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View Full Version : Living vicariously through others

Dec 11, 2008, 10:04 AM
During my sexual awakening, at an early age, I was a typical self-serving, selfish child and totally into my own desires and thoughts. My whole life was about ME....which is typical, I think.

In my mid and later teens, I became somewhat more interested in others' feelings, but basically I was still number one in my book. Sexual relationships with others were readily available and life seemed to be catering to me.

In my early 20s, I met and spent a little over a year with one who changed my life. She was much older, was bisexual and had no apologies for it. A student of human behavior,she took me to new heights of pleasure and awareness. For the first time in my life, I began to understand the reason for pleasing your loved ones in both mental and physical ways. The immediate results were magnificent and I will always thank her for that education.

As I grew, matured and aged, relationships with both sexes were planted, grew and blossomed. Life, for the most part, was good!

As I grew into middle age, I experienced some of the most magnificent and delicious relationships of my life.

Now, I'm in my later 60s and instead of having the future to look forward to, I find myself spending more time communicating with others on a list of subjects. I am very lucky to have a few friends, with whom I have very private and discrete discussions. For the first time in my life, I am sharing their lives and loves, without participating in their physical endeavors.

At last, my virility sometimes fails me, but maintaining contact with other decent, caring, and intelligent bisexuals is, and has been, a pleasure for me. As I approach the twilight of my life, I still have precious memories and admiration for those who like me, lived in a society who never really understood, or even liked us.

I enjoy most of the things I read, here and, even if I don't agree, or understand, the thought processes that drive some, I am often motivated to think, remember, and mull over, the various subjects.

I just wanted to thank those who have responded to my remarks and posts. I'm happy to have found this site and a few new friends. too.

Dec 11, 2008, 6:19 PM

Dec 11, 2008, 10:16 PM

Even though you have most recently joined our ranks, you have become a most valued contributor to the threads. Your comment and reflections have made a most remarkable impression upon many, inparticular me. Insight from life experiance given to those who are in the midst of their lives from one with true feelings is a most welcome gift to offer others.

I look forward to reading many more threads and posts from you.


Dec 12, 2008, 6:10 AM
At last, my virility sometimes fails me...... Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....am NOT growin old....:eek:

Dec 12, 2008, 7:57 AM
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....am NOT growin old....:eek:
Speakin 2 me partner on me mobbie a lil earlier, Realist hun, she gave me a lil slap on the wrist for this.. seems me makin lite a summat she feels is quite important.. dunno wy she got so het up cos she knos how me feels bout gettin old.. it scares the poop outa me.. the virility crack merely bein a representation a summat which has always played on me mind.

Please don get me rong.. me found ya post very touchin an quite luffly.. kinda a warm glow a the Autumn years lookin bak ova ya life wiv sum fondness.. an that is important 2 me.. but the actuality a growin old..an wot is means dus gimme the jitters..

Am not yet 30, hav a life me luffs an enjoys it wiv ghusto.. rite up 2 ya comments bout middle age me cud happily go long wiv me thinks.. its not the thot a bein infirm, or borin the world wiv reminiscence..even tho me is a "lil" vain an spoilt its not even the thotta gettin wrinkles an grey hair.. tho mus admit.. the thotta keepin me teeth in a glass at the sida the bed at nite scares the poop outa me.. so betta look afta the toothy pegs hadn me? An me dus.. 2 things scare me bout growin old.. 1 is lookin like me Gran.. believe me.. pics a me gran at my age...she IS me.. part from the droggie fashion an hair style.. we didn get on an she wos an ole harridan who me neva wonts 2 emulate in ne way, shape or form.. short a payin out a bomb 2 have me looks changed not much me can do on that score.. cept make sure that wen me is old..if me livs that long...me don dress up in the even droggier kit she wore wen a lil ole lady. It sounds shallow..an sounds flippant 2 many... an is me sposes but is important 2 me.. thing me tryin 2 say reely is that me scared a losin me vibrancy..me lust for life.. me enjoyment of the things wich make life worth livin... don think that flippant..

The second thing me shit scared wiv growin old..is the increasinly limited future me will hav.. hav always looked forward.. long way forward an all..not jus 2 next week or next year.. ther so much me wonna do..so many things me wonts 2c.. an wen me gets ole..then so mucha that personal hope vanishes inta the mist.. me hopes for the world will always stay wiv me..but find a bit depressin that me won b round 2 c em.. but can liv wiv that cos me knos that ther will b betta peeps afta me who will sort that out.. but me personal hopes..me personal dreams..things me wonts jus for mesel.. is that rong? Mayb it is.. but for 1 who is always optimistic an luffs life, fun, enjoyment a the livin a that life.. that limited future holds absolutely no appeal woteva...

Mayb me will change as the years pass by.. dunno..but for now.. am livin me life as me always has.. by takin it in me arms an holdin on 2 it an everythin it hasta offer.. an luffin (almos) every minute of it...

Dec 12, 2008, 9:48 AM
Ah Fran, you speak to everyone's fears. I used to work in a hospital as an occupational therapist, before I blew my back, but that's another story. Working primarily with the geriatric set all day, with a few younger folks who came in for hand therapy, I learned a great deal about aging.

Yes, the body itself changes as we age. You can do a certain amount to reduce those changes by living healthy, but not entirely. I once had a female client that was pushing 80 and had the figure of a 30 year old, none of which was silicone.

Attitude seemed to me to be the kicker. I had a 99 year old woman who had her hips replaced because she could only walk one of her german shepherds at a time, so they only got a 5 mile walk each, not both 10 miles.

And I had 20 somethings with injuries that couldn't be bothered to move, if it hurt or not, and were dead in the mind also.

The folks who wanted to keep learning new things, do new things, were mentally and physically active, stay young. It is your choice.

Think back to when you were a child. Did you have a grandparent, or some friend of your parents that wanted to play with you? Learn a new game? Compare them to other folks you knew. Therein lies your answer.

Dec 12, 2008, 10:07 AM
Hi! I'm about your age and I've found that while I appeal less and less to women, I appeal more and more to men. My last M2W sex was with my thirty-one year old girlfriend five years ago. Since then I've enjoyed men exclusively. I've come to prefer men. I like to spend lots of time on a guy's cock every way I can. There are literally thousands of guys in their fifties and later whose wives have dropped sex and are ripe for the plucking.


Dec 12, 2008, 10:31 AM
Thank you all for your comments! I have loved this site, since I first found it, and each time I visit, I learn new and interesting things. Some of the characters here are priceless and I look for them as soon as I sign on.

Basically, I'm an old gentleman with concern for others' feelings and desires. I'm not one to create waves, but I do have my definite interests and limits. There are often posts of no interest to me and thoughts and desires not in tune with mine. But, the beauty of Bisexuality.com is, you can select what is interesting and ignore the rest. "Different strokes, for different folks", as they say.

I can understand the fear of growing old. Strangely, at this time of my life, I have accepted my fate with an attitude that I will squeeze the most out of every day, while attempting to stop worrying, whining, and grumbling, about things I have no ability to change. There are some good things still going on and still a possibility for a new and unique experience to occur.

Of course, I reflect on times gone by, with both fondness and chagrin that I didn't at times make better choices. "What was mostly ahead, is mostly behind!"......as my old friend said, who's weight moved from her top to her bottom!

Ah, but what a bottom it was!

I wish you all peace and contentment....'nuff said.