View Full Version : Duanna Johnson

Nov 16, 2008, 5:45 PM
Please read (http://globalcomment.com/2008/the-death-of-duanna-johnson/). This sort of stuff really bothers me. Yes, I am ignorant of some of the issues. That does not grant a right to hate. It only allows me a right to say, "I'm not fully aware of everything on the subject but if you feel compelled to become another gender then more power to you." Beyond this nothing more remains for me. Is it possible I would befriend folks in transition? Yes, quite possible. Human beings are human beings after all.

Although the suspicious actions of some make me wonder. Something people come to understand in regards to me may frighten them. I can dislike a person's actions yet maintain civility toward that person. Can also separate a person's ideas from them in similar fashion, beliefs as well. Few have ever merited cold rage as a person from me. These folks who possibly caused harm to visit Daunna would do well to avert themselves from my sight. I don't consider them human, therefore fair game to whatever may befall them.

And no that is not a threat nor incitement. It is me simply saying, "if something really bad happened to those folks, I'd not be greatly upset by it, and actually would think they'd gotten just deserts." That is an opinion and everyone is allowed to have and voice one freely. I now turn the thread over to other commentators.

Nov 16, 2008, 7:36 PM

I am greatly saddened by her death too. Duanna, although forced into prostiution by forces that were beyond her, didnt deseve to be treated like this.

Unfortunately this kind of thing isnt that uncommon in our society, or the world 1 out of 12 Transwomen die from hate crimes.

Few are remembered, Fewer of their assailants are prosecuted to the extent that they should be IMO.

For those of you who would like to remember the Trans women who lost their lives this year, this Thursday (Nov 20th) is a day that the trans community has set aside to remember those who have passed due to violence.Transgender Day Of Rememberance (http://www.transgenderdor.org/?page_id=58)

Thanks for posting this here Ben.

Nov 16, 2008, 11:41 PM

I am greatly saddened by her death too. Duanna, although forced into prostiution by forces that were beyond her, didnt deseve to be treated like this.

Unfortunately this kind of thing isnt that uncommon in our society, or the world 1 out of 12 Transwomen die from hate crimes.

Few are remembered, Fewer of their assailants are prosecuted to the extent that they should be IMO.

For those of you who would like to remember the Trans women who lost their lives this year, this Thursday (Nov 20th) is a day that the trans community has set aside to remember those who have passed due to violence.Transgender Day Of Rememberance (http://www.transgenderdor.org/?page_id=58)

Thanks for posting this here Ben.

As far as I am concerned all hate crimes are acts of terrorism and those who perpetrate or aid in them should be treated as terrorists, hunted down and terminated with the most extreme prejudice possible.

Nov 20, 2008, 5:29 AM
Bumping this thread up For 11/20/08 - Remember Our Dead

To Remember Duanna and the other Transgender Folk who lost their lives this year. They are:

Kellie Telesford
Location: Thornton Heath, UK
Cause of Death: Strangled
Date of Death: November 21, 2007

Brian McGlothin (Liked to dress in Women’s clothes
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Cause of Death: Shot in the head with an automatic rifle by Antonio Williams who is serving a six year sentence. Brian was 25 years old.
Date of Death: December 23, 2007

Gabriela Alejandra Albornoz
Location: Santiago, Chile
Cause of Death: Attacked and stabbed
Date of Death: December 28, 2007

Patrick Murphy (Found Dressed in Women’s clothes)
Location: Albuquerque, NM
Cause of Death: Shot Several times in the head
Date of Death: January 8, 2008
Patrick was 39 years old

Stacy Brown
Location: Baltimore, MD
Cause of Death: Shot in the head
Date of Death: January 8, 2008
Stacy was 30 years old.

Adolphus Simmons
Location: Charleston, SC
Cause of Death: Shot to Death (Aldophus was 18 yrs. old)
Date of Death: January 21, 2008

Fedra (a known transvestite)
Location: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Cause of Death: Was found lying face up in a pool of blood,
cause of death was not reported.
Date of Death: January 22, 2008

Ashley Sweeney
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Cause of Death: Shot in the head
Date of Death: February 4, 2008
The age of Ashley Sweeney is unknown, she was only described as a young transgender woman in a press release.

Sanesha (Talib) Stewart
Location: Bronx, NY
Cause of Death: Stabbed to Death
Date of Death: February 10, 2008
Sanesha was 25 years old.

Lawrence King
Location: Oxnard, California
Cause of Death: Shot to death by a classmate because he liked to wear
women’s clothes. (Lawrence King was 15 years old).
Date of Death: February 12, 2008

Simmie Williams Jr.
Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Cause of Death: Shot to death, Simmie was found wearing women’s clothing. (Simmie was 17 years old)
Date of Death: February 22, 2008

Luna (no last name reported)
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Cause of Death: Brutally beaten to death and tossed into a dumpster.
Date of Death: March 15, 2008

Lloyd Nixon
Location: West Palm Beach, Florida
Cause of Death:Repeatedly beat in the head with a brick.
Date of Death: April 16, 2008
Lloyd was 45 years old.

Felicia Melton-Smyth
Location: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Cause of Death: brutally stabbed to death by Francisco Javier Hollos, who said he killed her because she would not pay for sex. Felicia was an HIV activist on vacation from Wisconsin.
Date of Death: May 26, 2008

Silvana Berisha
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Cause of Death: Stabbed to Death
Date of Death: June 24, 2008

Ebony (Rodney) Whitaker
Location: Memphis, Tennessee
Cause of Death:Shot (Ebony was 20 yrs. old)
Date of Death:July 1, 2008

Rosa Pazos
Location: Sevilla, Spain
Cause of Death: Was found in her apartment, she had been stabbed in the throat.
Date of Death: July 11, 2008

Juan Carlos Aucalle Coronel
Location: Lombardi, Italy
Cause of Death severely beaten causing fractures to the head and face before being run over by a car.
Date of Death July 14, 2008
Juan Carlos was 35 years old.

Angie Zapata
Location: Greeley, Colorado
Cause of Death: She was found in her home with two severe fractures in her skull.
Angie was murdered by 31 year old, Alan Ray Andrade. Angie was 18 years old.
Date of Death: July 17, 2008

Jaylynn L. Namauu
Location: Makiki Honolulu, Hawaii
Cause of Death: Stabbed to Death
Date of Death: July 17, 2008
Jaylynn was 35 years old.

Samantha Rangel Brandau
Location: Milan, Italy
Cause of Death: beaten, gang raped and stabbed numerous times before being left for dead.
Date of Death: July 29, 2008
Samantha was 30 years old.

Nakhia (Nikki) Williams
Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Cause of Death: Found near the dumpster next to her home, she had been shot.
Date of Death: August 20, 2008
Nikki was 29 years old..

Ruby Molina
Location: Sacramento, California

Cause of Death: Drowned
Date of Death: September 21, 2008
Ruby’s naked body was found floating in the American river.
She was 22 years old.

Aimee Wilcoxson
Location: Aurora, Colorado
Cause of Death: undetermined (Police have yet to reveal cause)
Date of Death: November 3, 2008
Aimee was found dead in her bed. She was 34 years old.

Duanna Johnson
Location: Memphis, Tennessee
Cause of Death: Shot
Date of Death: November 9, 2008
Duanna was found dead in the middle of the street. She was 42 years old.

Dilek Ince
Location: Ankara, Turkey
Cause of Death:Shot in the back of the head
Date of Death: November 11, 2008

Teish (Moses) Cannon
Location: Syracuse, New York
Cause of Death: Shot
Date of Death: November 14, 2008
Teish was 22 years old.

Cause of Death:executed for being transgender
Date of Death:2008, Month is Unknown

There were 2 other Iraqi, transgender women who were executed at the same time as Ali.

Please remember these folks today

Nov 20, 2008, 7:46 AM
This from Today's Venus Envy (http://venusenvy.comicgenesis.com/)


Nov 20, 2008, 8:09 AM
I wrote this when at school for a history project. It just seems to me to be pertinent..


I am not as you
My feelings and desires are not as yours
Our vision of who we are is not the same
We see the world in a different light
Why then must I pay the price?