View Full Version : Freakin' Insomnia...

Dec 31, 2008, 6:56 AM
Insomnia sucks....blergh

I even got a buncha exercise today (skiboarding, which is awesome)! I'm completely exhausted, I took my meds on time...grrr...

I even tried a double shot of Sailor Jerry, no luck. Late night 7-11 run? Nope. Late night cigarette? Bubkes. Wanking? Fun, but no dice on the sleep game.

My brain is running a-mile-a-minute and, as such, I feel like ranting. Not that I have much to rant about...still low on $$...working for my mom b/c the job market blows...ooh, got a new phone! I went a tid bit trigger-happy on the mobile bloggery (dubtak.blogspot.com), but it's just so darn nifty to take a picture and then immediately post it to you blog. Technology be fun, kids!

Hopefully I can sleep soon for there be work in 5 hours...motherdyfuckballs...

Talked to a few hot snowboarders today, that was fun. I love that I can simoltaneously guy-talk about snow sports while chevking out the hypnotic, skatery hotness unique to snowboarderd...sigh...its a shame I too fucking nervous to be open about being bi...I hate being closeted...fucking brain...

I think that's all for tonight (or, moreover, this morning...ew). Hope I didn't keep anyone else up. Misery does love company...and sledgehammers. Ta ra.


Dec 31, 2008, 7:14 AM
Couldnt agree with you more past 2 days ive had 3 hrs sleep :(
Personally i find watching a old preferably black and white film puts me to sleep not because its boring just because it doesnt have all the explosions of modern movies lol.
And i know all about being nervous all i can say is that once you find someone you love you wont be able to contain your joy and you'll want to tell everyone.
(Recent experiance for me)
Anyway hope your insomnia passes :) And happy new year :bigrin:

Dec 31, 2008, 10:52 AM
Couldnt agree with you more past 2 days ive had 3 hrs sleep :(
Personally i find watching a old preferably black and white film puts me to sleep not because its boring just because it doesnt have all the explosions of modern movies lol.

I have found that Perry Mason or Andy of Mayberry (Andy Griffith Show) works wonders. :rolleyes:

Doggie :doggie:

Dec 31, 2008, 2:46 PM
Which medication are you on? Is it a sleeping pill like Lunesta/Ambien? Or something else?

For insomnia I've found that getting on a regular sleep cycle helps and so does exercising a lot during the day (lots of cardio works for me YMMV) also helps a lot, and how even if you're exhausted during the day don't take a nap at all and go to bed earlier.

Also avoid caffeine and cut it off at noon.

Happy new year!

Dec 31, 2008, 2:55 PM
thanks for the input. To answer sort of in order:

I have come out to a good many people (namely my fianceè), its just easier to be a straight man around family, etc.

I'm on anti-anxiety meds that keep me up if I take them too late in the day.

Again, thanks for the feedback.


Dec 31, 2008, 8:08 PM

I had a BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaD case of insomnia a year and change ago. I was up for veritable WEEKS! I was on this site almost 24 hours a day--knew all the day afternoon, and night shift peeps! LOL!!! It was crazy-- hell I was bout loopy for a while. Melatonin capsules work WONDERS, its all natural, sold in micrograms (mcgs), and you CANNOT OD on those puppies. There's a company that makes a Melatonin Tea, it contains chamomile, tastes like oranges, and has a warning label not to operate heavy machinery while drinking it.

Valerian Root Tea ( tho it smells like FEET!!) or even in capsule form ( same on the aroma!) works pretty damn well too. They ALSO are kind enough to include a warning label for that about the heavy mechs.

Thats if you want to go the all natural route.

Insomnia sucks....blergh

I even got a buncha exercise today (skiboarding, which is awesome)! I'm completely exhausted, I took my meds on time...grrr...

I even tried a double shot of Sailor Jerry, no luck. Late night 7-11 run? Nope. Late night cigarette? Bubkes. Wanking? Fun, but no dice on the sleep game.

My brain is running a-mile-a-minute and, as such, I feel like ranting. Not that I have much to rant about...still low on $$...working for my mom b/c the job market blows...ooh, got a new phone! I went a tid bit trigger-happy on the mobile bloggery (dubtak.blogspot.com), but it's just so darn nifty to take a picture and then immediately post it to you blog. Technology be fun, kids!

Hopefully I can sleep soon for there be work in 5 hours...motherdyfuckballs...

Talked to a few hot snowboarders today, that was fun. I love that I can simoltaneously guy-talk about snow sports while chevking out the hypnotic, skatery hotness unique to snowboarderd...sigh...its a shame I too fucking nervous to be open about being bi...I hate being closeted...fucking brain...

I think that's all for tonight (or, moreover, this morning...ew). Hope I didn't keep anyone else up. Misery does love company...and sledgehammers. Ta ra.


Dec 31, 2008, 8:30 PM
Thanx, Vittoria, you're a peach! I've been thinking of trying to find something natural to help me sleep. Rarely get more than 3 hrs sleep a night...hope this works for me, too!

Dec 31, 2008, 9:37 PM
Have this problem regularly. I was recomended to make tea with the leaves of m....
One spoon of choped leaves of (you know what) lemon grass, some normal tea. and a spoon of hooney.
It works for me, after some minutes i sleep very well and a bright in the morning .
Good luck ;)