View Full Version : Body Part Poll for Bisexual folks

Jan 9, 2006, 11:19 PM
To all people who find both genders attractive,

What body parts most attract you of each respective gender? Is it the same body part?

With women, I'm definitely the stereotypical Superbowl Sunday man: I love breasts and that nice little juncture, seen from the back, where a woman's buttocks and inner thighs curve together....

With men, I guess the biggest thing that catches my attention is the torso. Ideally, thick.

How bout others? Does anyone have the same body part preference in BOTH genders?


PS. For some reason, I love brown-eyed women with long dark hair, but I dig blue-eyed men with blond buzzcuts.

Jan 9, 2006, 11:41 PM
With women, pretty face and a great ass. Blondes with blue eyes, and Brunettes with dark eyes , nice smiles. Legs with muscle definition. With men, fitness is huge........tightness all over. But the bottom line with men, excuse the pun, is the penis. It has to well kept, nicely shaped, and beautiful.

IOW, Women-face , then ass
Men-tight bod, then penis (now that was a mouthful!)

Jan 9, 2006, 11:53 PM
on both men and women, the eyes might be the common denominator.. if they're bright, lively, and honest, yeah i'll fall into them almost everytime..BUT normally;

women, dark hair, nice curves, and legs that go up and up and make an ass of themselves :bigrin:

men, the way they carry themselves, and a nice butt.

Jan 10, 2006, 12:03 AM
Hey richard, what is that pic under your username? I 'think ' it looks pretty cool, but please confirm.

Jan 10, 2006, 1:09 AM
As far as the physical attraction goes:

On women: The breast cuz I am a breast man. I also have this thing for cute backs... :tong:

On men: The chest and nipples and thier butts... :tong: :paw: :paw:

Jan 10, 2006, 4:37 AM
On women for me it is the eyes then the boobs, if that is pleasurable then I look at the ass.

For men it is the eyes as well then the crotch wondering what their cock is like.

Jan 10, 2006, 7:50 AM
I subscribe to the idea that when it comes to tits anything over a handful is a waste. I love ass on a woman and the inward and downward curve is simply divine, as for men the bulge baby the bulge...pulling down a man's shorts is just like unwrapping a christmas present...ya never know what you will get but if you're lucky it will be nice :tong:

Jan 10, 2006, 2:48 PM
It's so interesting how some people really think about cock when they think about men. I always find it more interesting to see their whole body and how it fits together.

I should add, too, that I'm a big fan of eyes, like Richard. They aren't necessarily my top priority, but whatever I do with a man or woman, I want to see their eyes while I'm doing it.

Jan 10, 2006, 2:53 PM
well to quote a lesbian (actually bisexual but we won't tell her that LOL) friend of mine...she said once, "I love cock, too bad there's usually a dick attached. " LOL LOL LOL!!!

Jan 10, 2006, 2:54 PM
I just noticed they have me listed as a senior member....I hope thats not :eek: a reference to my age :( :eek:

Jan 10, 2006, 3:28 PM
What body parts most attract you of each respective gender? Is it the same body part?

:flag4: :male: With either sex, I find it difficult to pick a favorite body part until I get to know them and what turns them on. While I enjoy full nudity at the beach, a sheer gown or robe is much more visually erotic than the bare body. I like both extremes of pubic hair in women, but prefer a man to have a normal growth. Either sex can be depiliated, but shaving aften leaves a stubble that scratches my face. A bare vulva can be nicer to lick, but I also like to rub my face in a woman's full beard.
Things that turn me on and, in turn, become favorites, on a woman: small breasts with large nipples that are of themself erogenous, a sparsely hairy vulva and mons with a large clitoris peaking out is an invitation to suck. I have know women who were turned on by having me suck their toes and run my tongue between them. Their turn-ons were a turn-on to me, and i have orgasmed while a woman did while I sucked her clit.
With men, it becomes a bit more basic. I like sensitve nipples and cocks. A cock needn't be erect to be sucked to orgasm.
With either sex, I like a healthy, fit body. Both obesity and anorexia are anything but erotic, whether in a man or a woman.

Jan 10, 2006, 6:04 PM
My favorite body parts: females: the legs are probably my favorite female body part---nice firm shapely legs, small breasts are my fav as far as the other parts are concerned---not that I don't care for a big set either. While I have dated a number of blondes over the years--my favorite look for a lady-is nice dark hair, darker skin and brown eyes.

While it is nice to look at a great looking woman or man--with both---the most important thing I like is what is not physical---I try to sense whether a person seems to be a friendly and considerate person--and not to just those they are with--it is a turn of when I get the vibe from someone that they want me and everyone else to go "fuck off and die"--that they are not pouty, pissed off, too fearful or conceited and self-centered. The person can be physically beautiful but if he or she has a bad countenance--I'm not interested. They can be an average or less so, Joe or Jane, but if they have some humanity, warmth and compassion for others--then I am turned on.

Male body parts--the overall package of how the guy presents himself--that is with his clothes on--when they are off--I do like to see what the cock looks like and a nice firm mid-section is nice too---while I don't have that anymore--it is something I aim to have once again. For guys-- I do prefer sandy blond and blue or green eyes. Nicely muscled.

Jan 10, 2006, 10:39 PM
Geez....in women I like it all lol! breasts, butt, legs, eyes. Now I have a preference for women that are slightly above average in size but generally all shapes and sizes I like. I don't think there are many guys like me who feel that way. Do any of you guys out there feel that way? For guys I melt when I see a cock that turns me on so I guess I have to say thats the body part that does it for me. Generally body parts do not matter as much as the whole package - mind included. Yah know what I mean?

Jan 10, 2006, 11:10 PM
Brunettes, high cheek bones, and Tits! :bigrin:

And with men it doesn't hurt if they have a well developed upper body, narrow waist and a tool they can cut diamonds with. :tong:

Jan 10, 2006, 11:36 PM

Hey, I agree with you on the bigger-than average woman. I love bouncy tits and an ass for days. Nothing can replace that. And it's nice to see a hippy woman with big thighs.

It's funny that so many people are into cocks. I just couldn't care less about dicks, I wonder why. For me a man is his torso, and maybe his calves and feet... It's also funny how many of us like female brunettes. We are all defying the stereotypes, I guess.


PS. How come now women have said what they like about bodies?

Lisa (va)
Jan 11, 2006, 1:29 AM
OK Johnny,

Men and women, it's not so much a particualar body part but the way they carry themselves. But that aside i suppose, by past experiences, the most common factor was darker hair, with maybe a little grey (especially in men).

Women, I also look at how they are dressed for the specific occasion or place, not sure I care for those that overdress to impress.

Men, I prefer those that wear clothes that fit, hate seeing guys with their britches hanging below their a** or those with very tight clothes.

And I also think it is more sensual when a little is left to the imagination.


hugs n kisses

Jan 11, 2006, 1:52 PM
To all people who find both genders attractive,

What body parts most attract you of each respective gender? Is it the same body part?

Men- Nice tight ass, bigger the better, and muscled chest and abs. I am not much for Dicks or balls. Funny thing is, because of this my GF thinks I am a total Lesbian :)

Women- OMG what don't I like? I love a big booty, I like every kind of breast, from small and danty to big and busty. I love the Curves of a woman from behind, too.


Jan 11, 2006, 2:48 PM
[QUOTE=12voltman59][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=3][FONT=Garamond][B]My favorite body parts: females: the legs are probably my favorite female body part---nice firm shapely legs, small breasts are my fav as far as the other parts are concerned---not that I don't care for a big set either.

I have to agree about the small breasts. Something that will fit in my hands.

Male body parts--the overall package of how the guy presents himself--that is with his clothes on--when they are off--I do like to see what the cock looks like and a nice firm mid-section is nice too.

For me it is primarily the cock. I think they are gorgeous--big ones, small ones, thick/thin, any color and flavor, hard and soft. I love cock!

Jan 11, 2006, 3:49 PM
It's not a part really for me....I like that curve a well balanced woman (not talkin' Barbie here neither!) has from right in front of her arm where it connects to the torso all the way down to the hip.
For either gender clear eyes will make me melt, whether bright blue, chocolate brown, or leafy green.
Men....honestly not a big fan of the penis....I like good strong shoulders and defined, but not over-done pecs.

Jan 11, 2006, 6:01 PM
I find myself being attracted to the same type of male and female. I like dark hair and dark eyes. Funny tho I found a man that loves me with all his heart and I love him also......He has red hair and blue eyes.....go figure :confused:

Jan 11, 2006, 6:47 PM
I really like a nice backside. I want something I can grab hold of. A smile that goes all the way to the eyes totally does my head in. And that's for both men and women. Yummy! :tongue: :suave:

Jan 11, 2006, 8:06 PM
I decided to reply to this, even though I'm str8! :eek:

Therefore my body parts preference will only be a males. :male:

I like the torso. I like to see the hard chest and big shoulders and nothing better than some muscle on the arms. Moving on down to the package is next. :bigrin: And I love someone with a sense of humor. Add all those together and you have the perfect male for me.

And for me, that perfect male is Flounder?? :rolleyes:

Jan 11, 2006, 11:35 PM
for both it definitely is the eyes. The right eyes and you've got me.

Beyond that I am, I guess, a little unusual in that for females I am not a big (lol) fan of big tits. I like smaller ones and I focus on the pussy and inner thighs (ah, heaven). I could lick a pussy for hours and maybe days. For males, most definitely its the cock. Must be cut and preferably big with generous balls. I don't really get into chests, hair, muscles, etc., just a nice clean cock.

Jan 12, 2006, 1:41 AM
Women: Eyes and tits. Like big boobies and beautiful come fuck me eyes.

Men: Cock and ass, lloks for guys are not important to me, neither is size. But I know what I like.

Cheers :cool:

meteast chick
Jan 12, 2006, 12:13 PM
I love MEN and WOMEN with cheek dimples, if you want to get specific. Yes, I'm talking about the face. I'm a sucker for light skin, light eyes and dark hair.
It is imperative that they take good care of themselves and treat themselves and others with respect.

MEN: Not overbuff. I love strong arms and hands, and love men with a nice round shapely ass.

WOMEN: Don't care for gonzo breasts. NO olive oyl skinny chicks: Notice to women; if you look like you have an eating disorder, you probably won't get laid.

Jan 12, 2006, 12:21 PM

That's so funny. I don't know why skinny disorders are so prevalent when it's so obvious that everyone who likes to sleep with women -- men and lesbians and bi women -- doesn't find skinniness all that nice to look at or get laid with.

These comments have been so informative--thanks to everyone!


Jan 12, 2006, 6:22 PM
It has been really interesting to read what others find attractive physically in another person.
I too am very attracted to men or women who have face dimples. It lights up their face whether it is one-sided or two-sided.
Eyes are the window to the soul and crystal clear blue eyes are quite the turn-on. Funny that the woman I love has beautiful expressive brown eyes.
Having said that, I love breasts but specifically nipples. Most huge breasts have an undefined nipple and that is really a turn-off for me. I much prefer smaller breasts with great nipples.
On men I would say that I like a hairy guy that is not TOO overweight. I am not into rolly-polly bears but a hairy chest and stomach just really makes me hard. Finally, I like a guy that is cut; I just can't do foreskin.

Jan 17, 2006, 3:31 PM
Cocks and asses on men,every single inch of a woman.

Jan 17, 2006, 5:49 PM
There is nothing more alluring on a man than his eyes. To be able to glaze in and see the depths of his soul is so incredible. By venturing into those eyes one can get lost on an adventure which has no bounds. Light, day, sun or darkness, joy or sadness. When I look in a mans eyes, I see nothing else. I am where I want to be.


Jan 18, 2006, 3:23 PM
I like:

Male: smooth thighs, shaved pubic area and nicely sized cock. I don't like monster cocks. 7" is great for me. A nicely tanned guy is also very attractive and a guy must look after himself and be well groomed.

Female: I like thick set vagina's. By that I mean, she must have thick pussy lips and trimmed or shaved. I prefer trimmed to shaved. I'm not turned on at all by skinny woman.


Jan 18, 2006, 6:20 PM
So who decided that men and women should be the perfect "Ken and Barbie" anyway? It seems from most posts here that everyone likes something different and few, if any, have described the Ken and Barbie type, even for specific body parts. My preferences have always been for the everyday type man or woman who is not "perfect" in physique. I just love the varieties of shapes and personalities of men and women that we all encounter every day. Naturally there is a certain body type that initially attracts me but generally I like them all.

Jan 20, 2006, 3:43 AM
my guess is we tend to like what we have got in the past- but ignoring that
I find the cocks and cunts boring

women - more than average tit and I am tragic
men - backs from the crack to the neck

I was sitting up in bed with the wife showing her pictures of butts i liked
after 10 minutes of this she said 'babe all those butts you just showed me were backs"

whoops - "i have been outed by the wife" :bigrin:

P.S i know about posture eyes etc but the question was about body parts

Jan 20, 2006, 4:11 AM
So who decided that men and women should be the perfect "Ken and Barbie" anyway? It seems from most posts here that everyone likes something different and few, if any, have described the Ken and Barbie type, even for specific body parts. My preferences have always been for the everyday type man or woman who is not "perfect" in physique. I just love the varieties of shapes and personalities of men and women that we all encounter every day. Naturally there is a certain body type that initially attracts me but generally I like them all.

But what do you think of "uncut" men. Surely they are not perfect and the most "natural" of all? And are certainly a different "variety". And certainly in Europe and Britain the "uncut" man is the everyday man, circumcision not having been routine for more than 30 years in Britain at least and on the continent, like forever. Currently there is a huge number of younger men nowadays within the last 20 years who are uncut as this "natural" trend has come to Canada. As circumcision is deemed no longer a medical necessity. Any thoughts?

Jan 20, 2006, 4:28 AM

That's so funny. I don't know why skinny disorders are so prevalent when it's so obvious that everyone who likes to sleep with women -- men and lesbians and bi women -- doesn't find skinniness all that nice to look at or get laid with.

These comments have been so informative--thanks to everyone!

Sleeping with a skinny, bony body may not be all that nice to cuddle into or having wonderful, rollicking sex, but I don't know if it's "so obvious" that men don't like women who are skinny. America's own Braddy Pitt, does NOT like larger women, precisely because it dwarfs him (and probably deflates his penis) and did not Nicole Kidman -- skinny woman that she is -- say that after leaving Tommy Boy she was FINALLY able to wear heels again? Same phobia. LOTS of skinny women get laid by men, str8 or otherwise and women. The phenomenon of skinniness has more to do with the media and perception of what the "ideal" body proportions for a woman should be.

Jan 20, 2006, 7:29 AM
But what do you think of "uncut" men. Surely they are not perfect and the most "natural" of all? And are certainly a different "variety". And certainly in Europe and Britain the "uncut" man is the everyday man, circumcision not having been routine for more than 30 years in Britain at least and on the continent, like forever. Currently there is a huge number of younger men nowadays within the last 20 years who are uncut as this "natural" trend has come to Canada. As circumcision is deemed no longer a medical necessity. Any thoughts?

I've never been with an "uncut" man. I'm circumcized and I guess I'm naturally attracted to circumcized cocks. Just like I'm shaved smooth, almost average size and very attracted by the same. I suppose once I experience the pleasure of an uncut cock I'll feel the attraction.

Jan 20, 2006, 10:24 AM
One Word sums it all up for me:


Oh how i love lips!!!!

Love, Lick and Lollypops to all,

Jan 20, 2006, 11:58 AM
Really into smiles and a pleasing face. I like the ass of both genders. Love the curves of a woman. Much more into dark hair than light.

Love breast and nipples. The pussy is a wonderful place to be. and again the ass :). Love a trimmed bush but anywhere on the shaved to bushy range is fine with me.

The cock, size does not seem to matter that much. And the ass (surprise).

I am uncut and like uncut and cut cocks. Foreskins can be alot of fun :) I think there are still alot of misconceptions about foreskins. If anyone wants to ask me about mine feel free ;) Perhaps we can arrange a demonstration. The women I have been with were surprised to see that I was uncut but they seemed to really get to like it once they got past the surprise.

I know this was about body parts but for me someone can be very appealing physically but a total turn off when they have no personality. The whole package counts for more than the sum of its parts IMO.

Jan 20, 2006, 12:19 PM
When it comes down to it, don't we all like the partners we are with because of personality, heart and soul? I love a person with a sense of humor and wonderful personality. That right there makes a person beautiful! Then you add in the eyes which shows you their entire being. :bigrin:

I am NOT into skinny people either, complete turn off to me. I want meat on the bones. My husband was "uncut" when I met him and married him. For medical reasons he got "cut". I was happy either way, but I must say I do really like him "cut". :rolleyes:


Jan 20, 2006, 4:48 PM
Sleeping with a skinny, bony body may not be all that nice to cuddle into or having wonderful, rollicking sex, but I don't know if it's "so obvious" that men don't like women who are skinny. America's own Braddy Pitt, does NOT like larger women, precisely because it dwarfs him (and probably deflates his penis) and did not Nicole Kidman -- skinny woman that she is -- say that after leaving Tommy Boy she was FINALLY able to wear heels again? Same phobia. LOTS of skinny women get laid by men, str8 or otherwise and women. The phenomenon of skinniness has more to do with the media and perception of what the "ideal" body proportions for a woman should be.

:flag4: :male: When I was younger I was 6' 1" and weighed only 135# so I was really skinny! I preferred partners who were a bit meatier becaus I was afraid of getting bones chipped it our hips banged together whe we fucked. :flag4:

Jan 20, 2006, 4:56 PM
i love a woman's eyes, hair and her ass. nice tits are a bonus but a nice full round butt that is sensitive to my touch is hard to beat and irresistable to me.

on a man, it's all about his cock and the flat stomach above it. i dont' find men particularly attractive, but i love a nice hard thick cock.

Jan 20, 2006, 4:56 PM
When it comes down to it, don't we all like the partners we are with because of personality, heart and soul? I love a person with a sense of humor and wonderful personality. That right there makes a person beautiful! Then you add in the eyes which shows you their entire
being. :bigrin:

How true! Sex is great, but there come times when you (or at least I) just want to be with someone. That requires that there be some basis for conversation. Perhaps after years together, we can simply sit and be together, but some intercourse other than sexual is a must.[/

I am NOT into skinny people either, complete turn off to me. I want meat on the bones. My husband was "uncut" when I met him and married him. For medical reasons he got "cut". I was happy either way, but I must say I do really like him "cut". :rolleyes:

:tongue: I was cut when I was 21 because some grit caused an irritation under my foreskin and I swelled way up and was sore as hell. I've never regretted it.

:flag4: :male:

Jan 22, 2006, 6:50 AM
For me, I love the feel of a womans soft skin and shape from head to toe. For men, it's definately hair on the chest and his cock and balls and what comes out of them. :)

Jan 22, 2006, 12:49 PM
I have always been a leg man when it comes to women.
Long well formed legs are a big turn on :female:

I like men with a large chest.
But attitude is important too :male:

Jan 23, 2006, 12:07 AM
This is an interesting one for me.

I love everything about women, and I've always been able to find something lovely about each kind of woman as long as they have a good personality (and a strong sex drive!). Brunettes & redheads top the list (hm), Generally I like athletic bods, but I can get into thew bounce & heft of a weightier woman. Love a wet, responsive pussy of any sort, but piercings & big clits make my mouth water.

Looking at guys is trickier. I haven't had much experience with bisexuality and I am working to get past my heterosexuality and allow my body to respond to oth sexes equally, if I want to get anywhere. I masturbate a bit more than I used to and only to gay or bisexual porn. At first I could only cum looking at the cock, but as I'm getting on, I gradually got comfortable looking at the body, but for a long time, I had to force the orgasm if I could see a man's face. Lately. I'm able to enjoy it all, and work on looking at the face to get me off, thinking of kissing & touching instead of just sucking the cock. Oddly, enough, I now find myself geting hard at certain guys I pass in the street the way I do with women. What's surprised me the most it I'm now turned on at things that I didn't think I would be, and don't find attractive (ie; musclemen). Like I can't control it, which is kind of hot.

Regarding penises, I love looking at large cock, particularly shaved & uncut. When actually sucking, size isn't really important.

Jan 23, 2006, 4:40 PM
Wow... what a question. As far as men... I like beautiful eyes, long lashes (but not fake) are a big plus. I love a good sense of humor and a great personality. And on women, I love a woman that is not too thin, but not too awful thick either! Legs legs legs.... Maybe because mine are short!! I like long legs. And in both sexes, I prefer people that are taller than me. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't want an amazon chick, but taller (it's not hard to be taller than me, by the way!!) Men all the way up to 6'5" or 6'6"... I like to feel small :)

But all in all... looks are waaaay *less* important to me than your mind, personality, sense of humor and the way you treat me. I guess I turned that way after my terrible marriage (which ended almost 5 years ago!!!!!) I crushed hard on him in high school because he was "hot".... it didn't get me anything but beat up on numerous occasions and 2 beautiful children that he doesn't even help take care of. Not that all beautiful people are like this (I am not, LOL) but it just takes more to impress me than looks. Ok, I'm done rambling now........ Luv ya all, Angie :2cents:

Jan 23, 2006, 4:56 PM
The body part that does it for us both are the eyes. It doesn't matter what color they are but you can tell alot about a person by their eyes and who they are. That's what brought us together and we are still staring into them :love1:.
After that for her, she likes:
On women- breasts, lips and curves
On men- arms, penis

For me (the male):
On women and men- the part I'm working on at that particular moment, eventually the whole package, i don't want to leave anything out and rarely do...

:male: :female: :bipride:

Have you hugged your bi-friend today??

Jan 24, 2006, 7:06 AM
For both sexes the way a person presents themselves, a self-assured attitude is extremely attractive.

Men: I love hair around the nipples and the line of hair that travels from the belly button to the pelvis.

Women: I love curves and wavy hair

Jan 29, 2006, 2:28 AM
With men, definitely the whole body package - and a strong face. Definitely not a big beer belly (yerk!) :eek:

Women - less tangible. Its more (for me) the intellect that first attracts. Tho I do like long wavy hair and perhaps I do have a predeliction for a nice "curvy" backside.
Suprisingley (I think I am in a minority here) I like to discover that the shaver hasn't been used "down there." I LURVE au naturel.

Jan 29, 2006, 11:05 AM
The men and woman I find attractive are the one's that walk with their heads up and live their life respecting others. At the same time not afraid to tell the assholes of the world to fuck off to their face. "I love people that stand up for themselves". But as for the physical this is what I like most.
Slightly chubby woman and vagina
Short guys and penis

Jan 29, 2006, 2:33 PM
I agree with you inthewoods....there is something incredibly sexy about confidence.

As for body parts...so far there has only been one woman for me, and her eyes drive me wild. The way the start to smoulder with passion when she is turned on....OMG. To be honest...every part of her body is great, but her eyes are so sexy.

With men I like muscular arms, asses, backs and chests. It does something for me to grab a hard ass.....oh and I love a chest with just a little bit of hair. And of course penis..

Jan 29, 2006, 10:24 PM
I like:

Male: Blonde, blue eyed, fit but not big muscled, tall, must kiss like a lover and be able to show my pussy one fucking good time. Oh, and he must know what to do with his dick~

Female: Sweet, natural, light blonde, any color eyes as long as warm and bright. Someone who has a touch that will send me to the moon and cares for me deeply.

Jan 29, 2006, 11:04 PM
With girls I am a hard come butt man. Yummy! With guys, well dish me up a big, thick cock, thick being the operative word! Size does matter, length not so much. Of course I don't want a 2 inch dick, but anything over six is allright by me as long as I have a tough time getting it into my mouth!

Jan 30, 2006, 12:24 AM
for me, it's about the same for men and women. i prefer dark hair, and the eyes are wonderful, but i think that the fave part for me would have to be the butt. cause even if they're gorgeous-they have to have a great butt!!! :2cents:

Jan 30, 2006, 3:20 AM
Women: Their smile and eyes. They're the windows to the soul.

Men: A cute smile and honest eyes...

I don't like much body hair on either women or men.

Where I differ on my likes in women and men is I like a woman at least in her 40's. For men I like a guy in his early 20's. A cute smile on a hard flat torso that leads to a rock hard cock that's still strong enough to shoot across the room is what my fantasies are made of.

I guess I'm a bit different than most guys here b/c cock size really doesn't matter to me.

Jan 30, 2006, 11:31 AM
I like butts and no hair!

Jan 31, 2006, 1:21 AM
This is a hard one. I like to take in the whole person. How they carry themselvies, their voice, the way they smile. But if I have to pick body parts....

Men - nice tight buns, not overly hairy chest, eyes and hands.

Women - breast without regard to size, natural pubic area, and nice butt.

Jun 27, 2006, 11:49 PM
Haha! This thread is another blast from the past....

I thought it might be fun to bring it to the top of the list, in case any of the new members have anything to add about it.


Jun 28, 2006, 5:22 AM
ok after thinking long and hard about this....i realised that my favourite part of a person depends on their best feature...(thats not as shallow as it sounds i swear)
With my ex b/f i loved his eyes, they're this gorgeous green colour and he has such pretty eyelashes hehe, with my ex g/f i liked the curve of where her neck joins her shoulders....As for my current g/f...hehe well i love it all :bigrin:

If both the man and woman are fit and toned then i love the V shape created by their torsos connceting with their hips....it's like a little directional arrow or sexy little soft valleys leading to something wonderful...

Ahem.... :cool:

Jun 28, 2006, 6:15 AM
hmm..hard to say . . for guys i can right now easily tell cause i gotta man at the moment and i love his chest most , just cause its very masculin but without hair - which is so important for me . .
with most man it is their throat i really like too , cause its mostly smooth and kissable :tong: also you always gotta lie there when you wanna rest on him or sleep or anything , at least i do - so the place gets familiar . :bigrin:

with girls its harder to say, their bodies are much more different from each other. . maybe breast ? maybe the inside of their upper leg ? may when they have nice little tummys i like it most . . jap :)

Jun 28, 2006, 8:08 AM
lord! so much choice that its hard to be specific but I guess the following...

Women its nipples! big and the puffier the better - all the better to suck. I prefer small tits that stand up and say 'hello!' oh and inner thighs for their smooth pathway to intimacy.. :impleased

with men its a tan, eyes like Johnny Depp ( i can but dream) and a nice uncut cock because the foreskin adds mystery and tells me he has a sensitive tip to be handled carefully! size isn't important but a deep purple shiny cockhead has me all moist in seconds... :rotate:

Jun 28, 2006, 12:06 PM
It's a well established fact that I am strange, so I am rarely awe struck by anyone of either sex physically. In order for someone to attract my attention, they really must capture my attention with wit, intellegence and talent.

However, being human, those who do catch my eye physically all do it with expressive eyes and a captivating smile--and that goes for either sex.

And for both sexes, it's the torso that gets me everytime, and a nice firm butt. Of course, I usually am only attractive physically to people that would never look my way in the first place and I find myself initially getting hot for people who are physically my opposite--in other words blonde, lythe and confident.

Don't really care about dick or breast size. I agree with the "anything over mouthful is wasted" cliche, and as far as dicks go--I'm just gonna flip em over anyway so, what's the big deal?

The one attribute that each sex has the other doesn't that gets me is for women, a long smooth neck; and for guys, it's a light hairy chest and belly (especially blondes--rare I know, how WOW!).

And to be totally honest, I really love belly buttons. Okay, there is said it!

Jun 28, 2006, 12:11 PM
on both sexes:

The "Adonis" crease, where the rib cage ends the the body gracefully curves down to meet the legs.

Roan's Man
Jun 28, 2006, 1:56 PM
Everything, really. This is tough, but on both sexes -- tummies. And if you're a man with a pierced belly button and nice jewelry dangling from it, I am on my knees for you!

Jun 28, 2006, 2:03 PM
For me its the whole package female or male.The way a person presents themselves is more important the Ken and Barbies look nice but most know it and usually make sure you do to. Give me just regular people beer gut and cellulite who are looking for fun and i'm happy

Jun 28, 2006, 4:39 PM
As for me, in women, I like small to medium size breasts with puffy nipples. Flat nipples do nothing for me!
In men, I preffer a clean, shaven penis.
That's my 2 cent's worth!

Jun 28, 2006, 5:14 PM
Perhaps I am odd, but so mote it be. I enjoy whole people, not merely parts of people. Things which turn me off are those gone to an unhealthy extreme.

A few extra pounds is alright on most. That does not mean I go looking for
cattle, nor does it mean the inverse. Toothpick people are bothersome. "How can I hug them without breaking them?"

Also not one for abusive types, or taker only people. One thing I always pay attention to is the eyes. It is good if a person can converse well, over two minutes on an interesting subject, too. People would do good to remember sex is great, sure, but it is not all their is to life.

I have no preference of body parts, on either of the sexes. If I am attracted, I am. If not, then I'm not. May appear simple to some, but it suits me.

Jun 29, 2006, 5:23 AM
The bumhole, both sexes. It's funny though because I'm not sure if anal sex would be too tight for me even with a condom, but still.

Jun 29, 2006, 7:45 AM
Give me just regular people beer gut and cellulite who are looking for fun and i'm happy

that was sounding a bit :eek: :eek: :eek: you should be more selective :bigrin:

anyways . . people here seem to really really be different when it comes to taste . so the clichè of people liking the normal stereotype or the models in the tv commercial isnt true at all . . people changed to like unique stuff , thats a real improvement .

but it also leaves me the only person almost who likes the modeltype , both men and women . . :( i guess that still says nothing about my personality *sarcastic* . . but no , it really doesnt .. i got exeptions too .. i like some people who look completely ugly to some - like brian molko for example , whom i find sexy like hell .. others gonna puke when they see him .. - so well , there are exeptions . .

when it comes to women , i vote for hillary duff :bigrin: :tongue:

Jun 29, 2006, 10:33 AM
Eyes, chest.....on both

Jun 29, 2006, 2:20 PM
On Women... I admit I like a set of Generous breasts. I'm a 36c, so I guess comparable or a little bigger would be nice. The curve inward of the waist... love that. Long hair, love red hair too. Full lips, and the curve of the back leading to the ass... :) Good times. Full labia majora, with a portruding clit that begs to be sucked and flicked.

On Men... if his body is defined enough.... the V- - the curve downward from the hips that leads the eyes to the cock. Nipples on a man... love to suck and play with them. Legs. Love defined, carved legs. And yes, the cock. Love it average, love it thick, with a soft corona and freneum...trimmed pubes... BONUS!! I could suck all night if allowed!

Both sexes...Great smile, with soft lips and an inquisitive tongue.


Jun 30, 2006, 10:31 AM
I'm kinda upset when I read who important a penis is for others. Maybe because I can't serve with it. not yet. but in maybe 1 or 2 years...
anyway...I'm looking on a female body at first at the body. She must be thin. :rolleyes:
And please, not too big boobies. And the face is also very important.

A man just have to look good. I'm not looking at something special.

Jun 30, 2006, 12:02 PM
Geez....in women I like it all lol! breasts, butt, legs, eyes. Now I have a preference for women that are slightly above average in size but generally all shapes and sizes I like. I don't think there are many guys like me who feel that way. Do any of you guys out there feel that way? For guys I melt when I see a cock that turns me on so I guess I have to say thats the body part that does it for me. Generally body parts do not matter as much as the whole package - mind included. Yah know what I mean?

Please let me join your club, amigo......BBW are absolutely adorable. If she also is bi and/or loves bi-guys, then I'm totally in love.

As for men, I love sexy lips - those that are aching to be kissed.


Jun 30, 2006, 12:45 PM
The brain.

Jul 1, 2006, 6:44 AM
cum on ! the brain ?? :eek: that can only be a joke or are you serious ;)

and wow taylormade...love your describtions . . ;)

personally i still go with what i said above . only that i may add "pussy" to my female describtion :bigrin:

Jul 1, 2006, 4:14 PM
Women: A good mind, always active, and a good conversationalist. A smile, medium to small breasts, as long as they are responsive to pleasure, a shapely ass, thighs with the gentle bulge of well-toned muscle, a reasonable waist, an alto voice (not soprano), and feminity combined with the competence to get things done. Enjoys physical activities. Must be nice, rarely bitchy. Generally into tactile pleasures.

Men: A good mind, always active, and a good conversationalist. Engaged in productive work and enjoys it. Self-confident because he has earned it. Enjoys physical activities. Good shoulders, chest, gluteus, and leg development. Cock: 6 inches or more with a nice shape and average or better diameter. Generally into tactile pleasures.

Of course, personality often makes up for any missing specificaitons above. I am more interested in the whole person than any few parts. Character is important.

Jul 2, 2006, 9:58 AM
Well, since the question was about body parts I won't comment on intelligence or emotions :tongue:

On women: I love BBWs, I can't get enough of huge breasts and big asses. I also love round tummies I can run my tongue all over and watch jiggle while we make love.

On men: Big arms and tight round asses. I also like bigger men but I have definite limits there. A nice medium sized cock with minimal pubic hair surrounding it can't be beat! :bigrin:

Jul 2, 2006, 10:08 AM
I'm definetly an ass fiend in both sexes. I'm also a sucker for women's breasts (all sizes, love little ones) and thighs and in men that little v on the abs leading southward. However, this is all for naught if they're fucking stupid :bigrin: I'm mostly attracted to intellectual and spiritual beauty in both sexes.

Jul 2, 2006, 10:46 AM
For me (liz) I like them all!! But for women, I like at least a b size cup and up, no skinny girls, love a voluptious women, who feels confidant, and loves her self, prefer trimmed pussys, or a nice bush, they both turn me on, any hair color, just as long as she has a nice personality and doesnt think she is better than everyone else, total turn off!

As for the guys, I like them all too! Gosh this hard,lol skinny to small beer bellies r o.k. I prefer tall men to short, clean, trimmed and cut. Not into beards, or scratchy faces, ouch! Personality is a plus, as far as dick size, i would have to say long and thick r good for me, not to big and not short, but just averge, and love a man who can go for hours like me, and when i want him to climax he can on command. Sensitive nipples r fun, top portion on guys I like a nice tight upper body, and dark haired men make me melt, but still like them all.

Jul 2, 2006, 10:27 PM
Ok, like some others I am abandoning the things that I think count the most (personality, intelligence, etc) and am going totally shallow for a minute. lol

Women-a great rack. at least a b cup, but a c or d is better. I like my women curvy. Long hair. Prefer some things to be shaved once we get to that point. I'm 5'7" and I like women to be with in a inch or so of my height, either direction.

Men-I have a weird obsession with forearms and hands. Looooove guys that are tall (6' an over). Prefer guys with either long hair, or completely bald.

For both-eyes and smile

Jul 3, 2006, 7:58 AM
Flat abbs on M and F upperlegs on F and a good tan