View Full Version : Fish Suppas an Chippie Teas.. yum....

Jan 23, 2009, 1:31 PM
Spotted this yesterday on Auntie Beeb.. cudn find it 2 day.. but ifya's in Anstruther in Fife onya hols or jus for lil visit.. this is indeed a magic chippie.. wetha its best dunno...but me been ther a quite few times on days out an is def worth the visit an the munch... not 2 mention the smell wich goes rite roundya heart wenyas ne wer near..:bigrin::tong:

Recommend the Fish (haddock) an Haggis Suppas... Chips r brill an the batta 2 die for...jus don eat ther 2 often..cos ya bootie will blow up inta size a house... Haggis appropriate wiv this weekend bein Burns nite.. enjoy..:bigrin: Put it this way..ifya wonts decent fast food..iggie bloody McDonalds an such tripe...an nip down the chippie... anya cud do worse than this place believe me...:tong:


Jan 23, 2009, 2:52 PM
lol Since my daughter has been in England, she is now addicted to Fish and Chips. Everytime she and her new husband is in London she heads for one of her favorite places and I suspect its this one. ;}
Big hugs Fran
Your Cat

Jan 23, 2009, 3:06 PM
Mmm fush and chups. Wouldn't be surprised if you already found it Fran, but next time you make it down to Brighton we highly recommend Banker's on Western Rd across from Norfolk Sq.

Mr. Magick
Jan 23, 2009, 3:49 PM
mmm...fish and chips. Now I have to go get some. Too bad this is Arizona not as good here. Maybe I'll close my eyes and pretend I'm in london.:bigrin:

Jan 23, 2009, 7:52 PM
Back in the early 80's, when I was stationed in England, there was this one chip van that made the rounds in the village of Woodbridge. They had the best rock eel that I have ever had anywhere.

Fish and chips here in the US just doesn't compare. Not even in the English and Irish pubs that we have in our area.

And as for Haggis; I haven't had any Haggis in a few years.:( Just too hard to find it here. :disgust:

Jan 24, 2009, 6:31 AM
Did a lil search this mornin..an so for yas 2 hav lil look 'ere is the chippie's web site.. jus lookin at the pic a the place me can smell a fish suppa an it don haff make me feel deprived... but already had 1 this week... an a second is askin for bootie trubble...

Anstruther (pronounced ainster by locals) is a luffly lil place an ya can sit down by the harbour an munch onya tea an wotch the world go by...jus don do it at this time a year tho...cos ya mite end up wiv cold chips an pneumonia... jus sit in ya car...


Its wortha look cos ther r sum gud pics a the area an the otha lil villages in the area..an it not far from St Andrews werya can hav nice game a golf (ughie) if that takes ya fancy...

An Falcon babes..believe ya cant get propa haggis in the US these days cosa mad cow disease...US govt has banned it.. wich is a pity cos propa haggis is a joy.. me local butcher dus a triff haggis an so we will b munchin tomoz on Rabbie's 250th birfday..not wiv chips an haggis won b battad...jus steamed an served up wiv sum mashed tatties neeps n carrots.. that 2 goes round me heart....simple fayre but dead yummie...:bigrin: