View Full Version : New Britney Spears Song

Jan 23, 2009, 5:32 PM
So there is a new Britney song called "If You Seek Amy". It has sparked some controversy because in the chorus her lyric 'If You Seek Amy" actually spells out "F.U.C.K. - me". It's actually pretty creative.

But my question as it relates to this forum deals with the words before that.

The whole line is:

All of the boys and all of the girls just wanna if you seek Amy.

So who here thinks this is a mention of bisexuality, since the line is basically saying "all of the boys and all of the girls just wanna fuck me"?

I think it's interesting as another possibility of bisexuality being referenced in pop culture.

Here is an article on the controversial lyrics:


Mr. Magick
Jan 23, 2009, 5:42 PM
Yeah I'd say that pretty Bisexual. Kind of catchy tune too :bigrin: I'm going to be humming it all day

Jan 23, 2009, 6:44 PM
I don't care for Brittney's music, and I haven't heard this song, but what I do know is that she's been telling people all along through her music and actions that she's not this innocent little straight girl that everyone made her out to be at the beginning. I've always thought she was bi or at least curious, and if she opens up about it more in her music, or even starts a serious relationship with a woman, I say good for her.

Jan 23, 2009, 7:43 PM
I don't really think that it is her way of saying she's bi or anything. I can sit here all day saying that women want to screw me, doesn't mean it's true, and it doesn't mean I want to screw them back. Cause it's not, although I would :-) haha. However, I do believe she is bi.

And yeah, it is kinda catchy.

Jan 23, 2009, 9:14 PM
"Impressive Green One" :bigrin:

Jan 24, 2009, 1:19 PM
A friend recently showed me this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHmvkRoEowc&feature=related), and I think it's appropriate.

Jan 26, 2009, 2:41 PM
when i first heard about this story... i laughed... one if she WAS wanting to make it F U C K amy.. or me... what ever.. it is really creative.. and even if she wasnt.. by reading all the lyrics... it just reminds me of people scream.. like they did in the 70's and 80's about rock.. u know that ones " if u play kiss backwards it is a prayer to satan type of crap
as an artist.. it bugs me and makes me laugh... for one thing... it is pretty funny cause what ever the reason... it is giving her more attention... and so people are gonna run and listen to it.... even if they dont like it... u cant buy that kind of attention... and in the same retrospect... that means that alot of people will be listening to her new songs as well.
but for what ever she was wanting to do... it has gotten her MORE attention on her and her music... and now everyone is running to listen to it... lol and if it was such a problem playing in on the radio that they CHANGED the words.... then dont play it.. use one of her other songs... but then again.. they should have listened to it BEFORE they baught it .. considering it IS coming from Brittney... u know the one that has been showing her privets.. shaving her head... and going mental.. for the past what 2 years.... umm i would have listened BEFORE i brought the rights to play it.. lol then again that is just my :2cents:
much love
oh yeah ... Chris Crocker lol here is something u might like

Jan 26, 2009, 5:50 PM
Wow, I'd forgotten about Chris Crocker. Someone put "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!" into a disco/dance/techno/whatever-it's-called-today track. Pretty funny. It can be found somewhere on Youtube.

Anyway, yeah, I'd heard Britney-is-bi rumors for years. Until she literally comes out and says "yes, I'm attracted to women," I'm going to assume it's just empty talk intended to titilate the str8 boys.

Jan 26, 2009, 9:50 PM
When I first heard this song. I though to myself maybe, maybe not. Then my hubby listened to the song and was like no it does say that. I didn't think no more of it and now it's like everywhere that the song says FUCK ME. And i went and listen to the song and i will be damn that song did sound as thou she is saying that. I was like what. But I mean it's Britney did you really think that she wasn't going to do something like that. I love her songs and everything like that but that was really sneaky. OH well that show business for you. lil bit