View Full Version : HBO Documentaries: "The Cat Dancers"

Jan 9, 2009, 7:58 AM
I only saw part of the show the other night---but if your cable or satelilte system has HBO On Demand---you can watch the whole film at your leisure and if not---check the schedule for when and on which HBO channels the program is airing in the coming days.

The documentary is about Ron and Joy Holiday---they were known as the "Cat Dancers" and had incorporated their prior ballet dancing skills with putting on shows using large exotic cats and predated Zigfried and Roy doing that---

At one time--they were world famous putting on shows all over the world, with Vegas being their main place.

Later in life---Ron and Joy added Chuck Lizza to their act--and their sexual relationship--so they were pioneers in both entertainment and life---but the story ended tragically when one of their cats--a white tiger--(in seperate but closely timed incidents) killed both Chuck and Joy.

It is a very interesting story that you might be interested in seeing if you can.


Jan 9, 2009, 8:01 AM
I saw that documentary a few weeks ago. I stayed up until 3 in the morning just to watch it haha. It was very good, and made me look at my five cats and go "ok, when can i get a tiger" lol.

it was very sad though. when i listened to him talk and describe his love for the people and the animals in his life, he was so genuine and loving.

Jan 9, 2009, 9:03 AM
It was a good, but tragic story IMO.

One moment can change your life and the lives of those around you.

Jan 9, 2009, 11:29 AM
Having done some stories in past years about the wild sorts of animals that people keep--everything from the more "mundane" like boas and pythons---which over time--do grow big enough to the point that they might not be able to eat you but will sure kill you--to all sorts of poisonous vipers, to alligators and crocs to exotic cats, bears and full blood wolves----those sorts of animals are not meant to be kept by us in cages--and they are like playing with fire--most of the time you can control it--but at some point--you are going to be burnt--or in the case of animals--bitten and with a deadly snake or a big cat---most likely DEAD!!!

In our area---this one area firefighter had a Gabon Pit Viper---the breed of snake with the largest fangs and among the most deadly of venoms---he was bitten by his snake and even though he was given a series of anti-venom serum injections--the damage was done and he died from the bite.

It did seem with the Holidays--they might have been ok had they stuck with pure bred cats--but they set themselves up for tragedy when they got that white tiger---something they knew had to be inbred and most likely an unstable animal.

Jan 9, 2009, 11:49 AM
There is risk to everything we do. The ideal is to manage that risk to an acceptable level.

IMHO I think they took risks that were bound to catch up with them eventually.


Jan 9, 2009, 2:51 PM
Hey Marie? This Cat would never bite you, (not hard anyway) and wouldnt squish you to death either. (Might hug ya ta death, but in a fun way) lol
And you can pet this Cat as much as you like..lol
Hugs Hon.
Great story Voltie.

Jan 9, 2009, 4:53 PM
Hey Marie? This Cat would never bite you, (not hard anyway) and wouldnt squish you to death either. (Might hug ya ta death, but in a fun way) lol
And you can pet this Cat as much as you like..lol
Hugs Hon.
Great story Voltie.
