View Full Version : Bit of a conundrum...

Jan 14, 2009, 3:40 AM
My college is having their homecoming dance on the 24th and I was going to ask this guy I like to the dance. I've never been in a relationship with a guy so I've never had to deal with something that I realized I would likely encounter if I do go to the dance with him. If there's a slow dance, who leads? :confused:

Any time I've been out dancing I've always been dancing with someone of the opposite gender. I guess that if he says yes that I'll ask him what to do about this, he's been openly gay for quite a while and has probably been in similar situations before.

Does anyone here have any advice on the subject? Maybe tell the story of how you handled your first same-sex slow dance. Thanks in advance.

Jan 14, 2009, 10:41 AM
Well, although it is not the same exact circumstance....I was at a bar that had dancing with a transgendered woman who had just completed dance lessons ( taken as her natural born male persona but who long to take them as a woman) and we decided to dance. Now being six feet tall and not petite I have always had the VERY bad habit of leading. When we got up to the dance floor, I kind of feel silly saying this..but I did not know where to put my hands. Normally as a woman you put your left hand over and around the males right forearm and palm on his back....we both did our traditional role and we were locked into place. It was awkward for sure..in the end I just wanted to hold her so I slipped my arms around her chest. I still led.

Maybe you can talk about such things before hand in a rather relaxed and comical way over a drink before the dance.

Best of luck....


Jan 14, 2009, 11:24 AM
Oh heck, just put your arms around him and "Cuddle dance" That way neither of you Has to lead. Just hold each other and sway your bodies rythmically together, your bodies rubbing slowly, gently together, generating heat and closeness...(Is is getting warm in here???) lol :rolleyes:
Have a great time, Love. :}
Naughty Cat.