View Full Version : OBAMA: The good, the bad, the hype

Jan 19, 2009, 9:17 AM
I won't try to hid my agenda: I didn't vote for Mr. Obama, but neither did I vote for Mr. McCain. Both are of the mind that larger and more powerful government is the "fix" to all our problems, and I basically believe that government is out of control, both financially and in terms of sheer exercise of authority. The federal government is the largest insurer, the largest employer ... and now "owns" a stake in numerous national corporations due to the ongoing bailout crisis that has even the states and local school districts standing in line to get "their share." I voted Libertarian to demonstrate my concern that there has to be another voice in the debate.

But one thing about tomorrow's inauguration is wonderful: it proves what I've known all along, and that is that anyone can succeed in the USA and that we are not a racist country--although we have a few racists among us. I believe the good Dr. Martin Luther King is smiling about that part, nodding as I write these words, agreeing. He knew this as well. He simply knew we needed some time and some prophetic examples to follow.

I also think Dr. King would be concerned at the hype and the over-the-top excitement. Perhaps it is entirely justified and I'm just worried for nothing. But Mr. Obama is talking a great deal about what he's about to do, and I hear little or no criticism. The comparisons to Christ and FDR bother me ... and not for religious reasons! I am concerned that when he's done, he will have substantially increased the size, scope, authority, and power of the federal government at the expense of genuine liberty. And now that 40% of our citizens pay very little or no taxes, they are a powerful voting block to encourage politicians to spend more and more on their concerns--concerns that they are unwilling or unable to finance because they pay so little in taxes.

I look forward to your replies, and thank you in advance for being civil. Politics, like religion, doesn't have to be avoided if we can all act like thinking adults! Oh, and please don't bash me by saying that "Mr. Bush increased government, too." Yes, he did, and I'm sorely disappointed in his administration and the excessive governmental regulations it initiated. Whatever you think of the bailout crisis, it was not caused by deregulation, but was greatly precipitated by federal mandates to give large loans to folks who couldn't afford them.

Jan 19, 2009, 9:51 AM
I will try to make this short, as I have a wide view of what has happened to our country these past few years. I had never been politically active (other than voting) until this past election. We watched this election process from the beginning! In the last cpl weeks of the election we went to our local Dem. headquarters and gave some of our time! We did both vote for Obama for more than just the fact that he is of a colored skin! (I know people that did just vote 4 him to see if he would get into office)
There is always evil in politics, no matter what so there is always that "the lesser of 2 evils" I know all his points aren't good and some may make things worse for some people. But I see this, W. did NOT A DAMN thing to make anything better for anyone other than those that are so rich they fart gold coins.
I am one of those that hasn't paid taxes for the past few years. Also being the same that I do not get anything back! If you don't pay in, chances are that you don't get anything back. I have been a poor college student for a few years. Now I have to pay the government back 4 what I borrowed. That is the only time when "our great government will gave 2 shits about me"---when I don't pay them back. They sure are willing to loan me the money to go to school so I can get a good paying job and pay their salary but what are they doing for me? A whole lot of nothin!
Do I think things will change...No, not anytime in the near future!
However, I do think that now that there is a president that is not a rich "white" man, it will change things for my kids future--it finally shows that we have grown as a country!
Let me say this though..my husband and I did get some serious flack from people we know and talked to for leaning toward and voting for Obama..simply for the fact that he is not totally caucasian ..we live in an area that is still prejudice..surrounded by little minded folks that have never seen the outside of their tiny little town. I don't care what other people think...it's my opinion and at least they can't take that away...well not yet!
Just my :2cents:

Jan 19, 2009, 12:26 PM
I am one of those that hasn't paid taxes for the past few years. Also being the same that I do not get anything back! If you don't pay in, chances are that you don't get anything back. I have been a poor college student for a few years. Now I have to pay the government back 4 what I borrowed. That is the only time when "our great government will gave 2 shits about me"---when I don't pay them back. They sure are willing to loan me the money to go to school so I can get a good paying job and pay their salary but what are they doing for me? A whole lot of nothin!

Seems to me you are whining about not getting free money. You don't pay taxes, yet seem to be complaining about not getting a refund. Well, if you don't buy a pair of jeans from me, why present a piece of paper demanding a refund for what you did not buy?

What is the govt doing for you? Hopefully nothing. American's have always been individualistic; Pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps, making our OWN futures, yearning on our own for that happiness pursuit which is guaranteed by right of birth, but NOT guaranteed in its finding. I think you have it confused as to what you are entitled to in America.

Make your own future, don't ask someone else to do it for you.:2cents:

Jan 19, 2009, 2:09 PM

Thanks for replying -- you say government hasn't done anything for you, but then you say it lent you money to go to school. I'm sure you received a good interest rate, or perhaps even a loan without interest. So that IS something government has done for you. But you sound angry that you have to pay it back!

In the end, I'm finding myself reflecting on your comments about what government does and doesn't "do for us." Honestly, how much SHOULD government do? You can have a long list or you can have a short list, but for every item added to the list you'll need to allow government to take money from someone to pay for it. Government doesn't just print money--it gets its revenue from taking it from someone else.

You're a poor college student. I understand. I once was the same, and I even gave up a job to go back to school to become a professor. It was a challenging time, economically speaking. But imagine if you went to the college bookstore to buy your books for next semester. Let's say your total is $74.97. As you go to check out, the clerk says "that will be $132.61." You'd naturally say that there is a mistake because your books only cost $74.97. But what if the clerk replied that "The student next to you needs help more than you do so we're going to let you pay for her books, too."

What would you say then? Do you see the analogy?

Jan 19, 2009, 2:35 PM
Sorry, this will be long.

When Pres. Clinton got elected he had Newt Gingrich. He mandatid all legislation, though he was a republican. Pres. Bill held his finger in the air and allowed all Newt did. Now comes a time when we have a Pres. that is not as intelligent as Clinton. Clinton was a Rhodes scholar and Knew what the economy needed. He allowed the Pros to take over. I'm afraid OBama will not allow that. He wants too much control.

Our last several years was dictated to 911. Cutting military and cutting Homeland security is very threating to me. I'm afraid what is about to happen.

John McCain was not our answer, nor Hillery. I'm not sure what the answer was, Perhaps a Bill Clinton supported by a Newt type. Who Knows?

Jan 19, 2009, 3:01 PM
The hype is way over the top for President/Saint Obama. He has done nothing significant politically, other than get elected to the Senate with the help of a currupt political machine in Chicago. He ran for president saynig we need "change" but didn't give any clues as to what kind of change he was talking about. The German people wanted change in the 1930's and look what they got. NO, I AM NOT COMPARING OBAMA TO HITLER, just showing to what extremes otherwise rational people can go for change. The same can be said for the Russian people prior to 1917 and look at the mess they got stuck with. I am simply saying that you have to be careful what you ask for, you just might get it. He campainged on change and yet his key cabinet appointments are all Clinton advisors/Washington insiders. The only change I see is the color of the skin of the new president. For the sake of all of us, I hope he does well.

Jan 19, 2009, 3:20 PM
*refuses 2 condemn a man fore 'e even in the job...fully expect 2 tho...jus keepin fingies x'd 'e turns out betta than ne 1 hopes..includin me...*

Jan 19, 2009, 3:22 PM
Let's give Obama a chance to make it through the honeymoon. There is a lot of stuff to be sorted through. My feeling is that this guy will be a leadership president and will make his own decisions. That's what we need right now, after 8 years of wholesale rape and pillage. McCain would have taken this country over the edge even faster, and he's gone now. So let's all think positive, and let Obama go for it.

Jan 19, 2009, 3:50 PM

Thanks -- we can certainly think positively, but the double standards are worrying me. Four years ago Bush spent $40 million on his second inauguration and the press went crazy with criticism. Obama is spending $160million and the press is just ignoring it! If the press can't be trusted, who will keep us informed? I fear we're headed down a dark alley and there is no one to ask any questions.

Jan 19, 2009, 4:07 PM
You don't think Obama's rich. He made over 4 million last year on book royalties. Do you live in a million plus dollar home? Any critism of Obama is racism remember? Democrats loath you me and everyone else. They are rich, Polosi, Kennedy, Obama, Biden. If you got a tax "rebate" in May or June of last year and didn't pay taxes, then that's WELFARE from the government. Working people pay a significant taxes so others can sit and do nothing. Thats what Obama preaches, socialism...plain and simple.

I will try to make this short, as I have a wide view of what has happened to our country these past few years. I had never been politically active (other than voting) until this past election. We watched this election process from the beginning! In the last cpl weeks of the election we went to our local Dem. headquarters and gave some of our time! We did both vote for Obama for more than just the fact that he is of a colored skin! (I know people that did just vote 4 him to see if he would get into office)
There is always evil in politics, no matter what so there is always that "the lesser of 2 evils" I know all his points aren't good and some may make things worse for some people. But I see this, W. did NOT A DAMN thing to make anything better for anyone other than those that are so rich they fart gold coins.
I am one of those that hasn't paid taxes for the past few years. Also being the same that I do not get anything back! If you don't pay in, chances are that you don't get anything back. I have been a poor college student for a few years. Now I have to pay the government back 4 what I borrowed. That is the only time when "our great government will gave 2 shits about me"---when I don't pay them back. They sure are willing to loan me the money to go to school so I can get a good paying job and pay their salary but what are they doing for me? A whole lot of nothin!
Do I think things will change...No, not anytime in the near future!
However, I do think that now that there is a president that is not a rich "white" man, it will change things for my kids future--it finally shows that we have grown as a country!
Let me say this though..my husband and I did get some serious flack from people we know and talked to for leaning toward and voting for Obama..simply for the fact that he is not totally caucasian ..we live in an area that is still prejudice..surrounded by little minded folks that have never seen the outside of their tiny little town. I don't care what other people think...it's my opinion and at least they can't take that away...well not yet!
Just my :2cents:

Jan 19, 2009, 4:07 PM
I feel very pasionate about this. Although this is very historical, we are in rough times. Why spend all this money when we are lending billions to banks, car makers and others.

I believe he would had made a popular statement by spending little in this inaugularation. The train abraided with Lincoln was very passionate, though most don't understand why Lincoln did as was. I Know the history.

I love Lincoln, he was a Republican, I ask Why did he do the Emancipation Proclamation?

I do have the answer?

Jan 19, 2009, 4:53 PM
[QUOTE=Dano111;120611]I feel very pasionate about this. Although this is very historical, we are in rough times. Why spend all this money when we are lending billions to banks, car makers and others.


The vast majority of the funding for the inaugural events have been paid for by private money----all of the balls, concerts and the like have been for years and that is the nature of inaugurations----

Granted---there is a great deal of money being spent by the government on security and things of that nature--but it does that anyway with these sorts of things.

It sounds good to say "why didn't he just have a simple deal??" but come on--how realistic is that?????

Like it or not---this is an historic election and for those of us who have been relegated to the political hinterlands for so very long----we do want to enjoy this moment----

I find it funny when I read things like the comments of that guy who is the most conservative editorial writer on the staff of TIME magazine who said that he finds the supporters of Barack Obama to be "creepy."

I have always found that sort of creepiness with those on the right when they speak of their great white father, Ronald Reagan--my God---I have people in my family who tear up and get weak at the knees when you even mention the name "Ronald Reagan!"

Why in the hell can't the 54 percent of us who are "liberal" ("liberal" in the defintion of some since we voted for Obama) who are happy at the election of Barack Obama have our time in the sun and rejoice at this moment??

I can say--I have been active in some fashion in politics since I was a teenager going back to the early and mid 1970s---mostly for Democratic candidates but a few Republicans here and there as well.

I am nominally a Democrat--but I can say----in my adult life--I never had a Democratic candidate that I was actually happy who won as I am with Obama---it was always a matter of: "Well--better he won than the Republican."

I can say that I am VERY HAPPY that Barack Obama has won----the ways I am glad about this would take too long to talk about--and not that I think he is some sort of savior and all will magically turn out rosy---things are so fracked up now, is a crazy proposition to think improvement is going to come easily---but I do feel that for once----Barack Obama is going to go a long way of getting this country back on a positive track again--of course--that could be one of the things that those on the right are concerned about----that a black man and a Democrat will really get this country doing well again----I sure as hell hope he suceeds far beyond my expectations for him----if not--the country is pretty well hard burnt toast then and everything else are moot points.

I had a very bad feeling that the presidency of George W. Bush was going to be bad news for the nation and I wasn't dissappointed on that score----he sure leaves the nation in such a negative state that even the worst cynic regarding Bush back in 2000 could not have imagined the ways his presidency would frack things up---if someone had said he would have left the country in such a bad state at the end of his time--that person would have been locked in a loony bin or checked every which way of Sunday to see what sorts of drugs he was doing!!!!

Happy at the fact Barack Hussein Obama is taking office tomorrow--DAMN FRACKIN' RIGHT I AM HAPPY!!!!!!

Jan 19, 2009, 5:25 PM
I sum, it could be argued the failure, or what is more commonly known as the Social Disorganization theory: failure of Social institutions, however, Obama and the New Administration entering the White House, undoubtedly has a full agenda ahead.

The economic crisis within the United States, and the subsequent fall out has left the an unprecedented mark within the Global economics's, notwithstanding, the Foreign policy of the ultra-right wing ad-hoc's, whom entered in 2001, with one intent, War.

The election of Regan in the 1980's, along with Greenspan and a handful of other elitist, argued, sought, and subsequently passed Legislation of deregulated markets. Also concluding, the break up of Trade Unions, which could be argued an Constitutional matter?

Capitalism in the Untied States, furthermore, through Corporate greed, has led to the failure of Industry, financial Markets, and ultimately the outsourcing of the American middle class by the Elitist. One does not have to look any further than America's Defense Strategy for 2001; leading Architects of this Foreign and domestic Policy, Paul Wolfowitz, who sought that the America's assert Global domination through preemptive strikes against other Nation States, whom deemed as threat.

Concluding, the outgoing Administration has been re-writing Article Three of the Geneva Convention: fear of War Crimes prosecution, however, it appears they maybe prosecuted as such, but not by the incoming Administration. Incidental, to this issue is the words of Dr. King, whom argued for the plight of the Under class, the Oppressed. A paradox for Obama, however,this is awake up call for the Untied States, as the alarm bell's have being ringing for decades, that a failed Nation State, just lay's in waiting, but can the New Administration aspire to call's or plea's of the failed Domestic and Foreign Polices, by there predecessors? In brief, we can only hope: a short synopsis into what lead to this crises.

Cheers, Thesis-1

Jan 19, 2009, 7:53 PM
NO, I was NOT whining and did not intend to make is sound that way. I didn't pay in cause I was not working to pay in and did not EXPECT to get anything back!
But yeh, I got a fairly good interest rae!. And no I am not angry that I have to pay it back. I borrowed it, it is my responsibility to repay that.
This is the exact reason why I don't usually post to political or religious threads, but hey I took a chance to make my opinion public!

Jan 19, 2009, 10:36 PM

Thanks -- we can certainly think positively, but the double standards are worrying me. Four years ago Bush spent $40 million on his second inauguration and the press went crazy with criticism. Obama is spending $160million and the press is just ignoring it! If the press can't be trusted, who will keep us informed? I fear we're headed down a dark alley and there is no one to ask any questions.

That is EXACTLY what I am thinking about.

Four years ago, one of my professors called everyone who voted for Bush morons.

The same professor canceled class Tuesday in celebration.

Shouldn't that bother people? To be THAT nakedly biased that we will forgive anything. . .everything when it's "our" guy?

And don't get me started on the Christ comparisons. . .


Jan 20, 2009, 12:34 AM

I agree with you almost ten hundred percent. The government is out of control and there seems to be no end in sight. To boot, we now face the spectre of the government telling our corporations what kind of cars they can sell us and how much to pay their executives.

I never got the sense that McCain was for bigger government. It was McCain afterall that warned of the looming mortage/bank crisis in 2006. As far as regulation goes, I don't see a lack of regulation being the problem here. What I do see is a failure of the regulators. Where the hell were they in all of this?

I voted for McCain, not my first choice as the campaign was developing. I didn't vote for Obama based on his social and fiscal policies, and his questionable associations. Perhaps with time, like most of us he would mature and become a good if not a great president. For now, he won and is my president. I will not spend each and every hour of every day looking for opportunities to bash him on every subject from his choice of aftershave to the brand of cigarettes he smokes.

AS for the Libertarian party or any third party, I don't think there is room in America for a third party. My view is that in at least the recent past, all third parties have managed to achieve is to dilute the vote. Hope to hear more from you on this subject...

Jan 20, 2009, 12:56 AM
I agree, but I disagree with your dismissing of a third party.

I think it could be done, but I really do think the two parties and the media do conspire to strangle this in the cradle.


Jan 20, 2009, 7:25 AM
Thesis & BisexualIndian,

Thanks for the international view. I guess I'm glad that the rest of the world "feels good" right now over Obama's election. But where does THAT get us? Feelings are great ... we all want to feel good! I guess part of that is because we now have a supposed peace lover in the White House while the Bush "regime" was a bunch of war hawks. Ah, the world is safe now, huh?

But let's be honest: where will Canada or India turn if the good people of those nations find themselves being threatened? There is much to be criticized about the outgoing Bush administration. But the US did not act unilaterally in Iraq. There were how many UN declarations and threats to Saddam Hussein? How many did the international community need before it had the right to act?

Thesis argues that our recent economic problems come from corporate greed and deregulation. I think that's dead wrong. Greed may be a bad thing, but turning the economy over to the state is not going to get us anywhere, either. In the end, as history has shown, it will decapitate our economy. Ask the folks of the former Soviet Union. Look closely at Cuba. Then note that the economic success being experienced in China today is because they've opened the door to free markets. Deregulation? Talk to me about that after you've noted that the Bush administration has regulated finances and markets more than the Clinton administration did.

Thesis, I don't mind that you disagree, but please do it with facts and not with media spin, ok?

Finally, for those who say we have to give Obama a chance, I ask, why? A chance to do what? Help America? OK, I agree. But if it's a chance to do what he has said he'll do, then I say NO. All the talk of crisis means one thing and one thing only to this crowd: more government control, less liberty to the people. What ever happened to the idea of giving power to the people?

My prediction is that taxes and prices will all being going up, and by the end of the first four years of this administration we'll be seeing hyperinflation. Fuel will be outrageous again in cost because of the cap-and-trade system and all the new regulations and limits from Washington. Taxes will be higher. Those who pay no taxes will be getting more "rebates" and "earned income-tax credits" than ever, and the wealthy elites of BOTH major parties will have to drink a little less Dom Perignon at dinner while laughing all the way to the bank, to the federal health-care facilities where they get the best care, and to the generous retirement system they have given themselves while exempting themselves from social security (although it's illegal for you and I to do so).

OK, there is a wealthy, energetic, smart black man in the White House who has marketed himself to the world. The world has "bought" the product and we still don't know him because he's done nothing but run for office for the last six years. He's an unknown quantity, except for what he has told us he'll do. I rejoice that in America anyone can be successful--but the system is flawed and for the most part I'm sorry it's so. My joy is tempered by realism.

Jan 20, 2009, 9:00 AM
I won't try to hid my agenda: I didn't vote for Mr. Obama, but neither did I vote for Mr. McCain. Both are of the mind that larger and more powerful government is the "fix" to all our problems, and I basically believe that government is out of control, both financially and in terms of sheer exercise of authority. The federal government is the largest insurer, the largest employer ... and now "owns" a stake in numerous national corporations due to the ongoing bailout crisis that has even the states and local school districts standing in line to get "their share.

I look forward to your replies, and thank you in advance for being civil. Politics, like religion, doesn't have to be avoided if we can all act like thinking adults! Oh, and please don't bash me by saying that "Mr. Bush increased government, too." Yes, he did, and I'm sorely disappointed in his administration and the excessive governmental regulations it initiated. Whatever you think of the bailout crisis, it was not caused by deregulation, but was greatly precipitated by federal mandates to give large loans to folks who couldn't afford them.

I'm at the point here where I feel like some of these big companies/industries are worse for us than the big govt. is. Myself I've just been financially ruined by inadequate health insurance and would totally support some form of single payer like some other countries are using.
I would love to leave my car parked and hop on some high speed rail in lanes where it made sense. I hope we have the mindset of that there are values to be had beyond just the bottom line finances of such projects. Also costs of not doing it such as increased traffic, more pollution etc etc
Some of the financial things just need reining in these large banks with their credit "products" can be positively predatory and thats not even including the bottom feeding payday loan stores etc.
Where I live due to air pollution we have these "ozone action days" My allergies make life just miserable.Being a health freak who has problems breathing is downright scary.For every step forward we make we seem to take two steps back in fighting these airborne irritants.Again I don't trust the industries to do the right thing and consider costs to society beyond bottom line finances.

Jan 20, 2009, 10:32 PM

I understand your concern about big corporations, but remember the difference between Walmart and Washington: you can walk away from Walmart! You might pay a bit more, but your integrity will be intact as will your home and your job. The government has the power to take BOTH from you. Ask the elderly who have lost their homes from the inability to pay the property taxes. And don't laugh--I've seen it with my own eyes. Oh, yes, we'll all berate corporations for what they take, but has anyone asked lately what the government has taken away? I don't use illegal drugs, but what have they taken lately from those who use marijuana? They can take cars, homes, money ... when did Walmart take any of those things? :2cents:

Jan 20, 2009, 11:41 PM
I hope you don't mind me piggybacking on your topic...especially w/o a reacharound!!!

But I saw this....Six entries down...rather revealing, I think. (http://hillbuzz.wordpress.com/)


Jan 21, 2009, 6:56 AM
Thesis & BisexualIndian,

Thanks for the international view. I guess I'm glad that the rest of the world "feels good" right now over Obama's election. But where does THAT get us? Feelings are great ... we all want to feel good! I guess part of that is because we now have a supposed peace lover in the White House while the Bush "regime" was a bunch of war hawks. Ah, the world is safe now, huh?

But let's be honest: where will Canada or India turn if the good people of those nations find themselves being threatened? There is much to be criticized about the outgoing Bush administration. But the US did not act unilaterally in Iraq. There were how many UN declarations and threats to Saddam Hussein? How many did the international community need before it had the right to act?

Thesis argues that our recent economic problems come from corporate greed and deregulation. I think that's dead wrong. Greed may be a bad thing, but turning the economy over to the state is not going to get us anywhere, either. In the end, as history has shown, it will decapitate our economy. Ask the folks of the former Soviet Union. Look closely at Cuba. Then note that the economic success being experienced in China today is because they've opened the door to free markets. Deregulation? Talk to me about that after you've noted that the Bush administration has regulated finances and markets more than the Clinton administration did.

Thesis, I don't mind that you disagree, but please do it with facts and not with media spin, ok?

Finally, for those who say we have to give Obama a chance, I ask, why? A chance to do what? Help America? OK, I agree. But if it's a chance to do what he has said he'll do, then I say NO. All the talk of crisis means one thing and one thing only to this crowd: more government control, less liberty to the people. What ever happened to the idea of giving power to the people?

My prediction is that taxes and prices will all being going up, and by the end of the first four years of this administration we'll be seeing hyperinflation. Fuel will be outrageous again in cost because of the cap-and-trade system and all the new regulations and limits from Washington. Taxes will be higher. Those who pay no taxes will be getting more "rebates" and "earned income-tax credits" than ever, and the wealthy elites of BOTH major parties will have to drink a little less Dom Perignon at dinner while laughing all the way to the bank, to the federal health-care facilities where they get the best care, and to the generous retirement system they have given themselves while exempting themselves from social security (although it's illegal for you and I to do so).

OK, there is a wealthy, energetic, smart black man in the White House who has marketed himself to the world. The world has "bought" the product and we still don't know him because he's done nothing but run for office for the last six years. He's an unknown quantity, except for what he has told us he'll do. I rejoice that in America anyone can be successful--but the system is flawed and for the most part I'm sorry it's so. My joy is tempered by realism.

In respect to your reply, I find it very short and narrow minded, notwithstanding, subjective. American annunciation, and academics is undoubtedly subject and without conciliatory conjecture. I am not sure how you interpreted any type of biased media spin, but I believe you need to check your empirical data, and sources.

You spoke briefly of sovereignty issue's, and the United States have been challenging Canada in the North West Passage, as have other Nations. However, Canada, through legislation is addressing this issue, and more importantly reasserting it's Sovereign Territorial Lands.

On the matter of deregulated markets, and the subsequent economic collapse in the United States, I strongly urge you to conduct more research, or take History classes, or Economics?

In regards to the issue of the Untied Nations, or Iraq I do not concur with your absurdity at all: whom will protect Canada, or India? It would certainly not be the United States. In fact the United States is fearful of war between Pakistan and India. All I can suggest, is to critically think, and conduct more research. A prediction is nothing more than conjecture, and leading to un-popular opinions. Thank you for your time.

Cheers, Thesis-1

Jan 21, 2009, 7:35 AM
In respect to your reply, I find it very short and narrow minded, notwithstanding, subjective. American annunciation, and academics is undoubtedly subject and without conciliatory conjecture. I am not sure how you interpreted any type of biased media spin, but I believe you need to check your empirical data, and sources.

You spoke briefly of sovereignty issue's, and the United States have been challenging Canada in the North West Passage, as have other Nations. However, Canada, through legislation is addressing this issue, and more importantly reasserting it's Sovereign Territorial Lands.

On the matter of deregulated markets, and the subsequent economic collapse in the United States, I strongly urge you to conduct more research, or take History classes, or Economics?

In regards to the issue of the Untied Nations, or Iraq I do not concur with your absurdity at all: whom will protect Canada, or India? It would certainly not be the United States. In fact the United States is fearful of war between Pakistan and India. All I can suggest, is to critically think, and conduct more research. A prediction is nothing more than conjecture, and leading to un-popular opinions. Thank you for your time.

Cheers, Thesis-1

On a further note, you argue Capitalism versus Command economy, however, China implemented economic reform, but not Political reform. Russia, or as you refer to, the "Former Soviet Union." In Russia Capitalism failed, democracy failed through the intervention of the United States, and economic markets, now they are reasserting themselves as a dominate power on the Global stage, along with other Nations:" American Renaissance."

Cheers, Thesis-1

Jan 21, 2009, 9:04 AM


Now theres a subject all by itself;)

Anyways, whats on my mind about this corporate intrests/big govt thing is that there are costs and benefits to realize beyond the ruthless efficency model of many corporate interests that govt could better serve the public.
Additionally myself I'd be willing to pay more taxs to recieve better services. I've just been repeatedly "gouged" by the whole health care thing. Paying these big confusing bills to some corporate enity is no different than paying a big tax bill. Still less $$ in my pocket.Sure I wouldn't like the beaucracy red tape and all that but at least I could attempt to vote someone out.
Do I want this huge Big Brother thing controlling my whole life Hell No
Do I want certain injustices and outdated ways of doing things that greatly benefits special intrests while screwing most everyone else reined in Hell Yes
Thinking that there's infinite shades of gray here not just absolute black n white answers and my situation is unique to me. Its not going to fall perfect for me but the status quo is just not working that much seems to be painfully evident.

Jan 21, 2009, 4:40 PM
QUOTE: "I'd be willing to pay more taxes to receive better services."- AFTER 9

After 9 I agree completely. I am so happy Obama got elected but now it is up to progressives to put the pressure on him to do the rights things from the grassroots.