View Full Version : Chat Trolls

Jan 8, 2009, 5:36 PM
Yes, we have a couple of them that have been frequenting the chat lately. These are rude, inconsiderate, little idjets that probably get on the computer the second Mommy and Daddy get out the house. From the second that are in chat all they do is insult, harress, belittle and run down the chatters that are already there. Just last night I was told that I should: "Go to the old people's Prude room because the young people were going to "Take Over Bisex and turn it into a haven for young Bi-Sexuals" Yeah Dood,, whatever.

And the female half of the Idjet Twins said, "You probably couldnt get any without paying for it in the first place, you fat cunt" Good vocabulary, you learn that in high school?

These are suppost to be young adults, yet they conduct themselves more like pre-teens looking for kicks.

If anyone would like their names, feel free to contact me off board, but most of us chatters know who they are. I just hope they grow up. We go into chat to kick back and relax, act a little silly in a fun way, and be with Friends. We dont need the rudeness and ignorant behavior. Maybe they'll get tired of everybody placing them on ignore as soon as they come into the room. Maybe then they'll learn to act like human beings, and not a pair of adolesent Jack Asses.
Cat :soapbox:

Jan 8, 2009, 5:48 PM
Ugh. And people wonder why I HATE most people my own age. THIS is why.

Jan 8, 2009, 5:56 PM
Just simply put them on ignore. and ignore them. and those that join, invite them to ignore them.

Let them waste their life away talking to themselves, seriuosly.

Jan 8, 2009, 7:02 PM
It's sad that we can't control this. This is a chat room for adults, not a place for disturbed kids have their fun.

Jan 9, 2009, 12:31 AM
every chatroom I have ever been in has had at least one and no matter how you try and just ignore them they are a pain in the ass. good luck

Jan 9, 2009, 1:56 AM
Make it easy on everyone and just post their names. Nothing works on assholes like public humiliation.

Jan 9, 2009, 2:06 AM
Make it easy on everyone and just post their names. Nothing works on assholes like public humiliation.

Judging by what I heard that was said by these two, a public outing would merely thrill them instead of humiliate them. I agree that ignoring them in the chat room is the best policy, but it's a shame that we even have to do that in chat and sometimes it's hard to ignore. I mean, considering they were saying ugly things about individuals, it's difficult to turn a blind eye knowing that unflattering things are being said about you in a public room. Having been the recipient of similar attacks in chat in the past, I acknowledge that I had a very hard time blocking them out and kept watching like I was witnessing some sort of morbid train wreck. BUT...that being said, engaging them is the last thing we need to do...and that merely adds fuel to the already sick fire that seems to provoke these assholes.

Jan 9, 2009, 3:56 AM
I'll send a thousand camel fleas to invade their pubic hair. They'll be busy scratching and plucking for the rest of their lives. LMAO

Jan 9, 2009, 7:22 AM
I don't think the the "trolls" are a they---but one person---our longtime cretin---he must be out of the loony bin and off his meds again----he seems to be getting worse than ever-----I do wonder why he hates the site so though---definitely obsessed with it for some reason!!

Jan 9, 2009, 3:04 PM
I havent seen our resident PITA (Pain In The Ass) in a long while, but these other two are becoming a close 2nd. Ya'll know me..I'm a scrapper and dont take Chit from Nobody, and it bothers me immensely when these mental pygmies attack someone who is considered a wonderful friend of mine. I dont take that kindly. But, logic has to set in and whenever these idjets come into chat again, I will announce "Click Time Boys and Girls", and people can either place their sorry asses on ignore, or put up with their bullying tirads..its up to them.

Cat, endeavoring to be good in the New Year...lol :rolleyes: ;)

Jan 9, 2009, 6:33 PM
I feel we should all thank our lucky stars that the chat rooms are somewhat free of Chuck Norris jokes.

It's just a proof of my old theorum (sp?): Instant Contact + Anonymity = Potential for Jackassery.

Always remember, with great chat comes great responsibility.

I know that I personally love the chat regulars, so for the great majority of y'all that aren't jackasses, thank you.

-DubTak :flag4:

Jan 9, 2009, 6:58 PM
Chuck Norris jokes? I'm lost. And ty for your like of us :}

Jade Pecker
Jan 9, 2009, 7:59 PM
:tongue::tongue:Well, there are jackasses on every site. Just put them on iggy, and they will get tired of being ignored. And I think Chuck Norris jokes are hilarious. My karate instructor does not.:tongue:

Jan 9, 2009, 8:25 PM
I don't see the problem?

I think the chat personally needs some new flavor. Dealing with people I guess is one of those hard attributes to attain.

Jan 9, 2009, 9:25 PM
nah name and shame i say let me at 'em with some brutal British irony I will melt them in seconds then Dark Eyes will swoop in with some of he mad spelling and they will be flamed to hell....:flag1:

Jan 10, 2009, 1:58 AM
I don't see the problem?

I think the chat personally needs some new flavor. Dealing with people I guess is one of those hard attributes to attain.

Delaing with people IS a difficult attribute to attain. Makling a polite entrance is a very good way to begin. I mean, people are here for a vairiety of reasons, some are here to hookup, some to share experiences or get opinions or emo support, others just to vent. Seems like the "youth thread" is all about people here get some casual hookups and don't care about anything else.
On the odd chance that it's not that shallow, then it's simple common sense that it's worthwhile listening to expriences of people who've been where you may be going. EVERY older member here has DONE everything that the younger ones have, and more. Kids are WAY more conservative now--less adventurous and less well informed about what they do try. When you're a virgin and you have sex the first time, tyou think you're an expert, now. After doing it for a decade or two, you realize there's always more to learn.

Don't make mistakes if you can learn from the mistakes of others!

It's always nice to get new flavors in the mix, but sour & bitter aren't the best choices. Got any others?

Jan 10, 2009, 8:07 AM
my technique (NO exceptions btw) for trolls, attention whores, advertisers and whiners:

if a troll (or whatever negative influence) comes in and raises hell I iggy it.

if a FRIEND then fights with the troll, I iggy friend as well. Friend still remains a friend though.

if the whole room starts paying attention to the argument/fight... I leave.

and if the room engages the troll, my experience has been that it will eventually kill this website the way all the other fun places died: highsocietychat, chatmefree, amore, sexchat, on and on.

I don't come here to harm my health with higher blood pressure and anxiety: by times I have more than enough of that at home.

Jan 10, 2009, 1:19 PM
Delaing with people IS a difficult attribute to attain. Makling a polite entrance is a very good way to begin. I mean, people are here for a vairiety of reasons, some are here to hookup, some to share experiences or get opinions or emo support, others just to vent. Seems like the "youth thread" is all about people here get some casual hookups and don't care about anything else.
On the odd chance that it's not that shallow, then it's simple common sense that it's worthwhile listening to expriences of people who've been where you may be going. EVERY older member here has DONE everything that the younger ones have, and more. Kids are WAY more conservative now--less adventurous and less well informed about what they do try. When you're a virgin and you have sex the first time, tyou think you're an expert, now. After doing it for a decade or two, you realize there's always more to learn.

Don't make mistakes if you can learn from the mistakes of others!

It's always nice to get new flavors in the mix, but sour & bitter aren't the best choices. Got any others?

Is it worthwhile to listen to the experiences of other people? I say not, at least not for myself. I found that (and maybe I'm just crazy) other peoples experiences aren't quite the same as what I'll go through, will they have similarities? Oh maybe, maybe the same context but I'm not here to seek some bards wisdom. I can read a book if I'm looking for that.

Conservative, maybe. My generation is still up in the air of what will become of us, maybe it's because of our age. I'm a liberal myself, but what's wrong with a little conservative? A lot of us don't just leap over the river just to get across it, some of us think the process out because really just jumping into the water first really does have some consequences. Was this the wisdom I was suppose to learn?

I'm not defending the people that joined chat, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I give them their right to say what they want, nobody else will do that because they don't like what their saying. Sorry the world doesn't work that way, maybe Obama will bring that change. :rolleyes:

My point is I'm pretty sick of having some elder person come tell me of their life experiences when honestly I don't know if they are telling it for my sake or theirs. Is it because you want to leave your own imprint of wisdom behind so that someone younger may use it? Is it because you think you have something important to say because you've "been there done that?" I'm pretty sure that it is not for my amusement, or to make me OOoO and awe.

Bitter and sour? That's how I eat my chinese and I like it that way, my boyfriend doesn't like it that much but it's all a matter of perspective. :)

Jan 10, 2009, 8:06 PM
Posting in another thread---I see someone I think is our periodic returning troll---this time under the name of "FatherSky"

Jan 11, 2009, 2:32 AM
I feel like i need to say that its not just young adults who are on here for casual hook ups and for getting kicks. i know of several "older" users who do the some of the same things that y'all are saying us young adults are doing. I appologise for the idots of my age who are shallow, but then again.. we are young adults, we don't know everything, but we (and i say we because i know this is how some of my friends feel, but it doesn't mean every one) think that if we act like we know everything, somehow we will seem older. its retarded. i know. but just deal with us and ignore the ones who aren't worth the advil. :kay:

Jan 17, 2009, 11:40 AM
I feel like i need to say that its not just young adults who are on here for casual hook ups and for getting kicks. i know of several "older" users who do the some of the same things that y'all are saying us young adults are doing. I appologise for the idots of my age who are shallow, but then again.. we are young adults, we don't know everything, but we (and i say we because i know this is how some of my friends feel, but it doesn't mean every one) think that if we act like we know everything, somehow we will seem older. its retarded. i know. but just deal with us and ignore the ones who aren't worth the advil. :kay:

yea i agree. there r sum older trolls here who are annoying as hell but there r sum friendly ones too. ingore the annoying young trolls that sneak around here. this site is for all bisexuals.