View Full Version : Bad car day,stupid cop

Jan 18, 2006, 12:05 AM
well one day out of the week well last was taking out the trash. and i seen these to kids playing with the car which is pretty decent but not new either a blue chevy caviler 94. we had in the backyard of the house one had ran off and the other was just standing there i was all by myself so i couldn't do anything right then in there i seen that the car window in the back was busted with a beer bottle the kid had walked off and i said i know what you look like so i went back in the house and got the keys to the car and went out to get the stuff out of the back of the car. and three kids came walking from in the backyard and i seen when i got up to it that the car was on fire so i had put the fire out with my fleece and got the stuff out of the car now we got the car for 50 bucks but it only have minor issues beside that it wasn't insured and taged but still i reported it and the cop came by and i told him what house they ran into and everything and said i wanted to make an report. so we did supposed to have done any way. the next day i seen the same kid going back into the backyard that morning and i told my fiance that that was the kid cause he wasn't here. but anyway there was a cop on the corner and he pointed the out and the cop asked him did he file a report and he said yea so he checked but there was nothing in his file so he said he has to wait till the cop reports it :( , so what should have been done after the fact cause the police didn't help none. and also we just moved here about a week ago so we didn't provoke this in any way. what should i do.