View Full Version : Cigarettes and bigger people.

Jan 19, 2009, 7:50 PM
Why is it that you can bash anyone you want for smoking and you can make them feel HORRIBLE about it scaring them with lung cancer threats and just harassing them legit.

But if you go up to a "bigger" person and say hey you shouldn't eat that cheeseburger because it will go to your heart and you might die of heart disease, well hell you CAN'T say that.

I'm not a smoker, and I'm not overweight or fat or whatever...I just don't understand why people harass people about stop smoking when nobody gets on morbidly obese people to lose weight.

I think that people should be happy and healthy, and I haven't met one person who was morbidly obese that was actually happy without having some facade or fake appearance. Are skinny people happy well yeah obviously not everyone is happy but people do put emphasis on looks and being big just isn't one of those in things.

And I'm in with being fit and happy and healthy so we can (trekky thing) live long and prosper.

Why is it so hush hush to be nice to people that may need some help?

This is all just one big question of curiosity. :)

Jan 19, 2009, 8:55 PM
Because nobody ever got sick off 2nd hand cheeseburger ?

Jan 19, 2009, 9:13 PM
What about people that thinks its a party to drink all the time. Friends get together to do such. But yet no one says hey you can get lung cancer from that aswell, among other things. People are to quick to judge each other. Let smokers smoke if they aren't harming you, in new york the laws are very tight on it so you can't really smoke in public. Not that it matters but nothing is good for you any more, you can even eat peanut butter now a days!

Annika L
Jan 19, 2009, 9:24 PM
Why is it that you can bash anyone you want for smoking and you can make them feel HORRIBLE about it scaring them with lung cancer threats and just harassing them legit.

But if you go up to a "bigger" person and say hey you shouldn't eat that cheeseburger because it will go to your heart and you might die of heart disease, well hell you CAN'T say that.

I'm not a smoker, and I'm not overweight or fat or whatever...I just don't understand why people harass people about stop smoking when nobody gets on morbidly obese people to lose weight.

I think that people should be happy and healthy, and I haven't met one person who was morbidly obese that was actually happy without having some facade or fake appearance. Are skinny people happy well yeah obviously not everyone is happy but people do put emphasis on looks and being big just isn't one of those in things.

And I'm in with being fit and happy and healthy so we can (trekky thing) live long and prosper.

Why is it so hush hush to be nice to people that may need some help?

This is all just one big question of curiosity. :)

BB, I take your point completely about the inequity here. Obesity today is somewhere around as dangerous to the public health as smoking was not too long ago...perhaps more...and it's becoming more and more common. It is just as appropriate to encourage someone to lose weight as to encourage someone to quit smoking.

I personally, however, find the notion of "bashing" or "harassing" anyone for any reason to be distasteful, and inappropriate. If you are concerned about someone's health, don't bash their smoking or their weight, or any other aspect of their lifestyle...rather, encourage them to change, and perhaps help them to do it, if that's in your power. You'll not help them by making them feel bad about themselves.

And I don't see any relevance to the notion of happiness here...there are happy people who are overweight, underweight, smokers, non-smokers, gay, straight, bi, rich, poor...there are happy people who are terminally ill, but I wouldn't advise them that it is ok to be terminally ill, as long as they are happy (but neither would I urge them to feel bad about it). The point with obese people is that, like smokers, whether they are happy or not, they are as a group costing society a LOT of money in long-term health problems.

The next time you encourage (in a positive and sensitive manner) an overweight friend to get in shape, and he/she says "hey, leave me alone, I'm fine with how I am", let them know that they sound just like smokers did in the 60's and 70's (and still do today in many cases)...it was denial then, too.

But do be sensitive...food may or may not be as addictive as nicotine (try giving up either), and not everyone who is obese is so because they eat too much. Different people have different challenges...*help* them overcome theirs.

Jan 19, 2009, 9:26 PM
Because nobody ever got sick off 2nd hand cheeseburger ?

I have asthma like condition that has put me in the hospital twice. I don't want to go there a third time and smoke is a trigger for an attack to me (any kind of smoke including cigarettes and wood burning in a fireplace, etc.).
So, kill yourself with smoking anything, someplace other than will me.

Jan 19, 2009, 9:28 PM
As a smoker, I always find it slightly amusing when people decide to moan at me just because I happen to enjoy smoking. As if they think that repeating what is pretty much printed on every cigarette packet these days is going to change my mind LOL!!! Yes, it is bad for you but so are a lot of things and if everyone lived perfect healthy lives then we'd end up with a rather dull world, somewhat akin to the one shown in "Demolition Man" (wow, I haven't seen that film in ages..). Plus, I'd rather have a shorter and more enjoyable life than a long and dull one.

Every smoker has different reasons for taking up the habit (personally it was a combination of rebellion, stress and a few other reasons) and to have someone lecture you about it/ judge you because of it without really understanding the full story strikes me as naive and a bit bigoted. Seriously, the whole anti-smoking thing is one of the few "socially acceptable" prejudices in our society, so naturally it attracts puritans, bigots and some politicians. At least that's my view on it. A lot of people will probably disagree with me about this.

Then there is the absurd assupmtion by some anti-smoking people that all smokers secretly want to give up smoking, some might but others, like myself, might actually enjoy it (not that this possiblity ever crosses the mind of anti-smoking people who seem to believe that we have no free will). If I ever feel the need to give up smoking then I'll make that decision for myself, not because someone has moaned at me.

Enough of a rant for now... before I end up writing a whole book about the UK smoking ban, the whole "second hand smoke" thing and other topics which tend to annoy the hell out of me. :soapbox:

As for the issue of food, my views on that are quite similar to those on smoking. People should just mind their own business and stop patronising other people by giving them health lectures.

*rolls a cigarette and lights it*..ok, rant over :smoke:

Jan 19, 2009, 10:06 PM
As a smoker, I always find it slightly amusing when people decide to moan at me just because I happen to enjoy smoking. As if they think that repeating what is pretty much printed on every cigarette packet these days is going to change my mind LOL!!! Yes, it is bad for you but so are a lot of things and if everyone lived perfect healthy lives then we'd end up with a rather dull world, somewhat akin to the one shown in "Demolition Man" (wow, I haven't seen that film in ages..). Plus, I'd rather have a shorter and more enjoyable life than a long and dull one.

Every smoker has different reasons for taking up the habit (personally it was a combination of rebellion, stress and a few other reasons) and to have someone lecture you about it/ judge you because of it without really understanding the full story strikes me as naive and a bit bigoted. Seriously, the whole anti-smoking thing is one of the few "socially acceptable" prejudices in our society, so naturally it attracts puritans, bigots and some politicians. At least that's my view on it. A lot of people will probably disagree with me about this.

Then there is the absurd assupmtion by some anti-smoking people that all smokers secretly want to give up smoking, some might but others, like myself, might actually enjoy it (not that this possiblity ever crosses the mind of anti-smoking people who seem to believe that we have no free will). If I ever feel the need to give up smoking then I'll make that decision for myself, not because someone has moaned at me.

Enough of a rant for now... before I end up writing a whole book about the UK smoking ban, the whole "second hand smoke" thing and other topics which tend to annoy the hell out of me. :soapbox:

As for the issue of food, my views on that are quite similar to those on smoking. People should just mind their own business and stop patronising other people by giving them health lectures.

*rolls a cigarette and lights it*..ok, rant over :smoke:

I hope very much that smoking does not harm you. But, my mother died from smoking before she was able to enjoy her grandchildren. My dad was hurting for many years from her loss. It still hurts me when I remember her awful, prolonged death. Yes, it does color my judgement on smoking as well as having to flee from those that do smoke to avoid an asthma attack.

Jan 19, 2009, 10:34 PM
Seems like your thread is aimed more at big people than it is at smoking. Some people cant help how they are, any more than some people cant help being snide jerks who admittedly like causing trouble.. Its in their DNA. They were born with it. Dont look down on a person because of their looks or size. You may lose out on finding a terrific friend.:2cents:

Jan 19, 2009, 10:57 PM
I hope very much that smoking does not harm you. But, my mother died from smoking before she was able to enjoy her grandchildren. My dad was hurting for many years from her loss. It still hurts me when I remember her awful, prolonged death. Yes, it does color my judgement on smoking as well as having to flee from those that do smoke to avoid an asthma attack.

I am very sorry to hear about your mother and I can understand why that would make you oppose smoking. My comments about anti-smoking people were mainly directed against those people who put people down/ hate people/make comments against them etc... just because they are smokers - this was also directed against politicians/organisations etc... who have no sense of compromise and whose sole aim in life is to make smokers lives as miserable as possible.

As for the asthma thing, I can understand that - I know someone who is pretty similar and I would never smoke in front of her but that doesn't mean in any way that I agree with her views about smoking. Although I oppose the current UK blanket ban on smoking in bars etc... I do believe that there should be the option of separate (well-ventilated) smoking and non-smoking rooms as this would satisfy both those who smoke and those who don't want to be in smoky rooms for valid medical reasons (eg:asthma).

Jan 19, 2009, 11:43 PM
I did post a reply to the previous post [which has been deleted by its writer]... but looking back, I think the post was probably written with the intention of causing an argument/flame war and it is probably wise of me to remove my quote from the post and my reply to it (although I will say, for the record, that I disagreed with pretty much everything in the previous post).

Jan 20, 2009, 6:25 AM
I think it's total bullshit when obese people say "Oh it's a glandular problem!" or "Oh it's in my DNA!" when they don't even try to lose weight, eat less, or exercise.

People who use those excuses only saying that because they are obese!

Fat and obese women are just disgusting and unhealthy and being "fat" or obese is now average in America.

Remember the 1970s? You didn't see nearly as many fat people as you do now!

I used to work at the grocery store and I couldn't stand when a fat person usually with their overweight children/spawn with them would come through the line with doritos, cookies, whole milk, pepsi, frozen hungry man dinners, and no fresh produce- then say they have a glandular problem!

I am not overweight and I still go for the low fat things when possible and stay away from most junk food and fast food..

I also hate when those women are like big is beautiful and they don't even try to lose weight- without even commenting on the fact that it's unhealthy!!!

Also women will say that they're "curvy" when all they really mean is that they're fat/obese and have rolls of fat!

Curvy used to be used to define an attractive, healthy woman's figure, which was an hourglass shape and good shoulders, now it is used to describe fat women. magazines wrongly use the word 'curvy' to try and make fat gals feel better about not being called fat, but hey, isnt it just as rude to call someone skinny as it is to call someone fat? they want slim girls to say "omigod!" and head for the pies and lard so everyone will look big and that way,they think nobody will be jealous. big women dont see that slagging off slim women wont make themselves any prettier.

The idea that "real women have curves" is total bullshit and women who say this are just in denial about being obese and fat!

I agree with Bumble, fat/obese people are just plain gross!

Obese and fat people are more likely than others to be in poor health and they're a danger to themselves!

First off you must not be all that great because I noticed you made sure not to have a profile where anyone could see what you look like.

Secondly you need to pull your head out of your ass before you suffocate.

Third, I take great offense to your ignorant statements about "when they don't even try to lose weight, eat less, or exercise." You obviously dont know what youre talking about. Just because someone is overweight doesnt mean they eat too much, doesnt mean they dont exercise, doesnt mean they dont try to lose weight. Also if you did any type of research before putting both feet in your mouth you would have found many studies that do indicate that dna has a lot to do with your weight. There is such thing as Thyroid disease, you should look it up. Also there are MANY medications that CAUSE weight gain in people. I recently read an article on a previously healthy 30 yr old man who became depressed, they put him on a drug called Pamelor. He gained 60 lbs over the course of 1 year. He STILL runs 25 miles a week, eats a very balanced diet and yet because of the drug cannot loose any weight. Before taking the medication he was so severely depressed he was suicidal. In the end it was better for him to stay on the drug that made him fat so he didnt kill himself. There are many reasons people are heavy, its not up to you being so ignorant as to decide what is or isnt.

Am I fat? I sure the hell am. Am I beautiful? I sure the hell am. Youre extremely superficial to look on the outside of a person and fail to see whats inside a person. I highly doubt that anyone gives you a second look with your attitude. As for me, I have thyroid disease, I was diagnosed with it when I was only 13 years old. It has caused me not only weight problems, but vision problems and migraines. YOU have NO RIGHT to judge me. I exercise everyday, Im on a diabetic diet, also caused by the thyroid disease, so I HAVE to eat right. Half the time my husband has to force me to eat because I have no appetite and will go all day without eating. I DONT eat candy or junk food or fried food, I steam everything, broil everything. HOW DARE YOU JUDGE ME! My entire life I have tried to loose weight. I AM by the way a VERY happy person with exception to being VERY pissed off right now. How would you like it if everyone in your life judged you for being stupid? Dont open your mouth, youll put your foot in it and show your true colors! Thats what I want to run up to you to tell you.

You need to learn before you make foolish, ignorant statements.

And for the rest of you who posted about fat people, SHAME ON YOURSELVES! You all need to take a good look in the mirror, NONE of you are perfect!

Jan 20, 2009, 6:36 AM
My mother is working on being a professional body builder. She has been working with a trainer for years now Her trainer has won many MANY competitions, and there are also competitions that she placed 2nd or 3rd because she got points off for her hips and thighs being way too big.

By the way...she is Puerto Rican.

The point is, even someone who eats healthy and works out still has their little flaws. In the words of my mothers trainer..."There is only so much dieting and exercise a person can do before genetics kicks in and decides to do whatever it wants anyway".

At one point, I was bulemic and anorexic, and at the worst point of it all I STILL wasn't actually SKINNY in all areas of my body. That's gotta tell you something...:rolleyes:

Jan 20, 2009, 9:11 AM
This thread strikes a chord with me as a smoker AND as someone who is trying to lose weight. I would be extremely offended if someone came up to me and said "You know, that cheeseburger is going straight to your thighs" As a smoker, I take the comments as part of life. I have a family full of nurses, both of my grandfathers died of lung cancer, every family gathering is peppered with questions about when I'm going to quit, the health risks, my future grandchildren and so on....I don't smoke in my own house or car for fear of exposing my daughter to second hand smoke, but hear about her health risks constantly. I am sick and tired of people butting into my business by telling me what I am doing to myself, do they not think I know? Warnings about cigarrettes are everywhere..it's impossible to miss the risks. I've tried unsuccesfully to quit since I was 15 years old, the only time I've managed to go without was when I was pregnant with my daughter. Because I suffer from severe anxiety, I go into a full-fledged panic mode every time I'm without cigarrettes for more than a few hours. This is something my doctor and I are working on but I hesitate to tell my family this.
It's a rough world out there, I wish people would worry more about themselves and not my smoking (I'm not speaking of people on this thread, rather the ones in my life that bother me constantly) I understand their concern, I just don't need it. The same goes for my weight...along with the anxiety I have high blood pressure aggravated when I reach a certain weight. I'm fully aware of these things and it only makes it worse for people to throw it up in my face!
Just my :2cents:

Jan 20, 2009, 11:09 AM
Oh, This subject has struck a cord with me!

I hate to see anyone be so crass as to give unsolicited and foul-spirited criticism, to perfect strangers. These self-appointed critics, pick on people who they deem as fat, ugly (And I'll tell you right now, those two do NOT go together) stupid, ill-dressed, tattooed, pierced, etc, etc. If they are not asking for your open, honest opinion, keep your damned mouths shut! They do NOT want, or need your asinine advice! What can possibly be the results of your opinions, anyway? It will not improve their self esteem, or make a friend of you.

Even your friends, who don't ask for your opinions, don't need to hear your negative thoughts.

If you don't like to be around smokers, get away from them! I have a friend, who is one of the few who still smokes. I love him and wish he would quit, but I'm not going to bug him about it. He's very considerate and does not smoke in cars, or in my house. So, I accept him and his smoking, even though he and I both know it'd be best to quit.

If you don't like thick, chubby, heavy, fat people, don't associate with them! My lover is voluptuous, and very well endowed in places I think she should be. To some, she may be plump, others may think she's fat, but to me she is beautiful from head to toe. I can't think of one person I wish she could physically emulate.

I would be very disturbed if anyone walked up to her and said something derogatory about her looks, or figure!

I just happen to be one, who does not care for the looks of very thin, people. Most models actually turn me off. I have an aversion to breast implants, tattoos, piercings and gold teeth. However, I have friends with some, or all of the above. That doesn't mean I'm gonna criticize them for what is my personal opinion. There is no reason to be less than kind and considerate to anyone you meet, unless they are some asshole espousing poisonous comments about your personal features, habits, or interests.

Do you know that your opinions weigh on your victims minds? Even if they appear to blow you off, cruel things stick in their minds. Some carry the hurt for years and it festers in their minds and hearts. The end results can be unspeakable stress and even dangerous reactions.

Have you been so sheltered that you have never had someone say something cruel to you? Did it bother you, hurt your feelings? You always remember those things, don't you? So, why do them yourselves?

Overweight, underweight, sensitive people, are among those who can be hurt so easily and, maybe even more so, because they don't fit some critics' version of perfect. All you can do, by being abusive (and yes, I think vehement opinions are abusive) is to create ill feelings.

You critics, should concentrate on your own shortcomings and allow others to worry about themselves.

And, if........ for whatever reason, someone asks for your honest opinion, for Pete's sake, be gentle and mindful of their tender hearts!

'Nuff said!

Jan 20, 2009, 12:55 PM
I think that people should be happy and healthy, and I haven't met one person who was morbidly obese that was actually happy without having some facade or fake appearance. Are skinny people happy well yeah obviously not everyone is happy but people do put emphasis on looks and being big just isn't one of those in things.

I have yet to experience such comments in this forum that have been made in regards to size that haven't had a modicum of judgment attached to it, however well intentioned. I can assure you that if, in fact, an obese person IS unhappy, a well intentioned "put down that cheeseburger" comment is far from what they need to hear. Try accepting them for WHO they are and not for how they look. That alone will go much further in instilling a feeling of acceptance and concern far more than slapping their hands at the buffet.

Jan 20, 2009, 1:20 PM
I think I should point out that the post by "BigBlackCock" was identical to the post that "MyWetPussy" posted last night before it was deleted.... Troll ?

Jan 20, 2009, 1:23 PM
I think I should point out that the post by "BigBlackCock" was identical to the post that "MyWetPussy" posted last night before it was deleted.... Troll ?

Very much so and we do a great deal of disservice to highlight such posts and allow them to remain behind after Drew deletes them. Respond to them if you so desire, but PLEASE....don't quote them and allow them to remain on the thread in perpetuity!

Jan 20, 2009, 1:52 PM
Kisses to the cheeks of Realist and Youmake3. Big warm hugs, too..:}

Jan 20, 2009, 5:28 PM

Lovely, thanks for the social experiment, some of you answered intelligently and others went off on an immature rant, which in my opinion negates the argument and point completely.

AndYouMake3: You need to calm down. Judgment will always happen to you, or to anyone with something anyone would consider abnormal or askew. This person has a right to their opinion which I overwhelmingly agree with that person, this wasn't a personal attack on you, don't make it that way.

Cat: There is way too much of this "DNA" BS. In fact how much of America is overweight and really...really how much is "DNA". I'm a lover of science but the science doesn't amount to as much people are really diagnosed too. A lot of these bigger people I frown upon because of their attitude towards life, I deal with A GOOD AMOUNT of people who are morbidly obese and hate lief and everyone else for their own problems
(Here it comes from someone: Yeah well it's not just obese people that hate the world too). Please...obesity adds quite a bit more problems than with someone healthier because society doesn't find it acceptable, therefore everyone's dream of being accepted by people really does rule out a certain group. How do they feel as a whole that they aren't looked upon the same way Heidi Klum is? I'm sure they are dandy. (and I'm sure alot of you insecure people will speak up at this point saying you are just happy.......oh I'm sure you are)

-In the end it's all about perception, if you are truly beautiful on the inside it will somehow radiate on the outside, even if it goes through a thicker skin sometimes you can really see it. Society doesn't work that way though and it won't change, obesity isn't some fad that will kick in and everyone will go crazy for. There's a reason why doctors want you to lose weight, because it can eventually kill you, and I am NOT FOR anything that will prematurely kill you like it already did half my family. (heart disease)

So here I am, getting fit (well really fit) beating the odds of this "DNA" of heart disease that they say can happen to run down on families. You can stop that, and so I am. So can you, everyone can live to their potential and STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR IT.


Jan 20, 2009, 5:43 PM
I look down upon people that want to mess with the way I CHOOSE to live my life.

I choose to be fat and I choose to smoke (I smoke pipe not cigs so I might get an even worse cancer, mouth cancer). People have no right to call BS on one or the other. If I happen to hate life well... it's MY life and my outlook on it is of no concern to you.

That being said. Second hand smoking is a reality and second hand eating isn't. I never smoke outside of my home because I don't like to have someone smoking next to me either.

So stop being so judgmental of fat people and/or smokers and move on. All of you (specially the OP).

Why people rant at smokers but not fat people? Because if a skinny girl like the OP is smoking I wouldn't be afraid of her punching me. Can't say the same of a fat person. :tong:

Jan 20, 2009, 6:15 PM
I applaud your youth and your dedication to your personal fitness...and in some ways, I am trying to applaud your "concern" for the well-being of others....but, that being said, one thing THIS not so youthful and not quite as fit person can attest to is none of that means a thing unless you learn a bit of TOLERANCE. Don't be so quick and so shallow as to dismiss those who don't subscribe to your way of life. Don't be so quick to categorize people who don't fall into your guidelines of fit and/or happy. There are far better ways to enact change and alter attitudes than to serve up a post that denigrates others who don't measure up to your standards. While your words may speak volumes, your delivery leaves a very bad taste and lends one to see you as shallow and self serving instead of concerned and caring upon posting what you deem to be a "helpful" thread.

And before you dare say it...NO..I am not obese nor am I unhealthy....just so you know. I am merely a fifty year old woman who finds that your youth and lack of true life experience leaves you lacking in the acceptable ways to get a point across.

Jan 20, 2009, 8:20 PM
I need a cigarette...

Jan 20, 2009, 10:19 PM
wow, i never post, but this one hit a nerve. i am a smoker and overweight. i have the FREEDOM OF CHOICE. i am an AMERICAN. but...i cant smoke where i want to or when i want to because of these smoking bans. i can go to the nearest corner and buy any drugs i want tho...hmmmmm something is definately wrong with this picture. all of you non smokers need to consider what rights the government will take from you. are you ready to give up your guns.
As far as my weight, it's a daily battle. but i work on it, and it's my business.
BTW..i'm a very happy person. i left my husband, bought my own house, and am taking care of myself and my 2 children. it's not easy but i'm very happy

Jan 20, 2009, 11:21 PM
wow, i never post, but this one hit a nerve. i am a smoker and overweight. i have the FREEDOM OF CHOICE. i am an AMERICAN. but...i cant smoke where i want to or when i want to because of these smoking bans. i can go to the nearest corner and buy any drugs i want tho...hmmmmm something is definately wrong with this picture. all of you non smokers need to consider what rights the government will take from you. are you ready to give up your guns.
As far as my weight, it's a daily battle. but i work on it, and it's my business.
BTW..i'm a very happy person. i left my husband, bought my own house, and am taking care of myself and my 2 children. it's not easy but i'm very happy

Rock on! I admire you.

Jan 21, 2009, 12:03 AM
My grandmother (on my father's side) died in her early seventies, from diabetes complications. She's has always been fit, never even slightly overweight.

My other grandmother (on my mother's side! :bigrin:) has been overweight for as long as I can remember (I'm 34), and judging from pictures I've seen when she was younger, she has always been between overweight and what doctors call morbidly obese. Next august, she's going to turn 94, she is still mostly autonomous. I say mostly because her main problems are that her eyesight is degenerating and not much can be done about it, and she doesn't hear so well. Apart from that, she's completely healthy - well as healthy as a 93-94 year old body can be. The only times I can remember seeing her unhappy was when her husband died, and later when my mother died. She got over it and went back to her happy self both times.

As for myself, I've been fit, chubby and very overweight (like I am now). Was I happier when I was fit? Not by a long shot, in fact, the closest I've been to being happy is now. I'm almost at peace, finally, with myself and honestly it has nothing to do with the way I look.

Do I want to be fit again? Yes, but not for looks. Health is the main reason.

But, why it should be anyone but my own choice is beyond my understanding.

My :2cents:

Jan 21, 2009, 2:02 AM
lol. For a supposedly intelligent person, you sure missed the implications and major dig. When you get as little older and wiser, you'll gain experiance, and learn that insulting people isnt cool, nor does it show any class, tact, manners and breeding. Nor does it make you as attractive as you Think you are.
Outside appearances are just that...mean spirited and ugly are all the way to the bone and soul, Baby.
Ya'll have a nice life, hear?

Jan 21, 2009, 7:47 AM
Well said Cat , From reading the start of this thread , seems someone was just trying to ruffle someones feathers, wheather it be a troll or not.

Somethings are btter off left alone :2cents:

Jan 21, 2009, 8:32 AM
Cat, I believe you are a sweet, caring, loving, woman, but I doubt if you're one to roll over and play dead! It should be easy to stay on your "good" side, but not a good idea to generate your ire! I like that; you don't have to guess what you're all about. You're a great gal and I wish you lived close, so we could share a cup of coffee and look each other in the eye.

Jan 21, 2009, 8:34 AM
My grandmother (on my father's side) died in her early seventies, from diabetes complications. She's has always been fit, never even slightly overweight.

My other grandmother (on my mother's side! :bigrin:) has been overweight for as long as I can remember (I'm 34), and judging from pictures I've seen when she was younger, she has always been between overweight and what doctors call morbidly obese. Next august, she's going to turn 94, she is still mostly autonomous. I say mostly because her main problems are that her eyesight is degenerating and not much can be done about it, and she doesn't hear so well. Apart from that, she's completely healthy - well as healthy as a 93-94 year old body can be. The only times I can remember seeing her unhappy was when her husband died, and later when my mother died. She got over it and went back to her happy self both times.

As for myself, I've been fit, chubby and very overweight (like I am now). Was I happier when I was fit? Not by a long shot, in fact, the closest I've been to being happy is now. I'm almost at peace, finally, with myself and honestly it has nothing to do with the way I look.

Do I want to be fit again? Yes, but not for looks. Health is the main reason.

But, why it should be anyone but my own choice is beyond my understanding.

My :2cents:

Finally the best answer out of all of these...All others seem to be ranting about me (off topic much?) this one finally seems sincere in an honest way.

(Not stating to this author) I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but there is a general beauty that we somewhat all agree on (or mostly anyway aka Brad Pitt, Angelina, Adriana etc etc.)

As for cat's cheeky "breeding" comment...talk about class. How did that saying go, "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about." -Oscar Wilde
Now that's a revolutionary statement in itself.

This thread seems to be closed because most of you just ranted off the small rant I had and really just snowballed (as should I guess be expected) into some childish offense to myself and forgetting exactly what I was saying in the beginning or the question I asking.

This was an observation off of a conversation at work and a small rant from us by a "large party" we waited on that hassled us quite a bit!

Jan 21, 2009, 5:15 PM
I agree. Obesity and smoking are both 'bad'. No reason to be so verbal about one, and not the other. With the 'anti-smoking' crowd, it's more about an agenda and personal tastes than concern for 'health'.

This is somewhat related, but......smoking bans in bars..........wtf? seriously? as a non smoker, a bar is the FIRST place I would expect smoke and the LAST place I would visit if it bothered me that much. You have plenty of both pro and anti smoking establishments without using government to bully people. In other words, choose your own environment instead of using government force to remove a businesses and their 'customers' choice and make everywhere more suitable to your liking.

I'm not going to lie. Though I don't smoke, I do get a serious boner for women who do. Lots of things are 'bad for you', but it's a choice we as individuals make. I quit myself because I did not feel like I could handle it any more. Some people may get cancer or other serious health problems but many people do it to very old age with no serious trouble, so to each their own.

If we refrained from doing anything 'bad' for us, it would be an extremely BORING world. btw, is the 'anti-smoking' thing really more of a 'liberal' or 'conservative' issue? Or about equal? I had always associated the 'smoking bans' and 'health police' with politically correct know-it-all liberals.

Jan 21, 2009, 9:32 PM
I have read this thread kinda in disbelief, but shouldn't surprise me you find people who complain about smokers everywhere. But to start complaining about overweight people on a site where everyone is free to be themselves??? Guess some are free to be idiots. You live your life the way you want I'll live mine the way I want. I happen to smoke, I also happen to be overweight... but guess what? I have a man that loves me as much as I love him and he loves me for who I am not what I look,taste or smell like.

☠Tüff Littl3 ÇοOkiÊ☠
Jan 21, 2009, 11:19 PM
this is so true..
as a smoker
i say this is very wrong!
on both ways
live your life
nd let me live mine!!!

Jan 22, 2009, 10:11 AM
I fairly much concur with izzfan's original post in thread. Understand I'm not really a militant smoker, however. I tend to be respectful and thoughtful of others. Ultimately it falls to my life, live your own ... said without malice or malcontent.

Though once I felt quite malicious. Christy, my wife and I frequented a Chinese eatery. We'd been going in once or twice a week for over at least a year, perhaps longer. They had the front reserved for smokers, back for non-smokers. As it happened I had finished eating, wife had too, lit a fag. Two older ladies came in and were escorted to their seats in the non-smoking area.

"Smoking in a place like this! They really ought to have a law!" One of the ladies said loudly enough to be overheard as they were very few people in. There is a law and the place was complying with it, and still not inconveniencing their patrons. Boy did that lady's comment make want to walk back and stub my fag out in her plate of food!

Fortunately, Christy reminded me to be 'polite'. The young Chinese woman who escorted the ladies in came over to us. "My apologies, can I get you two anything else?" Said with a purely genuine and sincere smile. I grinned. We were finished at any given.

"No thank you. I think the air will do us good now. We loved our meal and the service, thank you." I said, and we got up and left. It wasn't the young woman's place to apologize, but she did as her loyal patrons had observed a stinging remark from other patrons. That makes a restaurant great!

Our meals at the place seldom averaged $8 a plate. Food needs not expense to be good.

Merely humble opinions voiced, take or leave as you choose.

Jan 22, 2009, 11:27 AM
Ok...Well at least for the most part this seems to be a somewhat genuine question.

According to a poll done recently (this was mentioned on the radio) the happiest women in the world wear a size 12. Of course now that size is considered to be a "plus" size, which is just plain crazy....anyhow.

I have been a bigger girl all my life and have heard the rude comments people muttered under their breath. I am not obese by any means but have still had to deal with the rudeness of others.

We are so quick to judge others when really we have no right to do so unless we ourselves are squeeky clean.

So smoke if you want but just obey the law I won't say anything.

But next time you see a fat person with a cheeseburger, fries and Coke (Yes I'm fat and I drink Coke not D I E T Coke) you really cant say anything because there are no laws forbidding us to not eat that...lol.

BTW, I do eat salads, veggies, fruits to but sometimes we all like to have a litte bit of Heaven on a bun.

Jan 22, 2009, 12:23 PM
To all of those who claim that obesity is not due to genetics and other factors, I found this fascinating article on BBC news today which might make for some interesting reading: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7838668.stm

I fairly much concur with izzfan's original post in thread. Understand I'm not really a militant smoker, however. I tend to be respectful and thoughtful of others. Ultimately it falls to my life, live your own ... said without malice or malcontent.

Though once I felt quite malicious. Christy, my wife and I frequented a Chinese eatery. We'd been going in once or twice a week for over at least a year, perhaps longer. They had the front reserved for smokers, back for non-smokers. As it happened I had finished eating, wife had too, lit a fag. Two older ladies came in and were escorted to their seats in the non-smoking area.

"Smoking in a place like this! They really ought to have a law!" One of the ladies said loudly enough to be overheard as they were very few people in. There is a law and the place was complying with it, and still not inconveniencing their patrons. Boy did that lady's comment make want to walk back and stub my fag out in her plate of food!

Unfortunately in the UK we do have a law about it (a somewhat draconian ban on smoking in all indoor areas accesible to the public, bars/restaurants workplaces etc.. aren't even allowed to have smoking rooms), this probably explains why I am so "militant" about it. Also, having grown up in an area where most people I know are anti-smoking, when I visit home I have to be on the defensive LOL!

Jan 22, 2009, 6:13 PM
I've resisted replying to this thread because I understand what a sensitive topic it is.

First, I want to say that people can be just as addicted to certain foods as people are to cigarettes. Often people are addicted to the very foods that cause them the most problems and they don't even know it. I've seen that happen to people I love dearly. I'm also a recovering carb addict myself. If I eat one potatoe chip, corn chip, or cookie, I could easily end up eating the whole bag.

So harrassing people about their diet or cigarettes is not likely going to help them to change, and could very well make them mad at you, or want to avoid you. It's not like they don't know it's bad for them. They just can't help themselves.

There are also people who try to eat a healthy diet but still have problems with their weight.

On the other hand, I see what a mess our health care system is in here in the US. And I believe that many, many health problems in this country can either be blamed on cigaratte smoking, or eating too much of the wrong thing, or both. Cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, etc., etc. That's certainly true for my loved ones. We ALL pay for that in many ways, including higher insurance premiums.

To fix our problems, we need to address their root causes, rather than harrass people suffering the consequences already. Ask ourselves, WHY are we in the middle of an obesity epidemic? What changes have occurred in the American diet over the last 30-40 years that have caused the explosion of weight problems? I can think of a couple of things: the !@#$!^ food pyramid and the prevalence of ingredients such as a high fructose corn syrup. When I was a kid (before the obesity epidemic) we had the 4 food groups, but not the pyramid. And you'll see what I mean about high fructose corn syrup if you try avoiding it for a while.

Jan 22, 2009, 6:17 PM
According to a poll done recently (this was mentioned on the radio) the happiest women in the world wear a size 12.

I currently wear a size 12 and I'm VERY happy. I'd be happier in a size 10, though.;)

Mr. Magick
Jan 22, 2009, 6:42 PM
I appreciate that you care, I really do. It nice to see that these days. However you are beating the same old drum. Im not trying to be combative here but those of us who smoke and could use a little more activity in our lives have heard it all before. Our society (especially the media) are quite fond of reminding us of why they think we are wasting our lives and endangering ourselves with our personal choices. It reminds me of the people who are telling me I can't be Bi because it doesn't exsist. Again I do thank you for caring but some people feel more worthless when someone goes to the trouble of point out what they already know. Often you are dealing with issues of addiction with both over-eating and cigarettes. I was diagnosed with diabetes a little over a year ago and I can tell you that life changes are extremely difficult for some of us. It's not a matter of simply putting down the cheeseburger, especially for those of who are over a certain age. Again, I am not trying attack what you said. It is nice to know that people who don't have these problems care about those of us who do.:)

Annika L
Jan 22, 2009, 10:56 PM
I've resisted replying to this thread because I understand what a sensitive topic it is.

First, I want to say that people can be just as addicted to certain foods as people are to cigarettes. Often people are addicted to the very foods that cause them the most problems and they don't even know it. I've seen that happen to people I love dearly. I'm also a recovering carb addict myself. If I eat one potatoe chip, corn chip, or cookie, I could easily end up eating the whole bag.

So harrassing people about their diet or cigarettes is not likely going to help them to change, and could very well make them mad at you, or want to avoid you. It's not like they don't know it's bad for them. They just can't help themselves.

There are also people who try to eat a healthy diet but still have problems with their weight.

On the other hand, I see what a mess our health care system is in here in the US. And I believe that many, many health problems in this country can either be blamed on cigaratte smoking, or eating too much of the wrong thing, or both. Cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, etc., etc. That's certainly true for my loved ones. We ALL pay for that in many ways, including higher insurance premiums.

To fix our problems, we need to address their root causes, rather than harrass people suffering the consequences already. Ask ourselves, WHY are we in the middle of an obesity epidemic? What changes have occurred in the American diet over the last 30-40 years that have caused the explosion of weight problems? I can think of a couple of things: the !@#$!^ food pyramid and the prevalence of ingredients such as a high fructose corn syrup. When I was a kid (before the obesity epidemic) we had the 4 food groups, but not the pyramid. And you'll see what I mean about high fructose corn syrup if you try avoiding it for a while.

BLESSED BE! Thank you...this was basically my point. I've considered writing in again to clarify it, but I've become rather turned off by the intolerant tone of most of this thread...now you've solved both problems for me! :tong:

Mr. Magick
Jan 23, 2009, 4:47 AM
As long as we're on the subject. Does anyone know a good aid to stop smoking I really would like to quit.

Jan 23, 2009, 7:17 AM
Eat lots of food so you get obese like CherokeeMountaincat, Annika L, or that fat piglet rissababynta and her fat spawn that she bred from her greasy cunt.

Ok, normally, the troll is just another little nuisance that just bugs people for a while, but this is ridiculous now. Drew, this is going way to far. Waaay too much violance and hate this time, even if it is only to het a rise.

Jan 23, 2009, 7:42 AM
Eat lots of food so you get obese like CherokeeMountaincat, Annika L, or that fat piglet rissababynta and her fat spawn that she bred from her greasy cunt.

Poxy gett! Go bak an crawl bak up the rats arse from wenceya came......

Jan 23, 2009, 10:41 AM
Fran, I do love you ever so much lol

Jan 23, 2009, 11:07 AM
wow, i never post, but this one hit a nerve. i am a smoker and overweight. i have the FREEDOM OF CHOICE. i am an AMERICAN. but...i cant smoke where i want to or when i want to because of these smoking bans. i can go to the nearest corner and buy any drugs i want tho...hmmmmm something is definately wrong with this picture. all of you non smokers need to consider what rights the government will take from you. are you ready to give up your guns.
As far as my weight, it's a daily battle. but i work on it, and it's my business.
BTW..i'm a very happy person. i left my husband, bought my own house, and am taking care of myself and my 2 children. it's not easy but i'm very happy

Sister, you rock!

Jan 24, 2009, 5:46 AM
Yeah I'm one of those "bigger people" and many, upon seeing me, would think me obese. Some might actually be rude enough to say it. But when it comes to my health my doctor and me both know. Every person reading this has a right to look foolish.

I see my doctor (he's a skinny guy) regularly and receive a full battery of tests regularly. Here's what he says after all those tests. Your blood pressure's high but you're properly medicated for it. Your blood panel is good; all of the chemicals are where they're supposed to be. Your heart works very well. Your lungs work very well. Your good and bad cholesterol are very good. Your liver panel is good. Your aerobic exercise is good and your diet is good enough; eat a little less if you want to lose weight and keep watching the salt. You're properly vaccinated and your passport is current. Keep doing what you're doing and have fun doing it; just remember that you're not 26 anymore.

Go ahead, argue with my doctor. WebMD doesn't know me. The CDC doesn't know me. HMOs who buy television commercials don't know me. Standing in front of me telling me to stop eating cheeseburgers proves ignorance of me. I don't eat cheeseburgers. My father is 78 and other than a bit of cancer (it's really a small amount, they got it all, and he's responding well to radiation), he's as healthy as me. My grandfather on my dads side died at 88 or 89. I have better nutrition and exercise habits than either of them did. My mom's father died before I was born in an accident.

Doubting that I'm healthy begs an invitation to come play 90 minutes of 11v11 soccer on the team opposite mine. They keep inviting me to the O-50 league and I keep kicking butt in the U-30 bunch. Or, put on a three day backpack and try to follow me from the western slope of the high Sierras to the eastern slope; it's usually about 20 miles though I constantly look for trails I've never used. The heaviest thing I carry there is water; bring a lot because the stuff I carry is for keeping me alive.

Or maybe it would be better to not make ill informed and offensive assumptions about me and my health and try to get along with me instead. I'm smart, funny, loyal, and caring. I'm pretty active too.


Jan 24, 2009, 6:31 AM
Yeah I'm one of those "bigger people" and many, upon seeing me, would think me obese. Some might actually be rude enough to say it. But when it comes to my health my doctor and me both know. Every person reading this has a right to look foolish.

I see my doctor (he's a skinny guy) regularly and receive a full battery of tests regularly. Here's what he says after all those tests. Your blood pressure's high but you're properly medicated for it. Your blood panel is good; all of the chemicals are where they're supposed to be. Your heart works very well. Your lungs work very well. Your good and bad cholesterol are very good. Your liver panel is good. Your aerobic exercise is good and your diet is good enough; eat a little less if you want to lose weight and keep watching the salt. You're properly vaccinated and your passport is current. Keep doing what you're doing and have fun doing it; just remember that you're not 26 anymore.

Go ahead, argue with my doctor. WebMD doesn't know me. The CDC doesn't know me. HMOs who buy television commercials don't know me. Standing in front of me telling me to stop eating cheeseburgers proves ignorance of me. I don't eat cheeseburgers. My father is 78 and other than a bit of cancer (it's really a small amount, they got it all, and he's responding well to radiation), he's as healthy as me. My grandfather on my dads side died at 88 or 89. I have better nutrition and exercise habits than either of them did. My mom's father died before I was born in an accident.

Doubting that I'm healthy begs an invitation to come play 90 minutes of 11v11 soccer on the team opposite mine. They keep inviting me to the O-50 league and I keep kicking butt in the U-30 bunch. Or, put on a three day backpack and try to follow me from the western slope of the high Sierras to the eastern slope; it's usually about 20 miles though I constantly look for trails I've never used. The heaviest thing I carry there is water; bring a lot because the stuff I carry is for keeping me alive.

Or maybe it would be better to not make ill informed and offensive assumptions about me and my health and try to get along with me instead. I'm smart, funny, loyal, and caring. I'm pretty active too.


hell yeah. rock on.

Jan 24, 2009, 6:34 AM
Fran, I do love you ever so much lol

...awww yas gettin me a lil flushed....ta me luffly... luff u an all Ris...:bigrin:

Jan 24, 2009, 8:38 AM
Ok, normally, the troll is just another little nuisance that just bugs people for a while, but this is ridiculous now. Drew, this is going way to far. Waaay too much violance and hate this time, even if it is only to het a rise.

No worries Rissa and Cat sounds like they are jaded they cant have the 2 of ya! Jealousy so sucks for them eh :)

Jan 24, 2009, 9:28 AM
No worries Rissa and Cat sounds like they are jaded they cant have the 2 of ya! Jealousy so sucks for them eh :)

He's just a wanker :bigrin:

Long Duck Dong
Jan 24, 2009, 9:30 AM
I am a smoker.. and in todays world I am becoming more and more limited in my choice of death

due to changes in laws, my opinions for choosing my manner of death are heavily limited... hell I am not ever allowed to die with diginity, if I end up in a coma, they can pull my feeding tube and starve me to death and thats considered humane.... but a bullet is not

sure I smoke and I hear the crowds boo at me as I sit at my computer and read about their concerns of how my smoking 10k miles away, increases their chances of second hand smoke inducing cancer......

I happen to love my mildly overweight body.... its not super model material and I am not really gonna be a porn star.... hell even my webcam refuses to work if I take my shirt off...... but stuff it.... my hand loves me :p

I have respect for non smokers.... I do not and try not to smoke in the presence of a non smoker.... I respect the fact that I can no longer smoke in the workplace, the local pub or any other place that non smokers may be....
but I like to smoke..... I like sex too, but smoking is my main option.....

I love the way that I am told that kissing a smoker is like kissing a ashtray..... and yeah I am kinky, but kissing a ashtray ??? sorry... them non smokers must be totally kinky if they kiss ashtrays..... and sorry but I think kissing nagging non smokers is like kissing a unwiped asshole...and thats one thing I have no plans to do.......

while the health freaks want me to stop smoking, eat healthy and get fit....I will argue that eating healthy will add $150 more a week to the food bill, and once the health system that my smoking and work taxes paid for, repair / replace my left knee, my right shoulder, my back etc, I will look at getting health..... until then... I will continue to smoke......cos its a simple pleasure for me

to the non smoking people that think I am disgusting and stupid for smoking.... I said this...... you are the ones that are pointing the finger at me and wasting your live worrying about me... when I am not worrying about me, and enjoying my smoke..... so please... live your life for you.... not me....and we will both be happy.... and horny.....but happy

Jan 24, 2009, 9:35 AM
I am a smoker.. and in todays world I am becoming more and more limited in my choice of death

due to changes in laws, my opinions for choosing my manner of death are heavily limited... hell I am not ever allowed to die with diginity, if I end up in a coma, they can pull my feeding tube and starve me to death and thats considered humane.... but a bullet is not

sure I smoke and I hear the crowds boo at me as I sit at my computer and read about their concerns of how my smoking 10k miles away, increases their chances of second hand smoke inducing cancer......

I happen to love my mildly overweight body.... its not super model material and I am not really gonna be a porn star.... hell even my webcam refuses to work if I take my shirt off...... but stuff it.... my hand loves me :p

I have respect for non smokers.... I do not and try not to smoke in the presence of a non smoker.... I respect the fact that I can no longer smoke in the workplace, the local pub or any other place that non smokers may be....
but I like to smoke..... I like sex too, but smoking is my main option.....

I love the way that I am told that kissing a smoker is like kissing a ashtray..... and yeah I am kinky, but kissing a ashtray ??? sorry... them non smokers must be totally kinky if they kiss ashtrays..... and sorry but I think kissing nagging non smokers is like kissing a unwiped asshole...and thats one thing I have no plans to do.......

while the health freaks want me to stop smoking, eat healthy and get fit....I will argue that eating healthy will add $150 more a week to the food bill, and once the health system that my smoking and work taxes paid for, repair / replace my left knee, my right shoulder, my back etc, I will look at getting health..... until then... I will continue to smoke......cos its a simple pleasure for me

to the non smoking people that think I am disgusting and stupid for smoking.... I said this...... you are the ones that are pointing the finger at me and wasting your live worrying about me... when I am not worrying about me, and enjoying my smoke..... so please... live your life for you.... not me....and we will both be happy.... and horny.....but happy

holy shit, I was LITERALLY laughing every 5 seconds while reading this lol

Jan 24, 2009, 10:25 AM
Wud neva slag peeps off for bein a smoker cos wos 1 mesel till few years bak .. an wud nev slag ne 1 off for bein ovaweight cos lotsa peeps who r r dead yummie an hav went out wiv quite a few who r both... course both conditions can an do do harm.. peeps kno that they r not gud for em.. but 2 keep treatin em like pariahs dus nowt but demean em an ruin in many instances..ther self esteem..an then wot dus they do?? Lite up an munch lotsa fatty stuff.. bit counta-productive me wud say..

Jan 24, 2009, 2:31 PM
I dont smoke, I never have..but I come from a family that Did. Even my boys smoke. I have been big all of my adult life,, mainly after having three kids back to back starting at 16.
All of the women on the Germanic side of my Father were tall/big people, all the ones on the Native American half from my Mother are all small, short in stature. I am in between. I am not Reall tall, being 5'8 and have the German build. I am not the type to scarf down food, or graze at the salad bar, I'm just the type that is Big. Deal with it, its me..lol.
Genetics play a large part(no pun intended) on a persons phyiscality and traits.
I dont run down smokers, I am allergic to cig smoke so I try to stay away from those who are smoking if I can help it. I dont tell them, "Your lungs are fall off one of these days" or "Go drink some Lysterine before you even Think about kissing me!" That's not my style.

I learned many years ago that people all have their thoughts and conjectures, and they are intitled to them. I tell people, "Hey, this is me, this is the end product, and if you cant handle me For me, then fuck off" lol

All of you here can see me, I dont try to hide what I look like and who I am, and most of you accept me As me, and I love you all greatly for that very purpose. In the words of my Generation, "What you see is what you get" ;) Carry on, and always be You, M'loves. :bigrin:
Opinionated old Cat

Jan 24, 2009, 3:47 PM

Lovely, thanks for the social experiment, some of you answered intelligently and others went off on an immature rant, which in my opinion negates the argument and point completely.

AndYouMake3: You need to calm down. Judgment will always happen to you, or to anyone with something anyone would consider abnormal or askew. This person has a right to their opinion which I overwhelmingly agree with that person, this wasn't a personal attack on you, don't make it that way.

Cat: There is way too much of this "DNA" BS. In fact how much of America is overweight and really...really how much is "DNA". I'm a lover of science but the science doesn't amount to as much people are really diagnosed too. A lot of these bigger people I frown upon because of their attitude towards life, I deal with A GOOD AMOUNT of people who are morbidly obese and hate lief and everyone else for their own problems
(Here it comes from someone: Yeah well it's not just obese people that hate the world too). Please...obesity adds quite a bit more problems than with someone healthier because society doesn't find it acceptable, therefore everyone's dream of being accepted by people really does rule out a certain group. How do they feel as a whole that they aren't looked upon the same way Heidi Klum is? I'm sure they are dandy. (and I'm sure alot of you insecure people will speak up at this point saying you are just happy.......oh I'm sure you are)

-In the end it's all about perception, if you are truly beautiful on the inside it will somehow radiate on the outside, even if it goes through a thicker skin sometimes you can really see it. Society doesn't work that way though and it won't change, obesity isn't some fad that will kick in and everyone will go crazy for. There's a reason why doctors want you to lose weight, because it can eventually kill you, and I am NOT FOR anything that will prematurely kill you like it already did half my family. (heart disease)

So here I am, getting fit (well really fit) beating the odds of this "DNA" of heart disease that they say can happen to run down on families. You can stop that, and so I am. So can you, everyone can live to their potential and STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR IT.


I didn't read this until just a few minutes ago. Then I read her profile. BumbleB needs not worry; I don't come to this site to talk to children and her post here perfectly illustrates the need for maturity tests. With her suggestion of (closure) she signals that she has had her tantrum, deflected correction, revisited her tantrum, and has her hands over her ears and her eyes closed while holding her breath.

I'll stick with mature adults. Thanks but no thanks BumbleB

Jan 24, 2009, 4:09 PM
I feel everyone should have the right to be free to do or be anything they want ... provided they are not interfering with other folks right to do the same.