View Full Version : My channel is now open!

Jan 22, 2009, 12:40 PM
Hope you don't mind that I advertise my channel.
If you are a youtube nerd like me, I have started my own channel called Shoryo Tombo
I'll be vlogging through that channel. You know the kind... rant, rave, review, geers and cheers, etc...
Also, it's dedicated to my personal belief in the craft and Paganism. I'm a solitary eclectic Witch who likes to ghost hunt with my group and finally dragging my boyfriend around all over for some paranormal research. The poor guy proved to me he loves me by getting his booty spooked! :eek: :cutelaugh

Anyways, check it out and hope to hear from you!

Jan 22, 2009, 1:00 PM
Merry Meet Dear and good luck.

Jan 22, 2009, 1:05 PM
What a most interesting site. It was enjoyable to view the many different aspects of your personality.


Jan 22, 2009, 1:34 PM
Well, since my husband ad I are both pagan, I'm sure he will be excited to take a look later when I tell him about it.

Jan 22, 2009, 6:48 PM
Looked at it the other week, when we were talking about it. Still a good site.

You know...they need a Pagan smiley on the smiley list here.

Jan 22, 2009, 8:13 PM
Looked at it the other week, when we were talking about it. Still a good site.

You know...they need a Pagan smiley on the smiley list here.

:devil: My mother in law would say that this is our Pagan smiley.

Jan 22, 2009, 8:18 PM
Might I also say that you rocked this video out...

Jan 23, 2009, 9:56 AM
Wow Delilah--that was a great video!!

All the best with your new project--I am sure it is going to be a success.

Blessed Be Delilah!

Jan 23, 2009, 10:48 AM
Thank you to all! Your beautiful!
I have some videos lined up to be released. Right now editing can be a real bitch.
I got a question and hopefully you can help out.
Does anybody have Flip or Ultra Flip cam? If you do, tell me your review.
I am thinking of purchasing one. The one I have right now sucks ass big time! LOL
Blessed Be everyone and thank you all for the positive feedbacks :)

Jan 23, 2009, 11:14 AM
Sorry dear--can't help ya there--I have to say--they are a bit big to work with--but I want one of the new generation Canon HD digitals---they are broadcast quality--but for far less than such cams once ran----but still not cheap---in the range of from $3000 up-----but jeez--I want that new Nikon still DSLR-the D3X with 24.5 megapixels!!! It is $8k street price just for the body---that is either a lottery win purchase or I start to sell plenty of pics I am taking with the D40!!!

There sure are some great handheld HD digitals out there though----I am sure that if you do some Googling--you will find plenty of reviews of the cams you are thinking about.

What are you using for editing?---you know if you really get into video production-you will have to get yourself a full pop AVID system!!!!!


Ohh the things we do that can seperate our cash from our wallets!!

Jan 23, 2009, 11:21 AM
Sorry dear--can't help ya there--I have to say--they are a bit big to work with--but I want one of the new generation Canon HD digitals---they are broadcast quality--but for far less than such cams once ran----but still not cheap---in the range of from $3000 up-----but jeez--I want that new Nikon still DSLR-the D3X with 24.5 megapixels!!! It is $8k street price just for the body---that is either a lottery win purchase or I start to sell plenty of pics I am taking with the D40!!!

There sure are some great handheld HD digitals out there though----I am sure that if you do some Googling--you will find plenty of reviews of the cams you are thinking about.

What are you using for editing?---you know if you really get into video production-you will have to get yourself a full pop AVID system!!!!!

Ohh the things we do that can seperate our cash from our wallets!!

Oh gosh, if I had that kind of money, I rather spend it on boob jobs!! LMAO

I am currently doing a research on the flip and so far, I see more positive feed backs then negatives. The negatives is the USB port. People have to get up, get down on their knees, bend over, crawl between all those cables and dust, and plug! Sounds dirty to me :bigrin:
The reason for that it doesn't work well with USB extention. I have a USB port directly in front of my tower so I guess it's fine. Hell, I like to get down on my knees, bend over, and just take it...lol ;)

Now about this full pop AVID system. Tell me more :cool:

Jun 4, 2010, 1:25 PM
Oh gosh, if I had that kind of money, I rather spend it on boob jobs!! LMAO

I am currently doing a research on the flip and so far, I see more positive feed backs then negatives. The negatives is the USB port. People have to get up, get down on their knees, bend over, crawl between all those cables and dust, and plug! Sounds dirty to me :bigrin:
The reason for that it doesn't work well with USB extention. I have a USB port directly in front of my tower so I guess it's fine. Hell, I like to get down on my knees, bend over, and just take it...lol ;)

Now about this full pop AVID system. Tell me more :cool:

it is an excellent site. You did a great job on Youtube. You looked terrific too!