View Full Version : 'sigh

Nov 6, 2008, 10:19 AM
Can someone demember me, then erase this post?

Nov 6, 2008, 12:23 PM
Only you can do that hon.
Sorry to see you go.

Nov 6, 2008, 1:09 PM
:( I also PMd you a week or so ago, but under my old broken username.

Nov 6, 2008, 2:06 PM
Only you can do that hon.
Sorry to see you go.

YEah, and how do I do that?

Nov 6, 2008, 2:25 PM
If you want to leave the site, then just go to your profile editor and click where it says to remove profile or something like that.

It is probably a mistake to do that, though. There is a community here that will talk to you and befriend you. All you have to do is open up to us and it will happen.

I looked at your profile and there is a lot of negativity and fear. To those points I have a couple things to say.

1. Fear kills more people than bullets. I took that from something General G.S. Patton said. It's as true today as it was when Patton said the original statement. You will never be rid of fear until you face it, over and over again, til the fear is effectively gone.

2. You have had some very bad things happen to you (and this is clearly related to the fear), but you are not alone. I would venture to say that most everyone here has gone through their share of broken hearts and rejection. So there are plenty of folks here to commiserate with about it.

3. Your profile gives some very mixed messages. You may want to look at that as one possible reason with your dissatisfaction with you membership on the site. You wrote it in a way that does come off as being off-puting.

Like I said, don't give up. learn from what has happened and overcome the issues as best you are able. There are folks here that can help, if you give them the chance.

Nov 6, 2008, 4:01 PM
I agree with you, Falcon. The only way to get over these "assholes" and the fears is to reach out to people. You have to let your guard down long enough and low enough for someone to reach you. Whether you are ready for that or not, this site is a wonderful tool that you can use to help yourself.

One final note, I've found that people who use the forums to leave the site, normally want to be talked out of it. Otherwise you could just message drew and find out yourself. Don't leave. It's a great place!

Nov 7, 2008, 8:44 AM
Don't quit coming here!

Within these walls there are some real gems. There are those who are less than who you need, too.......just ignore them and allow those who are your true friends, be your true friends!

In a short time, I have found solace, understanding, empathy, humor and thought-provoking wit, sought for my entire life!

Try to focus on the good and avoid the bad...negativity breads negativity. I know!

Here, I can respond as I wish and to whom I wish. I'm so happy I found this site and will stay.

Nov 7, 2008, 10:35 PM
Uhm, no seriously. I can't figure out how to put an end to my membership. It's been, hmm,. a couple of months, and I feel this isn't my sort of place. 'blush' Nice comic...though..

Yes, it would be obvious that I do not trust people quikly, espetialy if you met me personaly. (I am obvious.) I don't get how my prphile was off putting though. I'll look at it again.

Nov 8, 2008, 12:25 AM
You're not allowed to leave!! All your lovely posts will be gone for ever!! :(

Nov 8, 2008, 2:06 AM
I dont think I've ever seen you post, let alone came into the Heart of the Site...the Chat Room. Why not reconsider and come talk to us, get to know us. Then if you dont feel the love, acceptance, and friendship that the rest of us do, then decide to go. But dont do it without actively giving us a chance.
Maybe its time to dump some negitivity and heartache and let some light in. :}
Just my humble 2 cents, Girlfriend.

Everybody's Cat :tongue:

Nov 10, 2008, 12:15 PM
*rubs her forehead* Ok, again, I don't grasp where the "negativity" concept is being pulled from. (is this because I'm a loner of sorts? ) I can't connect to the chat; don't have a certain program in my computer.

I'm saving for a new one. Some hardware may be damaged. (God knows why. It's a mistery to me) My connection is #$% to. I'm only useing a #$% adapter card. ....-.-*....


Fire Lotus
Nov 10, 2008, 4:42 PM
*rubs her forehead* Ok, again, I don't grasp where the "negativity" concept is being pulled from. (is this because I'm a loner of sorts? )
I've read your profile prior to what you have on there now. Iwas going to make some references to it, but since it's gone, I'll have to depend on my memory of it. (Bare with me if I'm off a bit.)

You had a profile mentioning all sorts of rotten things that happened to you. For almost the whole profile, that is all the reader sees. I think we all understand heartbreak and assholes.But making those the bulk topic of your profile/ad is not going to gain you perspective friends/lovers/or whatever in between. Negative energy will keep them away.

If you are still wanting to leave this site, have your profile deleted, fine. I'm sorry you've had a bad experience here. But if you are willing to give it another shot, try making a profile expressing what are positive points/descriptions about you. Write what you like or would like in another person. I think it's okay to say you keep to yourself often. It's okay to say you are cautious in new relationships. But keep what you write, up not down. You may then get responses. Just my :2cents:

Nov 10, 2008, 10:35 PM
I suspect that if you just leave and never post or login again you will fade away forever.

Yes, some small amout of computer memory may still have a record of you. But, unless your going into politics, the millitary, or need top-secret security clearance, why care? Even if this is the present problem, in the future, your membership on this site may not be a problem.
Are you moving to a country where those in power would be happy to have the opportunity to kill us?

Nov 10, 2008, 10:36 PM
I've read your profile prior to what you have on there now. Iwas going to make some references to it, but since it's gone, I'll have to depend on my memory of it. (Bare with me if I'm off a bit.)

You had a profile mentioning all sorts of rotten things that happened to you.

Because... they... happened? I remove it for a reason. :|

But making those the bulk topic of your profile/ad is not going to gain you perspective friends/lovers/or whatever in between. Negative energy will keep them away.

I didn't make it the "bulk" of my topic or egsistance. It's an AD, not a topic, or a thread post.

I'm sorry you've had a bad experience here.

WITH? I never once said it happened here. I just started a thread, asking how to end my membership, that's all. I said, where is every one getting this "you had a bad time in here" thing from? Let's just watch this little thread slide off into the bigger numbers here. Toodels.