View Full Version : Talk about "heros"--This man is a REAL hero!!!

Jan 16, 2009, 1:08 PM
The pilot of that airliner that had to ditch in the Hudson yesterday certainly earned his pay and is a true, authentic hero--even though I bet dimes to donuts--he would respond to such talk as: "I did what they pay me to do and I simply used my many years of experience to make it happen--I am no hero--just someone doing my job!"

Well Captain Chesley Sullenburger----you are sure a hero in my book!!!!!!!

I do fly US Airways fairly regularly since my town is served by US Airways--we used to be a US Airways hub--I sure hope you are at the controls of my next flight with your airline---

What Captain Sullenburger goes to show that pilots of passenger airline pilots are not glorified bus drivers----it might seem that way since the new planes can almost fly themsevles----but you still need a person in control when things go wrong.

Congratulations Captain Sullenburger and your co-pilot!!


What Captain Sully and his co-pilot did was nothing less than astounding!!!!

Jan 16, 2009, 1:13 PM

Jan 16, 2009, 5:36 PM
Pilots like him are the real deal -- far from glorified bus drivers. It's the accommodations in the passenger compartment that has become nothing better than a glorified bus ride.

Jan 16, 2009, 6:16 PM
My best friends boyfriend will be flying from New York to Puerto Rico in a few days...let's hope that he's the pilot for the day lol

Jan 16, 2009, 7:12 PM
It wasn't just the landing that was impressive, it was also the aftercare of the passengers. I would also suggest that C.Sullenburger's co-pilot and the rest of the crew be applauded in the same fashion. Takes something to remain a cohesive team at such times.

Jan 16, 2009, 9:10 PM
It takes a great deal of skill to bring down an airliner on the water without breaking it up. You'd have to skip it off the water it a couple of times, and do it exactly right. Far out.

Jan 17, 2009, 8:02 AM
he and his crew were all superheroes, we applaud you all, thank you

Jan 17, 2009, 2:21 PM
My statement about calling airline pilots came from something I had read some talking head type had once written--I have never agreed with that and was pissed when I read that one writer's comments-----

I should have made that clear when I said that-----

Jan 17, 2009, 6:31 PM

When you open the dictionary under hero his name & face should appear.

Whats funny is all of the news / talk shows that talk about this accident they are interviewing the passengers but only show a picture of the pilot. How come he isn't doing any interviews? He is so humble. He's just taking it all in stride. Another day at the office...lol....I just love this guy.

or maybe he is negotiating a new movie deal....lol

you know this incident is becoming a made for tv movie AND / OR a box office movie...as well as he should...

I heard within minutes a facebook group was made and is up to 50,000+ members / postings....With all the bad in this world its refreshing to hear a "feel good" story...