View Full Version : Don stress so.. the moody cow still luffs yas..

Jan 21, 2009, 12:01 PM
Summa yas hav ritten a lil concerned bout me slowly disappearin inta the sunset ne'er 2 b seen gain thus havin decided that this place aint for me ne mo as per me lil paddie ova Drew blokkin "Eyeless" wich me not gonna deny 'ere didn haff get me sumwot riled an stampin me feet in extreme agitation.. not goin bak ova that..but nope...havn decided to disappear.. havn been in chat very much recently, or bombardin yas wiv posts wich do ya heads in not cos me is in a huff..but the Chrissie an New year hols got in the way..fun times..an am afraid it bein fun an party time u lot hadta take a bak seat.. now course me still not in much or sayin as much as norm.. thats cos the next 4 or 5 months r summa the mos important a me life in reachin me destination vis a vis me studies an me long wished for career.. an me not gonna blow it now.. howeva much me luffs ya... wot wiv the stuff me got on me plate..an the stuff me gonna get on me plate.. an playin me full role in family life wiv Kate an the kids..an course goin out an havin a lil fun..an don forget Sybina..tee hee hee hee...:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:;) an retail therapy n stuff..am jus not gonna hav the time 2 hav fun wiv yas an chastise yas wen me feels ya needs it like of ole... but will still b bout..an keep me eyes onyas..an annoy yas.. an hav lil laff an bollok yas wen yas need it... an do lil chattin..but only wen me has the time.. or wen things r so much on toppa me me needs a lil lite relief an a few giggles... so its down 2 life an its happnins.. but will b bout sumtimes... jus alas not quite so frequently...:(

So stress no mo.. Fran luffsyas as much as eva... well mosta yas.. tee hee...:bigrin::tong:

Jan 21, 2009, 12:05 PM
Do what ya gotta do ya know? We love you dear!

Jan 21, 2009, 8:56 PM
Yes me little tartlette....do what is right for YOU. Life has a way of getting in the way sometimes..but WE will always be here my luff. Come and say hello when you can. Miss yah already.
