View Full Version : Photos of a Different Kind

Nov 12, 2008, 1:04 AM
After attending the Veteran's Day ceremony at my VA center and getting some lunch----with my camera in hand--I paid a visit to a place of memory of a different sort--the Woodland Cemetery of Dayton---it is one of those great and grand cemeteries that many cities have and this one is the final resting place of many of those here in Dayton who were the founding families and other names--such as Orville and Wilbur Wright, African-American Poet Paul Lawrence Dunbar and columnist/humorist Erma Bombeck.

I have taken these photos as the first I am taking of the cemetery in each of the four seasons so that I can enter the annual photo competition the cemetery holds.

Since it was a very overcast day---it began to rain very lightly while I was taking my photos--I had set the camera to "warm" to enhance the colors of the trees that still had leaves with the exception of the first photo:










Nov 12, 2008, 1:09 AM
Great pics Volty! I love cemetery pics and the fall colours are really beautiful! Thanks!!!!:tongue: BTW what's up with the second to last pic? Did you do that or was a ham ghost following you around wanting it's picture taken? lol

Nov 12, 2008, 1:10 AM
What happened to the next to last pic? Half blurry and half clear?

Is that something you did or was it something else?

Nov 12, 2008, 1:11 AM
Amazing pics as usual, volty!

Nov 12, 2008, 1:20 AM
That is the way I took the photo-the reflection you see is shooting at an angle at the surface of a granite monument that is polished smooth---

Glad ya'all like them!!

I have to add this one too--I really like this one:


Nov 12, 2008, 3:54 AM
Outstanding as normal, Voltie. I too was going to tease you and ask if you caught something wanting your attention with the one shot..lol
Hugs Baby, keep up the excellent work. ;}

Nov 12, 2008, 7:01 AM
You are amazing!! Such talent in those pictures! I really enjoy them!

Nov 12, 2008, 7:58 AM
Will your talent never cease? These are incredible. I am in awe of your talent. Keep up the good work.


Nov 12, 2008, 10:00 AM
:bigrin: Voltman, I never cease to be amazed at teh pic you post here. Never seems to matter the catagory, but I reallllllly liked these pics at teh cemetery. they wer eboth warm and serene, while evoking in me a fierce pride for teh veterans I admire so much. The man has talent!

Thanks again!

Nov 12, 2008, 10:15 AM
I also have to add that being able to witness the beautiful foliage in your pictures was a big treat for me! As you know we don't get much of that down here....between the mass quantities of pine trees ("bastards of the tree world" as my husband likes to call them LOL!) and the mere glimmer of true fall weather, I have yet to see such beauty among the trees here in Georgia! I will keep those images in mind as I make my twice monthly trips down I-20 to visit my mom in S.C. All I get to see is wall to wall pine trees!!!! Sooo very boring!!! LOL!!! I am, however, making a trip to the N.C. mountains this weekend....hopefully I won't be too late to see some pretty colors!


Nov 12, 2008, 5:45 PM
More outstanding photos my friend...keep em coming...I love what you do

Bi Nudist Male
Nov 12, 2008, 7:17 PM
That is the way I took the photo-the reflection you see is shooting at an angle at the surface of a granite monument that is polished smooth---

Glad ya'all like them!!

I have to add this one too--I really like this one:


Voltman: I like the shots! On the reflection one, try cropping just into the reflection...the haze is really nice effect.

Nov 12, 2008, 9:57 PM
I love yoiur photos. They make me fell good even when all else is not so good.

Nov 12, 2008, 11:23 PM
Did you notice the stone in the upper left is a face?

Surprised no one commented.

Nov 13, 2008, 9:49 AM
Oh my God, look at those fall colors.

I never get to see those down here :(

Nov 13, 2008, 1:37 PM
I am glad that everyone has enjoyed the photos----at least we can still find some beauty in the world--kind of hard to find anything good when ya turn on the radio or television with all the economic news---that sure is not good!!!

Nov 13, 2008, 1:54 PM
These are really good. :)

Nov 13, 2008, 1:55 PM
CSRA Kate!
Omigosh, I know that NC has some Fab colors, but why not see them in your own beloved state of Ga?

The rain has dimmed them a bit, but this year has been particularly incredible! Blazing scarlet and oranges of sugar maples,stunning yellows (like the ginko pic of Volts that was nearly blinding) of Hickory,oak and ginko, the burgundy of Sourwood and dogwoods. Its been like a painters palatte here this Fall! If only I had Volts talent!

::makes note to invite Kate an dher mate up if next Fall is nearly this pretty::

Ninnian- in the NE Georgian mtns

Nov 13, 2008, 2:47 PM
CSRA Kate!
Omigosh, I know that NC has some Fab colors, but why not see them in your own beloved state of Ga?

The rain has dimmed them a bit, but this year has been particularly incredible! Blazing scarlet and oranges of sugar maples,stunning yellows (like the ginko pic of Volts that was nearly blinding) of Hickory,oak and ginko, the burgundy of Sourwood and dogwoods. Its been like a painters palatte here this Fall! If only I had Volts talent!

::makes note to invite Kate an dher mate up if next Fall is nearly this pretty::

Ninnian- in the NE Georgian mtns

Kate---as Ninnian noted--there are plenty of places in Georgia with great color---way up in north Georgia mountains---ever go up to Brasstown Bald?? It is gorgeous up in that part of the state----

here are some links to places in Georgia with some great fall color:
(of course it is mostly gone now)


