View Full Version : One Night Stand(s)

Dec 22, 2008, 3:55 PM
Had to share this, its well written and hilarious..:}

Most all of us seek relationships that will be always and forever, but
let's face it ... as adults many of us have had a few encounters that
are closer to "right here, right now".

Which is why I got a chuckle out of the blog entry "A Gentleman's
Guide to the One Night Stand" on a site called Sloshspot.com. Read it
at: http://tinyurl.com/4z2r2a

The author breaks it down into steps:
Step 1: Find Your Target
Step 2: Make Contact
Step 3: Physical Interaction
Step 4: Taking It to the Next Level
Step 5: Closing the Deal
Step 6: Do It
Step 7: Calling It a Night (Morning)
Step 8: Saying Goodbye

In all it's a humorous read, and parts of it are scarily true. What's
your take?

What's the best/worst thing that's happened to you either in your
pursuit of or during/after your one night stand?

P.S.: Please, no moralizing! If you've never had a one night stand or think
they're icky, wait for the next topic :)

Dec 22, 2008, 6:31 PM
Omg more men need to read that...I have had a few jerks after a one nite stand. One actually told me "the sex was amazing now get the fuck out! "

I mean what the hell?? No, don't get me wrong I am not a slut going out just looking for a one night stand, but sometimes they can be rather fun! ITs the mystery of not knowing what you are going to get...

Dec 22, 2008, 9:09 PM
[QUOTE=Cherokee_Mountaincat;117961]Had to share this, its well written and hilarious..:}

Most all of us seek relationships that will be always and forever, but
let's face it ... as adults many of us have had a few encounters that....

I wrote this article- In MY HEAD many years ago. I have ran into some TRUE psychotic stalkers. It' is really only "game theory". You don't need to be mean or a "hunter", but you don't want to be "prey" either. I just prefer that the control be in my hands, until I know someone well enough to give some over. (Such as when and where to call me, the usual dating dating stuff) One night stands can present some big issues if drinking too. Once, when I was @ 25 my sister met me at a local bar that I shot pool at. She brought her very sexy 30 yo girl friend with her. I was always naive, and never got laid unless my inhibitions were down, (: IE drinking) Anyway, my younger sister got drunk, and I took her home to sleep in an extra bdrm. I went back to the bar, and partied some more with my friends and my sis's girlfriend.(not thinking of getting laid). The bar was closing and I asked her GF if she wanted to come back to my place, for a after hrs drink and ended up with her ass in my face, and on top of me, when my sister walked out of the room and saw us! DAMN! was I embarrassed. But the TRUE intent of this rendition is that after all the fun was OVER, and daylight was creepin' in, she told me that she had to run because her BF lived near by her and would notice her car gone! Shit! Also, the dance floor thing is true. I paid for that one too. @ 10 years ago, I walked into a bar simply to get out of the house, and one hot little Hawaiin girl invited me to dance, and while I don't dance-she was CUTE. Anyway I danced with her, and she passed her gum to me.(not dry either) . Within a year, I was assaulted by a guy 6'5". 250. Luckily that night, I had resisted friends notions not to worry about carrying my firearm in a bar. ( I never have) He sucker punched me from behind. I only weighed @170-75. Long story short, dangers abound...

are closer to "right here, right now".

Dec 22, 2008, 10:37 PM
When I was in college, I became the mistress of the (oral) 1-night stand. . . My main mistake was going straight for the Alpha.

I don't think that's changed in me a bit though.:tongue:
