect.

Jan 26, 2009, 11:48 PM
i dont believe the james dean one. anyone have something that says it?

Jan 27, 2009, 12:08 AM
i dont believe the james dean one. anyone have something that says it?

James Dean was a notorious player back in the day and didn't seem to care one whit about having sex with men. According to biographies written about him, he had lots of one-night stands with men and women, the men mostly being studio execs who had a lot to lose if it came out that they were gay.

On Rebel without a Cause, Dean worked with two other bisexuals, actor Sal Mineo and director Nicholas Ray. The sexualities of Mineo and Dean did not become public knowledge until long after their deaths. I'm not sure about the specifics, but it seems to me that their identities in the closet led both of them to very unhappy, albeit very brief, lives.

Jan 27, 2009, 3:05 AM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Dean#Dean.27s_personal_relationships_and_sex ual_orientation

It is commonly believed by James Dean’s biographers that he had sexual relationships and encounters with both men and women.

Traditionally, many of his gay fans have wanted to label him gay whereas his straight fans have termed him straight albeit sexually experimental. Some think he was gay and had straight affairs with actresses for publicity reasons. Others maintain that he was straight but had homosexual affairs with so-called sugar daddies and prominent men in the theatrical and movie industry and that he was sexually confused. I personally think of him as a true and modern bisexual. This question, however, is also part of what makes him a legend or a myth.

Jan 27, 2009, 4:55 PM
Whoa! Nice Adams (The Rebel) and Elvis might have been lovers??
I knew Sal Mineo was, but now hearing Elvis might've been bi is something..lol. Ty, tyu very muccchhh...lol.

I know when I got got 'grown' I had heard rumors about several different actors/actresses being bi or gay. Here we saw so many 'macho' men on the screen, and us girls drooled over many of them, then to hear they were gay was really something to me. In front of my Homo-phobic husband I'd say, "Hmm, oh really?" and inside I'd be thinking, "Oh man! Would loved to have seen That!" lol
Chuck Connors (The Rifleman) Rock Hudson, Sal Mineo, James Dean, and Richard Boone, and several others. WOw, I'm afraid to look and see if Lorne Greene was gay. Or Hoss.. All of the Icons of my generation. :}

I kinda figgered sumpthin was wrong with Cap'n Kangeroo and Mr. Rogers, but that's just me..lol:bigrin:
Silly Cat.

Jan 27, 2009, 5:22 PM
Marlon Brando spoke openly about his bisexual experiences. There is even a picture of him with a cock in his mouth, if you google it. Now, I don't know where that photo came from or if it is even real or not, but it sure looks like Colonel Kurtz chugging a sausage to me.

I guess when you're a morbidly obese lunatic who hunts people for sport on his private island in Figi with his own personal Mini-Me in a Mrs Butterworth costume... sucking a cock doesn't seem weird at all.

Jan 27, 2009, 5:27 PM
Wow what a list, did not think that many

I thought that John Holmes was a 14 incher & not a 10 incher :bigrin:

Didin't James Dean say In a interview, when questioned about his "playing around" about his bisexuality? And his response was, going through life as strictly straight or gay was like "going through life with one hand tied behind your back" I like that response. Thats a good one. :cool:

A new one on me is Franklin Rosevelts wife was BI??? Wow, did not know that. I wonder if the public knew? And what was their response? You know that back then the world was really square (not round like we led to believe) and that things like that "just didn't happen in public". I bet the news media would have had a field day with that one. :yikes2:

Also I am dissapointed not seein my name there. Damm, what a heartbreak. Cause I am my biggest fan. I mean I gotta be famous fer something. Oh well I guess the world will never know HUH???

Just my :2cents:.....Your friend....Doggie....:doggie:....:flag2:

Mr. Magick
Jan 28, 2009, 2:07 AM
Marlon Brando spoke openly about his bisexual experiences. There is even a picture of him with a cock in his mouth, if you google it. Now, I don't know where that photo came from or if it is even real or not, but it sure looks like Colonel Kurtz chugging a sausage to me.

I guess when you're a morbidly obese lunatic who hunts people for sport on his private island in Figi with his own personal Mini-Me in a Mrs Butterworth costume... sucking a cock doesn't seem weird at all.

I had heard that the cock in question belonged to Wally Cox (also on the list) it seems the 2 of them had been occational lovers.

Jan 28, 2009, 2:15 AM
A new one on me is Franklin Rosevelts wife was BI??? Wow, did not know that. I wonder if the public knew? And what was their response? You know that back then the world was really square (not round like we led to believe) and that things like that "just didn't happen in public". I bet the news media would have had a field day with that one. :yikes2:

We have also had a gay president, James Buchannan. He was our only single president and he lived with our only single vice president. Of course, it's probably better that the history books have omitted this fact, since Buchannan was - until recently - considered the worst president in US history, having partly caused the Civil War and all. If the Right Wing knew about this, I'm sure they'd add it to their hateful political arsenal.

Jan 28, 2009, 3:20 AM
Marlon Brando spoke openly about his bisexual experiences...I guess when you're a morbidly obese lunatic who hunts people for sport on his private island in Figi with his own personal Mini-Me in a Mrs Butterworth costume... sucking a cock doesn't seem weird at all.

Lol! That was funnier than it should've been.

I don't follow actors as much as musicians. These are the ones I'm aware of.

David Bowie, incidentally, is highly questionable--he did have experiences, and his character Ziggy Stardust was bisexual, but he ultimately renounced bisexuality altogether and said it was just for publicity.

I might've missed Mick Jagger(who may have had sex with David Bowie) and Janis Joplin on one of the above lists, but they're worth mentioning. Joan Baez is, too.

Morrissey is celibate but otherwise bisexual in his lyrics. Someone once wrote a letter to a magazine saying, "All [he] needs is a cheeseburger and a good fuck...and not necessarily in that order." Too funny!

I'm guessing Robert Smith might have tendencies, and not cuz he wears lipstick ("Icing Sugar" and "The Kiss" come to mind--talk about conflicted).

The singer from Green Day--Billy something--surprised me, but has straight-up said he is. I'm not a fan, but my brother is; if you knew my brother, you'd find that funny.

The singer from Franz Ferdinand is out big time, but I'm too lazy to look up his name.

Kurt Cobain was on one list I saw.

As I understand it, Thurston Moore is bi, and Kim Gordon used to be a lesbian before she met him and got married; they're in Sonic Youth together. It was told to me years ago that Kim Gordon and Courtney Love had a brief thing and that apparently one of them said that it was the best sex she'd ever had; so, we could reasonably claim both of them.

Michael Stipe is in a long-standing relationship with a man last I checked, but clarified that he is bi back when he was outed.

Who could forget Madonna? I don't know if she ever called herself bi, but she certainly acts that way. Disclaimer: I really only care for "Like A Virgin" and like to play it on guitar.

I recently posted that Britney Spears is surely bi, but like Madonna, I don't recall her ever actually using that word to describe herself.

There's a band I like called My Bloody Valentine--a lot of their lyrics and the way they're sung could be thought of as bi (I'd fuck anyone in that band, but I'd let the bassist fuck me, cuz she's a hot dyke). Their song, "To Here Knows When," is about a threesome, written by Kevin, but sung by Bilinda. Kevin wrote a great song called "Slow" that deals with a penchant for oral sex. They've got others, too. Get some!

I wouldn't be surprised if Billy Corgan was bi, but I don't think many other Smashing Pumpkins fans would agree that he could be. I hope to be there when he decides to try it.

And since I've recently confessed to indie rock star ambitions, you might as well save me a spot on that list! :-P

Jan 28, 2009, 4:16 AM
I remember David Bowie said in 1993 that his bisexual phase made it clear he was really a heterosexual. However, he didn’t say his earlier bisexuality or sexual experimentation was for publicity reasons.

As for Madonna, there have been many rumours. In the documentary "Truth or Dare" (1991) she talked about a sexual encounter with a female friend. However, I believe she terms herself heterosexual.

Kurt Cobain is on the list.

Jan 28, 2009, 6:18 PM
Lol! That was funnier than it should've been.

I don't follow actors as much as musicians. These are the ones I'm aware of.

David Bowie, incidentally, is highly questionable--he did have experiences, and his character Ziggy Stardust was bisexual, but he ultimately renounced bisexuality altogether and said it was just for publicity.

I might've missed Mick Jagger(who may have had sex with David Bowie) and Janis Joplin on one of the above lists, but they're worth mentioning. Joan Baez is, too.

Morrissey is celibate but otherwise bisexual in his lyrics. Someone once wrote a letter to a magazine saying, "All [he] needs is a cheeseburger and a good fuck...and not necessarily in that order." Too funny!

I'm guessing Robert Smith might have tendencies, and not cuz he wears lipstick ("Icing Sugar" and "The Kiss" come to mind--talk about conflicted).

The singer from Green Day--Billy something--surprised me, but has straight-up said he is. I'm not a fan, but my brother is; if you knew my brother, you'd find that funny.

The singer from Franz Ferdinand is out big time, but I'm too lazy to look up his name.

Kurt Cobain was on one list I saw.

As I understand it, Thurston Moore is bi, and Kim Gordon used to be a lesbian before she met him and got married; they're in Sonic Youth together. It was told to me years ago that Kim Gordon and Courtney Love had a brief thing and that apparently one of them said that it was the best sex she'd ever had; so, we could reasonably claim both of them.

Michael Stipe is in a long-standing relationship with a man last I checked, but clarified that he is bi back when he was outed.

Who could forget Madonna? I don't know if she ever called herself bi, but she certainly acts that way. Disclaimer: I really only care for "Like A Virgin" and like to play it on guitar.

I recently posted that Britney Spears is surely bi, but like Madonna, I don't recall her ever actually using that word to describe herself.

There's a band I like called My Bloody Valentine--a lot of their lyrics and the way they're sung could be thought of as bi (I'd fuck anyone in that band, but I'd let the bassist fuck me, cuz she's a hot dyke). Their song, "To Here Knows When," is about a threesome, written by Kevin, but sung by Bilinda. Kevin wrote a great song called "Slow" that deals with a penchant for oral sex. They've got others, too. Get some!

I wouldn't be surprised if Billy Corgan was bi, but I don't think many other Smashing Pumpkins fans would agree that he could be. I hope to be there when he decides to try it.

And since I've recently confessed to indie rock star ambitions, you might as well save me a spot on that list! :-P

Alex Kapranos (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Kapranos)

<_< And you didn't know.


Jan 28, 2009, 6:21 PM
We have also had a gay president, James Buchannan. He was our only single president and he lived with our only single vice president. Of course, it's probably better that the history books have omitted this fact, since Buchannan was - until recently - considered the worst president in US history, having partly caused the Civil War and all. If the Right Wing knew about this, I'm sure they'd add it to their hateful political arsenal.

Probably not...

Buchanan personally favored slaveowners' rights, and he sympathized with the slave-expansionists who coveted Cuba. Buchanan despised both abolitionists and free-soil Republicans, lumping the two together. He fought the opponents of the Slave Power. In his third annual message Buchanan claimed that the slaves were "treated with kindness and humanity... Both the philanthropy and the self-interest of the master have combined to produce this humane result". Shortly after his election, he assured a southern Senator that the "great object" of his administration would be "to arrest, if possible, the agitation of the Slavery question at the North and to destroy sectional parties. Should a kind Providence enable me to succeed in my efforts to restore harmony to the Union, I shall feel that I have not lived in vain". As historian Kenneth Stampp concludes, "Buchanan was the consummate 'doughface,' a northern man with southern principles."[8]

Buchanan was a Democrat. The Original Republicans were anti-slavery and. . .most modern GOPers (for all their liabilities) hate his stance on slavery much much more than his sexuality, which is a throw away attribute in his case.


Jan 28, 2009, 7:12 PM
Don't forget Lucy Liu ;)

Feb 9, 2009, 7:46 AM
Wow, really many surprising names here allright...
Some of them I of course knew about, and I also sent in some names I did'nt find ;)

My favourites on the list were:
Peter Wentz
Lou Reed
Freddy Mercury
Lucy Liu
Paris Hilton
Debbie Harry(or Deborah if you wish)
Perry Farrel
Julius Caesar
Nelly Furtado
Marc Bolan

Lots of "I wish"'es here yeah, he he


Feb 9, 2009, 8:33 AM
Yeah. I WISH: Keanu Reeves, Freddie Prinze Jr., Orlando Bloom, Jesse Spencer, and the younger hotter Adama from Battlestar Galactica.

Feb 9, 2009, 9:28 AM
I tend to be more attracted to fuller-figured ladies........and possibly those from a different era:

I have always loved Elizabeth Taylor...even more so, as she filled out in her later years.

Camryn Manehim is delicious to me, especially since I read that she is bi, too. The fact that she's brilliant doesn't hurt, either.

Charlene Tilton, from Dallas, is an absolute doll, to me!

Salma Hayek, floors me! Loved her movie "Frieda"

My girlfriend is one of the most stunning women I've known, physically, sensually and intellectually. She embodies a little of all the physical attributes above. But, on a personal level, she has far exceeded any characteristics, or traits, of other women I've known.

The male star most attractive to me was Troy Donahue.

With the guys I've know, it's different: I've never been involved with a guy in a totally superficial way. Only when I connect in an emotional, sexual and intellectual way, have I wanted to share my bed with them.

My current male lover is handsome, but he's also very cerebral, extremely sensual, and one of the most intelligent men I've known.

There are those of both sexes on this site, who are far more interesting and attractive to me, than any movie stars I can think of!