View Full Version : Day Without A Gay

Nov 16, 2008, 11:43 PM
I have a friend who started this idea and I just thought I would pass it along. The idea is to call in 'gay' to work on December 4th. (or call in sick depending on your comfort level and your boss) and then spend the day giving back to your community in someway. Obviously the more visible you are about your orientation the better but that is a personal decision. The word has started to hit the press and has been taking off. Some non-profits have listed themselves as needing help on that day. At least check it out. The link to the website is:


Nov 17, 2008, 12:28 AM
Actually, for clarification it's Wednesday December 10th...

Nov 17, 2008, 1:10 AM
If you check the web page it says the 4th. Where did you hear the tenth?

Nov 17, 2008, 1:13 AM
oops my bad. Thanks for the correction.

Nov 17, 2008, 6:08 AM
So what exactly is this supposed to do, prove, or accomplish? Will a lot of people get fired or reprimanded by their bosses? If they really want it to be effective they should have it on a Monday or a Friday! ;)

In all of the political protests I've been active in or been a spectator to over the years, they haven't really acomplished anything when people call out of work or go to extremes. I wouldn't call this extreme though but it does seem self defeating.

In some cases they can be hurtful like years ago when MoveOn.org organized that pointless protest against the current Iraq war where people were to boycott local businesses for a day. Or the idea that international 'Buy Nothing Day' actually acomplishes anything at all.

Nov 17, 2008, 8:58 AM
I believe the accomplishment of this idea is to bring awareness to how many people are actually other than heterosexual and that we are a significant minority who are productive like anyone else. That we count for something.
Incidentally, the movement by the latino/hispanic community not to go to work or school had a huge impact on people. I was a teacher and it had an impact at the school and with all the employers who rely on cheap labor. Their point wasn't to cripple the economy and make an economic statement it was to wake people up and get them to think.

Nov 17, 2008, 2:58 PM
I believe the accomplishment of this idea is to bring awareness to how many people are actually other than heterosexual and that we are a significant minority who are productive like anyone else. That we count for something.
Incidentally, the movement by the latino/hispanic community not to go to work or school had a huge impact on people. I was a teacher and it had an impact at the school and with all the employers who rely on cheap labor. Their point wasn't to cripple the economy and make an economic statement it was to wake people up and get them to think.

I don't know if that's the best way to respond to the whole gay marriage thing.