View Full Version : Big Bummer!!! Prop 8 in California passed!!!

Nov 5, 2008, 1:15 PM
It is too bad-----on the night that Barack Obama made history---California voters passed that damnable Prop 8--which now outlaws same-sex marriage in that state--enshrining that into the California state constiution---so I guess for now--that is that!!

The most vile thing of the new law---it makes itself retroactive back to the point of the California Supreme Court ruling---a point that could get the law overturned in court- (Let us Hope)--that makes all of those almost 20,000 same-sex marriages that were performed null and void.

That aspect of the law is going to be challenged--I am sure the brief on that is either on the printer of some law firm or is already on its way to a state court.

The money that came to support that law came in large measure from Mormons---I like what Bill Maher said a few weeks ago on his show---"the Mormons have their own state, why do they have to bother us!?"

Why don't the Mormons that live in California move to Utah???-they can have that place--not too much there----let em make it their own nation--let em get all polygamousy and such----

Leave your hands off California is what I say to them!!! LOL

Nov 5, 2008, 1:39 PM
In Florida, Prop 2 defined marriage as "one man and one woman." It has passed 62% to 38%. It needed 60%.

I think it was supported by most churches, church goers and releigious groups and other conservative groups who believe that the devil makes you care for another human being of the same sex.

Nov 5, 2008, 4:39 PM

Then again as one comedian put it that made me laugh "I dunno if they should be allowed to marry, they'll be as miserable as the rest of us... that's just not nice!"

Nov 5, 2008, 8:01 PM
It's a complete travesty that Prop 8 has passed, however, we can take some comfort in knowing that the percentage of people who voted against, is ten percent lower than for a similar vote in 2000.

Attitudes are changing. Slowly, but surely.

Nov 5, 2008, 8:02 PM
I like what Bill Maher said about gays getting married--"why do they want to get married--so they can have barbecues and argue about money?" during his appearance on "Ellen" yesterday!!! LOL

Nov 5, 2008, 9:46 PM
I think yall are missing the point here.

It isn't that they don't want Gay people becoming mates, it's that they are voting to ensure that the word "Marriage" is het only territory.

Find a new word and vote on it and I bet it goes through.